
Student Corner

Should zoos be banned?

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VI

Posted on: 04 October, 2021

Should zoos be banned? In my perspective I think YES! The animals that are kept in zoos are like kept in prison. They are not with their family and mates.They do not have freedom. They would be teased and mistreated by humans as well. What if we had to deal with this?What if we had to be away from our family? Does that mean that we must keep mistreating them, keeping them in the cages? No, right?
We know zoos are really useful for studying animals. I mean that is one of the reasons why people come to visit them. But, do you think that the results will be accurate? The correct answer is NO. The animals could be just showing their happiness and hiding their sadness. Since they are taken away from their parents, mates and their habitat. And besides how can people know if they are happy, jumping around. Maybe they could be sad.
The next reason why zoos should be banned are because of space. The cage which is given to them is big but consumes less space. It has less space compared to the wild life which the animals lived before getting in the cage. Most of the zoos have more space for humans who visit by and less space for the animals who actually live there. Don’t you think zoos are more human oriented for profit motives than animals? Their well being has hardly mattered to us. 
What if we had to deal with all these things like animals in zoos are dealing with right now? Wouldn’t we want to leave the place, get freedom, meet parents, stay happy and all? In my point of view, I think zoos should be banned. They will at least be protected and have their own life.