
Student Corner


The Banned Fun Park
- Sumedha Adhikari - 29036, Gra ... 18 December, 2023

Once upon a time, a city named California had a fun park named dream land. Many years ago, it used to be a very crowded place but after hearing the story of a woman that got murdered

mysteriously. It got banned. No one had gone there since. And at last it got abandoned. There were some houses near the funpark. It didn't really matter but suddenly the people who were living near the fun park, started worrying. They also started being scared. Soon, they started to leave the houses. Before there were twenty two houses near the fun park but afterwards there were only 5 houses. It was quite mysterious and suspicious at the same time because the people who were living at the same houses were very happy and didn't want to leave the houses.

The other five houses were also about to leave because of the mysterious thing. Horror days were passing through. And after a few days there were only four houses left altogether. The other family also left the suspicious place. The fun park named  "Dream Funpark"  was all over the TV and in all newspapers. 

After hearing the incident of the fun park and the houses a boy named "Ben" came to the place with his whole group. Ben was a detective who knew everything about murders, mysterious places, houses and sounds when he researched. To identify what had happened he asked all the family who were living near the funpark. The families who were living near the funpark told everything to Ben including the murder and the deepest mystery of their house. The family told Ben that there were sounds of screaming and crying coming from the funpark. The family also told that, the crying and screaming sounds were coming from the funpark which was banned 8 and half

years ago. The family also said that the crying and screaming sounds were of a little kid. And it sounded like the sounds were coming from inside the house only. So, the

families left the house. After hearing what had happened, Ben decided to stay in one house with his group and identify what was the problem. Ben also remembered the words that the

families told. The families said that, the crying and screaming sound only came at


Ben started keeping CCTV cameras. After a few hours it was night. Then, like the people said, there came the Sound of crying and screaming. When Ben heard the sound and went downstairs with his group. He took his way to the funpark which was banned, many years ago. 

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What makes us human?
- Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, G ... 15 December, 2023

We all are human but What makes us human is a very significant question. We have existed on this planet for thousands of years. We have explored most of the places on this planet. After that we have landed on other planets but is this what makes us human? Do the discoveries we made make us a human or the destruction we have caused? This question can be answered in a very versatile manner. All of the 8  billion people living on this planet might give different answers to this question but in the end all their answers will be correct. We all are human. We should have an idea or opinion on this question. We all should be able to give an answer to this question.

Firstly, languages and our Ability to communicate. We humans are the only animals who can communicate with each other. Communicating is also done by other animals but we are much more efficient than other animals. With the ability to communicate we can express our imagination and emotions. We can express what we think of others and what we think should happen. Thousands of languages are spoken here. Some may be difficult to learn but some may be easy. There are so many languages that it creates diversity in the population. But this diversity is what brings unity in us. We are special because we are very diverse. Sometimes it's difficult to understand each other because there is so much diversity in our cultures, traditions, religions, languages etc.

We are also special because we have empathy and sympathy.  Our ability to understand each other is very high. We are able to cooperate with each other and establish bonds to promote cultures and traditions, we are able to care for others etc. Everyone has their own skill set and their own capacity. Some are able to understand each other whereas some people just don't seem to get an idea about a certain topic. We can choose what we can or what we should do. We humans have evolved so much and passed through so many generations that life now is much more simpler and easier than before. We can compare the ancient civilization throughout the world to present the country and we can see the comfort in this modern era. Every single day we are evolving or passing through a new generation. Everyday new discoveries are made in lots of different sectors like science, mathematics etc. Everyday we get to know new things not only just about our world but also different things. We may learn these things on the internet or at school. We human beings are very compassionate creatures. We have such a strong imagination. This ability is very very powerful.

We have been able to adapt to this earth all this time. Humans survived in the ‘ice age’ because they were able to adapt to the environment. They were able to think about what they should be doing. Other times such as during the spread of a disease or any virus we choose to not go out very often because we were trying to adapt to a new lifestyle where we can be safe from diseases and viruses. Some people may not be able to adapt to certain situations. For example we can take one person from a very mountainous region and migrate them towards the Tarai area; it will be very difficult for them to adapt to a new lifestyle. They would be used to wearing thick clothes and eating warm food but in the ride they will feel very very hot to the point where they will feel like it's difficult for them to survive. As new generations begin to pass our genes will get advanced and persistent. Genes improve by themselves. We were able to survive through different periods on this earth because our genes were able to modify themselves to be able to adapt to the environment in that situation.

