
Student Corner

The Banned Fun Park

Written by: Sumedha Adhikari - 29036, Grade VII

Posted on: 18 December, 2023

Once upon a time, a city named California had a fun park named dream land. Many years ago, it used to be a very crowded place but after hearing the story of a woman that got murdered

mysteriously. It got banned. No one had gone there since. And at last it got abandoned. There were some houses near the funpark. It didn't really matter but suddenly the people who were living near the fun park, started worrying. They also started being scared. Soon, they started to leave the houses. Before there were twenty two houses near the fun park but afterwards there were only 5 houses. It was quite mysterious and suspicious at the same time because the people who were living at the same houses were very happy and didn't want to leave the houses.

The other five houses were also about to leave because of the mysterious thing. Horror days were passing through. And after a few days there were only four houses left altogether. The other family also left the suspicious place. The fun park named  "Dream Funpark"  was all over the TV and in all newspapers. 

After hearing the incident of the fun park and the houses a boy named "Ben" came to the place with his whole group. Ben was a detective who knew everything about murders, mysterious places, houses and sounds when he researched. To identify what had happened he asked all the family who were living near the funpark. The families who were living near the funpark told everything to Ben including the murder and the deepest mystery of their house. The family told Ben that there were sounds of screaming and crying coming from the funpark. The family also told that, the crying and screaming sounds were coming from the funpark which was banned 8 and half

years ago. The family also said that the crying and screaming sounds were of a little kid. And it sounded like the sounds were coming from inside the house only. So, the

families left the house. After hearing what had happened, Ben decided to stay in one house with his group and identify what was the problem. Ben also remembered the words that the

families told. The families said that, the crying and screaming sound only came at


Ben started keeping CCTV cameras. After a few hours it was night. Then, like the people said, there came the Sound of crying and screaming. When Ben heard the sound and went downstairs with his group. He took his way to the funpark which was banned, many years ago.