
Student Corner


वृन्दावन यात्रा
- Adhyaya Bhandari - 27031, Gra ... 29 May, 2024

गत वर्ष मेरो नवौँ कक्षाको परीक्षा सकिएपछि मेरी आमा, मेरा दुई दाजु र म भारतको वृन्दावन घुम्न र त्यहाँ रमाइलो गर्न गयौँ । मेरो अन्तिम परीक्षा सकिएको भोलिपल्ट हामी त्यहाँ गयौँ । मनमा अनेक तर्कना बुन्दै यात्राकाे कल्पना गर्दै म मेराे परिवारसहित  वृन्दावनतिर घुम्न लागेँ । 

हाम्रो यात्रा धेरै लामो थियो । ७ बजे सुमो लिएर वीरगन्ज पुग्यौँ र १:३०मा त्यहाँ पुग्यौँ । त्यो दिन हामी धेरै थाकेका थियौँ । हामी २ दिन वीरगन्जमा ठूलो मामुको घरमा बस्यौँ । त्यहाँ गएपछि हामी सुत्थ्यौँ र राती उठेर आइपिएल हेर्यौं । भोलिपल्ट हामी ढिलो उठेका थियौ । हामी नित्य कर्म गरेर मन्दिर गयौँ र घर आएर खाजा खायौँ । त्यसपछि झोला प्याक गरेर वृन्दावनमा नचाहिने सामानहरू छोड्न थाल्यौँ । हामी रक्सौलमा रेलबाट वृन्दावनको यात्रा गर्न त्यहाँ जाँदै थियौँ । भोलिपल्ट बिहान हामी त्यो ढिलो उठ्यौँ र वृन्दावन जाँदा रेलमा आवश्यक पर्ने खाना तयार गर्यौँ । त्यसपछि ३ तिर बजेतिर हामी त्यहाँबाट निस्कियौँ र अटोमा रक्सौल गयौँ । रक्सौल पुगिसकेपछि फेरि त्यहाँबाट रेल स्टेसनसम्म अर्को अटो चढ्यौँ । हामी करिब ४ बजे त्यहाँ पुग्यौँ र ११ बजेसम्म त्यहाँ बस्याैँ । कारण के थियो भने हामी चढ्ने रेल बिग्रिएको र मर्मत भइरहेको थियो । रेल आइपुग्दा म वृन्दावन जान निकै उत्साहित थिएँ । रेलमा बसेपछि राती भइसकेको थियो त्यसैले हामी सुत्यौँ। बिहान म वृन्दावन आउने कुर्दै थिए तर भोलिपल्ट ९ बजे मात्रै हामी वृन्दावन पुग्ने कुरा मैले सुनेँ । त्यो सुन्दा मलाई पनि साह्रै थाकेको महसुस भएको थियो । हामीले त्यो दिन यात्राको आनन्द उठायौँ र भोलिपल्ट बिहान ४ बजे दिल्ली पुग्यौँ । दिल्लीमा हाम्रा महाराजजी उहाँको गाडीमा हामीलाई लिन आउनुभएको थियो । त्यसपछि बाटोमा हिँड्दै गर्दा म गाडीमा सुतेँ र हामी बसेको ठाउँ आइपुग्दा आमाले मलाई उठाउनुभयो । त्यसपछि म महाराजीजको कोठामा गएँ । हामी नुहाएर अलि फुर्तिला भयौँ  र महाराजजीले पूजा गर्नुभयो । हामीले पनि पूजा गर्यौँ । त्यसपछि महाराजजीले प्रसाद ल्याएर हामीलाई दिनुभयो । त्यसपछि उहाँले हामीलाई बाके बिहारी मन्दिरमा जान भन्नुभयो र हामी त्यहाँ, उहाँ सँगै गयौँ । त्यहाँ भीड धेरै थियो । हामी त्यहाँ प्रार्थना गरेर आश्रममा फर्कियौँ र करिब २ घण्टा सुत्यौँ । साँझ फेरि बर्सनामा गएर आयौँ । एक दिन हामी धेरै भाग्यमानी थियौँ किनभने हामीले रामभद्राचार्य महाराजजीलाई उहाँको एउटा कार्यक्रममा प्रत्यक्ष देख्न पाएका थियौँ । हामीले त्यहीँ खाना खायौँ र आएर फेरि सुत्यौँ । केही दिनपछि अक्षरधाम घुम्न दिल्ली गयौँ । हामीले त्यहाँ स्वामीनारायणको अभिषेक पनि गर्यौँ । म पनि दिल्लीमा मेरो हजुरबुवालाई भेट्न गएँ । उहाँले मलाई एउटा डब्बामा अन्जिरी भन्ने मिष्ठान उपहार स्वरूप दिनुभयो । हामी पनि १ दिन दिल्लीमा बस्यौँ ।

