
Student Corner


The God’s Redemption: Battle of Qingqie
- Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, ... 31 January, 2024

In the realm of the gods, amidst the planets and stars, there lived a god with unrivaled powers named Lapix. He reigned over a celestial planet known as Qingqie, a place with endless springs, filled with lush, and colorful grasslands. Qingqie was a paradise for all beings, and Lapix was the ruler everyone admired. 


But even in the greatest paradises, dark forces find a way to enter it. The demons from the Lower Abyss, creatures hundred times bigger than the gods, entered Qingqie, hiding in the dandelion fields, waiting for the time to capture the region. For the longest time, Lapix had protected the region from dark forces. He was incredibly strong and powerful, with powers to shapeshift into other beings and immortality, however even the strongest can face problems they can solve themselves.


One day, the radiant goddess, Gui, went into the dandelion fields. Gui was the only love of Lapix, the one who he admired and inspired. The demon in the dandelion fields, Osile, had been practicing dark magic for several years to end all life in the region.


As Gui walked through the dandelions, darkness surrounded her, creating a sense of blindness, and Osile appeared through the shadows. Lapix felt a sense of danger and rushed to the dandelion fields. He had an intense battle with the demon, but the dark magic was too powerful for even the strongest god. Lapix was hurt and Gui was taken by Osile to the dark world to be imprisoned. 


Lapix’s spirit began to fade after the defeat. He blamed himself for not being able to defend his kingdom and losing a loved one. Meanwhile, Osile had gone to the dark world to seek protection from the Demon Lords. Consumed by anger, Lapix challenged Osile to another battle. However, the demon, well aware of the god’s true power, refused. 


Lapix teamed up with the other two archons, determined to seek revenge from the demon and rescue Gui from the demon. The demons were well aware of the plan, and launched an attack on Qingqie again. The Demon Lords emerged from the dark world, darkening the sky with their presence. 


Unaware of their sudden emergence, the archons fought an intense battle with the Demon Lords. The three gods had a grueling battle with the Demon lords, lasting several weeks. The battle led to severe injury of the two of the archons. As a last resort, Lapix harnessed his full power, and with unimaginable strength, he decapitated Osile. 


Likewise, he triumphed over the water demon, Chi, creating a colossal tsunami of water that flooded the entire region. Similarly, he annihilated a powerful dragon by summoning a meteorite from the sky. Correspondingly, he imprisoned many of the demons within a massive mountain near Qingqie village. Lapix single handedly saved his kingdom and rescued Gui.


Lapix had ultimately seeked revenge from the Demon Lords, putting an end to the whole bloodline of the demons. The battle had a huge impact on Qingqie. Existing structures were destroyed, and new ones were formed. Following the defeat of Chi, an entirely new region of water was formed. Osile’s decapitated head was fossilized, forming a structure in the shape of a demon head.


After having reigned Qingqie for over 5000 years, Lapix made a decision to step down from his throne and become a common person. His victory over the demons ensured that no other terrific attack occurred ever again.


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The Evolution of Chess
- Suprabh Acharya - 27014, Grad ... 30 January, 2024

Chess is a two-player strategy based board game which is said to be one of the oldest games in the world. It is played on a square board which is divided into 64 small squares of generally black and white color. Each player has 16 pieces which contain one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops and eight pawns. The objective of playing chess is to checkmate the king of the opposing player. Chess involves the skills of strategic planning and tactics. 


The board game chess is said to have originated from India and made its way to European countries through Persia during the early 15 century. [1] The Persian players made different variations of the game starting from the positions of all the pieces and how the pieces move. The tradition of chess transformed during the Renaissance period. The queen was made able to move all across the board with power. This change in the game changed the adaptation of the game making it more thrilling and interesting. 


As chess continued to spread in the world, many strategies and tactics were made by players. Some of them are: en passant and castling. En passant allows a pawn to capture the opponent’s pawn that has moved at least two squares from its starting position. [2]


Similarly, castling is a strategic move which involves the king and one rook. This move makes it so that the king can escape from the center of the board and position the rook to defend the king or attack. [2] These strategies transformed the tactical chances and complexity of chess. 


By the 19th century, chess became famous for passing time and learning new strategies and tactics for leaders too. The competitive nature of chess led to the first international chess tournament in the world. This tournament took place in London, United Kingdoms in 1851 AD. This can be taken as the beginning of the chess era. 


This tournament was a platform for players like Emanuel Lasker, Wilhelm Steinitz and other masters to show their talent in front of the world. Each player brought a new and unique style of playing chess and a different vision which influenced various generations of players to get better and learn more from the board game. 


