
Student Corner


The Time When I Questioned A Belief
- Sarthak Pradhananga - 20122, ... 20 January, 2020

Everyone in the world has questioned some belief or an idea. Even I have too. It was about six years ago. It was a visit that planted a belief and a conversation that overturned it. 

One day, I suddenly fell sick. When I woke up in the morning, I felt worse. I slowly sat on my bed and reached for a thermometer on the other side of the bed. I placed it under my tongue and took my reading. I discovered that I had a high fever. I waited for some days but the fever did not go away. This is how ill I was.

My parents, witnessing my prolonged fever decided to take me to the tantric. So I went with my parents to a house where the tantric resided. I saw people waiting to be ‘healed’ by sitting in lines and rows. The tantric who were seated at the far end began performing his rituals by moving his broom around the other person’s head and also made them inhale the smoke of burnt spices. Eventually, my turn arrived and I was performed the same ritual. The rituals and the whole environment gave me a vibe that made me believe I will really be healed by this tantric. Otherwise, why do so many people come here? This is how the belief of magic healing was implanted in my head.

Then it was a conversation with my doctor which overturned this belief of mine. After a certain period of going to the tantric, I had an appointment with my doctor. I waited with my father outside the doctor’s room until a bell rang and I was called to the room. I sat down in front of the doctor while he was inquiring about my health. I replied that I was feeling much better. I also told him about my tantric visit. He said that tantric healing is not scientifically proven, but medicine is. He told me that if I continue taking my medication it will work. He also said that I should not fall into such illusions. 

This is how my belief in magic healing was overturned. Consequently, I began to think rationally about such beliefs. From this incident, I learned that we should not blindly believe in such rituals and traditions. We should move ahead with rational and modern thinking. We should favor facts rather than just beliefs.

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Kriya Karma
- Prayusha Acharya - 20118, Gra ... 19 January, 2020

When a person is dead, a living one suffers. Post funeral ceremony (kriya karma) existing in our culture is a perfect example of this statement. I have seen people following these traditions since I was young enough to understand stuff but I still see no point in doing those customs. Whenever I ask my parents about these customs they say that it needs to be followed and no one has the answer of why.

One of the things that people do to mourn death is to wear white clothes. We are taught not to judge a book by its cover but people do if we wear colorful clothes to someone’s funeral. It doesn’t matter if we are sad inside, we should look sad outside too. From wearing white clothes for a year to wearing it till 13 days after the death of a person, society has changed. This custom is questionable.

I have heard people dying while strictly following this custom. Since the dead person’s son or wife cannot touch anything or anyone while mourning the death, they cannot let doctors examine them if even if their health is critical. It is a curse to them if their relative has died during the winter season as they do not get to wear warm clothes or hot water to take a bath every early morning till 13 days of their loss. If someone or something mistakenly touches them, they need to restart the customs from the beginning till the next 13 days.

The next thing that people cannot do when their relative has died is not taking certain food. They can have sugar but not salt. They can potatoes but not an onion. They can have fruits but they can’t have tomatoes. They can’t have milk but they can have curd which is made from milk. A person cannot have that food depending upon how close is the relation of that person with the dead person.

I find this Post funeral thing really pointless. Mourning the death of a person should not be a compulsion but a wish. It should be done how we want to do it, not how society wants us to do it. I also think that this ceremony is also a reason for gender discrimination in society. Since a son has to do this ceremony, it is believed that they make their parents happy in heaven while daughters cannot do that. It does not help a person to heal from their sorrowful loss.

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That day when I questioned the superstitious belief
- Bijaya Poudel - 20108, Grade ... 14 January, 2020

We, humans, are curious in nature. When we hear any extra things, we cannot wait for the moment to listen to the fact and ideas behind it. We people may have some mysterious beliefs or ideas that are heard from our relatives as well as parents too. Among us, I had a superstitious belief when I was about 10 years from my uncle. 

