
Student Corner


Stress and Mental Health
- Anushka Kalu - 27025, Grade X ... 27 June, 2024

Mental health is our emotional and psychological well being. Stress is like our body’s alarm system which signals us when something is tough. Mental health and stress are two things that are interrelated to each other. A person’s mental health can be affected because of stress. If stress is not managed in the right way then a person’s mental health can be ruined. There is an interrelation between stress and mental health. When we are not feeling mentally well, tension or stress seems to be greater and when we are stressed out or tensed our mental health problems seem to grow more. 


Stress management is when you find something or do something that relieves your stress or helps you deal with it and make you feel better. If stress is hampering our body more than we should do something to manage our stress. We can manage our stress in many ways. Everyone has their own way of dealing or managing their stress. Some people might manage it by going on walks, meditation, taking a shower, spending quality time with friends and family, seeking help from a psychiatrist, talking to someone you trust about what is stressing you out. Only making our physical appearance is not enough but we also need to take care of our mental health. People are often scared to open up about their problems or situation because of the judgemental society but even if they don’t open up to others they can open up to a trusted psychiatrist. A psychiatrist can help you with stress management in many ways like medication management, therapy and counseling, and supporting. We can also help the people struggling with mental health problems by listening to them without judging, being supportive, promoting awareness and education about it. The one and only motive of stress management is to remove the negative effects of stress on a person’s body and mind and help live their life happily. Stress management is different for each individual so a person should determine or find what works the best for them or what will help them with their mental health issues. When a person is stressed and has a hard time focusing and is really stressed out they should try taking a break, taking a break is just as necessary as any other ways to manage stress. Not only taking a break but a person should know how to calm themselves when they’re stressed because when a person is stressed they tend to panic and make wrong decisions or they can’t decide. So to prevent it they must stay calm and focus.


I highly recommend to people who are struggling with their mental health to open up about their situation or seek any kind of help they need. Mental health can affect a person’s physical health as well. The more you hide it the harder it gets for you so, I would suggest the one struggling not to hide it and open up to someone who they feel safe and comfortable with.

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असल मानव
- Luniva Shrestha - 28006, Grad ... 27 June, 2024

मानिस हौँ हामी सबै, असल बन्ने योजना यो

मानिस बनेर के हुन्छ, मानव बन्न प्रयास यो

असल मानव भए सबै, असल विचार पाउँछ

असल विचार र सुकर्मले असल मानव बन्दछ ।


असल भएर जीवनमा मात्र सुखभन्दा पाउँछ

नजाति भएर जीवनको दुःख कष्ट  निम्त्याउँछ

असल नेता भए मात्र देश बद्छ निरन्तर 

नजाति नेता भए देशको विकास रोक्दछ ।


काम कर्तव्य पूरा गर्ने को योजना यो

आफ्नो बानी सुधार गर्ने हो कर्तव्य यो

विद्यालय गई हो नयाँ कुरा सिक्ने यो

सिकाइ मात्र होइन व्यवहार पनि गर्ने हो


मानिस हौँ हामी सबै, असल बन्ने योजना यो

असल बनेर नाम काम कमाउने प्रक्रिया यो

ज्ञान र शिक्षाले मात्र मानव बनिदैँन

असल, ज्ञान र शिक्षा मात्र मानव भन्दछ।

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How Apologies are Taken in Various Parts of The World
- Anushree Acharya - 28002, Gra ... 26 June, 2024

Although the intention of an apology is always to admit wrongdoing or express regret, the structure and aim of an apology can differ significantly between cultures. We'll examine a number of topics in this examination of the distinctions between East and West apologies, including communication style, social setting, and underlying cultural beliefs.


Western societies tend to emphasize taking responsibility for one's misdeeds and offer direct, unambiguous apologies. In the West, it's customary for an apology to include a frank admission of guilt or error. For example, if a Westerner at a party unintentionally spills a drink on a friend's shirt, they would respond, "I'm so sorry, that was completely my fault." However, eastern cultures, including those in Asia, on the other hand, frequently place more emphasis on maintaining harmony and saving face when it comes to apologizing. Sorry may not always entail accepting responsibility. Alternatively, the emphasis could be on apologizing for the circumstance or trouble that was produced. For instance, if someone is late for a meeting in Japan, they might apologize by saying, "I apologize for inconveniencing you," but they would not always explain why they were late.


Eastern apologies are heavily influenced by nonverbal clues as well. As tokens of sincerity and humility, verbal apologies might be accompanied by gestures like bowing or presenting a small gift in many Asian cultures. Giving a small apology and expressing remorse, for example, it is customary in China and shows respect and a sincere willingness to make apologies.


