
Student Corner

Astros! A Space Story

Written by: Benit Shrestha - 21105, Grade XI

Posted on: 05 February, 2020

“Grrrrrrrrrrrr” the ship came to a halt. “D-Day D-Day”, Koun Rogg: the negotiator yelled. But co-pilot Kinan knew well that the sound was just turbulence. “Stop it, you fool,” Kinan said to Koun. Boda: The Captain and co-pilot Biwan Benobi kept chuckling. With a sigh, Rogg said, “When will we reach the Castle?”. Then from the back, a voice came “Keep patience, Koun, we’ll arrive soon at our destination”. It was Chancellor Pauline. He and Roggs were to be escorted to the Capital. He said with a speck of doubt in his voice “Captain Boda, Your men will keep us safe right ?”, pointing to Kinan and biwan. Boda said, “These are no ordinary men, these are dejis, they are focused, determined individuals, they have left their personal lives to serve the council of dejis”. Kinan heard the captain. He has a flash-back, he sees his young son: Ren being separated from him. It had been 15 years since that and all kinan remembers of his son is a light scar on his face and the words ‘Astros!’. Biwan much more experienced than Kinan holds back all memories of his past life, rather clinging on to what is happening.

Kinan tries to hold back all thoughts of his beloved son but ultimately bursts into tears, Biwan being the diligent and faithful friend he was, consoles Kinan and convinces him to focus in the present. The navigator of the ship started giving off a loud and continuous buzz, a few seconds passed and an explosion was heard, “BOOM!” all the passengers on board were thrown to the ground. Boda, Kinan, and Biwan activated their blasters. Boda signaled Rogg and Pauline to enter a hyperspace escape pod. Boda yelled, “We must protect them at all costs”. The stomping of a dozen soldiers could be heard rushing to the cockpit. The dejis stood ready to fight, one-by-one gunning down each man, it seemed if all the soldiers were dead but they heard something, “Shushhhh” and “BOOM!” a missile was launched and a large figure with a mask appeared, wearing all black with a missile launcher in his hands, he dropped the launcher and opted to a blaster.

The explosion injured Boda heavily whereas Kinan and Biwan took light damage, Kinan being the hot-headed person he was, rushed to kill the masked man, he yelled: “Rylo Ben, today you die”. Kinan fell down, it seemed that Rylo had shot first. Rylo Ben was a young yet capable warlord. Rylo said, “Not today, not by you, Deji filth.” Kinan was stunned, his muscles were frozen. Biwan shot and it hit Kylo right in the face, his mask blew up but he hadn’t sustained any damage, his face was revealed, it was a familiar face, especially for Kinan, he couldn’t help but notice the light scar that had grown with Ren. The young warlord was none other than Kinan’s son. Kinan yelled “Astros!” Ren dropped his blaster and collapsed in pain as Biwan’s blaster shot hit him in the chest.