Around the 20th century, chess was revolutionized by computers. The match between Garry Kasparov and IBM’s Deep Blue AI showcased the potential of AI in chess and mastering the game of chess. [3] This event emphasized on the evolution of the interrelationship between humans and computers in the chess world. In the 21st century, chess has become a worldwide game. The evolution of chess shows the game’s adaptability and creativity it offers and it still continues to improve and have changes in the game. 


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Dark Energy and the Expansion of our Universe
- Sakshyam Karna - 26013, Grade ... 29 January, 2024

In the 1990s, scientists discovered, while studying a far-off supernova, that our universe was expanding faster than what had been speculated. The explosions made by dying stars were observed to be fainter than before, and supernovae, which are some of the brightest stars in the universe, were also observed to be getting dimmer and dimmer over time. All this hinted towards the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.


Dark energy has been postulated by scientists as a possible explanation for this cosmic acceleration. Dark energy is proposed as an internal negative pressure of space under Einstein's general relativity theory. Dark energy doesn't undergo dilution with the expansion of the universe, unlike matter or radiation. Rather, its density stays constant or even rises with time, creating an opposing gravitational force to matter's attraction and resulting in the acceleration that is observed.


Although the word "destruction" may evoke visions of apocalyptic occurrences, dark energy may have a more subdued but nonetheless significant effect on the universe. Galaxies are thought to be accelerating their separation from one another due to dark energy's driving force. Consequently, galaxy clusters, superclusters, and cosmic filaments—cosmic formations that have developed over billions of years—may eventually dissolve.


A hypothesis for the universe's ultimate demise is the "Big Freeze" or "Heat Death." Galaxies continue to drift apart as a result of dark energy's continued driving of the universe's expansion in this gloomy future scenario. Eventually, the cosmos gets chilly and barren as galaxies beyond our cosmic horizon become unreachable. Galaxies become solitary islands in an ever-expanding cosmic sea as stars burn out.


The foundation of the Big Freeze scenario is the hypothesis that dark energy either stays constant or gets denser, continuing the acceleration. Galaxy-to-galaxy separation results in an insurmountable energy barrier for interaction and communication, which isolates and decays cosmic structures.


Dark energy is still one of the parts of the universe that we don't fully understand, despite its possible significance. Its enigmatic character makes forecasting what will eventually happen to our cosmic home more difficult. Scientists are actively investigating a number of theories, such as the possibility that dark energy may change over time or that there may be other, less understood forms of physics that could explain the observed acceleration.


Dark energy is a mysterious factor in the vast fabric of the cosmos that casts doubt on our comprehension of the basic principles governing the universe. Although the observed faster expansion could be explained by its presence, the consequences for the universe's long-term fate raise serious concerns about what our universe's ultimate fate will be. The cosmic drama unfolds as we continue to solve the mysteries surrounding dark energy, presenting a story that goes well beyond what is now understood.


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सहरी जीवन
- Kritanjali Odari - 27018, Gra ... 29 January, 2024

प्रदूषणले भरिएकाे दु:खी जीवन

बिहानदेखि साँझसम्मकाे परिश्रम

 धेरै चुनाैतीकाे सामना गर्नुपर्ने 

धेरै सुविधाहरू बिचमा समस्या

यही त हाे मेराे सहरी जीवन,


देख्छन् सबैले खुसी मात्र सहरमा

दुखी जीवन कष्टकर छ सहरमा

खसीकाे लागि मर्नु पर्ने सहरमा

कैयाैँ खुसी देखेर मर्नु पर्ने रहरमा 



कसैलाई ध्यान कसैकाे नहुने

कसैकाे पीडाले कसैलाई नदुख्ने

कसैलाई नछुने मराे याे सहरमा

 बाँच्ने इच्छा हुँदा मर्नु पर्ने रहरमा ।


गाउँको अनुभूति बिर्सियाे सहरमा

दिनदिनै स्वच्छ हावा हराइरहेछ सहरमा 

खुसीकाे जिन्दगी बाँच्ने रहर सहरमा

रहरका लागि मानिस बाँचेका छन् सहरमा ।


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एसईईपछिकाे मेराे याेजना
- Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, ... 26 January, 2024