The dynamics of apologies in Eastern cultures are also influenced by the social environment and hierarchy. An apology from a person in a position of responsibility is especially important in hierarchical countries like South Korea. Because social status and deference to authority figures are so important, these kinds of apologies frequently call for a more formal and detailed declaration of regret.


Furthermore, how an apology is perceived and understood is influenced by cultural norms and beliefs. Apologizing can be seen as a sign of integrity and strength in individualistic Western cultures, since it shows that one is accountable for their actions. However, in Eastern cultures that value collectivism, saying sorry is generally regarded as a sign of humility and respect for other people's feelings. This shows how important interpersonal peace and collective cohesion are to these cultures.


Apologies also utilize terminology that reflects cultural differences. The expression "I'm sorry" is frequently used in English to convey regret or remorse. Nonetheless, there are other methods to apologize in languages like Japanese and Korean, each with unique subtleties and formality levels. These linguistic variations emphasize how crucial cultural sensitivity and context are to clear communication.


Furthermore, there can be cultural differences in the frequency and timeliness of apologies. In many Western societies, apologizing excessively or needlessly might be interpreted as being weak or superficial. On the other hand, constant apologizing—even for small inconveniences—is seen as a sign of courtesy and consideration for others in several Eastern countries, like Japan.


All things considered, the basic intention of an apology is the same in all cultures—to admit responsibility or convey regret—but how they are stated and understood depends on a complex interaction of social, linguistic, and cultural elements. Comprehending these distinctions is crucial for proficient intercultural communication and fostering robust interpersonal bonds.

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मेरो प्यारो सिम्बा
- Kritanjali Odari - 27018, Gra ... 26 June, 2024

प्रिय साथी र एक्लो साथी, मेरो प्रिय कुकुर 

सधैँ मेरो साथ , सधैँ मेरो पाइला पिच्छे 

उसको आँखाभित्र मप्रति माया र बफादारी 

रहने छ सधैँ मेरो स्नेह र ममता उप्रति 


उठ्नसाथ, देख्छु उसको मुखमा मुस्कान 

उसको निलो आँखा, मेरो दिनको सुरुवात 

खेल्छौँ हामी घरको छतमा, दौडिन्छौँ छतैभरि 

उसको खुसी, मेरो खुसी, मेरो जीवनको प्रिय स्मृति 


सानो छ तर माया भने धेरै गर्न खोज्छ 

म रुँदा सधैँ  मेरो छेउँमा हुन्छ 

बोल्न नसक्ता पनि बुझ्ने गर्छ मेरो मन 

मेरो साथी र मेरो प्रिय सिम्बा 


उसको बफादारी र माया 

उसको त्यो हँसिलो मुहारले भरिन्छ मन 

जसरी उसले मेरो माया बुझ्छ

म उसको भाव पनि बुझ्छु त्यसरी ।

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Does Nature Affect Our Mental Health?
- Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, G ... 25 June, 2024

Our mental health is dependent on many things and it can differ from individual to individual, that being said, could nature really be able to help our mental health overall? If so, then how exactly would nature be helpful in these instances? Let’s discuss.


There have been various studies based on this prospect of nature being able to soothe or heal our mental well being. Many state how being deprived of natural settings have a negative impact on a person’s mental health. This mainly be applicable for those living in cities or more urban areas. This is likely due to the stimulation being around greenery provides. The natural areas all have some sort of biodiversity which can be stimulating for the human mind, along with the peace nature is often tied with. Simply the calmer and “more soothing” sounds that contrast with loud city noise can also produce a sense of peace which is overall beneficial for the state of mental well being.


Additionally, there have also been diagnosed disorders that relate towards a person's natural surroundings. One being Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a type of depression that can occur due to the change of environment. Primarily this disorder happens during the seasons of autumn or winter when the natural environment can be seen as more bare, yet there are also cases of this happening in other seasons as well, though, regardless, not very often. 


Research also shows that environments can increase or reduce our stress which, in turn can affect our mental health. Seeing, hearing, and experiences which occur at any moment can impact not only a person’s current mood, but also how your nervous system and immune systems are working. A noisy environment can cause you to feel anxious, or sad, or helpless. This plays a big part in determining the health of a person’s mental well being. 


If a person receives exposure to nature it can help release Endorphins and inconspicuously stimulate the production of serotonin, a hormone said to be capable of combating the symptoms associated with depression.  These productions are also directly linked to the amount of sunlight exposure a person receives and their vitamin D intake. 


