
Student Corner

If I could change my past

Written by: Kriti Rajbhandari - 20116, Grade XII

Posted on: 26 January, 2020

No one is satisfied with what’s going on. We can think past, feel the present, and plan for the future. Past is like a word carved in a stone.it can be remembered but not changed. To date, no such device like the time machine has been invented. A human who has the capacity to discover about the black hole to quantum has to kneel down in front of the past.so I would like to change my past and make it memorable, productive and self-loving.

I can barely recognize my past. School-age, the golden age, was nothing more than a scheduled activity that I was obligated to do. Socializing with friends and colleagues instead of surfing the internet or running eyes on the words would be the prime thing I would have done. Instead of spending 24 hours studying and sleeping, I would make it more lively so that I can count on it in the future. School-age is meant to be a time to relax, make friends, do all those crazy things and make much of it.

Similarly, productiveness along with liveliness seems complicated. The multiple opportunities, I neglected multiple times was one of the biggest mistakes I made. If given the time and opportunity, I would have participated in the beauty pageant, talent show, literature programs and so on. Instead of focusing only on academics and being a bookworm, I would make it productive. I would have built up my confidence. In the crowd of thousands of students, I would make myself recognizable.

Similarly, during my school days, I was judgmental about myself. I was chubby during my lower secondary years so I used to get bullied. After that, I lost about 20 kg by dieting. I avoided everything that I liked to eat . I was so focused on dieting that I ended up losing my originality. I wanted to be someone else instead of being best of myself .if I could change, I would make myself self-loving, self-satisfied and nonjudgmental. I would love myself for who I  really was.

In a nutshell, if the past changed us then we can change the future. Being nostalgic can give happiness to someone while even can open a closed wound. So we must concentrate on our present so that we can mold our future as we wish.