
Student Corner


Influenza: The Viral Disease
- Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade ... 18 November, 2021

Influenza is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system which includes the nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is commonly known as Flu. Influenza is caused by influenza viruses. Influenza is similar to the common cold but it is more dangerous and intense. It can cause serious illness and can also cause death. There are four types of Influenza. They are, Influenza A, Influenza B, Influenza C and Influenza D. Influenza A and Influenza B are commonly caused in humans.

Since Influenza is similar to the common cold so many of the symptoms are similar to the common cold. The symptoms of Influenza are:
Sore throat
Stuffy or runny nose
Muscle ache

When the infected people sneeze, cough or talk, the tiny droplets get mixed with the air which might get into the nose, mouth or eyes of people who are nearby.  It can also spread when a person touches an infected surface and then touches their own nose, mouth or eyes.

To avoid getting Influenza we must follow the following measures:
We should wash our hands frequently.
We should eat a healthy diet
We should not stay with the people who have the Influenza
We should get the vaccine to avoid the Influenza
We should cover our mouth when we sneeze or cough

Influenza is a viral disease that is caused by the Influenza viruses. Influenza is caused when the infected people sneeze, cough or talk so we must take precautions to avoid them.

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- Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade ... 18 November, 2021

गन्तव्य  टाढा, 
थाहा छैन कँहा टुङ्गिने
म त यात्री सधै हिडिरहने
ती प्राकृतिक रमणीय
दृश्यका बिचमा
हिडेँ म 
सुख ,दुःखका क्षण सम्झेर ||१||

समेट्दै ती नयाँ 
कला कृति र रहनसहन
सपना बुन्नु छ जहाँ 
संसार सजाउनु छ बेग्लै
दुःख मेटाउन
मन भरि लागेका ती
भारी मन र त्यसमै बुनिएका
मेरा ठुला सपना सजाउन ।।२।।

म त एकल यात्री 
सधै सपना बुनिरहने
याे भिडभन्दा टाढा,
एक्लाेपनमा रमाइरहने
याे हाेहल्ला बाट बेग्लै 
शून्यतामा रमाउने
खाेजी हिडेँ यी पाइला ,
जसले लग्याे मलाई त्यतै।।३।।

शून्यता र सुन्दरताले भरिएकाे
त्याे समाजदेखि टाढा 
यहाँ मन गाडिएकाे
गन्तव्य हाेलान् 
प्राप्त गर्नकाे लागि
बाधासँग लडछु
तब त सिक्छु।।४।।

डुलाइरहने मलाई
बिर्साउने रैछ पीडा मनका
ती रमणीय गन्तव्य मेरा
छैनन् साधन 
मनका भावनाका
त्यसैले एकल यात्री म
एकल यात्री म।।५।।

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Recalling about Planets
- Simona Shrestha - 26011, Grad ... 17 November, 2021

Our solar system is around or more than 500 years old, known as the solar system in the milky way galaxy. The solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. The solar system is located in the milky way orion star cluster; only 15percent of stars in the galaxy host planetary systems and one of the star is the sun. and about what is the milky way galaxy it is considered with the sun and all the planets around it are part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy. And a galaxy is a large group of stars, gas, and dust together by gravity. The planets are in various shapes and sizes. The planet is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium with various degrees of element is jovian. Planets are smaller than stars and they do not produce light. Apart from our solar system the scientist has discovered   many thousands of planets which revolve around the milky way. 
We all have been reading and learning about the solar system ever since we were kids. As we all know, the solar system is the collection of eight planets in an orbit around the sun and moon with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. The eight planet names are   Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. And also there is a possible ninth planet which is pluto. Pluto is after neptune. But we don’t count Pluto with the eight planets. Let’s recall about the eight planets:
Mercury: Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System and the closest to the Sun. A year on Mercury is just 88 days long. And mercury also has a molten core. Mercury is known as the second densest planet. 
Venus: Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is the second brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon. A day on Venus is longer than a year. And Venus is hotter than the mercury. 
Earth: Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only heavenly object known to give shelter and support life. About 29.2% of Earth's surface consists of continents and islands. Earth is the only planet which is not named after a god. Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System.
Mars: Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System. Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war and is often referred to as the "Red Planet". Mars has 2 moons called Deimos and Phobos. Mars was once a watery planet. 
Jupiter: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. Jupiter Is The Fastest Spinning Planet In The Solar System. Jupiter's Magnetic Field Is 14 Times Stronger Than Earth's. And Jupiter Has 67 Moons.
Saturn: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System. You cannot stand on Saturn. The rings around Saturn are huge but thin. And Saturn would float in water because it is mostly made of gas. No one knows how old Saturn's rings are.
Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Its name is a reference to the Greek god of the sky. Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System and the atmosphere of Uranus contains ice. It has  27 moons.
Neptune: Neptune is the eighth and farthest known Solar planet from the Sun. Neptune was not known to the ancients. It spins on its axis very rapidly. Neptune has a very thin collection of rings. Also neptune has a very active climate. Neptune is dark, cold, and very windy.

