
Student Corner


Sir Isaac Newton
- Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade ... 05 October, 2021

Sir Isaac Newton is one of the most famous scientists who have ever lived. He was the one who discovered gravity. Legends say, he discovered gravity by seeing an apple falling from a tree while thinking about the forces of nature. 
He was born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. His father died three months before he was born. After a few years his mother remarried and left Isaac. Since his father died and his mother remarried, so he spent most of his years with his maternal grandmother.
He died in his sleep on March 31, 1727 at the age of 84 in Kensington, London, United Kingdom. His body was buried in Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom.
He attended the King’s School and Trinity College. The King’s School was located in Grantham, United Kingdom and the Trinity College was located in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
When he was young, he was very shy and did not pay any attention to his school work. So, his mother tried to make him a farmer. But it did not work out. Isaac’s teacher convinced his mother to let him continue his studies. Later, he began to pay more attention to his school work. He became the top student in his class. After he grew up he became a professor of mathematics. He used to work at Cambridge University.
Not only gravity, but he also discovered the three laws of motion, calculus and much more. These are the most famous discoveries of Isaac Newton. He also made many inventions throughout his life. Some of Isaac Newton’s inventions are, Reflecting Telescope, The Perfect Coin, Cat Doors and much more.
Sir Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists of the world. Because of him we could know about gravity and other things he discovered and invented.

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Should zoos be banned?
- Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Gr ... 04 October, 2021

Should zoos be banned? In my perspective I think YES! The animals that are kept in zoos are like kept in prison. They are not with their family and mates.They do not have freedom. They would be teased and mistreated by humans as well. What if we had to deal with this?What if we had to be away from our family? Does that mean that we must keep mistreating them, keeping them in the cages? No, right?
We know zoos are really useful for studying animals. I mean that is one of the reasons why people come to visit them. But, do you think that the results will be accurate? The correct answer is NO. The animals could be just showing their happiness and hiding their sadness. Since they are taken away from their parents, mates and their habitat. And besides how can people know if they are happy, jumping around. Maybe they could be sad.
The next reason why zoos should be banned are because of space. The cage which is given to them is big but consumes less space. It has less space compared to the wild life which the animals lived before getting in the cage. Most of the zoos have more space for humans who visit by and less space for the animals who actually live there. Don’t you think zoos are more human oriented for profit motives than animals? Their well being has hardly mattered to us. 
What if we had to deal with all these things like animals in zoos are dealing with right now? Wouldn’t we want to leave the place, get freedom, meet parents, stay happy and all? In my point of view, I think zoos should be banned. They will at least be protected and have their own life. 

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Deadlier Nuclear Accident than Chernobyl disaster
- Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, ... 01 October, 2021

