
Student Corner


Creepy Pasta
- Aryan Thagunna - 2022003, Gra ... 31 August, 2020

Modern day internet has everything you can dream of. We can simulate our entire daily life here. Go to work, attend school, order food, shop, or even visit a website with virtual toilet paper (why does this exist?). As wise people always say, good things come with a fair share of bad things. The topic of focus today is Creepypastas.

We have had our elders tell us stories all our childhood. But the one in everyone’s preference is horror stories. We love getting scared. Just as the internet replaced everything else in our lives, the storytellers have been replaced too. So have the stories. Now the stories are not just about a ghost scaring people, they have “Evolved”. These stories I’m talking about are creepypastas. Even though you might’ve never heard of creepypastas, there are a million people who are invested in this. It has an entire fandom dedicated to it with more than 12,000 pages. The fandom describes creepypasta as, “internet horror stories, passed around on forums and other sites to disturb and frighten readers”. Creepypastas have been around ever since the internet was made available to the public. They can be disturbing images, stories, or videos. People indulging in these stories can be anyone from wanting a good scare, entertaining people, or straight up wanting to harm people mentally. Some famous creepy pastas are the Smile Dog, Slenderman, Sirenhead, Squidward’s suicide, and Jeff the Killer.

Creepypastas are so elaborate that they make the reader believe that they’re real. People describe them as real-life incidents and that they were a part of it and barely made it out alive out of it. But as of date many none of them have been proved fake or real. While tempting it may be to believe in what they say if we use our common sense we can know what is true and what's not. The legitimacy of creepypastas is an even greater debate than the creepypastas themselves. Are they all real or is it just a hoax. Should we believe in them and be scared or is it just a big internet inside joke. Indulging in creepypastas is a person’s choice; it isn’t that different from watching a horror movie. So a person at their own discretion can indulge freely in creepypastas. But they do have many negative side effects. Creepypastas almost always have violence in them so only people over the age of 13 are and should be allowed to read them. 

In the process of writing this article, I came across a few ones I’ve never heard of that I really regret looking into them. Normally my articles are full of sarcasm (or so I think) but coming to creepy pastas I couldn’t bring myself to involve it with comedy. If you are one who cannot watch a horror movie without having hands over your eyes then I STRONGLY advise staying away from creepypastas. Creepypastas are just stories so reading them would do you no harm just like watching horror movies don’t. It is just our fear that we must check before we get into these stories.

If you wish to know more about creepypastas you can visit its fandom page: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Creepypasta_Wiki

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Laika - The Space Dog
- Himani Bhattarai - 2023017, G ... 30 August, 2020

Laika is one of the first animals to go to space and orbit of the earth. Laika was a Soviet space dog. She was a female mongrel. She was a normal street dog in Russia who was selected to go to space. Soviet Scientists chose to use Laika because she had already learned to endure conditions of extreme cold and hunger.

The aim of the mission was to learn how much a dog could last in space. To adapt the dogs to the confines of the tiny cabin of Sputnik 2, she was kept in progressively smaller cages for up to 20 days. After being well trained, Laika was ready to go to space. The original plan of the mission meant for Laika to return. The soviet even told the media that she would be comfortable and would return home safely, but the plan was changed as Nikita Khruschev wanted the satellite to be used in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, so the scientists had to create a spacecraft in a short period of time. She was sent to space in a rocket called Sputnik 2 on 3rd November 1957. When the rocket was launched Laika panicked and became terrified. Her heart rate spiked racing at three times the normal rate. The Sputnik 2 spent 5 months on the earth’s orbit only to fall down to the earth’s atmosphere on 14th April 1958. When it entered the earth’s atmosphere it struck across the sky at an incredible speed making it turn red. The spacecraft crashed on the earth’s ground. The Soviets claimed that Laika survived several days in the earth’s orbit. It was a suicide mission for her because Sputnik 2 was not designed to bring her back to the earth. The Soviets on the space program knew that Laika would not be making the trip back to earth safely and was expected only to spend a few days alive up in space. She unknowingly gave her life for the Soviet scientists. Laika is remembered in the form of a statue and plaque at Star City, Russia for the sacrifice she made.