It was the incident of November 23, 2010 A.D. The day when I was born to live a life full of comedy, tragedy, and hope too. Yeah, I think you can guess what that day was about. That was my day, full of elegant and joyful birthday. As I was a kid, fond of playing football and cricket, I couldn't resist myself to be away from that thing that day. I had a great time with my close friend, playing cricket and football. I even scored 3 goals simultaneously i.e a hattrick in football which was one of the marvelous moments of my life. Continuously, half of the whole day was enjoyed with my friends with soccer and cricket, even about to forget that “Today is my birthday”. After remembering my birthday, then, I had my polite invitation to all my close friends who were playing football and cricket. Besides, they had accepted the invitations and made a plan to get a blast on my birthday night. 
Now the main show begins i.e. my birthday night. Me, with a bag in my hands sitting embarrassingly in a chair with the sense of nothing. My friends had just arrived at 8:00 PM. They seemed to be well prepared and managed indeed. Not only this, but I had also seen the picture of mine in their hands and which was my birthday gift. After viewing that picture, I could not control my brain full of emotions. Then, tika time started. Firstly, my parents put the tika on my forehead, full of blessings and most importantly without forgetting to give birthday cash for me. Now comes my uncle. He was a traditional and old-fashioned guy full of old designed gifts for me. After my parents and uncle blessed me, then, there were friends of mine, sitting behind the doors to put tika on my forehead and bless me with advice. Among my 5 friends, 4 of them had only put the tika on me but the left one had refused to do so, pretending to be an atheist. An atheist should not do any kind of work-related to god. Suddenly, I thought that it was not the reason that he hadn’t touched the tika because I have known my friend Aashish B.K, since my childhood. I began to think deeply about what was the reason for that thing. Similarly, after some time, I got to know that my uncle was the reason behind it. As I had said earlier, he was a traditional guy full of traditional beliefs. My guess of the reason was right that he was said not to go near the tika and put that tika on my forehead by my uncle. Even that day was mine, he had ruined all my happiness and joy just in a second. I became too emotional for my friend and began to ask a question of why he did so? He replied in a simple voice, "Because of traditional belief." I laughed, in the meantime, but hurt from inside and said, “I think this is only your tradition. Making my friends apart from me? Is this a tradition? Is this our Nepalese treat when the people of low caste, you think, greet and respect people?.” Wow, what a belief you had. I clapped my hands for a minute. I had my fake nonsense voice on my throat. (Me on my angry mood)Good job uncle, today you made my birthday so special that I couldn’t forget it in my lifetime. Thank you. Then I departed from there.

 I apologized to my friend from my so-called uncle’s side. After an hour, he came for us. I was still nervous and did not want to talk to him either. He was crying, indeed. He apologized to my friend for being so superstitious and old minded towards him that at the moment. He asked me to forgive himself by saying many apologizing words. I was not satisfied though. So, after long hours, my friend was happy, requested me to forgive my uncle because he had already noticed his mistakes and nonsense behavior and vowed.

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Weed Legalisation
- Kripa Bhandari - 21129, Grade ... 13 January, 2020

I remember every 5th period of social classes; classes where I could barely see what my teacher was writing on board because I was too bored and sleepy. But I was always excited for unit 3 because it dealt with the issues - alcohol and teens. But since I was a lazy child I never researched marijuana or drugs or alcohol. I just heard my social studies teacher said they are toxic and if you make them your future will collapse. So one day I came across an article on my Instagram stating marijuana is the best medication; even better than aspirin. I was surprised. So I researched and found that marijuana was illegal because I thought if alcohol and cigarettes are legal then why marijuana isn’t despite its wonderful medications?

Today I write this here to examine this problem today by rotary four-way test. Marijuana contains cannabidiol; by itself, it does not cause a “high.” More than 60 percent of CBD users have taken it for anxiety, according to a survey of 5,000 people, conducted by the Brightfield Group, a cannabis market research firm. Chronic pain, insomnia, and depression follow behind. Kim Kardashian West, for example, turned to the product when “freaking out” over the birth of her fourth baby and yet she is so hot. Okay, and if we look towards the history of marijuana, surprisingly, we find that it was US who pressurized us to ban marijuana.  And now USA has legalized marijuana in many states after knowing its medications and poor Nepal is still stuck on the same height. So now if your social studies teacher says that marijuana should be banned then please remind him that alcohol kills 8000 people a year and 4000 people are killed due to cigarettes and 0 people are killed due to marijuana.

Is it the truth? Oh well if marijuana really killed you and collapsed your career then I don’t think “The Next Episode” would be on every thug life posts or “Buffalo Soldier” would be on your playlist and "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" would be your favorite tv show. And neither would Jennifer Aniston still be a model and Snoop Dogg still would be alive.  So I believe living in this century where the sun penetrates their rays to your sparkling life with fewer children and active women participation would really blame marijuana for your failure like people blamed marijuana in the 1930s for their failure

Next, is it fair to all concerned? Obviously not.  It concerns people when someone follows you, pushes you or destroys his or her path. It concerns when you see your society members are being separated emotionally. It concerns when you see your friends or your family getting cancer or serious disease due to marijuana but that’s never gonna happen; because in order to essentially have, hypothetically, a lethal dose for marijuana you need to smoke 40,000 joints in 15 minutes and I don’t think you snoop can do that.  

Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will is the aspect that comes automatically to you when you have a determination of doing something good, strong and bold enough.  So in order to build goodwill it depends on you and about better friendships or relationships. When I see my friends telling me that he smoked weed I stopped liking him because little was I on this marijuana world. And when my Mumma found out about my friends she suggested me to stay away from him. And then people have trends as in like alcohol which kills people are forced to taste when they were babies in Newar community while marijuana which has less harm is not welcomed in society and neither is it respected. So if weed was legalized then today people wouldn’t have considered marijuana this bad and would have not to scold their child for being a jerk which might have to lead them to depression.

