
Student Corner

Dream Lantern

Written by: Benit Shrestha - 21105, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 January, 2020

Every time a new place, an unknown one.
My mind is blank, all my memories gone.
An architecture of stick and stone.
The dimensional rift that is divine.
Oh! It’s the dream lantern that glows and shines.
Worse than moths, we’ve become.
To its mystic illumination, we all succumb.
A ship that sails through our lifeless hallucinations.
It’s nothing more than a fragment of our imagination.
Its hold weakens when the time is ripe.
Thud! Dawn breaks, somethings do seem alike.
The urge of the lantern leaves some in slumber.
As for our reality is undeniably somber.
For exceptions do exist and they see things through.
Broadminded they are, yet skepticism they brew.
A maze of mismatch, one out of proportion.
Wicked! The mind is, often traps one in commotion.
Invisible alarms ring, an insurgency is on the rise.
Now it’s up to you to Lonely dreamer to resist.
Sheer will, focus, and determination, you’ll need to persist.
Hold fast, foster your strengths, maintain a line.
Oh! It’s the dream lantern that glows and shines.