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Mental Health
- Simone Shree Pathak - 2023012 ... 27 August, 2020

Mental health plays a vital role in a person’s daily life. It basically refers to a person’s psychological and emotional wellbeing. It is regarded as very important since a person’s health condition is concerned with it. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health includes “subjective well-being, perceived self-efficiency, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others." It further states that the well-being of an individual is encompassed in the realization of their abilities coping with normal stresses of the life productive work and contribution to their community.

 When mental health deteriorates, the health condition of our body itself deteriorates resulting in us having problems in day-to-day lives. When mental health is ill, one can get several types of mental illnesses which are obviously harmful to our body. The symptoms of deteriorating mental health include anxiety, mood swings, stress, etc. With the small symptoms of mental health can get even more severe. When one is mentally ill, Their behavior and thoughts change. They become even more distant from people. Mental health can make our life really complicated and it can cause problems in our daily life due to the malfunctioning of the brain. The first symptoms include the feeling of sadness, social distancing, aggressiveness, and others. This can lead to more severe mental illnesses like Depression, Bipolar disorder, Paranoia, Eating disorders, etc. 

In this era, many people have mental health concerns from time to time. Especially teens and young adults have been suffering from mental illnesses regarding stress and anxiety. There are various risk factors when one is suffering from mental illness. For example, one can have traumatic experiences and they can also ruin their relationships with their family friends. In many cases, one can also cause self-harm and can suffer from poverty. Obviously one will get better if they go do therapy from the psychologist. Mental health also provokes other physical diseases. So it is best to stay in our best mental shape.

 It is still preferably better if one goes for a check-up from time to time without neglecting their mental health. And even if one is suffering from the symptoms it is better to get help and open up from the early symptoms before it gets severe and one should also love themselves and take good care of their health. And even we can spread awareness about our mental health along with its importance in daily life.

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Book Review -  Eleven Minutes
- Estella Shrestha - 2023013, G ... 26 August, 2020

Eleven Minutes is a novel by Paulo Coelho which was published in 2003. It is translated from the Portuguese language by Margaret Jull Costa. This Novel was recommended and was given by Mr. Suraj Khanal. The genre of this novel is fiction and romance. The theme as Maria had to experience pain throughout her life in order to discover her true self. Loneliness is shown through the novel as Maria was lonely and her soul and mind were lost in order for her to continue with her difficult career choice.

The story takes place in Brazil and Maria shifts to Europe for her work. In the interior of Brazil, there was one cinema, one bank, and one nightclub. Maria lives in a dusty street in Brazil with her family. Draper's shop is a place where Maria does her job. Maria also goes to Rio de Janeiro. It is in Rio de Janeiro where Maria meets Roger, the Swiss man who hires Maria to dance at his club in Geneva, Switzerland. Maria is an adolescent who is a prostitute. On the first day of the school term one, she was ahead going on the way to school she realized that on her way she was not alone. A boy was following her (the name is not mentioned in the book) he was her neighbor. Usually, they didn't communicate with each other. Maria started to have feelings for him but at the same time, she hated him when he didn't love her back. She stopped liking him and moved on. She shifted to Europe for work. After three years, Maria learned geography and mathematics. Maria started writing a diary describing her humdrum life and her desire to experience first-hand the things they told her about in class the ocean, snow, men in turbans, elegant women covered in jewels. She turned fifteen, she fell in love with a boy in a Holy Week procession. They started to interact and started going to the cinema and to parties together. 

Six months passed Maria learned all the necessary lessons, for example, how the Copacabana worked.  It was one of the most expensive places in Rue de Berne.  Most of the prostitutes who worked there were aged between eighteen and twenty-two and they stayed, on average, for two years, when they would be replaced by newer recruits. They then moved to the Neon, then to the Xenium. They almost all ended up in the Tropical Ecstasy. The Copacabana was a quiet place, and Switzerland was possibly the best country in the world in which to work as a prostitute.