Nature also has socially related benefits regarding a person’s mental health. People living in or near natural areas often tend to spend more time socializing outdoors, this, in return, can also stimulate hormones which help in producing happiness.


Creating a healthy relationship with natural environments can be beneficial in both ways. As natural environments and bring peace and create a base of socialization which also helps the mental well being of people, by creating a fondness for nature, people are also more often likely to go out of there way in helping the environment even with small, basic, tasks like picking up litter or creating policies in order to preserve peace for not only themselves, but also for others around them, for the animals around them, and for the plants around them, by preserving these natural habitats we can create a cleaner and better more peaceful future for everyone involved.

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परम्पराप्रति माया
- Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Gra ... 25 June, 2024

नेपाल हो एक सुन्दर देश,

गुण नै गुण यहाँकाे विशेष,

छन्  उचित जनशक्ति र परम्परा पनि,

म गर्वका साथ भन्छु 

म नेपाली र नेपाल मेराे देश

म नेपाली छ आफ्नै भाषा र भेष


 हुँ म यस देशको जनता,

परम्परामा र संस्कृतिमा बाँधिएको 

तर परवाह छैन मलाई,

किनकि छ साथ सबैको

यो देश छ अनौठो,

सुन्दरता सधैँ छ नाैलाे ।


कोही छाैँ मधेसी,

कोही छाैँ हिमाली,

काेही छाैँ पहाडी

तर जाे जे भए नि,

हामी सबै नेपाली ।


एकतामा विविधताको मेरुदण्ड,

यही हो हाम्रो पहिचान,

नेपालीकाे बेग्लै स्वाभिमान

गर्दैनाैँ हामी कहिल्यै अभिमान


परम्पराले हामीलाई बचाए,

सयपत्री फूलजस्तै हामी गाँसिएका

यही हाे हाम्रो स्वाभिमान,

यही हाे हाम्रो चिनारी,

नेपाल धर्ती सबकाे पियारी ।

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मकैका बोटहरू
- Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, G ... 24 June, 2024

मकैका बोटहरू नाच्छन् जब हावा गाउँछ

उनीहरूविना परवाह नाच्छन्

मकैका बोटहरू खुसी छन्

संसार कठोर छ तर तैपनि,

 मकैका बोटहरू नाच्छन् ।


समय चलिरहन्छ

मानिसहरू काम गर्छन्

मकैका बिरुवाहरू स्थिर रहन्छन्

हावा नगएसम्म गतिहीन


निराशा, क्रोधले मानव मनमा बाढी आउँछ

मकैले यी भावनाहरू महसुस गर्न सक्दैनन्

तिनीहरू अँध्यारो आकाशको अनुहारमा अग्लो उभिन्छन्

तिनीहरूका पातहरू आफूलाई जोगाउने प्रयासमा फड्फडिरहेका छन् ।


मानिस दबाबमा पर्न सक्छ

घृणा र एक्लो महसुस

मकैको बोट अग्लो हुन्छ । 

घृणाको संसारमा नाच्दै


घृणाको संसारमा नाच्ने मकै

तिनीहरूले आनन्द ल्याउँछन्, समृद्धि

तिनीहरूले जीवनको तनावको कुनै सङ्केत देखाउँदैनन्

तिनीहरू बाँच्न पाउँदा खुसी छन् ।


फड्फड् गर्दै  र नाच्दै

तिनीहरूका पातहरूको आराममा न्यानो बेरिएको

तिनीहरू पृथ्वीको तालमा नाच्छन्

हावाको गीत गाउँछन् 

मकै र मकैका पात नाचिरहन्छन् ।

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मेरो योगदान देशका लागि
- Adhyaya Bhandari - 27031, Gra ... 21 June, 2024

मेरो देश नेपाल एउटा सुन्दर, शान्त र सानो राष्ट्र । मेरो देश प्रकृतिले भरिपूर्ण छ । त्यस्तै म यो देशको असल नागरिक । मैले आफ्नो देशलाई धेरै थरीको क्षेत्रमा योगदान दिन सक्छु । म मेरो देशको नाम चर्चित धेरै थरीका काम गर्न सक्छु ।पहिले, म राम्ररी पढेर मेरो र मेरो देशको विकास गर्न सक्छु । मैले मेरो देशको विकास गर्नको लागि महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान दिनुपर्छ । 

मैले राम्ररी  मिहिनेत गरेर मैले आफ्नो देशमा विदेशबाट रोजगार  मानिसहरूलाई स्वदेशमा बाेलाएर  ती मानिसहरूलाई रोजगारीको अवसर दिन्छु । यी कामहरू म पढेर, देशमा गर्न चहान्छु । 