It was 1957 in Central Russia, villagers near the Ural mountains were scared. Government men had came to the village from nowhere. They were ordered to leave their home and their home was burnt down. Their crops were destroyed, animals were slaughtered. They were confused, but it was not just their village. It was everyone’s village in the area. Some of the people there looked ill, but they were just told that there was an outbreak of a disease. They were confused about the disease and what caused it? Was it the river, was it the lake or was it the strange lights in the sky that people had seen not a long time ago. This happened in 1957, but this had started 12 years ago. 
In Hiroshima August 6th 1945, the United States had dropped a nuclear bomb to end World War II. 3 days later in Nagasaki, the United States dropped another nuclear bomb. Hearing this on the news, Joseph Stalin(Leader of the Soviet Union) felt threatened. Stalin learned about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and launchned the Soviet Nuclear program. This program was done near the Ural mountains where they made the first ever plutonium plant named Mayak. 70,000 gulag inmates were forced to build the nuclear facility. And eventually, they made 7 nuclear reactors near the lake Kyzyltash. They made their first bomb named First Lightning and detonated it in 1949. After this, a city named Chelyabinsk-40 was built where all the scientists with their family could live. This was a hidden project and the city with over 100,000 people was never shown on the map. The residents there were not allowed to leave the place. But, the idea of the hidden city was stolen from the United States similar to the Hanford project. But, the Soviet scientist had a lack of knowledge in developing plutonium. They were handling plutonium with their bare hands and they were taking the water to cool the reactors from Lake Kyzyltash and the Techa river. But, the water was directly supplied into the open reactor core and was sent back to the lake. The same lake where children used to swim, where people got their drinking water from. But there was an even bigger problem, and it was the Mayak’s storage system. They had nowhere to store the nuclear waste. So, what did they do? They dumped all the nuclear waste into the nearby water sources. The surrounding lakes and rivers became highly toxic, and Lake Irtyash in particular had so much radioactive waste that it was called the Plutonium Lake or the Lake of Death. But this isn’t even the most toxic lake, Lake Karachay or Lake Karachay is an even deadlier lake. This lake was highly used for dumping all the nuclear waste and large amounts of radioactive materials were released into the lake. With all this dumping, the people at Mayak started neglecting the underground storage tank. Due to all the radioactivity, the waste started heating itself and the cooling system couldn’t handle this. On September 29th, 1957 a tank containing 80 tons of radioactive materials exploded. 90% of the radiation got deposited in the city and the surrounding area of Mayak. Meanwhile the 10% of the radioactive materials formed a cloud which drifted for 10 hours across north east russia. This caused contamination and this was called the Kyshtym disaster, one of the worst nuclear accidents in history. This was a level 6 accident whilst Chernobyl was a level 7 accident. 
The Kyshtym disaster was ranked at number 3 in the worst nuclear accidents in history, behind Fukushima and Chernobyl. But, the number of radiation sickness caused by this accident was 3 times more than of Chernobyl. Due to the project and the city being a secret, the villages around the area were only informed a week later and the soldiers had used the term disease for an excuse, it was actually radiation poisoning. More than half a million people were affected by the radiation. But, what happened after? By the 1960s the lake started drying and the Soviet’s thought it was a good sign but it was just another disaster. The toxic water was in contact with direct sunlight which made the liquid into a radioactive gas. And all that was left was wind to take the gas to contaminate even more people. And a windstorm occurred which irradiated another half a million people. But then the Soviets had enough and buried the lake in 10,000 concrete blocks. But it was only until 1989 that the world found out about the Mayak Project, Techa river, Lake Karachay and the secret city. 

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Secret Toy Operation
- Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, ... 30 September, 2021

The year was 2005, a factory manager in Guangdong, China was walking to a warehouse where a meeting was set to take place. There were men waiting for him there, he didn’t know much about those men but he knew they were important people. Not asking anything he showed them what they wanted, a toy. Those men were pleased with the toy, but for further operation they needed approval from Langley, Virginia. Those men were from the Central Intelligence Agency or CIA in short. This operation, if successful, could save the greatest conflict in modern times. But, who were they targeting? Well, this happened in 2005 but what led to it happened 4 years earlier. 
New York, September 11th, 2001 two planes crashed into the World Trade Center. This was done by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States. The leader of all of this was Osama Bin Laden, who was on the FBI’s wanted list for the bombings of the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. The US had invaded Afghanistan in hope of finding Bin Laden but he and the other members of Al-Qaeda ran to Pakistan. After four years of conflict, in 2005 the CIA started gifting out pens, notebooks, toys, etc to kids there. After wars and conflicts, the CIA had to come up with a different idea and so, they took a different step which was unimaginable by the people. They took help from Donald Levine. He was the former business executive at Hasbro who is known for creations such as power rangers, Mr Potato head, Monopoly, Transformers, My little pony and more. They wanted to make a very special tos  for this mission, but for this mission they had to go to Guangdong, China. Levine had done business in that region for over 60 years and it was done. The CIA were pleased with the product, the product or the toy was a 12 inch toy of Osama Bin Laden. But it wasn’t an ordinary toy, as I told you earlier, the CIA gifted children pens, notebooks, toys and more. And this Bin Laden toy was also slipped in there. There was a mass production of this toy and it would be given to children on a nationwide scale. This toy was a special toy and was made of heat sensitive material. After the children played with the toy for a long time, the face would melt off and would show a demon face after. This was so that, the children and their parents would get scared and think Bin Laden as a monster. But, when the face would melt off and turn into a demon face, the children would find it super cool. And, the operation was shut down. It was a failed operation and after that, the factory in Guangdong actually produced a few hundred more such toys as part of a mistake. And this was even shipped to Pakistani city Karachi. But, officially there are only 3 of these toys in existence. 2 were found in Doland Levine’s house after his death and the last one is in the possessions of the CIA. 
After hundreds of drones, spies, radio controls and tracking devices finally on May 2nd, 2011, Bin Laden was spotted in Abbottabad in Pakistan. A 40 minute raid with 70 commando was led and Bin Laden was finally found and was killed. The man who killed Bin Laden was Senior Chief Officer, Robert O’Neill. He had been involved in more than 400 missions in his lifetime. He had been involved in saving Captain Phillips from pirates and rescuing Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell. 