भोलिपल्ट हाम्राे फर्किने दिन थियाे । हामी त्यहाँबाट रेल चढेर रक्सौलतर्फ लाग्यौँ । त्यसपछि हामी मामालाई भेट्न हेटौँडा गयौँ र त्यहाँ ३ – ४ घन्टा बसेर काठमाडौं फर्कियौँ । यस पटककाे मेराे बिदा मैले यसरी घुमेर रमाइलाे गरी बिताएँ । वृन्दावनको मेराे यात्रा धेरै रमाइलो थियो । म फेरि वृन्दावन भ्रमण गर्न चाहन्छु ।

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- Sayuri Shrestha - 28017, Grad ... 29 May, 2024

“I don't think I have ever felt like this before,” Symone thinks to herself while sitting in the cold corner of the hospital. 12 hours ago she had received a call from her aunt. Her aunt was not feeling well and had trouble breathing. Hearing this Symone rushed to her aunt's place and found her lying weak in the bed. Symone then rushed her to the hospital with the help of some neighbours. Symone later discovered that her aunt had a stomach bug after taking her aunt to the hospital. The doctors suggested she stay the night at the hospital for a faster recovery. Family members were not allowed to stay back for the patient unless it was a severe problem so after making sure her aunt was comfortable that night, Symone went back home. 

The next day around 5 in the morning, Symone received a call from the hospital. Her aunt's condition had worsened since the night before so they asked her to come immediately. When Symone reached the hospital they had already moved her aunt to the ICU. This made Symone more nervous. Her aunt was already 90 years old and it would be difficult for her to recover quickly. Symone waited outside the room restlessly. 

2 hours later the doctor informed Symone that her aunt had unfortunately passed away. Symone couldn't process this news. She never imagined someone who had been with her her whole life to leave suddenly. At the moment all she could do was cry. Later, she called her mom and informed all her close relatives. Soon some of her relatives came to the hospital and they later took their aunt to the cremation center. At the center everyone who had received the news was present. They all said their last goodbyes and mourned her. One by one everyone left the room shedding tears. At that moment many thoughts were running through Symone's mind. 

Symone had spent her whole life with her aunt. Growing up Symone was loved by everyone. She was a smart, caring and responsible girl. She worked hard for her dreams and never gave up. One of her biggest inspirations and supporters was her aunt. Her aunt used to teach in an all-girls school. She had been in the teaching field for almost 30 years. She had travelled the world and met so many different people. Her aunt was intelligent, strong and independent. She was a person with a creative and optimistic mind. Symone had always looked up to her aunt as an idol. She helped Symone grow up into an intellectual person. Her aunt had the biggest impact on her life.

After coming out of the cremation centre, all her relatives were catching up with each other, drinking tea and laughing. Symone found that very strange. The environment was different from what she imagined, it was almost like the loss of her aunt didn't matter to many people and she wondered why. That day was the longest day for her, it felt like it would never end. Symone then went home and thought about all the time she spent with her aunt, how much she loved her and how she regretted not being able to spend more time with her. She regrets not giving her aunt a proper goodbye. She thinks about all the small mistakes she made and how she wishes that she could go back in time and fix all of them. She cries uncontrollably until her mom calms her down. Her mother then goes on to tell her that nothing in the world is permanent. “No matter how much someone means to you, in the end, we all have to say goodbye to each other. What matters is that they remain in our hearts forever.” her mother says while comforting her.

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The Interrelationship Between Mental Health and Social Media
- Pratik Dangol - 27009, Grade ... 28 May, 2024


In our daily lives, we spend most of it on social media. Everyone does it, from our parents to the young children. We feel like we are having a good time on social media but we do not notice how social media is affecting our mental health.


Social media helps us to get entertainment and make us feel like we are connected to this world and are part of this big community. Moreover social media also helps us relax after a tired day. But there is another dark side of social media too that we don’t realize. Most of the time when we are scrolling through the feed we feel sad unintentionally. That’s because we see traveling, shiny stuff, pictures or posts of others that make us feel like other’s life is so fun/they are lucky but our life is so boring and dull.. But that’s not the reality because users only post the good things and prefer not to show reality. But at times like that we don’t really think of the flip side.


Moreover, according to the research, more than 10% of teenagers get cyberbullied while using social media. That's because many people cannot say the things they want face to face and use social media to do so. Social media has also made people afraid of social interactions. Many people can freely talk to each other online on social media but cannot face each other when they meet in real life which also has a bad effect on mental health. 