मेरो एसइई परीक्षा सकिएपछि पहिलो एक महिनामा मेरो मनमा उत्साहकाे लहर आउने छ । नयाँ पाएको ज्ञान र कोडिङप्रतिको मेरो उत्साहले मेरो पहिलो योजना प्रोग्रामिङमा मेरो सिप बढाउनु हो । विज्ञान र प्रविधिको संसार विकसित हुँदै गए सँगै म पनि आफ्नो प्रविधिको ज्ञानलाई झन् बढाउन चहान्छु । 

मैले कोडिङ बुटक्याम्प र अनलाइन पाठ्यक्रमहरूबाट नयाँ नयाँ प्रोग्रामिङ भाषाहरू र फ्रेमवर्कहरू सिक्ने योजना बनाएको छु । जाभास्रिप्ट र रिएक्ट जस्ता भाषाहरूबाट मैले विभिन्न वेबसाइटहरू र वेब एपहरू बनाउने सोचेको छु । मैले वर्षौँदेखि प्रविधि र प्रोग्रामिङको क्षेत्रमा डुबेर विभिन्न भाषाहरूमा सिपालु हुने र विभिन्न वेबसाइटहरू बनाएको छु । म अझै यो सिपलाई बढाएर झन् धेरै वेबसाइटहरू बनाएर पछि पनि यही क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने सोचेको छु । 

संसार घुम्ने मेरो चाहनाले उत्प्रेरित भएर, मैले मेरो बिदाको बेला विभिन्न देशहरू घुम्ने योजना पनि बनाएको छु । संस्कृति, इतिहास, र प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यले भरिएको कुनै देशहरूमा गएर, त्यहाँका विभिन्न ठाउँहरू भ्रमण गर्ने मेरो इच्छा छ । म विदेशी र परम्परागत खानाहरू खानका साथ साथै, सुन्दर परिदृश्य पनि हेर्न मन छ । म आशा गर्छु कि मेरो यात्रा मेरो योजना साेचे जत्तिकै रोमाञ्चक हुनेछ ।


नेपाल फर्केर म विभिन्न स्टार्टअप दृश्यहरू अन्वेषण गर्नेछु । प्रविधिको बारेमा झन् धेरै ज्ञान लिएर, म समान विचार भएका व्यक्तिहरूसँग पनि घुलमिल हुनेछु । म शान्त स्थानहरूमा जान्छु, र प्रकृतिको शान्ततामा प्रेरणा पाएर मेरो भविष्यको बारेमा सोच्नेछु । मेरो यात्राबाट म नँया अनुभवहरू मात्र नलिएर यो रचनात्मकताको स्रोतको रूपमा काम गरेर म पछि मेरो कोडिङ परियोजनाहरूमा यसबाट पनि प्रेरणा पाउने छु ।

मेरो विश्वव्यापी अन्वेषणको बिचमा, मैले प्राविधिक उद्योगमा व्यावहारिक अनुभव प्राप्त गर्नुको महत्त्व महसुस गर्नेछु । वास्तविक-विश्वको परिवेशमा मेरो नयाँ कोडिङ क्षमता लागू गर्न उत्सुक हुनका साथसाथै, म सक्रिय रूपमा इन्टर्नशिप अवसरहरू पनि खोज्नेछु । अनुभवी मानिसहरूसँग काम गर्ने सम्भावनाले मलाई उत्साहित बनाउनेछ, र म गतिशील टोलीमा अर्थपूर्ण रूपमा योगदान पनि गर्नेछु ।

प्राविधिक कम्पनीसँग इन्टर्नशिप सुरक्षित गर्नु, मेरो एसईईपछिको यात्रामा निर्णायक क्षण हुनेछ । यसले मेरो जीवन नै पनि परिवर्तन गर्न सक्छ । यस्ता अनुभवले मलाई सफ्टवेयर विकास परियोजना व्यवस्थापन, र सहयोगी समस्या समाधानका जटिलताहरूमा सिपालु बनाउने छ । म वास्तविक परियोजनाहरूमा काम गर्नेछु । प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई प्रभाव पार्ने कोड लेख्नेछ। कुनै पनि कक्षाकोठाले प्रदान गर्न नसक्ने मूल्यवान् पाठहरू पनि सिक्नेछु ।

जसरी इन्टर्नसिपको समापन हुँदै गर्छ, म एसईईपछिको जीवनमा भएको परिवर्तन यात्रालाई प्रतिबिम्बित गर्नेछु । मैले मेरो कोडिङ सिपलाई मात्र होइन, विविध अनुभव र सांस्कृतिक अन्तरदृष्टिले मेरो जीवनलाई समृद्ध बनाउनेछु । प्राविधिक विशेषज्ञता, र व्यावहारिक अनुभवको संयोजनले मलाई भविष्यको लागि स्थान दिनेछ । जहाँ म प्रविधिको लागि सधैँ विकसित भइरहेको संसारमा अर्थपूर्ण रूपमा योगदान दिन सक्छु ।

