
Student Corner

Creepy Pasta

Written by: Aryan Thagunna - 2022003, Grade X

Posted on: 31 August, 2020

Modern day internet has everything you can dream of. We can simulate our entire daily life here. Go to work, attend school, order food, shop, or even visit a website with virtual toilet paper (why does this exist?). As wise people always say, good things come with a fair share of bad things. The topic of focus today is Creepypastas.

We have had our elders tell us stories all our childhood. But the one in everyone’s preference is horror stories. We love getting scared. Just as the internet replaced everything else in our lives, the storytellers have been replaced too. So have the stories. Now the stories are not just about a ghost scaring people, they have “Evolved”. These stories I’m talking about are creepypastas. Even though you might’ve never heard of creepypastas, there are a million people who are invested in this. It has an entire fandom dedicated to it with more than 12,000 pages. The fandom describes creepypasta as, “internet horror stories, passed around on forums and other sites to disturb and frighten readers”. Creepypastas have been around ever since the internet was made available to the public. They can be disturbing images, stories, or videos. People indulging in these stories can be anyone from wanting a good scare, entertaining people, or straight up wanting to harm people mentally. Some famous creepy pastas are the Smile Dog, Slenderman, Sirenhead, Squidward’s suicide, and Jeff the Killer.

Creepypastas are so elaborate that they make the reader believe that they’re real. People describe them as real-life incidents and that they were a part of it and barely made it out alive out of it. But as of date many none of them have been proved fake or real. While tempting it may be to believe in what they say if we use our common sense we can know what is true and what's not. The legitimacy of creepypastas is an even greater debate than the creepypastas themselves. Are they all real or is it just a hoax. Should we believe in them and be scared or is it just a big internet inside joke. Indulging in creepypastas is a person’s choice; it isn’t that different from watching a horror movie. So a person at their own discretion can indulge freely in creepypastas. But they do have many negative side effects. Creepypastas almost always have violence in them so only people over the age of 13 are and should be allowed to read them. 

In the process of writing this article, I came across a few ones I’ve never heard of that I really regret looking into them. Normally my articles are full of sarcasm (or so I think) but coming to creepy pastas I couldn’t bring myself to involve it with comedy. If you are one who cannot watch a horror movie without having hands over your eyes then I STRONGLY advise staying away from creepypastas. Creepypastas are just stories so reading them would do you no harm just like watching horror movies don’t. It is just our fear that we must check before we get into these stories.

If you wish to know more about creepypastas you can visit its fandom page: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Creepypasta_Wiki