Social media is also the cause for many people’s depression and stress. Using social media has resulted in many people in a dangerous way. It’s because once we start using social media for us it's like we have to use it all the time and check our social media from time to time which can be called an addiction too. Use of social media is affecting students too as students cannot give proper time to their studies after being involved in social media. In my perspective the social media is affecting mostly small kids as they see many things in social media that they shouldn’t see which affects their mental health and starts behaving like what they see online. 


So what can be done to prevent from being impacted by social media and make social media a positive place for us? Simply, we can take breaks when we start to feel like we are being addicted to it. Or we can use it for a limited time for which we can make settings that do not allow us to use them more than a selected time period. We can also unfollow pages or people that share negative things and that might affect our mental health. For young children, parental guidance or parental locks are required to monitor their activities and to ensure that they are not consuming unnecessary content. Lastly, we need to keep reinforcing the idea that all that shines isn’t gold, all that has been presented on social media is generally a facade and we should not compare our lives to it.

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गणतन्त्र दिवस
- Aaryan Bhurtel - 28030, Grade ... 28 May, 2024



गणतन्त्र दिवस नेपालको इतिहासको एक महत्त्वपूर्ण दिन रहेको छ ।  नेपालमा गणतन्त्र दिवस प्रत्येक वर्ष जेष्ठ १५ गते मनाउने गरिन्छ। २४० वर्षीय राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य भएपछि गणतन्त्र दिवस मनाउन थालिएकाे हाे । यस दिन काठमाडौँ मा रहेको टुडिखेलमा विशेष समाराेह हन्छ र भव्य कार्यक्रम पनि हुन्छ ।  यस दिन नेपाल सरकारले सार्वजनिक बिदा पनि दिने गर्छ । नेपालमा यस दिनको धेरै महत्त्वछ छ । यस दिन मानिसहरू विभिन्न कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुँदै यस विशेष दिनमा आफ्नो राष्ट्रप्रेम झल्काउँछन् ।

गणतन्त्र भनेको एक राजनितिक अवस्था परिवर्तन भएकाे सम्झना स्वरूप मनाइने दिन हाे भने जहाँ जनताद्वारा छानिने जन -प्रतिनिधिले जनताको हितअनुसार शासन पनि गर्छन् ।  यसमा कुनै पनि मुलुकका जनतालाई स्वतन्त्रता र समान रूपमा न्याय दिने गरिन्छ ।  नेपालमा पहिले राजतन्त्र थियो।  नेपालमा सन् २००६ मे २८ मा करिब २४० वर्ष जति शाह वंशद्वारा शासन गरिएको राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य भएपछि नेपालमा पनि गणतन्त्रको स्थापना भएको थियाे । यस अगि नेपालमा करिब १०४ वर्ष राणाहरूले शासन गरेका थिए ।  यससँगै अरू थुप्रै वंशलेपनि नेपाली भूमिमा शासन गरेकाे इतिहास छ ।  यी सबै शासनहरूमध्येमा जनताले दुःख पाएको शासन भनेकाे राणा शासनमा मात्र थियो । 

नेपालमा गणतन्त्रको सुरुवातको लामो कहानी छ। नेपालमा दरबार हत्याकाण्डपछि श्री ५ ज्ञानेन्द्रले जब शासन आफ्नाे हातमा लिए तब धेरै नेपाली जनता र राजनीतिक दलहरूले उनलाई मन पराएनन् । कति मानिसहरू त उनलाई दरबार हत्याकाण्डका दोषी पनि मान्छन् । उनी शासनमासत्तामा आएपछि नेपालमा दोस्रो  जन आन्दोलन चर्किएको थियो । यो समयमा देशका विभिन्न ठाउँमा धेरै मानिसहरूले आफ्नो ज्यान गुमाउनु परेको थियो । नेपाल सरकार र नेपाली जनताले यस दिन धुमधामका साथ याे दिवस मनाउँछन् । यस दिन नेपाली जनताहरूले आफ्नो स्वतन्त्रताको समर्थन गर्छन् । यस दिन काठमाडाैँ लगायत धेरै ठाँउमा नेपाली जनताको राष्ट्रप्रेम र स्वतन्त्रता आएकाे खुसीयाली देख्न सकिन्छ । यस दिन मानिसहरू उत्साहित र प्रफुल्लित हुन्छन । यस दिन विभिन्न कलाकारहरूले आफ्नो कला प्रदर्शन गर्छन् । यस दिन हाम्रो देशले एउटा नयाँ पहिचान पाएको थियो । हामीले यसको सम्मान गर्नुपर्छ । हामी आफ्नो राष्ट्र र याे महत्त्वपूर्ण उपलब्धीकाे सम्मान गर्ने गर्नुपर्छ । 