Maria got fired from her job. She is living in Geneva, Switzerland. She is hoping that she might get a job very soon. Usually, in her free time, she used to go to the library named Little prince to get more knowledge about sex. She takes a book name, "The Psychology of Frigidity in Women".  Maria was able to discover that place as soon as she got there she gotta learn it was a night club which was owned by Milan( a man who was really famous in Geneva). This nightclub was the most expensive one in that area. She became a prostitute at that place. She worked there for nine months and in the middle of her job she used to take the time to go to the library and she reads about human emotions rather. Similarly, after nine months she became rich and quitted her job. She decided to go back to her hometown and do the farming-related works so she read the book farm administration. She went to the cafe to read a book. She met a painter called Ralf hart. Maria falls in love with him immediately and begins to experience what "true love" is. Ralf went to the Rue de Berne and asked Maria for a drink but she refused. After several meetings with Ralf Hart, often at his house, they shared something she didn’t share with any other clients. She felt hopelessly in love with him as he brought her to rekindle her soul. Maria then felt she needed to leave Rue de Berne because of her feelings and travel home to her family regardless of the fact that if she worked for just six months longer, she could have given her family everything they desire. 

In the end, Maria decides to put an end to her adventure and to return home to her parents. She has enough money to buy a small farm and enough life experience to keep her away from trouble. She jumps on a plane headed for Paris without telling Ralf about her plans. Ralf guesses her intentions and decides to follow her to Paris and ask for one more chance. They meet at the airport and kiss and decide to visit the Eiffel Tower.

The protagonist herself discovers many things. This book gives a lesson about loving a person by heart. And one of the main reasons I liked this book is because it says that we should not give up easily like Maria. She always ended up having many boyfriends and waited for her prince charming then she started liking a boy and started dating. She never gave up. We should never give up in love no matter how hard it may seem somewhere out there God has made the perfect match. The languages used here are very simple and t

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- Anushka Basnet - 2023002, Gra ... 19 August, 2020

Multiverse was hypothesized by a physicist named Erwin Schrodinger. Basically, “multiverse” is a theory that throughout a person’s life they may be faced with millions of different choices which could lead to millions of different outcomes. Each time one of these proverbial crossroads is arrived at, the universe splits into several possible branches based upon the decisions available to the individual at that moment in time. The branches go on to co-exist as separate spacetimes and given the amount of life we predict in the universe, it may be possible that there is an existence of an infinite amount of alternate universes. This theory is kind of like that of “Butterfly Theory”. Some believe that there is another universe where there is the same exact person like you with the same characteristics, family but there is a little bit of a difference. Some believe that there is an infinite amount of those universes, not only two. Technically according to the theory, we co-exist but we live in different dimensions. Till this date, there's been a lot of “evidence” that multiverses do exist. For example, once a person from the country Taured (which does not exist in this dimension) visited Japan for a business trip but the country never existed and all that he said wasn't true (at least in this dimension) he was kept in the top floor of the airport hotel with two guards at the door because he seemed suspicious to the cops and this case was going to be handled by the government. But when the officers arrived he was not there. It was not possible for him to run away through the door because there were two guards and not from the window as he was on the top floor. So where did he go? We don't know till this date. But it is actually weird that science doesn't have any explanation for it and this theory is still unsolved. Looking at the evidence and many other similar pieces of evidence, the multiverse does exist as scientists believe that under every massive black hole there is another universe.

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My Favorite Author
- Muskan Singh - 2023005 , Gr ... 18 August, 2020

I have read numerous books until now but none of them are as interesting and inspiring as that written by Lois Lowry. She is the author of several books for children and young adults. She is known for writing about a difficult subject and complex themes that work for young audiences.

I have read her best selling novels, “The Giver” and “Number the Stars”. I loved the storyline of these two novels. Lois won two Newbery Medals for these books. I simply loved Lois's “The Giver” as I thoroughly enjoyed this book even though it is a book for children its complex storyline is enough to hold the attention of the teenagers and older readers. I  loved the character named “Jonas” as it is shown how a scared little boy develops himself into someone willing to take a risk in the future. This novel shows us the process of growing up; at first, we get scared to accept many responsibilities but soon we get used to it and we move away from our childhood.