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- Pratik Dongol - 27009, Grade ... 15 November, 2021

चीनबाट विश्वभर फैलियाे 
अनि हाम्रो देश हल्लायो।
यो कोरोना देश विदेश घुम्यो
तर हामीलाई घर भित्रै बसायो।

शान्त धरतीमा आतङ्कक मच्चायाे
अनि हाम्रो मनमा डर बसायो।
आम्दानी सबै घट्दै गयाे 
अनि गरिबलाई भोकै राख्यो।

नेपालमा यसले मार्‍याे धेरैलाई
अनि राखेन ठाउँ जलाउनलाई ।
नयाँ नयाँ प्रजाति निकाली
दियो आम्दानीको पीडा फेरि फेरि।

गुमाए ज्यान नेपालमा धेरैले 
अस्पतालमा  ठाउँ र अक्सिजनको खाँचोले।
यसले नेपालमा धेरै विनाश गर्‍याे
तर परिवारसँग बिताउने समय दियो।

अब कोरोना माहामारी हटाउनलाई
मानिसले लगाउन पर्छ खोप । 
दुई वर्ष जति गर्‍याे राज यसले
तर अब समाप्त गर्नुपर्छ आत्मबल र खोपले।


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Do You Have Entomophobia?
- Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade ... 15 November, 2021

Entomophobia is an extreme fear of insects. It is referred to as a specific phobia or a phobia with a specific thing. It is one of the most common types of phobias in people. Unlike most people, who dislike or find insects disgusting, being an entomophobe is an irrational fear of insects. This is also something that I have. When I was smaller, my room was next to a huge garden with many plants. And whenever I would turn the lights on, the insects would all come inside and sit on the light. And not just one or two, there would be a whole bunch of them. That really triggered my entomophobia. I got really scared to sleep in that room. Which was also why we moved. Whenever I see an insect, I start getting a sudden anxiety attack where everything gets blurred out and slowly I start getting dizzy. I am ok with normal insects like houseflies, mosquitoes and ants. But I am especially afraid of beetles, fireflies, dragonflies and bees. Especially when they are in a larger group. It really scares me. When I see a larger group of insects, I feel like they are eating through my skin. And the general shape and look of the insect scares me. I even find butterflies scary. Mostly larger or smaller insects. And most people have this phobia. It is pretty common. I refuse to travel to garden areas because of this. This also triggered my trypophobia. As of now, nothing as bad as fainting has happened to me. But the symptoms can get worse. 

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A Journey to my Death
- Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade V ... 12 November, 2021

