
Student Corner


Living Forever Blessing or Curse
- Sambridhi Gelal - 29063, Grad ... 22 December, 2023

The world is getting developed with time and generations and as more new generations are developing the world, there are many chances that the human being or Artificial intelligence (AI) can discover a formula in future that would enable us to live forever. Although it feels like it is impossible for human beings to discover some formulas like this, as we can see that humans have already discovered Artificial Intelligence. So, they can also discover a formula that would enable us to live .

If someone discovered formulas, it can be a blessing for some years but slowly when people are born they will not be able to die, due to the lack of air, land, water, natural resources and because of overpopulation, it can slowly turn into a curse. It is the rule of nature that when a person is born, he/she must face death but if everyone is not able to die naturally, then the earth would not be able to handle it. There will be the lack of necessary things like air, food, oxygen, land, water, natural resources, etc. So, I would take this as a curse than a blessing. 

If someone really found the formula, some people can take this as a blessing because they can think that they would not be separated from their loved ones and they can forever be with their loved ones. It can be a blessing but only for a few years because not only their loved ones, many people will not face natural death and the world will be overly populated.


According to the data, around 40 million people naturally die in a year and if they all will stop to die we cannot even imagine how much populated the world will be. Not only that all the beings would have to live wearing oxygen masks all the time, because all the trees and plants will be cut to make buildings, houses, furniture etc and because of that we will not even get really necessary things like oxygen, food, medicine, clothes etc. Global Warming will also rise because of pollution and because of the lack of natural resources. And because of that the people will suffer more dangerous and scary death than the natural one. Therefore, it is a bad and dangerous idea if someone discovered a formula that would enable us to live forever and it would be a curse rather than a blessing.

Therefore, most of the deaths are natural. It was a natural death in the past. Natural death is happening today as well but there are some chances that in the future, human beings will be able to discover a formula that would enable us to live forever, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Because of this, there are the risks that, in future we can suffer more dangerous and scary death because of lack of oxygen, water, land, natural resources etc. Also of global warming, there is the possibility of wearing oxygen masks in the future.

Hence, we can say that discovering a formula could enable us to live forever is a curse more than a blessing.Because we should not go beyond the rules of nature and it can harm us. Human or AI discovering a formula that would enable us to live forever, would probably be a curse.


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The Story That Is Written In Blood
- Anushree Acharya - 28002, Gra ... 21 December, 2023

On a dark rainy night, she was exploring the forest. To her aid she had her cellphone, some food and a torchlight. To be honest, she was not just looking to explore the forest, she was looking for something - or someone who disappeared on this exact trail. While walking, she came across a tall tree. As she was tired and drenched in water, she went under the tree. There she fell asleep. When she woke up, the sky had cleared. She looked around and saw the mud was all sticky. Then she saw her legs. There was something going down. It was bloodRed, dark blood

She stood there shocked. She slowly looked up. The blood dripped in her forehead and it slowly made its way to her cheek then her neck. She stood there, baffled. On top of her was a body, stabbed and shot. There was one bullet hole on the stomach of the body. The blood drained from her face. It was her sister.

The body was of Lorel, the sister and the only family member of Luna - known as the best detective in the town But she was never satisfied with her life. 

After the incident with her sister, she reported it to the authorities and went to her work station. She thought she had no right to cry until she found the murderer. She remembered the incident with her dad, mom and brother. Just three years ago, her dad had died - in the exact same way! No one found out who murdered him. She was sobbing at his funeral and at that time her sister came and told her, “Why are you sobbing? You and I have no right to sob. Our dad is murdered and no one knows anything. You should not be crying, instead get up and plan how you are going to get revenge for dad. So, you are not allowed to cry. Get up and prepare yourself.” These words rang in her head in the present time. She was searching what was going on when something in her head clicked - The death of her family. She took out the file of her dad, mom, and brother. They were murdered as well. The first person to die was her dad. He was found hanging in a public restroom. He was stabbed once and shot four times. Next was her mother. Two years ago, her mom was the one who died. Same way - she was found hanging in her cabin of her office - stabbed and shot three times. One year ago her brother was found dead - stabbed and shot two times and today, her sister - stabbed and shot one time.  

There were two things that were clear. First, her whole family was killed in the difference of one year and two, she was next. The bullet holes indicated who all were left to die and the bullet in her sister’s stomach being one meant there was only one remaining to die and it was her. She also knew another thing, to catch this person, she would have to wait till the person came to kill her because this person left no markings of him or her. So she decided to wait,

The wait was finally over. It was the day her sister died. She was dejected at the death of her sister as she was really close to her. She remembered the conversation she had with her before she went missing:

“You feeling sad Lorel?”

She wiped her tears and said, “Yes, but you do remember what I said to you during dad’s funeral right?”


“Yes, that is why I became a detective”


“Don’t ever cry again. Take revenge. Even when I die”


“Stop! Don’t ever say such things. Why will you die? I will protect you”


“Oh really! You will protect me! Ha, look who’s talking”


“Of course I will! You are the only one I have”


“But promise me, you will never cry, even if I die”


“You won’t die, but ok. I promise”


She had then kissed my cheek and said she would go out for a stroll in the forest. It was her favourite place. But she never returned.


Remembering all this I couldn’t help but cry and I cried bitterly. “Why couldn’t I-I s-save her? Why couldn’t ha-have I been the o-one w-w-who died?” 