Throughout the book, Jonas' loss of trust in his parents is also important in communicating the morals of the story. At the beginning of the novel, he believes his parents completely. Anyway, he loses his trust and admiration for his father when the giver shows Jonas the tape of his Father "releasing" a newborn child. This incident forces Jonas to leave the community. I loved this book due to these intense feelings. It made me question, “Is the society we live in fact ideal?”  or “Have we also been brainwashed into thinking this is what our lives should be like?”

Similarly, I also loved “Number the Stars” which is a fictional story of friendship, loyalty, and courage set during the Nazi period in Denmark. The story begins in Cophengan with Annemarie, her best friend Ellen, and her younger sister Kristi during the Nazi rule. There was a sign of war everywhere, there were soldiers in the corner of the streets, food was scarce.  The Nazis were taking the Jewes to somewhere that is worse than hell. So Annemarie protects her friend Ellen from them which teaches us the true meaning of friendship.  I  loved that the Holocaust and the situation of the second war were introduced in an ideal way. This book provides an opportunity to discuss topics such as loyalty, friendship, and making difficult choices.  The most interesting fact that attracted me towards the novel is that the author got the idea of the story from a friend Anneliese Platt who lived in Copenhagen during the German invasion and told stories of the bravery of the Danish people. So, in conclusion, I loved these two books written by Lois Lowry. 

Lois as a writer began her career by writing a short story that was published in a magazine. Despite the fact that she was already married and had children, she took out time for her writing as well. She worked hard for it. Many obstacles were there, but she overpassed them and developed herself as a successful child writer.

Lois’s writing is inspirational and her life journey is motivational. I simply love the way she expresses things through her writing. She is an inspiration to me.


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The Information Paradox  
- Sashwat Paudel - 2022019, G ... 17 August, 2020

Information paradox, also known as the Blackhole information paradox, is a paradox that suggests that information could be permanently deleted, once it enters a black hole. But, according to quantum mechanics, information can never be lost. Not only can this paradox turn the laws of physics, but also prove that the universe is a hologram. 

What is Information?

Information, on the grounds of this paradox, is considered as the property of the arrangement of particles. Take a bunch of carbon atoms and arrange then in a certain order, you get graphite. Take the same atoms and arrange them in a different order, you get a diamond. The fact is that carbon atoms don’t really care if they're part of a diamond or a piece of coal. The basic building blocks of the universe are not so different. They are the same. Now, without information, the universe would consist of identical things. Everything in the universe would be the same.

According to quantum mechanics, information is never lost. Even if we burn a piece of paper, it is said that the information is not lost, only hard to read. This might seem insane, but, if we put in the right effort and tools, we can trace the universe right from the big bang. 

Black holes and Hawking radiation

Black holes are constantly losing their mass by a phenomenon called Hawking radiation. Scientists have found out that black holes radiate their mass away like a boiling pot of water. But, this takes an unbelievably long period of time. Black holes radiate their mass away more frequently as time passes by. So, imagine that an apple is sucked by a black hole and it radiates away. Where did the information go? Keeping in mind that we cannot access the black hole unless we are willing to never return, the information is not accessible even when the black hole is alive. It can be assured that while radiating their mass away, black holes can delete the fundamental information in the universe.

The Information Paradox

There have been many solutions to this paradox, but we are uncertain about all of them. Maybe the information is really lost and we can't access it forever. If this is proven to be true, we must be throwing out a lot of science stuff that was working out really well in the past and start to shape the new laws. Maybe the information is not lost nor hidden but passes into a completely new universe we cannot visit. Even if it went to a new universe, it would not help as it would not be retrievable, but it would not break the laws of physics. But the most astounding thing of all is that it could prove that the universe is a hologram.

Holographic principle

If the information that goes into a black hole is stored at the boundary of a black hole, the process of Hawking radiation is able to read the information and carry it away. This way the information is not lost when black holes radiate away. This way the paradox is resolved. 