तसर्थ, यस दिन कुनै पनि देशको इतिहासको महत्त्वपूर्ण दिन हुन्छ । शासन जोसुकैले गरे पनि जनताको आवश्यकता पूरा हुनुपर्छ भन्ने मेरो धारणा हो । जुन कुरा मलाई लाग्छ न गणतन्त्रमा छ न त राजतन्त्रमा नै थियाे । मेरो विचारमा गणतन्त्रमा जनताबिच बढी एकता पाइन्छ । यस दिन नेपाली जनताका लागि महत्त्वपूर्ण रहेको छ किनभने नेपाली जनताले आफ्ना हक, अधिकार तथा कर्तव्यको स्मरण गराउँछ । यस दिन हरेक नागरिकले आफ्नो भूमिका देशको विकासमा देख्ने गर्छ । यस दिन नेपाली जनताले एकता, स्वतन्त्रता र लोक्तान्त्रिक महत्त्वको आभास गराउने गर्दछ । हामीले याे दिनलाई सम्मान गर्नुपर्छ र आफ्नो कर्तव्य बुझ्नुपर्छ । हामीले याे गणतन्त्रकाे विशेष दिनलाई सम्मान र राष्ट्रप्रेमका साथ धुमधाम, हर्षाेल्लास तथा गर्वका साथ मनाउनुपर्छ । 

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साथीहरूसँगको मेरो पहिलो भ्रमण
- Riti Niraula - 27029, Grade X ... 27 May, 2024

वि. सं  २०७९, माघ ७ गते म कक्षा ८ मा पढ्दै गर्दा विद्यालयले कक्षा ८ र ९ लाई शैक्षिक भ्रमणमा लागेको थियो । हाम्रो यो भ्रमण पहिला नै गर्ने भनेको थियो तर कक्षा ८ मा हाम्रो प्रि-बिएलई  भएकाले पछि सरेको थियो । हाम्रो विद्यालयले अरू बेलामा कक्षा १० लाई  मात्र भ्रमणमा लग्थ्यो तर त्यो वर्ष विद्यालयले कक्षा ८ र ९ दुवैलाई  लगेको थियो । हाम्रो भ्रमणको लागि स्थान चाहिँ विद्यालयले चित्लाङ रोजेको थियो ।  यो भ्रमण २ दिन र एक रातको थियो। हामीलाई भ्रमणमा लैजाने भनेर हाम्रो परीक्षाभन्दा पहिले नै भनेको थियो । भ्रमणमा जानुको अगिल्लो दिन शिक्षकहरूले भोलि के के हुन्छ, कति बजे आइपुग्ने भनेर सबै भन्नु भएको थियो । मेरा साथीहरूसँगको पहिलो भ्रमण भएर त्यो रात म धेरै उत्साही थिएँ । 

शिक्षकहरूले भनेअनुसार हामी विद्यालय ७ बजे पुग्नु थियो । हामीले अगिल्लो नै दिन के के ल्याउने भनेर सबै कुरा मिलाइसकेका थियौँ र कुरा अनुसार सबैले आफैँलाई चाहिने कुरा र मनोरञ्जनका लागि चाहिने समान पनि ल्याएका थियाैँ । हामी सबै साथीहरू विद्यालयमा भेटेपछि शिक्षकहरूले हामीलाई एउटा कक्षामा लैजानुभयो । हामीलाई यात्राको शुभकामना दिनु भयो । त्यसपछि हामी सबै जना गाडीमा गएर आफ्ना झोलाहरू मिलाएर बस्याैँ।  गाडीमा हामीले गीत बजाएर धेरै रमाइलो गरेका थियौँ । बिहानको समय भएर होला बाटो खाली नै थियो र हामीलाई चन्द्रागिरी पुग्न धेरै समय लागेन । हामीले गाडीमा धेरै समय बिताउन पनि परेन । 