Will it be beneficial to us?  We know that marijuana is the best medication that can be grown in our own nation. So now, since Nepal has a fine climate and fertile land, if we grow marijuana and utilize it well then we shouldn’t beg and plead India neither China. Trust me, Nepal will have the best economic background.

So, therefore, if you are ready to legalize alcohol, legalize tobacco but not marijuana then congratulations for being uneducated and you are ready to take the throne of Nepal and you can earn a lot through taxes of whiskey.

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Get the Highest Score
- Saurav Dhakal - 20125, Grade ... 12 January, 2020

I used to think about scoring better in my exams will make me more educated and a better person and then I grew up. Since I was just a child, everyone around me constantly told me, “Always get the highest marks in your exams if you want to be a better person when you grow up.” Now that I think about it, it’s the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. The concept of the exam was developed to evaluate how much a child has learned. But it is not taken as a way to judge who is the better person. 

I don’t agree with the idea of failing the exams and not studying at all but the average or even minimum score in any exams is more than necessary if you have the ability to do any work based on what you have learned. This one day I got very low marks on my internal exams and everyone was disappointed. It’s wasn’t anything like I failed but it sure seemed so. That day I thought about why I am pushing myself beyond my limit to get some numbers in my report card. 

I researched about it the very same day. These problems have been more seen in developing countries like Nepal, India. Every parent wants their child to be at the top of their school. This has put so much pressure on the students, they can’t do anything properly. I was afraid that the same thing would happen to me. From the next day, I decided to not spend all my effort and time on studying. So, I joined a school club and started being more involved in club activities. This decision changed my life. I admit that I can’t get the same score as I used to in my exams but all the other things I have done have taught me a lot more about how to compete with the world better than any Physics or Chemistry book. This has had my parents worry about what kind of person I will be in the future but I am sure that they will understand someday. 

This is the modern era where academic qualification is a small part of our life. We need something more than that. For say, communication, presentation, creation, and leadership skills have taken over the world. In my point of view, we can’t get even a quarter of these things from the coursebook. The education we receive from the student’s book will teach us how to do our job but it won’t ever say how to be recognized from this massive crowd. 

This is my vision for education. I have a dream that someday, every parent around the world will be satisfied with the kind of child they have and appreciate what they become. A parent’s responsibility is to make sure their child is driven towards the path of righteousness not to put pressure on them. So I want to call everyone to stop focusing on how much marks you obtain but how capable you are to compete with the world.

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Pink Floyd: Masters of Psychedelic Music
- Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade ... 10 January, 2020

Pink Floyd were masters of psychedelic music, known for their philosophical vocals and for creating music by mixing several instruments together. They originated in London in 1965. The band was founded by 4 original members: Syd Barrett on lead guitar and vocals, Nick Mason on drums, Roger Waters on bass guitar and vocals and Richard Wright on keyboard and vocals. However, true mastery started after David Gilmour joined Pink Floyd in 1967.

Pink Floyd has had a lot of turbulence with its band members; so much so that the total 5 members were together for only a period of 5 months. Together, Pink Floyd has released some truly amazing music: Comfortably Numb, Another Brick in the Wall, Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Marooned, Wish You Were Here, High Hopes, etc. Pink Floyd are recognized for mixing two instruments together and creating unique ambient music. The 2nd solo of the song “Comfortably Numb” is regarded by many critics as, “The greatest guitar solo in music history”. Altogether, Pink Floyd has recorded many hit albums: Wish You Were Here(1975), Dark Side Of The Moon(1973) and The Wall(1979).

Pink Floyd broke up after Roger Waters and David Gilmour had a dispute over the band’s name. Even though it has been many years since Pink Floyd stopped creating music, their psychedelic persona resonates in each piece of their songs and sends shivers up the spine of listeners. They performed their last concert in Pompeii, in 2016. As an avid Pink Floyd fan, I regret not being able to witness any of their live shows. Moreover, I would like other people to discover the true beauty of their music. (Start with the song “Comfortably Numb”)

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- Saujanya Sharma - 20124, Grad ... 08 January, 2020

There are always a few things that a lot of people agree on and are still not necessarily true. At least that’s how I feel about superstitions. Everyone around me told me about how one can become unlucky just because of a rather irrelevant happening. Like a black cat crossing the road would give me bad luck. And sneezing before leaving your house will result in difficulty reaching your destination. It just didn’t feel right. 

Not only have I heard people talk about these things I have experienced them first hand. So one day my family decided to go on a walk on a Saturday morning. It was a pleasant day, the sun was shining brightly and everyone seemed happy and so while we were walking. We saw a cat cross the road. My parents told me to stop and wait for someone else to go by. We waited for a man behind us to go ahead and at the same time I asked my mom “Is that Uncle going to have a bad day now?” 