According to this principle, if you were to step into a black hole, your information would be encoded into the black hole. This means that from an outsider’s perspective, you would be a flat 2D image on the edge of the black hole. But, from your perspective, you would be living your usual 3D life but you would never realize that you are, in reality, a 2D image. If this kind of stuff works for black holes, it surely works for the whole universe. Remember that black holes are also bound to the same fundamentals as the universe is. Like a person inside a black hole doesn’t have a clue they are encoded on a flat surface, we might as well be sharing the same fate.

We can just be encoded on a flat surface on the end of the universe.
For now, we just don’t know.

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- Rohan Upreti - 2022016, Grade ... 16 August, 2020

Valorant is a first-person shooter game. This game was released on June 2, 2020, on the platform Microsoft windows. This game has been developed by Riot Games and the designers of his game are Trevor Romleski, Salvatore Garozzo.

This game is a team-based first-person shooter game. There are a bunch of agents that players chose to play with and every agent has their special ability. We also have to unlock some agents. First, we have to decide in which match we wanna play like an unrated, competitive and spike rush. Spike rush is quick math that takes only 8 minutes to finish and unrated and competitive takes 30 to 40 minutes to complete. There are different ranks in this game and to unlock rank we have to play competitively where if you lose your rank will decrease and if you win your rank will increase. Breach, Brimstone, Cypher, Jett, Omen, Phoenix, Raze, Reyna, Sage, Sova, and Viper are the characters of this game and everyone has their special ability. I like to play as Omen because I know in which scenario which ability I should use and every agent is useful in their way so we can grade or rank them.

This game is a combination of different games like the counter strike but different abilities make this game more interesting. This game also has an anti-cheat software controversy named  Vanguard which makes this game free from hackers. The size of this game is 8.5 GB and this game is also is rated 3.8.

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History Of Formula One (F1)
- Prasoon Man Shrestha - 202201 ... 13 August, 2020

Formula One (also known as F1 or Formula 1) is the most prestigious racing series in the world. It has the most advanced racing cars which are driven by the most skilled racers. The world’s top car manufacturers compete in the most glamorous circuits to prove who can build the best and the fastest race car.

It all started in the early 1900s when rich people would race their fancy around Europe in a contest called Grand Prix. But in the period of World War 2, no one could race. But after World War 2 ended an organization named Federation Internationale del’Automobile (FiA) started organizing races that were centered around Grand Prix style races which gradually turned into Formula One.

 New car companies like Mercedes and Lancia were coming into the scene. New companies hired the best racers of the time. The cars were gradually developing. Jalopies were slowly developing into modern-day race cars.  But after a horrific race accident involving a Mercedes car which killed 83 spectators, Mercedes decided to abandon motorsport. Lancia also had simultaneous accidents which led the company to abandon motorsport and sell all their Formula One equipment to Ferrari.

In 1959 Cooper Car Corporation made an innovation that would change racing and cars forever. They moved the engine from the front of the driver to the back. It made the cars faster and better and by 1961 every team was using a mid-engine layout. And Ford made a 3 liters V8 engine which was so good that it almost powered all the Formula One cars for the next decade. Then came the turbochargers. The powerful turbochargers were dominating the circuit and it boosted cars from 500 HP to 750 HP. Because of the power that turbochargers gave race cars FiA outright banned it from the circuits.

After the ban of turbochargers, new NA motors were designed which made the cars faster than a turbocharged car. Around 1991 the cars were safer and F1 had gone more than an entire decade without any deaths. But the streak was broken in the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix where three drivers were involved in a serious accident. Two of the drivers were fatally injured and 3 times world champion Ayrton Senna died because of the accident which led to rule changes which mostly aimed to slow down the cars.

 Then new names appeared including Michael Schumacher. He won many races. For instance, in 2004 Schumacher took the checkered flag in 13 out of 18 races and got 2nd twice. This won him his 7th world championship breaking Fangio’s record which lasted 47 years.