चन्द्रागिरी पुगेपछि हामी गाडीबाट झर्यौँ अनि त्यहाँको रमाइलो दृश्य हेरेर २, ३ ओटा फोटा खिच्यौँ । माघ महिनाको समय थियो । त्यसकारण त्यहाँ चिसै थियो । मैले र मेरा साथीहरू सबैले पातलो लुगा लगाएका थियौँ  ।  तर त्यो रमाइलो ठाउँमा हामीले चिसोको त केही महसुस नै गरेनाैँ । त्यहाँ हाम्रा शिक्षकहरूले केबल कारको टिकेट काट्नुभयो अनि हामी केबलकार चढी चन्द्रागिरीको मन्दिरसम्म पुग्यौँ ।  केवलकारमा हामीसँग हाम्रो एउटा शिक्षक पनि हुनुन्थ्यो । त्यस कारण साथीहरूसँग खासै खुलेर कुरा गर्न भने पाएनौँ । हामीले केबल कारबाट झरेर चन्द्रागिरी मन्दिरको दर्शन गर्यौँ । फोटो खिच्यौँ र एकै छिन् रमाइलो गर्यौँ । 
हामीहरूलाई शिक्षकले हिड्नुपर्छ भनेर केहि भन्नुभएको थिएन तर हामी चन्द्रागिरीबाट चिलाङगमा भएको हाम्रो रिसोर्टसम्म हामी पैदल यात्रा गरेर गएका थियौँ । त्यो हामी हिँडेको बाटो धुलो नै धुलो थियो । त्यसैले त्यो पैदल यात्रामा खासै रमाइलो भएको थिएन तर तल आएपछि हामीले आफ्नो फोनमा गीत बजाउँदै नाच्दै आएका थियौँ । हाम्रो  पैदल यात्रा रिसोर्ट आएपछि मात्र सकिएको थियो । त्यो अर्गानिक रिसोर्ट थियो र हामी सबै जना टेन्टमा सुत्नु पर्ने थियो । हामीले जानेबित्तिकै आफ्नो झोला आफू सुत्ने टेन्टमा लगेर राख्यौँ  । अनि बिहानको नास्ता गर्न गयौँ । नास्ता गरिसकेपछि हामी एक्कै छिन बस्यौँ । माथिको जङ्गलमा हामी फोटो खिच्न गयौँ ।  फोटो खिचिसकेपछि हामीले त्यहाँ विभिन्न खेल पनि खेल्यौँ ।  त्यति बेलासम्म १२ बजेको थियो । हामीलाई खाना खान बाेलाउनुभएको थियो ।  खाना खाएर आराम गरेपछि हामीलाई चित्लाङमा गरिने खेतीबारे बुझाउन हामीलाई एउटा खेती गरेको ठाउँमा लैजानुभयो । त्यहाँ हामीले विभिन्न फलको जाम बनाउने र त्यहाँको बाख्राको चिजबारे पनि बुझ्याैँ ।  त्यहाँ हामीले पहिले राजाहरूले बनाएको किल्ला पनि देख्यौँ । त्यो किल्ला कसले बनाएको, किन बनाएको ती सबै प्रश्नको उत्तर पनि पायौँ। 


भ्रमण पछि हामी थकित भएका थियौँ अनि हामी हाम्रो टेन्टमा गएर आफ्ना फोनहरू चार्जमा हालेर कक्षा ९ सँग बसेर बेलुका के के गर्ने भनेर छलफल गर्यौँ ।  बेलुका भइसकेको थियो त्यसपछि हाम्रा शिक्षकले दाउराहरूले क्याम फायर गर्न तयार पार्नुभयो । हामीले क्याम फायर गर्नुभन्दा अगाडि हाम्रा शिक्षकहरूसँग बसेर भोलि कहाँ कहाँ जाने भनेर छलफल गर्यौँ । छलफलअनुसार भोलि हामी कुलेखानीमा बोटिङ गर्न जाने अनि घुम्न बाकी भएको ठाउँमा घुम्ने थियो ।  खाना खाएपछि हामीले क्याम फायर गर्यौँ ।  हामी सबै जना पालैपालो केही गर्नुपर्ने थियो ।  कसैले नाचे, कसैले गीत गाए , कसैले गितार बजाए, कसैले कथा भने । म र मेरो साथीले गीत गायौँ । बेलुका भए लगत्तै मान्छेहरू आफ्नो टेन्टमा गएर बस्न थालेका थिए ।  सबैजना गएपछि सबै केटाहरू टेन्टबाट निस्केँ ।  हामीले शिक्षकहरूसँग बसेर २:०० बजेसम्म गीत गायौ । त्यसपछि हामी सबै जना आफ्नो टेन्टमा गयौँ अनि हाम्रा झोलामा विभिन्न कुराहरू थिए । ती निकालेर हामीले खायौँ । अनि टेन्ट ठुलो भएकाले हामीले विभिन्न खेलहरू पनि खेल्यौँ । हाम्रा शिक्षकहरू सुत्नु भएको थिएन । हामीलाई बारम्बार सुत भनि राख्नुभएको थियो । त्यही पनि हामी सुतेका थिएनौँ । हामी बिहानको ४:०० बजेसम्म चलेर बसेका थियौँ । 