To which she replied, “He didn’t see the cat cross the road”. I quickly told her “That doesn’t make sense!” 

My mom told me I was too young to understand all that stuff. I was still not convinced. I wanted to know if it was real. I was really curious so I did the things that my mom told me not to do. I walked without hesitation when a cat crossed the road. Also, my mom had told me I should not serve someone with food odd number of times so I tried that as well. I really wanted to know what would actually happen. 

Honestly, nothing happened I didn’t see any difference. Also, I realized something much more important. Whenever something bad happened people would blame it on the rainy day or the cat which crossed the road. Even if someone has a good day they still forcefully find a flaw and blame it on these superstitions. 

In conclusion, I just think it the mentality that matters. We force ourselves to believe that bad things happened to us because we did something bad in our past life or we just blame it on unrelated things. I didn’t believe in these things and I still don’t. Just because everyone believes it doesn’t mean it is true. 


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Not So Special
- Ayush Basnet - 20106, Grade X ... 06 January, 2020

How often do you think that you are special or simply useless? I do, most of the time because I know I am the perfect example of mediocrity and nothing more. You know how the stories of others, the ones that are exceptional, ones that overcame their difficulties and paved their way to success. I spent most of my time admiring such stories as this was a way for me to escape reality, the reality which shows I am just your average everyday guy. I let myself think that I would never be able to build such stories, to build my own achievements. And that’s wrong. No one should ever have a thought of not having anything special about themselves.

I play games most of my time, to the point that my reflexes and aim, in general, are what you call some next-level stuff. If winning matches and carrying your teammates to victory can be called as achievements then I have already built myself a pretty neat story. Every now and then I compare myself to others, those who I considered superior and I would see myself having no chance against them and there would be no point for me to continue pursuing what I thought I was a little good at. Yes, I still don’t have a chance against those outstanding individuals but that’s completely fine. Why compare yourself to others, they have their own difficulties to overcome, own problems to deal with.

My friends once said to me “We wish we were as good as you“and it hit me because I hoped for myself that I could be like them. It’s amazing how we people don’t realize that each and everyone one of us is unique and special in a way. It disgusts me now when I take a look back and realize how little I thought of myself.  Some people already have their way paved out for them, some have to forge their way from scratch and it still doesn’t guarantee success. It’s the same with me, I don’t know where my life will take me but I will keep moving and trying to keep pushing until, well until it's time.

So what if life isn’t fair? Maybe we won’t all win a lottery or marry royalty or make a last-second shot, that doesn’t mean we won’t have an amazing adventure, meet exceptional people and make indelible memories; the trick is to believe. I have yet to accomplish anything big but this doesn’t mean that I am useless. I have years ahead of me and so much to see and experience my life’s just starting.

Everyone one of us was born special. We as different individuals all have something we’re good at and love, we just have to wait and believe. 

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“Concentration Of Particulate Matter and Kathmandu”.
- Kajal Bastakoti - 21108, Grad ... 05 January, 2020

Hats off to we Nepalese people who are really concerned about our standards of living everything from food, clothes to shelter. But alas we breathe this proudness with the air full of gaseous pollutants and don’t care about the poor lungs of ours which is thriving for fresh air and fighting against airborne diseases. This poor engine of yours is not going to be there for you in good condition for a long time.

The main credit goes us (“we people of Kathmandu valley”). This might sound sarcastic but yes this it true to the full extent. Today we are the people of one of the most polluted cities in the world whose PM level (Particulate Matter level) is very high than the WHO Standard. The valley which used to be home to agriculture and natural beauty is now home to many industries such as brick kilns which emits very harmful gas to the air as well as is gradually using the fertile soil to make bricks rather than planting crops. Another thing that our standard demands are fast food and packaged food. We have reached the fullest extent of being lazy to say that we need the fruits ready to eat for us and this takes us to another burning problem “plastic waste management” which to say is really burning us all alive. Being a developing country we are far more behind recycling things as we don’t even upcycle things and we can see people still are burning plastics as a form of disposal which shows how far we lack on development our hands have become that numb that we are not able to separate degradable and non-degradable wastes so that the government can work on recycling at least on some things.

We have the concentration of particulate matter that is five times more than it should be as per WHO’s standard. Despite this, all we do is just walk into pollution and contribute to more pollution. We don’t even take care of ourselves from pollution and forget about such minor things such as wearing a mask and end up inhaling harmful gases such as Sulphur, nitrogen, carbons and finally be hospitalized on the cases of lungs diseases, Allergies and skin cancer and paving the way for ourselves to pre expire or simply decrease our time on this earth not only ours but also we are harming or causing threats to earth's future.

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