
Student Corner

Multiple Myeloma

Written by: Srijal Ulak - 21117, Grade XI

Posted on: 29 January, 2020

Multiple myelomas is cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. Plasma cells help you fight infections by making antibodies that recognize and attack germs. Multiple myelomas causes cancer cells to accumulate in the bone marrow, where they crowd out healthy blood cells. It is a very dangerous type of blood cancer CBC (complete blood count) gets low. It mainly affects bone marrow. To know the disease you need to perform bone marrow biopsy. It pains in bones. 5 cycle of chemo is required to perform a bone marrow transplant. There are two types of bone marrow transplant analogous transplant and autologous transplant.
Autologous transplant
In this transplant, the stem cells of the infected person is taken and after hard chemo, the stem cell is transplanted in one’s own body.
Analogous transplant
In this transplant, the steam cells of siblings are taken and hall matching tested and after it is matched 100% the stem cells can be transferred from the sibling to infected person.
Infected person should take precautions for 100 days like a newly born child ;
• a person should not to in the crowds
• raw food should be avoided
• personal hygiene should be maintained daily
• smelly things should be kept away including flowers, perfumes, sweat
• Infection(common cold, fever, etc) should be prevented
• A blood test is compulsory every week
After 100 days of precautions, CBC test and KAPPA/LAMBDA blood test Is done and seen the percentage of disease left in the body of the infected person. Chemotherapy therapy is started again to cure the leftover disease. The long-lasting medicine for this disease is chemotherapy.
There are two types of chemotherapy Oral chemo, injection chemo and other antivirals medicine are given because after transplant the body of the infected person becomes like of newly born baby any type of infection can do harm to the body. The transplant has a 50-50 chance of success and failure. The main medicine of multiple myeloma is chemotherapy
Life span after multiple myeloma
Some patients beat the odds and live 10 or more. the average for myeloma patients overall was about 3 years.