बिहान हामीलाई शिक्षकहरूले ७ बजे उठ्न लगाउनुभयो अनि हामी बिहान मुख धोएर लुगा फेरेर तयार भएर निस्क्यौँ ।  हामीलाई त्यहाँकाे रहनसहनबारे जानकारी दिन पुजा गर्ने मन्दिर र नेवारी बस्ति देखाउनुभयो । त्यो दिन हामी धेरै खुसी थिएनौँ किनकि सबैलाई थाहा थियो आज घर जाने दिन हो भनेर । त्यही कारण यो सानो भ्रमणमा खासै रमाइलो भएन । हामी हाम्रो रिसोर्ट फर्क्याैँ । बिहानको नास्ता गरेर हामी शिक्षकले भनेअनुसार कुलेखानीमा बोटीङ गर्न गयौँ । हामीले त्यो बेला कुलेखानीमा धेरै समय बितायौँ । बोटिंग गर्यौँ । फोटो खिचेर त्यहाँ विभिन्न खाने कुराहरू हामीले किन्यौ अनि आफ्नो गाडीमा गएर बस्यौँ ।  एकैछिन त सबैले रमाइलो गरे तर राती नसुतेको कारणले हामी सबै जनापछि गाडीमा निदायौँ । हामीलाई गाडीले हाम्रो विद्यालयमा ल्याएर छोड्यो अनि त्यहाँ हामीले आआफ्नो सामान लियौँ । हाम्रो स्कुलको गाडीले हामीलाई घरसम्म छोड्यो । 

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A Step Closer to The End: A Story of Syncope
- Riti Niraula - 27029, Grade X ... 24 May, 2024

In the loud and deep sea of human emotions, that feeling is an unavoidable wave that has caught me many times without warning, leaving me gasping for breath. For those who have had the same storm of feeling, describing the sensation, talking to people about the emotion, and understanding the web of this experience that accompany my situation is very crucial to others and mostly is misunderstood by almost everyone.  


Having random blackouts are my very intense episodes of fear that have traumatized me both mentally and physically. They strike me suddenly, mostly out of nowhere, or be triggered by “that” specific situation, thoughts, or memories. As the threat of anxiety wraps around my mind, I feel an overwhelming urge to run away from it all, even when there is nothing to feel threatened about. The physical manifestations of having to black out can be just as exhausting as the mental turmoil. Increase of heart palpitations, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, dizziness are just the few symptoms that are visible to other people before i black out, it often mimics the sensation of a heart attack. One of the major indications of blacking out is the feeling of losing control over everything. Normal thoughts become clouded by fears and I start feeling like I am trapped in a never-ending cycle of worry and despair. This loss of control is very terrifying, animating the intensity of blacking out and its duration. 


After I wake up, I mostly feel emotionally drained, and mentally exhausted, sometimes even having the thoughts about ending it all. The adrenaline rush that accompanies me after, leaves a never leaving sense of unease, making it very difficult to relax and regain myself for the whole day. The fear of experiencing another attack is a very difficult and large feeling that casts a shadow over my daily activities and changes the way people think about me. Despite the overwhelming efforts shown by everyone towards me, there are some people who think of this as an act of seeking attention, they don’t even know the feeling I get when I am going through this. I feel like everytime I faint, I am not going to open my eyes. My life flashes in front of me everyday and it's not even in my power to somehow stop it. It is very important for people to recognize that having random black out does not defy a person’s worth or strength. It is a very common experience that most teenagers are going through these days, and seeking help and talking to someone is a sign of courage and not failure. By showing understanding and compassion for those people who go through this, people can create a more supportive environment where individuals like me feel empowered to speak and seek help. 


In conclusion, the feeling of having to black out is a very complex show of emotions and sensations. By showing light on the people who are mostly misunderstood on this aspect of mental health, we can create a greater empathy for those who struggle to talk about their feelings. 

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नेवारी संस्कार
- Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade ... 24 May, 2024