Our development in technology and innovations has recently been growing at a very rapid rate. Our ability to use them has also been developing. We are able to use AI and other technological items to our advantage for a very long time. We have shown signs of development like never before. This growth has also helped us improve our lifestyle and change our personality. We are also  versatile creatures for the same reason. We are also good at reasoning and we can also justify what is right and what is wrong. We may be able to justify based on statements or evidence. 

In conclusion, to be human, the human race should advance from its efficiency, do things differently and adapt with the changing circumstances.

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दैनिकी लेखन , २०८० कार्तिक ६ गते सोमबार
- Subigya Raj Kharel - 29065, G ... 15 December, 2023

आज महानवमी भएको कारणले म अरू दिनभन्दा चाँडै उठेँ। म यस दिन गाडीपूजाको लागि निकै उत्साहित थिएँ । मेरी आमाले मलाई पनि गाडी सफा गर्ने काममा सघाउन तल आँगनमा बोलाउनुभयो। म झटपट नित्य कर्म सकेर तलतिर कुदेँ। गाडी त लगभग सफा भइसकेको भए पनि मेरो साइकल सफा गर्न बाँकी रहेछ। मैले पानीले साइकल पखालेर चिटिक्क बनाएँ। त्यसपछि नुहाएर सांस्कृतिक पहिरन लगाएर पूजाको लागि तयार भएँ । त्यतिखेरसम्म बुबा आमाले पूजाको सरसामान ठिक्क पारिसक्नुभएको थियो । नरिवल, रातो सेतो कुल, पूजाको थाली, फूल, मिठाई, सेलरोटी, धूप दीपले भरिएको नाङ्लो साँच्चै सुन्दर देखिएको थियो । हामीले पालैपालो सबै सवारी साधनको पूजा गरेर नरिवल फोड्यौँ; तुल बाँध्यौँ; शंख, घण्टी र मङ्गलधुनको  आवाजले वातावरणलाई पवित्र बनायौँ। केही तस्वीरहरू खिचेपछि हामीले चिया र सेलरोटी खाँदै कुराकानी गर्‍याैँँ। हामी दिउँसोतिर वसन्तपुर दरबार परिसर घुम्न जाने र बेलुकापख मामाघर जाने योजना बनायौँ। 

बिहानको खाना खाएर हामी तयार भयौँ । म वर्षको एकपटक मात्र खुल्ने तलेजु भवानीको मन्दिर देख्न उत्सुक थिएँ ।  वसन्तपुर दरबारलाई हनुमानढोका दरबार पनि भनिँदो रहेछ। त्यहाँ मल्लकालका राजाहरूको दरबार रहेछ । दक्षिणपट्टि तीन तल्ले मन्दिर थियो जहाँ जीवित देवी कुमारी बस्दी रहिछन्। त्यहाँ हनुमानको ठुलो मूर्ति पनि थियो। प्यागोडा शैलीका धेरै मन्दिरहरू पनि थिए । हाम्रा राष्ट्रनिर्माता पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले बनाएको नौतल्ले मन्दिर पनि देखियो साथै शिव पार्वती मन्दिर, महेश्वर मन्दिर, काष्ठमण्डप मन्दिर आदि पनि हामीले देख्यौँ । यी मन्दिरहरूका झ्याल ढोकामा सुन्दर बुट्टा कुँदिएका रहेछन्। हामी कला र संस्कृतिमा कति धनी रहेछौँ भन्ने कुरा मलाई अनुभव भयो ।  हामीले कालभैरव, श्वेत भैरवको पनि दर्शन गर्‍याैँँ। तलेजु भवानीको मन्दिरमा भने दर्शनार्थीहरूको ठुलै भीड रहेछ । त्यसदिन मन्दिरअगाडि पशुवली पनि दिइने रहेछ।  भुईँभरि परेवाका हुल, निलो आकाश, घण्टीको आवाज र मेरो उत्साहित मन कताकता मिलेको जस्तो अनुभव भइरहेको थियो। तर त्यहाँका धेरै मन्दिर र भवनहरू भने महाभूकम्पले ढलेका, कुनै टेको लगाएर राखिएका रहेछन्। युनेस्कोले विश्वसम्पदा सूचीमा राखेको यो दरबार क्षेत्रको उचित मर्मत र संरक्षण नहुँदा मलाई दुःख पनि लाग्यो । समग्रमा भन्नुपर्दा  यस छोटो भ्रमणले मलाई शिक्षा र मनोरञ्जन दुवै प्रदान गर्‍याे।