दोस्रो, म एउटा राजनीतिज्ञ भएँ भने म देशको विकास गर्छु । राजनीतिज्ञको काम नै देशको विकास गर्नु हो । तर त्यो काम पनि कुन कुन क्षेत्रमा गर्ने भन्ने सोचेर गर्नुपर्छ । पहिले त म  मेरो देशमा राम्राे बाटोको व्यवस्था गर्थेँ । म बाटाहरूकाे पुननिर्माण गर्थेँ । मैले पाउँने पैसाजति जति सबै मबाटाेमा लगानी गर्थेँ । अहिलेका राजनीतिज्ञहरू हाम्रा जन प्रतिनिधिहरूकाे त कुरा नै के भयाे र ! उनीहरू त आधाभन्दा कम पैसा मात्र यस्ता विकास निर्माणका काममा लगाउँछन् । यस्ताे काम एकदमै गलत हाे । सरकारले विकास निर्माणका लागि छुट्याएकाे रकम सदुपयाेग हुन नसक्दा देशमा प्रत्येक वर्ष बेरुजु दर बढ्दाे ५ ।  बाटोको व्यवस्था राम्राे गरिसकेपछि म शिक्षाको व्यवस्था गर्थेँ । पारिवारिक समस्याको कारण, घरको आर्थिक स्थिति कमजाेर भएका विद्यार्थीहरूलाई म छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान गर्थेँ । म मेरो देशका जुन जुन राम्रा राम्रा पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू छन् ती स्थलहरूकाे राम्राे विकास र विस्तार गर्थेँ । तेस्रो म मेरो देशको लागि क्रिकेट खेल्थेँ भने म त्यसमा पनि धेरै नयाँ याेजना ल्याउँथे । म अहिलेको नेपाल क्रिकेट टिमको आवस्थालाई एकदम राम्रो बनाउने प्रयास गर्थेँ । खेलाडीहरूलाई धेरै अभ्यास गराउँथे । उनीहरूकाे सेवासुविधा बढाउँथे । क्रिकेटको सबै ढाँचामा लाग्ने प्रयास गर्थे । टि - २० विश्वकपमा जित हासिल गर्न  योग्य बनाउने प्रयास गर्थेँ । म धेरै टुर्नामेन्टहरू जितेर मेरो देशको नाम उच्च राख्थेँ । म मेरो देशलाई आजसम्म नगएको टुर्नामेन्ट टेस्टमा पनि लगेर टेस्टको विश्वकप जित्ने योग्य बनाउन चाहन्छु । अहिले हाम्रो देशको क्रिकेट टिमलाई अरू देशको क्रिकेट टिमले त्यति महत्त्व दिँदैनन् । म त्यहाँ पुगेर हाम्रो देशको संसारभर चम्काउन चाहन्छु । 

अन्तिममा, म एउटा शिक्षक हुन्थे भने म विद्यार्थीहरूलाई राम्ररी पढाउँथे म उनीहरूलाई सजिलो तरिकाले  सबै कुराहरू सम्झाउँथे । उनीहरूलाई राम्रो र नराम्रो भन्ने कुरा केके हुन् भन्ने कुरा सिकाउँथे र बुझाउँथे पनि । म उनीहरूलाई भविष्यमा एकदम असल व्यक्ति बन्ने तरिकाले पढाउँथे । म उनीहरूलाई देशको मूल कानुनको बारेमा बताउँथे । म उनीहरूलाई हाम्रो देशको अहिलेको सामाजिक सञ्जालले मानिसमा फैलिएकाे विकृतिबारे पनि सचेत बनाउँथे । म यस्तै थुप्रै राम्रा कुराहरू देशकाे लागि गर्न चाहन्छु । मैले देशको लागि गर्ने सक्ने योगदान यिनै हुन् । म देशको विकास र देशलाई सुधार्नको लागि यी कामहरू गर्न चाहन्छु ।

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How Have Us Humans Changed Over the Years?
- Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, G ... 21 June, 2024

Over the past few centuries us humans have undergone a tremendous transformation. Across cultural, technological, social and ethical grounds. With these  tremendous transformations we have also made various achievements in different sectors. With the remarkable achievements there are also great changes that came with it. Whether it would be the change in behavior or the change in the information in textbooks or maybe the changes in the life or ordinary people. People nowadays talk about how the Covid pandemic has changed our lives. Covid pandemic has made unprecedented impacts on human civilization but at the same time it has also made us realize how we have evolved over the past centuries. Other than the Covid pandemic there have been many other instances where our human civilization has to endure changes and adapt to our environment.