पछाडि फर्केर हेर्दा मेरो एसईईपछिको साहसिक, मेरो निरन्तर सिकाइ, अन्वेषण, र अनुभवको शक्तिको प्रमाण बन्नेछ ।


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A Phase of Life
- Aashiya Shrestha - 27030, Gra ... 26 January, 2024

Teenage years are tough for everyone, no matter what anyone says; it will always remain that way. During these years, we learn how to deal with our uncontrollable emotions, go through changes, multiple phases, multiple situations, and whatnot. It is a time of life that is both traumatizing and scary, yet memorable and peaceful.


While some might explain this phase as peaceful, not having to work, worry about taxes, and whatnot, others might describe it as terrifying, scary, and traumatic. Personally, I say it's a mix of both. In these years, we meet multiple types of people, experience real fun and enjoyment, but also take on a burden about studies, the future, and life itself. It simply depends on how a person wants to perceive it.


We can look at just one situation in two different ways. Some might say, "Oh, how stressful my teenage years were; I always took a burden when it came to studies and always got in trouble," while others might also say, "Life during those years was so fun; I remember not doing my work and getting in trouble with friends. I miss how I could just be a reckless teen." Same situation but two different views.


Right now, most of us are going through this same phase. At this very moment, we just wonder when we will be older and get to be independent. However, if we truly look at the lives of people older than us, it seems much more stressful—worrying about taxes, bills, work, salary. It is truly not my cup of tea. I'm not trying to say that these years are stress-free and fun; we all are going through something on our own. We have assignments due, projects, presentations, and whatnot. We barely have any time for ourselves, and even looking at the "adult’s life," life doesn't seem to get any easier or better, but we all learn to deal with it.


It is a roller coaster of ups and downs. In this stage, we date people, learn how to drive, get our first jobs, and whatnot. But most teens also go through peer pressure, depression, and of course, puberty, as well as mood swings. This period is like a first time for everything. We all struggle through it, yet later in life, we look back at this moment as something "fun and unforgettable." Of course, not all of us go through the same things. In this age, we struggle with making friends, confidence, self-esteem, etc.


It is memorable but also difficult. However, we all end up learning how to push through it and look at the bright side of life.


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Light Magic - Chapter 4
- Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade ... 25 January, 2024

In the days leading up to the magic-casting examination, Peter's emotions swung like a pendulum between excitement and nervousness. With Jimmy, his steadfast companion, by his side, the weekend unfolded as a magical journey of its own. They toiled tirelessly in a secluded corner of the campus, shielded from judgmental gazes, where Peter practiced levitation and transformation under Jimmy's encouraging guidance.


Jimmy, a beacon of friendship, recognized Peter's innate talent and saw the potential for higher-level magic within him. Despite Peter's occasional struggles with consistency, Jimmy held firm belief in his friend's determination and hard work, convinced that Peter had a strong chance of passing the impending test.


On the day of the examination, the auditorium buzzed with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Peter executed his spells with laser-like focus, showcasing the skills meticulously refined with Jimmy's assistance. The hushed conversations among the magic users added to the suspense, creating an atmosphere of shared nerves.


Olivander, the esteemed 8th tier mage, observed the proceedings with keen interest. His wise eyes swept across the room, and Peter's performance didn't escape his notice. There was a certain magic in the way Peter connected with magical energies that intrigued Olivander.


As the examination unfolded, Peter's mastery of basic spells left an indelible impression on the discerning examiners. The testing committee, with Olivander among them, acknowledged his potential. Yet, Peter's mind wandered towards the enchanting concept of Light magic—the magic of the heavens. The notion that it demanded a selfless heart captivated him.


Post-exam, Jimmy warmly congratulated Peter on a job well done. Eager to celebrate their success, the friends made their way to a charming inn near the campus. Jimmy told enchanting tales of legendary mages who had mastered Light magic. The stories of selflessness, compassion, and sacrifices for the greater good fueled Peter's imagination.


Intrigued, Peter embarked on a journey into the mysteries of Light magic during his free time. His curiosity led him to delve into ancient texts, explore the magical library, and seek guidance from professors. The concept of Light magic evolved into a personal quest, a fascination that fueled his determination to unravel its secrets.