 It was being too expensive for the smaller teams to compete so in 2006 the FIA mandated to switch to V8 engines which were smaller and cheaper. Then came the global market rescission. In this time many small teams managed to weather the storm whereas many major companies like BMW and Jaguar had to leave the series. In 2014 another rule changed where it made that all cars should run a 1.6 liters V6 engine which is used to date.

 The 2020 F1 series has been postponed to 2021 because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. F1 2021 will see the biggest change in auto sports history where F1 cars will have a new look and wider tires. The cars for F1 2021 will be designed to be able to race closely with other cars without losing downforce. It will also have a new aerodynamics. The engines for F1 2021 will remain unchanged.  The biggest change that will affect F1 is that there will be a budget set to only $175 million per team per year for cars. This will lead to fairer races. If the teams are unable to follow the new rules it could lead to potential financial or sporting penalties. 

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WI Tour Of ENG 2020
- Pranjal Khatiwoda - 2022013, ... 12 August, 2020

International cricket had not got anything since the start of this Coronavirus pandemic globally. The cricketing world was affected badly by ending all the leagues around the world with the last international match being played on March 13 between Australia and New Zealand and it was without any crowd attendance because of the order from the Australian government and Cricket Australia to follow it. It was the 1st match to be played without the crowd attendance and was weird too. The batsman hitting the sixes and the fielder’s to get the ball themselves as there was no crowd to pass out the ball. That match was won by Australia by 71 runs. New Zealand was touring Australia for a three-match ODI series and just after the 1st ODI, New Zealand went into complete lockdown because of the pandemic and the player’s return to the country, leaving the ODI series. After then all the series were canceled or pushed forward.

There was a slight improvement from ECB regarding hosting WI for a three-match test series. The WI cricket board approved that call and became the first nation to move to another country for playing matches. It was very hard for them because they had to stay in 14 days quarantine in WI and had to go for several COVID-19 tests and then finally could move towards England. Many players opted out of that series because of the fear of the virus. Finally, West Indies moved to England in a private chartered plane with the players and the background staff. They were asked to stay in a 14 days quarantine in England too before the start of the series and in a Biosecure bubble in the ground hotel at Southampton. They were not allowed to go anywhere else that hotel in Southampton, Ageas Bowl where the 1st test was going to be played. After 14 days of quarantine, they were allowed for practice in the practice ground around Ageas Bowl with the England team following the same protocols of not leaving the hotel and meeting their family. The ECB had done the perfect work with their chairman Colin Graves and Steve worthy regarding all the important things to look after that series. There was another thing going on between the pandemic which was Black Lives Matter (BLM) and that thing was also kept in mind before the start of the series with both England and West Indies players putting the BLM tags on their shirts before the start of the play and also taking the lap as called by the WI players with the commentators forwarding a deep message regarding the BLM, mainly Michael Holding and Ebony Rainford-Brent, former England Women Cricketer. The series was named as  #raisethebat series marking the respect for all the doctors who were involved in helping the peoples in this pandemic. After all these things on July 8 at Ageas Bowl, the international cricket returned and returned with style with the West Indian Pacer Shanon Gabriel knocking off the top of the off-stump of England’s opener Dominic Sibley. The first test was going in the favor of West Indies and they won the 1st test match by 4 wickets and Shanon Gabriel packing the Man of the Match award for his excellent spell of bowling. With a short turn around  4 days on July 16, the second test match was played in Old Trafford, Manchester with the same Bio-Secure bubble. The ECB also took action against England’s pacer Jofra Archer for leaving the team Hotel and going home and risking the other’s life. He was banned for the 2nd test and had to undergo 2 COVID-19 tests and came out negative and available for the 2nd test. The 2nd test was won by England by 113 runs with Ben Stokes bagging the Man of the Match award for his excellent display with the bat and the ball.

The third test would also be played on Old Trafford, Manchester starting from July 24. This #raisethebat series marked the return of International Cricket and after that, a lot of improvements have happened with Three team cricket (3TC) in South Africa and England passing the form for the start of recreational cricket around the country. Pakistan and Ireland are already present in England for their series and finally IPL 13 happening in UAE starting from September 19 to November 8. Everything would be played without crowd attendance because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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