दिउँसोको घुमाइपछि साँझपख म आफ्ना बुबाआमासँग मेरो मामाघर कौशलटार गएँ । म मामाघर नगएको धेरै दिन भैसकेको थियो। त्यसैले म मेरा मामामाइजू र हजुरबुबा हजुरआमालाई भेट्न पाएकोमा निकै खुसी थिएँ । दिनभरिको थकाइले चुर भए पनि मलाई मिठो लाग्ने आलु चप र बुनिँया देखेर म मक्ख परेँ। खुसीसाथ खाइसकेपछि मैले तास खेल्ने प्रस्ताव राखेँ। सबैले मेरो प्रस्तावलाई स्वीकार गरेर तास खेलियो। मैले तासमा पैसा जितेपछि म झनै मक्ख परेँ। केहीबेर कुराकानी गरेर बेलुकाको खाना खाएपछि राति हामी सबैजना सँगै बसेर पारिवारिक चलचित्र हेर्‍याैँ । चलचित्र सकिँदा त घडीले एघार बजाइसकेछ। आमाले भोलि बिहान सबेरै घर जानुपर्छ भन्दै मलाई सुत्न पठाउनुभयो तर म भने आजको जस्तो रमाइलो दिनको दैनिकी नलेखी बस्न सकिनँ, त्यसैले दैनिकी लेख्न बसेँ। भोलि विजया दशमीको दिन आफ्ना मान्यजनबाट टीका जमरा थाप्न जाँदा कति रमाइलो हुने होला भन्ने कल्पना गर्दा गर्दै निकै अबेर पनि भएछ। अब दैनिकी अन्त्य गरी सुत्नुपर्ला।

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My Trip to Pikey Peak
- Bimarsh Raj Ghimire - 30064, ... 15 December, 2023