Firstly talking about cultural changes, there have been various points in history where our cultural structures have changed. Whether it would be the two World Wars or the great depression. It has heavily forced changes in our society. These events have shaped our human civilization and increased globalization along with the development and communication.  In the 19th century we had the Spanish Flu and in the 21th century we had the Covid pandemic. During the Spanish Flu of any viral outbreak in the19th century there were no modern technological devices and this is a major factor. During the Covid 19 pandemic there was a significant growth in the usage of social media. Even after the pandemic social media has been the same. Using social media people found new ways to communicate or express themselves online.


Talking about technological changes or advancements, this topic needs no introduction. This is a very well known topic. We all know the differences between the technological advancements in or prior to the 19th century and the 21th century. Back then humans had managed to land on the moon, improve industrialization and also made various inventions but new people have developed other things like the internet, smartphones or accessibility to information etc. Technological advancements have revolutionized our lives making it easier and simpler./ At one time we had to visit a library to get extra information but now we can just get any information we want at the click of a button. It is that easy and this is just one example we can find many other examples like this in history. 


Social and ethical changes are also taking shape. Matter of fact there are still various social changes happening around us. Social and ethical changes are the only processes that will keep evolving with us humans. It existed during the beginning of the human race and it will end with the destruction of the human race. In the past people lived in a society where there were only 2 genders but now that has changed and people believed that they can openly change their gender, pronunciation and identification. This is a change brought with the development of socialism. This is the effect of rapid globalization But it is not a wrong thing. People have their own beliefs and our society just accepts it.


In conclusion, humans are animals. We are never in the same state. We might be happy or sad to a certain extent but the same level of happiness, sadness or any other emotion can never be felt again. We can never be the same and our lives and also in the state of changing. Whether it would be biologically, socially, ethically, technologically or culturally.

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The Culture of Apologies in Sweden and China
- Aarav Timilsina - 28028, Grad ... 19 June, 2024

Apologies are what we call an expression of many emotions, regret, sorrow, grief, hindsight etc.“I'm sorry” seems like a harmless and effective phrase to blurt out everyone you caused inconvenience or trouble but qualified researchers are actually doing reports on just this broad topic. Their findings, which are quite surprising, actually states that people with different cultures ethnic backgrounds have different views on apologies. Cultures and mannerisms are known to be different all across the world and apologies are no exception. An apology is defined as a regretful acknowledgement of one’s offense or failure, but that is just the textbook definition, as we learned from the report discussed previously in English; The West have different definitions to apologies than the East. Since the report proved that the striking differences are between the East and the West, I will be discussing the differences in apologies between the Swedish and the Chinese.


When it comes to the Chinese, or if speaking on a, studies have shown that, saying sorry is a pretty common practice and they apologize to show respect, or express grief. Apologies are quite common and used almost everyday, there is a chart for those too. For example; there is a certain word for sorry in Chinese which is only used when a dish is broken by accident. Using grammatically correct words is also seen as noble in China. Older people tend to get offended when youngsters use crude apologies to them. People apologize on many occasions in China. It’s customary to apologize to friends and relatives if leaving a place or leaving to go to the restroom. So, we can conclude that the Chinese take apologies very seriously and one’s way of apologizing also determines themselves in the eyes of others .


An article submitted by Business News Daily summarizes the cultural differences in apologies in Sweden from the rest of the world very well. In Sweden, punctuality is considered the most important virtue to have and in most cases it is probably the only time you’ll apologize in a day. Swedish people also appreciate honesty, so being frank about your wrongdoings is also greatly smiled upon in Sweden. Swedish people dont waste their time with lengthy apologies and reasons and instead just want you to acknowledge that you’re wrong and go on with your day. They believe that wasting your own and other’s time with meaningless rambling, defending yourself from a crime which is not even serious is useless.


Though, the idea of apologizing remains the same, the way of executing it and when we execute it is different. In China, apologies are used as words that show respect and understanding. Being a cultural country, the apologies are important and are focused on a lot. Even though the culture of using different apologies for different scenarios is wearing out, saying the right thing at the right time is still considered useful in China.

While in Sweden, apologies are sort of abbreviated and shortened. Apologizing does not hurt anyone, not apologizing can. An example to really tell the difference between the apologies in China and Sweden. If a friend informs a Chinese person of a bad thing that’s coming his/her way. Their first reaction would be to say sorry and see if there’s anything they can do to help but a Swedish person informed of the same thing would first admit that it’s bad and offer help. They don’t think an apology is necessary.

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