Hello, my name is Daisy and I am a pug. I will be talking about my life and how it all ended. It was afternoon. I was put in a cage when I was little. My owner’s brother was playing with these little magnet things. I was just looking at it when a painting moved by itself. Sakira, the owner who got me on her birthday. She also saw the painting move. The other kids were playing with magnets, and didn't see it move. One of them, Lucas, who was the oldest, had the magnet. He was just showing the magnet to the other two kids, Sally and Josh. Sally and Josh are siblings. “Did you just see that painting move?” said Sakira. “I didn’t, it was probably the wind or something” said Lucas. I was still in the cage wanting to go outside. Then suddenly it started shaking. Everyone was panicking. “It's an earthquake!” said the workers there. We stayed in a tall building so people there started panicking. Everyone gathered up and went downstairs. Everyone panicked so much that they forgot me!
Now that everyone’s gone I was the one panicking, I was scared I might die. I was waiting in my cage so scared. How could they forget me? I kept waiting. Suddenly Sally’s dad came. He didn’t like me that much but he came. He freed me from the cage and went outside with me. I was so excited! I’ve never gone outside in so long. As we reached downstairs I saw everyone sitting on the floor. I was probably the only one happy because I got to be outside. 
It was weeks later. Some people thought if the earthquake came again, the building might be destroyed. So they all thought of staying in an area right next to our building. I like it here more because it has a backyard and a front yard where I can enjoy nature. I was happy there. I got lots of love and affection. But then they got another dog. He was a dalmatian and was a coward.. He got afraid so quickly. His name was Pongo. I didn’t think it would change anything. I still got my love from everyone. Then they got another dog. She was a dalmatian too. Her name was Spot. So now, we have a boy and a girl dalmatian. Not bad. I still had all the love from everyone. But then it wasn't the same anymore. Spot gave birth. Everyone was giving lots of attention to the dog. They thought of naming it Bella. My life completely changed after that. 
Bella has taken the attention now and Daisy doesn’t get any attention. She barely gets love or attention and if she did Bella and the other dogs would come and take the attention. Now Daisy gets less love and affection. She starts getting sick and unhappy. Whenever she comes to Sally’s bedroom, she would get kicked out for being stinky. She gets cleaned but after she was sick she didn’t get showered. And then she got so sick that they had to call the doctor. They gave her medicine. She started to eat the medicine everyday. Everybody thought Daisy would be fine until Daisy couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe properly and was really sick. She was still unhappy. One day Sally and her mom took her to a hospital. They were going there. Daisy didn’t look fine. When they were finally there. They picked up Daisy and put her on one of the tables. They were saying how sick she was. Until the doctor said “She looks like she’s going to die right here”. After Sally heard that Sally got sad. Sally noticed how little attention she gave her. She felt like crying. She felt so bad. She didn’t want her dog to die who spent almost the whole life with them. “She died,” said the doctor. “How do you know?” said Sally’s mom. “She is spitting out everything and isn’t breathing,” said the Doctor. Everyone was so sad. They all felt terrible.
September 17, Friday 2021
Later that night they had to bury Daisy. Everyone felt sad and sorry. Everyone performed a final ritual and that Daisy would have a great new life. 

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Herne Katha: The Man Who Died Once
- Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade ... 11 November, 2021

In the last English class we were shown a documentary about The Man Who Died Once, a wife who lost her husband and a mother who lost her son. A loving couple had to separate. The husband had to go abroad to earn money so that they could survive in their village. They had a happy family. They had two children. A son and a daughter. They married each other after they fell in love. They had different castes but still married each other. They thought everything would go well and the husband would come back soon with money and they would live happily together. 
But suddenly dark clouds went over the happy family's house. The wife suddenly got news that her husband was met with an accident abroad and didn’t survive. Her heart shattered. She felt like her whole world was destroyed. She said that she tried killing herself but couldn’t at the thought of her children. She thought that she had to survive till they turned 16 and after that she would kill herself. She thought her children would think that their mother died because she couldn’t handle the death of their father. She couldn’t even attend her husband’s funeral properly because of her emotions. She was completely shattered and her life she felt had fallen apart. 
But to her surprise her nephew called her one day out of the blue and said that her husband was alive and he was in the hospital. At first she didn’t believe him until she got to talking to her husband. She found out that the body was of another man. She told her neighbours and brother but they didn’t believe her. They thought she had gone crazy but they eventually found out she wasn’t lying.
On the other hand, in the hilly mountain village far away a mother who was waiting for her son found out that her son had died and his body was sent to someone else. They had already buried him. She felt shattered. Even more because of the thought that she couldn’t hold her own son’s funeral or attend it. She held 4 funerals near the river. She wanted to visit her son’s grave but couldn’t because she had to take care of her chickens. She was sad to know that there would be no one to take care of her. 
Back to the first village, the husband returned after 9 months. They held a rebirth ceremony for him giving him a new name. The wife always wondered how the person that was buried as her husband, how that person’s family was doing. The journalists of the video gave a chance to the mother to visit her son’s grave. They travelled days in between the mother’s step son joined them in the journey. Both families finally got to meet each other. The mother finally got to visit her son’s grave and held a funeral for him according to their culture. She was finally relieved that now she would be able to meet her son after death. She shed tears of sadness as that was the last goodbye to her beloved son. Somehow she felt relieved that at least she could bid him proper goodbye with the rituals she believed in hoping to meet her son in heaven some day.

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