On this year's Dashain holiday, I went to Pikey Peak, located in Solukhumbu. It is one of the most popular trekking sites in Nepal. The height of the base camp is 4000 metres, and the full trip lasts about 6 days. To reach the starting point in Solukhumbu, we took a night bus there and spent our first day in a hotel. On the second day, we woke up early, took our breakfast, and headed off to start our journey ahead. Even in the beginning, the view there was amazing, as the road was near the edge of a type of cliff that was very wide. We could see many mountains from a clear view right there. Then, we started walking uphill for about 3 or 4 hours after finally reaching our destination to take lunch. We continued this process of walking for a certain amount of time and then stopping at a place for a break every few hours until finally, about 11 hours from the start, we reached our first destination point, ate dinner, and spent our night there. On the second day, we once again woke up early, took our breakfast, and headed off to start walking. On this day, the view was incredible; the entire sky was purely dark blue with no clouds, as if it were a filter in real life. And on the way, there were so many beautiful and exotic flowers of various colours. We took our first break where there was a small viewpoint from the edge of the hill, took a small break there, and once again continued our journey. Our second stop was at a type of cottage where we ate our lunch and rested for about an hour. Thankfully, she could continue with assistance. On the first day, I did not walk very fast because I took my time, but on the second day, I was bored, so I started walking ahead of everyone, and once they were out of sight, I would wait for them to reach me and then continue on my way. Finally, we reached the last destination before the viewpoint and spent the rest of the evening and night there. On the last day, I woke up at 3 a.m. early in the morning, added up my extra layers of clothes, and headed off to conquer the hill. At first, we reached the top of the wrong hill by accident and had to climb halfway down to get to the other. At first, I was in a large group of people, including the professional hikers who had also come there. And I somehow managed to keep a lead even though my muscles were sore and aching. In the end, even after waiting every 5 minutes for people to catch up so I would not get lost, I managed to keep a record that might even be the world record for climbing from the bottom to the top of the viewpoint in just 58 minutes! The destined time for you to reach there was 1 hour and 30 minutes, so you would reach just a few minutes before daybreak to get the picture for the golden hour. But since I had arrived so early, I got some time to rest. When the sun started rising, I took my gloves off to click the pictures, but then it was so cold that my hands felt so cold that my fingers felt as if they were about to fall off, so I could only take a couple of pictures before my hands felt so cold that I could not even sense them anymore. After this, we were on our way down, but then, suddenly, a dog came out of nowhere and started following us. It went viral for following tourists and leading them to the viewpoint, or the way downhill. Then we gave it some food, and for some reason, it seemed to take a liking to me, and it followed us through the rough and tough path to the first destination. There was a place to rest, but the wind was so strong that it was not just figuratively making us feel like someone was shaking us ever so slightly from the back until eventually we bent. The wind was so strong that it crashed against the tin so hard that it felt as if the house would get blown away by the wind, but thankfully it did not. The dog seemed to live there, as it was also friendly with the owner, and the owner seemed to know him well. But for some reason, the dog was so loyal to me that it kept on following us, I guessed, because rather than just giving it food, I had petted and played with it a little bit. After hours and hours of walking, which they were, after a total of 11 hours with no destinations to stop at, we finally reached a hotel at 4 p.m. There, we all stayed for the night out of exhaustion, and the next day I was probably the only one who could go for a long time out of my family—my father, who had fainted for a slight moment yesterday out of exhaustion—and my mother, whose health was already worsening. So, we woke up early in the morning once again at 3, packed our bags, and headed home back to Kathmandu in a jeep.


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सुन्दर दिन
- Shabdika Nepal - 28029, Grade ... 14 December, 2023

बग्दछ सुन्दर दृष्य बनाएर 

सेतो, निलो पानी पहेंलो किनार 

सफा चिसो पानी हेर न बगेको 

बगाई किनारको माटो लगेको। 

हेर्दै थिएँ  पानीमा आफ्नै मुहार 

झस्किएँ सुनेर कसैको गुहार 

अलि पर नदीमा कोही रहेछ 

नदीले बगाई लैजान खोजेछ।

उसलाई त्यहाँ देख्दा मेरो मन 

निकै नै आत्तियो खै किन हो किन 

हेरेर त्यसरी बस्न म सकिनँ 

हाम फाली गएँ उसलाई लिन । 

पौडी खेल्दै गएँ ऊ भएको ठाउँ 

किनारामा ल्याएँ सफा गरेँ घाउ 

अनि खुले उसका आँखा साना साना 

रहेन मेरो त खुसीको सिमाना। 

आफैँमाथि निकै गर्व गरेँ मैले 

कसैको जीवन बचाएँछु मैले 

उसले मलाई धन्यवाद दियो 

त्यसै गरी त्यो दिन सुन्दर भयो। 

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Culture Appropriation or Cultural Appreciation
- Aarav Timilsina - 28028, Grad ... 13 December, 2023

Most people believe their culture is theirs to embrace. In Nepal people are deeply fond of their culture and make no hesitation to show that. Our pride lies in our cultural beauty and we openly gesture our admiration for our culture by wearing cultural clothes, cooking cultural cuisines and partaking in cultural forms of entertainment. Not only the Nepalese, everyone has their unique and diverse culture but if one takes interest in another’s culture that act is immediately considered cultural appropriation. The act of taking a cultural, racial or social group’s ornaments, costume, beliefs and mannerisms and making a mockery of them is known as Culture Appropriation . 