Unbeknownst to Peter, his magical journey was just unfolding. The whispers of Light magic beckoned him toward a destiny beyond the ordinary paths of a mage. The magical campus, once a realm of academic pursuits, now held the promise of extraordinary adventures.


Days transformed into weeks as Peter's fascination with Light magic deepened. References to a forgotten temple, rumored to be a gateway to the realm of pure magic, captured his attention. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Peter embarked on a perilous quest. The magical campus ceased to be a familiar setting, transforming into a launching pad for an extraordinary adventure that would not only test Peter's magical abilities but also shape his character. Little did he know that the whispers of Light magic would guide him toward a destiny that would redefine his understanding of magic and carve out his unique place in the magical world.


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फूल थरी थरी
- Suprabh Acharya - 27014, Grad ... 25 January, 2024

बिहानीमा उठ्दा देख्छु मेरै आँगन भरी

सधैँ देख्छु गमलामा फूल थरी थरी।


चञ्चल चञ्चल मन किन देखेर ती फूल

लाग्छ किन भमराले गर्याे कि केही भूल।।


रङ्गीचङ्गी फूलहरूले फुरूङ्ग छ मन

आहा ! कस्ताे हराभरा मनै मनमग्न। 


दिनदिनै गाेडमेल गर्छु आँगनीका फूल 

जति हेर्याे हेराैँ लाग्छ सुभाष दिने मूल।। 


फिरफिर पुतलीले नाच्दै गाउँदै गर्छन्

माहुरी र भँमराले मेराे आँगन भर्छन्।


घामका ती झुल्कासँगै फक्रन्छन् ती फूल

आहा मिठाे बासनाले हुने हाे कि भूल।।


घरकाे मठ मन्दिरमा त्यही फूलकाे खाेजी

त्यही मन्दिर सजाउन टिप्छु राेजी राेजी।


सानाे मेराे बगैँचा त्याे रङ्गाउने फूल 

तिनै फूलमा माहुरीले गर्याे कि त भूल।।


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रातकाे चन्द्रमा
- Phoebe Shrestha - 26016, Grad ... 23 January, 2024

रातको आकाशमा, चाँदीको प्रकारको बेलुन,

जुन सहरभरी चम्किरहेको थियो

बेलुन वरिपरि ताराहरू

ओहाे, मैले नजिकबाट हेरे  त्यो चन्द्रमा थियो।


हो पक्कै पनि, चन्द्रमा जस्तो राम्रो केही छ ?

मलाई त्यस्तो लाग्दैन

चन्द्रमा रातको उज्यालो हो,

एक, जसले हामीलाई अन्धकारमा उज्यालो दिने ।


चन्द्रमा, त्रुटि भए पनि तिमी चम्कन्छौँ 

कसलाई थाहा छ तिमीले के पार गरेको छ ?

म अझै सोच्छु तिमी किन यति दयालु छौ ?

वास्तवमा, तिमीले हामीलाई माया पो गर्छाैँ।


यहाँबाट, तिमीले हामीलाई रक्षा गर्दै छाै

तिमीले हामीलाई माया मात्र गर्दैनौ 

तर हाम्रो ख्याल पनि गर्छौ।

शब्दहरू पर्याप्त छैनन् तिमीलाई वर्णन गर्न,

यदि मैले गर्छु भने, यो दशकौँ लाग्छ ।


अहिलेसम्म तिम्रो चमक छ,

जाडो र गर्मीले पनि तिम्रो चमक हटाउन सक्दैन।

मैले तिमीलाई एक रातको लागि हराएको देखेको छैन,

किनभने तिमीलाई आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी थाहा छ।


तिमी सपनाको अभिभावक हाैँ,

हरेक रातमा, चम्किरहन्छाैँ

हे चन्द्रमा तिमी धेरै उज्यालो छौ,

तिमी ब्रह्माण्डीय नृत्यमा ताराहरूसँग नाच्छाैँ।


शान्ति, दयालु, भविष्यको प्रतीक,

कसैलाई आफ्नो ठाउँ लिन नदिऊ।

अनन्त प्रेमको प्रतीक,

आकाशीय रत्न, यति माथि।


 तिमी चम्किरहनु, मुस्कुराइरहनु,

तिमीलाई विचलित देखेर,

 संसार अन्धकारमा डुब्नेछ।

सहज चन्द्रमा, निरन्तर वरदान,

शान्त रातमा, हाम्रो मार्गदर्शक चन्द्रमा।


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