जात र जाति सबैका हुन्छन् आ-आफ्नै मान्यता

त्यसैमा हुन्छन् संस्कृति र त्यसको सुन्दरता।। 


जन्मदेखि मृत्युसम्म संस्कृतिले बाधिन्छ

न्वारनलाई नै पहिलो संस्कृति मानिन्छ।। 


५ देखि ६ महिना भित्र गरिन्छ अन्नप्रासन

केटीको इहि, गुफा गरिन्छ केटाकोको ब्रतबन्धन।। 


वर्षभरि नै हुन्छन् हाम्रो चाडपर्व अनेक

खाई सल्हुँ भनी क्वाटी खाइन्छ वैशाख १ गते कन ।। 


वैशाख पूर्णिमाको दिन मनाइन्छ बुद्ध जयन्ती

त्यसैगरी घेरिन्छौ हामी यी चाडपर्व बिच।। 


९ गेडागुडी  मिसाइ क्वाटी खाइन्छ श्रावणमा

मनाइन्छ गाईजात्रा मरेका मान्छेको सम्झनामा।। 


दसैँ तिहारलाई मानिन्छ ठुलो चाड

यसमा आउछन् परिवार एक साथ ।। 


मान्छे ठुलो भएपछि गरिन्छ विवाह संस्कार

२ परिवारबिच जोडिन्छ नाता र सम्बन्ध।। 


रमाउँछौ हामी योमरी खाँदै पुष महिनामा 

देवी सरस्वतीको पूजा गरिन्छ श्रीपञ्चमीमा ।। 


७७ वर्ष भएपछि गरिन्छ बुढाबुढीको जंकु

मृत्युपछि नै गरिन्छ जीवनको अन्तिम संस्कार ।। 

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How Does History Repeat Itself?
- Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, G ... 23 May, 2024

We all view history as the study of past events but in reality history is the documentation of human life on earth. History is often divided into multiple parts or sections in which our human civilization has gone through different circumstances according to their location. But even in the difference in circumstances, there often seem to be similar patterns that follow. This is the reason history seems to repeat itself. No matter whatever changes we bring, the same problem will arise once again in the future. Throughout the existence of human civilization we have made various mistakes. These mistakes will be read in books for the rest of eternity. 


Throughout the existence of our civilization the most repeated events are wars. The urge of dominance and power has led to the downfall of multiple nations and empires. A king or an emperor always has an urge to expand their nation and gain dominance. Every leader is always in the search for superiority. Whether it's in territory or a specific sector. If the decisions of the leader are not appreciated by the public they will cause a social movement. Social movements also show the repeating nature of history whether it's from labor movements or civil rights movements etc. Each generation has its own problems and its own solutions but people often take notes from past strikes.But in most of the strikes whether from the past or in the present there is always a clash between tradition and progress.


Despite the great achievements in our civilization, human nature has not changed. People still have the same desires, fear and the same greed and ambition for power and dominance. These qualities influence our behavior and create recurring patterns. Even though there are no changes in the qualities of our human nature. There is a huge difference in our perception of our past. Our past has created the present but we as a society have failed to learn from our previous mistakes. This is a result of our ignorance towards the past. Our past is meant to serve as a path which leads us to  the future. Our mistakes are meant to guide us towards the right path. Without putting historically important events into consideration we will make the same mistakes as our predecessors. 


History is very complex. There is no certainty that we can predict the future using our past. But there is also no certainty that we can’t. Some events repeat with time due to our ignorance of our past. If we completely ignore something then it will cause massive issues in the future. 


In conclusion, we can say that history is repeated by our ignorance toward the past or our arrogance for the past. It is the result of us not paying attention to our problems. Our human nature is also the one to be blamed. We try to achieve something greater than when we have. We often tend to search for diamonds when we already have gold. We as humans are never happy or satisfied to the full extent. We alway have the hope of achieving something better. To end the repetitive nature of history we have to change. History is a guild and will not change. We are the ones to adapt to our history and we are the ones to change it at the same time.

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Impact of Advertisement of Mental Health Through Movies
- Suphiyana Ghimire - 27016, Gr ... 22 May, 2024

The concept of mental health has been prevailing throughout history but it was never really familiarized to society in the past, as any issues regarding mental health problems were often just chalked up to superstitions of ghosts, witches, and black magic depending on the mythologies of the country. The cure to these sorts of diseases was most often exorcism where the patient was beaten to death with a broom of some sort, lobotomy where using a metal rod a hole was made in the frontal lobe of the patient, and some sort of physical torture that made the patient overall unresponsive to any sort of interaction. Death was such a common occurrence while performing such cures on the patient to the point that people just assumed that mentally ill people who came from hell were sent back to hell. This was a truly disturbing period of time throughout the history of human civilization.


Today in modern society we are finally able to identify a long list of mental diseases ranging from slightly concerning to serious concern raising. People are becoming more accepting of mental health. This means they understand that mental health is just as important as physical health. People are starting to realize that it's okay to talk about feelings and struggles. They're learning that mental health problems are common and nothing to be ashamed of. More and more, society is offering support and resources for those who need help. This acceptance is making it easier for people to seek help when they're not feeling well mentally. It's like opening up a door for everyone to feel okay about taking care of their minds, just like they do for their bodies.The a 


Movies about mental health can teach us a lot and help us understand it better. When these movies are advertised and shown to society, they can make a big impact. People watch movies to be entertained, but they also learn from them. When movies talk about mental health, they can raise awareness and reduce stigma. For example, a movie might show a character struggling with depression. When people see this, they might understand better what depression is like. This can make them more compassionate towards others who are going through similar struggles.