Now, Culture Appropriation is a highly debated and controversial topic. The depths of what is considered cultural appropriation is not specified . There is a blurry line between culture appropriation and cultural appreciation. Culture appropriation is the act of actually admiring and understanding the significance of one’s culture. If someone is genuinely intrigued by another's culture and wants to honor it by means of his/her choice, it’s not at all insulting or mocking that specific culture. Here’s an example of cultural appropriation or culture appreciation. If Sarah, a woman of Christian religion bought a Holy Muslim Quran but put it on a shelf, it’s considered cultural appropriation as Sarah is not able to realize the significance of mistreating the Quran for the muslim community. But if Sarah bought a Quran, acknowledged its influence and followed the religiously correct manner of storing it. It will be considered cultural appropriation as she is respecting the community and their guidelines. The fashion industry has a major role in developing the blurry line that I previously mentioned. The popular cosmetics and clothing brand ‘Victoria’s Secret’ had in the past organized a fashion runway where the clothes seemed to closely resemble exaggerated versions of indigenous Native American clothes . The viewers were divided into two. Ones who think that their approach was normal and the ones who believe their dresses were offensive to Native Americans. The argument was that if  culture should not be owned and anyone should be able to represent or admire it or culture is the representation of a community and others should not be able to morph it into something that truly undermines its meaning. The war bonnet for the Red Indians is an accessory of high honor, strength and courage and only given to the bravest, most respectable warriors. Modern Media has also played a supporting role in normalizing cultural appropriation. Blackface, Whiteface, Asian-fishing etc are truly outrageous and offensive to the respective races.  Going as far as changing your own structure to match someone else’s hereditary  genes is absolutely confusing and queer.


At the end of the day, culture is free and not supposed to be owned by anyone or any group but the group can enforce rules and customs to make their own culture shine. I personally feel admiring and taking part in culture is great as long as you are understanding and respectful. Culture is just an idea, it’s a collection of art and a way of living life. People who call out other people for simply enjoying their lives just because they think positively about their culture are wrong and have nothing else to be angry about.


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दसैँको मेरो मन पर्ने दिन
- Yavna Sharma - 29066, Grade V ... 13 December, 2023

सातौँ कक्षामा पढ्दा दसैँको पर्वले मेरो मनमा असाधारण स्थान ओगटेको छ । यो उत्सव, परम्परा र विशाल सांस्कृतिक महत्त्वको समय हो। दसैँका धेरै रमाइलो दिनहरूमध्ये, मलाई मनपर्ने विजया दशमीको पूजनीय अवसर थियो, दसाैँ दिन, खराबमाथि राम्रोको विजयको प्रतीक। यो विशेष दिन जीवन्त परम्पराहरू, पारिवारिक मिलन, र समुदायको गहिरो भावनाले भरिएको अनुभव थियो ।

दसैँ नेपालको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण र लामो चाड हो, जसले धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक र सामाजिक आयामहरूको मिश्रण समावेश गर्दछ । यसका जराहरू हिन्दू पौराणिक कथाहरूमा गहिरो रूपमा सम्मिलित छन्, यसको ध्यान खराबमाथि राम्रोको विजयमा केन्द्रित छ। जौको बीउ छर्ने प्रतीकको रूपमा घटस्थापनाबाट सुरु हुने यो पर्व १५ दिनसम्म चल्छ र विजयादशमीको दिन समापन हुन्छ।

दसैँ पछाडिको कथा देवी दुर्गा र राक्षस महिषासुर बीचको पौराणिक युद्धमा निहित छ। यो पर्वले नौ दिन र रात लामो युद्धपछि देवी दुर्गाको द्वेषपूर्ण राक्षसमाथिको विजयको सम्झना गर्दछ । दसाैँ दिन, विजया दशमीमा उनको विजय, खराबीमाथि राम्रोको अन्तिम विजयको प्रतीक हो ।

दसैँ २०८०को विजया दशमीको दिनमा मेरो अनुभव एक बहु-स्तरीय उत्सव थियो जुन घरमा प्रार्थनाको सुमधुर मन्त्रहरूमा जागरणबाट सुरु भएको थियो। हाम्रो परिवारले अनुष्ठानको लागि तयारी गरेकोले हावा प्रत्याशा र श्रद्धाको साथ चार्ज गरिएको थियो। बिहानको औपचारिक रूपमा टीका लगाई, निधारमा सिन्दुरको छाप र जेष्ठ नागरिकबाट आशीर्वाद लिएर सुरु भएको थियो । यो कार्य कर्मकाण्ड मात्र नभई हाम्रो सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाको सार झल्काउने पारिवारिक माया र सम्मानको मूर्त स्वरूप थियो ।