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Let’s Talk About Prion
- Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Gra ... 29 September, 2021

Prion is an infectious protein. The term is abbreviated as "protein-containing particles". All diseases known as prion in mammals affect the structure of the brain or other neural tissues. At present they are incurable and end up with frequent deaths. Ulcers cause many types of encephalitis, or brain disease, such as scrapie, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) and kuru. Prions work by altering the protein composition in infected animals. While normal proteins have many alpha helices, or twisted parts, modified proteins have more beta sheets, or flat parts. This name is called pree-on. Because prions are proteins, and proteins cannot reproduce themselves, it is a mystery how prions work. Many biological studies continue to find out how they reproduce themselves, with no clear results to date.

These extracts are believed to include proteins that make up the infectious prion, invade nerve cells and produce neurodegenerative brain disease, caused by the insertion of abnormally wrapped proteins in the brain. Prion disease occurs when normal prion proteins, found on the surface of many cells, become abnormal and continue in the brain, causing brain damage. Prion disease or spongiform encephalopathy (TSEs) in the family of chronic neurodegenerative diseases affecting humans and animals. They are characterized by periods of prolonged incubation, spongiform feature changes associated with neuronal loss, and failure to create an inflammatory response. Unfortunately, prion diseases often develop rapidly and are often fatal. Human prion disease includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome, Fatal Familial Insomnia, and Kuru.

To protect ourselves from prion we must follow the following preventive measures:

To set strict rules for importing cattle into countries where BSE occurs, preventing parts of cattle such as the brain and spinal cord from being used in the diet of humans or animals, preventing those with a history or risk of developing prion disease from donating blood or other tissues.

destroying discarded medical tools.


Source: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/prion-diseases

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Volleyball: A Sport That Make Ball Stay In The Air
- Sayam Adhikari - 27011, Grade ... 28 September, 2021

Volleyball is a sport where six players of 1 team compete with two teams and win from the points of the highest team. There are six players: A Libero who defends the ball and does not let the ball touch the ground, A Ace who spikes(Hits the ball and tries to score) Middle Blocker ( A person who blocks the ball and sometimes spikes the ball), Left Wing Spiker-The person who spikes from the left. Right Wing Spiker-The person who spikes the ball from the right. There are usually 3 blockers; the left and right wing spiker also block the ball with the middle blocker. There is a setter who gives the ball by pushing to fit the position to hit the ball. There is also a decoy who acts as is going to hit the ball but doesn't. The decoy is usually from the players with a special place. There are 2 types of Match. The 3 set match and 5 set match. The set match means the players play three times. The first set has to get 25 points as well  as the other two. The fifth one has to get 4 sets of 25 and the last one of 15. The net is usually more than 2 meters tall so jumping is very necessary and to even touch the net we must be 150 cm or above. For the libero jumping is not necessary. At the first of the match a position server which means to hit and throw it to the enemy base. We know that Volleyball is a sport to make the ball stay in the air. There are Many players playing professional volleyball but my favourite is Yujji Nishida. I also like to play volleyball and it is considered to be the National Game of Nepal. This is a very wonderful and fun game. 

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