When mental health movies are advertised, they start conversations. Families might talk about what they saw in the movie. Friends might discuss how they feel about mental health. These conversations can break down barriers and make people feel less alone. It's important for everyone to know that it's okay to talk about mental health. Movies can also show that help is available. They might feature characters getting therapy or reaching out to support groups. This can encourage people who are struggling to seek help for themselves. In this way, movies about mental health can have a positive impact on society by educating, raising awareness, and encouraging discussion and support.Mental health is truly important. 

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अन्नपूर्ण बेस क्याम्पको यात्रा
- Aarav Timilsina - 28028, Grad ... 22 May, 2024

हामीले हाम्रो यात्रा पोखराबाट सुरु गर्याैँ । १ दिन पोखरामै घुम्दै हामीले आरोहणको लागि चाहिने सामग्रीहरू किन्याैँ । अर्को दिन हामी दिउँसो  गाडी चढेर पोखरा देखि लेगुवा गयाैँ । ३ घण्टाको यात्रा सवारपछि हामी लेगुवा पुग्याैँ । त्यहाँ हामीले भरियालाई भेटेर हाम्रो सम्मान जिम्मा लगायौँ । एकछिन अलमल गरेर हामी आफ्नो बाटो लाग्याैँ । यो यात्रामा मेरो परिवार र मेरो बुवाको साथीको परिवार गएका थियाैँ । लेगुवाको बाटोमा एक लामो झाेलुङ्गे पुल थियाे । त्यहाँ फोटो खिचेर हामी आफ्नै बाटो लाग्याैँ । त्यहाँको शीतल भाव धेरै नै राम्रो थियाे ।  हरियालीले भरिपूर्ण जङ्गल र विभिन्न प्रकारका फूलले ढाकिएका तरेली । हामी हिँड्दा हिँड्दै  त्यो भावमा रमाइरहेका थियाैँ । 

हामीले बाटोमा हिँड्दा हिँड्दै प्रकृतिमा भएका धेरै कुरा याद गर्याैँ । हाम्रो गाइडले हामीलाई प्राकृतिक तातो पानीबारे जानकारी दिए । त्यो प्रकृतिको एक असामान्य उपहार थियाे । जब आरोहणपछि आरोहीहरू फर्किन्छन्,  त्याे तातो पानीमा जिउ सेकाउने इच्छा हुन्छ र ताताे पानीले जिउ सेकाउँछन् । त्याे जाेसुकैलाइ पनि निकै सम्झनलायक थियाे ।  हामीले फर्किँदा त्यो ठाउँको भ्रमण र त्यहाँकाे

 आनन्द लिने विचार गर्याैँ । बेलुका अँध्यारो हुँदासम्म हामी हाम्रो गन्तव्य पुगिसकेका थियाैँ । बाटोमा हामीले  सबैलाई ३ समूहमा विभाजन गरेका थियाैँ । ६ बजेतिर समूह १ र २ त पुगिसकेको थियाे तर समूह ३ लाई ढिला भैरहेको थियो । धेरै कुरेपछि उनीहरू आए र हामीले हाम्रो खानपिनको काम गर्याैँ । त्यसपछि हामीले लोवर चाम्राेङमा रात बितायाैँ । अब जाडो असाध्यै बढ्दै गइरहेको थियो । हामी दिनको थकाइले छिट्टै निदायौँ। 


अर्को दिन म बिहान नित्यकर्म सकेर खाजासाजा खाएपछि हामी फेरि आफ्नो बाटो लाग्याैँ । अब हामीले त्यहाँको दृश्य याद गर्न थाल्याैँ । हिउँले ढाकेका सेताम्मे हिमालहरू, घाममा मोतीझैँ टलक्क टल्किएका थिए । बाटोमा गीत सुन्दै म आफ्नै तालमा जम्दै थिएँ । हिउँ हेर्नेहरू स्वदेशी र विदेशीहरूकाे ठुलै जमात थियाे । धेरै प्रयासपछि त्यो भिडभाड भएको ठाउँबाट निस्केर आफ्नो बाटो लागेँ । म एक्लै हिँड्दै थिएँ । करिब २ घण्टाकाे हिँडाइपछि हिमालय भन्ने ठाउँमा पुगियाे । त्यो ठाउँ खासगरी विदेशी पाहुनाहरू लक्षित थियाे । निकै सुन्दर र आकर्षित थियाे । हिमाली / पहाडी क्षेत्रमा सजिलै नपाउने सुविधाहरू पनि त्यहाँ थिए । त्यो ठाउँमा हामी सबै बसेर केही खाने कुरा खायाैँ । त्यसकाे आनन्द लियाैँ । त्यसपछि हाम्राे फर्किने यात्रा सुरू भयाे र फर्कियाैँ ।

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