हाम्रो घर गतिविधिको केन्द्र थियो, प्रार्थनाको गुञ्जन, धूपको सुगन्ध र परम्परागत परिकारहरूको उत्कृष्ट सुगन्धले गुन्जिरहेको थियो। वातावरण जीवन्त थियो र एक जुट्ताको भावना स्पष्ट थियो जब हामीले दिनको उत्सवहरूको लागि आफूलाई तयार गर्‍याैँं ।

आफन्तको घरमा भेटघाट दिनको महत्त्वपूर्ण पक्ष थियो । हाम्रो उत्कृष्ट परम्परागत पोसाकमा सजिएको, मेरो परिवारले आशीर्वाद र शुभकामना आदानप्रदानको रमाइलो यात्रा सुरु गर्‍याे। दसैँको सारलाई पारिवारिक सम्बन्ध सुदृढ गर्ने र साम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव बढाउने समयको रूपमा झल्काउँदै अन्तरक्रियाहरू न्यानो र आनन्दले भरिएका थिए।

चङ्गा उडाउने एउटा रोमाञ्चक परम्परा थियो जसमा म मेरा साथीहरूसँग उत्सुकतापूर्वक सहभागी भएँ । आकाशलाई रङ्गीन चङ्गाहरूले रङ्गिएको थियो, खराबीमाथि असलको विजयको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दै। चङ्गा उचाल्ने र मैत्रीपूर्ण प्रतिस्पर्धामा भाग लिने कलाले एकता र उत्सवको भावनालाई बढाउँदै आनन्द र सौहार्दको तत्त्व थप्यो।

साँझमा, हाम्रो घर परम्परागत सङ्गीतको सुमधुर स्वर र तेलको बत्तीको न्यानो चमकले गुन्जिन्थ्यो। सांस्कृतिक रीतिरिवाज र रीतिरिवाजमा सामूहिक सहभागिताले हाम्रो सम्पदाप्रति श्रद्धा र सम्बन्धको भावनालाई बढावा दिँदै दिनको आध्यात्मिकतालाई अझ बढाएको थियो।

दिनको शिखर भव्य भोज थियो। सेल रोटीको स्वादिलो ​​स्वाददेखि विभिन्न मासुका परिकारको सुगन्धित स्वाद र खिर र लड्डूको मिठासपूर्ण परिकारले टेबुललाई सजाइएको थियो । यो पर्व पाक उत्कृष्टताको मात्रै नभई हाम्रो सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाको सम्मानको उत्सव थियो।

दिनलाई प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दै, अनुभवहरू अनुष्ठानहरूको उत्सव मात्र थिएन तर सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक र व्यक्तिगत मूल्यहरूको मूर्त रूप थियो । दसैँको पर्व धार्मिक जोसभन्दा बढी प्रतीक हो; यसले परम्परा, समुदाय र नेपाली पहिचानको सारलाई प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दछ। यो एक उत्सव हो । जसले पारिवारिक बन्धन, सामुदायिक भावना, र सांस्कृतिक गौरवलाई बढावा दिन्छ, हाम्रा पुर्खाहरूको विरासतलाई प्रतिध्वनित गर्दछ।

अन्त्यमा, दसैँ २०८०को मनपर्ने दिन प्रेम, एकता र हाम्रो सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाको समृद्ध कपडाले बुनेको टेपेस्ट्री थियो । यो एक दिन थियो जुन अनुष्ठान मात्र होइन तर पारिवारिक सम्बन्धको सार र चाडलाई परिभाषित गर्ने गहिरो सांस्कृतिक मूल्यहरूलाई पनि सम्मानित गर्‍यो । दसैँ एउटा चाड मात्र होइन; यो परम्परा, मूल्यमान्यता र एकताको टेपेस्ट्री हो, जसले नेपालमा सातौँ कक्षाको विद्यार्थीको रूपमा मेरो हृदयमा अमिट छाप छोडेको छ।

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