“I’m sorry Lorel, I broke my promise” I said that after collecting myself. “But no more tears, it’s time for revenge. But I knew it was not going to be easy to track that person nor could I easily defeat that person. So I needed to hatch a plan. I decided to do one thing. I called my husband. Him and I were high school sweethearts. We had been dating since we were 16 and later got married when I was 23. Right now I am 28. I called him and decided that I would share my location with him. And if I was in an unknown or remote place, he would inform the police. The plan was simple. I would be sharing my location with my husband and I would stay on the beach. If my location changed, he would contact the police. 

With this plan I went out to the beach and started waiting for Mr. Murderer. To be honest, I was excited to know who was the one who killed my whole family and was after me. The battle had officially begun at this time.

It had been two hours of wait. No movement, I decided nothing was going to happen and started heading back home. Suddenly, a person came from behind and covered my mouth. Then injected me with a tranquilliser and I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I was in a cabin. Tied to a chair. My phone was on the table. By now my husband must have already shared my location to the police. Now it was time to keep that person busy. So when that person came, I asked, “Why are you doing this? What have I or my family done to you?” No response.

The person brought me some food and kept it in my lap. I threw the plate away. One piece of the plate fell near me and I got it with my shoe. The person went and brought me another plate of food and this time he fed me. After feeding me, the person went to collect the pieces of the plate. What was taking the police so long?

I started screaming, “Why are you doing this? You will not be spared. My husband will come looking for me, you know that? Then you will be rotting in jail” 

The person turned around, lifted my leg and took the piece of plate from me. Oh no! What was I going to do now? I decided to just wait. 

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the person came in. I started screaming again, “Let me go you idiot! What did you get by killing my family and what will you get by killing me?”

Suddenly there were police sirens. My face lit up. “Now you are gone.” I said confidently. All of a sudden the person came close to me and I felt a pain in my stomach. The sirens went away. The person said, “They are not there for you. They don’t even know you are here. Because I never told them to come and get you. As I am the one to kill your whole family and you. I am your husband.” 

A tear rolled down my face. “I am sorry Lorel, I couldn’t get revenge. But I am coming to you now.”


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मेरो सबैभन्दा प्यारो दसैँको दिन
- Rushka Sapkota - 29024, Grade ... 21 December, 2023

दसैँ, जसलाई बडा दसैँ पनि भनिएको छ, याे  नेपालमा र भारतका सिक्किम र पश्चिम बङ्गालका राज्यहरूमा मनाइने एक महत्त्वपूर्ण हिन्दू पर्व हो। संस्कृतमा, यसलाई विजया दशमी पनि भनिएको छ। नेपालका हिन्दुहरू र अन्य देशका क्षेत्रहरूमा, जस्तै भुटानका ल्होत्शम्पा मानिसहरू र म्यान्मारका गोर्खा मानिसहरूले पनि यसलाई मनाउँछन्। हिन्दू धर्ममा, पन्द्र दिनको दसैँ पर्व एक रमाइलो, पर्व हो जसमा प्रत्येक दिनलाई विशेष उद्देश्यका साथमा चिनाइएकाे छ र केही महत्त्वपूर्ण पुरातात्विक घटनाहरूको स्मरण गरिएको छ।  पहिले नौ दिनमा महिषासुर र दुर्गाको  रूपको बिचको सङ्घर्ष देखाइएको छ। उसलाई अन्ततः दसैँको  दसौँ  दिनमा दुर्गाले पराजित गरेकी  थिइन् ।

मलाई मन पर्ने दसैँको दिन यस लेखमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ। २०८०/०७/०७ को दसैँ मेरो मन पर्ने दिन थियो। त्यही बेला टीकाको दिन थियो । यस दिनमा, मानिसहरू आफ्ना  बाबुआमाबाट आशीर्वाद लिन्छन्  र निधारमा रातो टीका लगाउँछन्। दसैँको मलाई मन पर्ने दिन यही थियो ।

पहिले म साढे ५ बजे उठेको थिएँ किनकि म मेरो गाउँमा थिएँ ।  मेरा काकाहरू पनि त्यहाँ हुनुहुन्थ्याे । हामी सबै उठेर ताजा भएर बिहानको खाजा खायौँ । बिहानको खाजा खाइसकेपछि केही बेर रमाइलो गरेर कुरा गर्‍याैँं । त्यसपछि केही घण्टापछि हामीले खाजा पखायौँ। मेरो गाउँमा नेटवर्क नभएको तर बिजुली भएकोले टिभीले काम गर्‍यो त्यसैले म र मेरो भाइले केही बेर टिभी हेर्‍याै

टीकाकाे दिनमा हामी परिवारका सबै सदस्यहरू भेट्न थालेपछि म र मेरा दिदीबहिनीहरू तयार हुन लाग्यौँ । तयार भएर टीका लगाई आशीर्वाद लियौँ । टीकार सबै कुरा सकिएपछि  त्यही दिन पाठा काट्दै थियौँ । त्यसैले सबै केटाकेटीहरू एउटा कोठामा बसे र अरूले बोका काटेर हामीलाई बोलाइयो। २ वर्ष नेपाल नआएको मेरो दाइले याे काम गरेकाे देख्दा हामी  छक्क पर्‍याैँ र त्यो दिन आयो । त्यसैले म र मेरो दाइ मासु पोल्ना सुरु भयो। त्यसपछि हामी मासु खायौँ र सबै घर फर्कियौँ । म र मेरा आमाबुवा मेरो गाउँ घुम्न जानुहुन्थ्यो। गाउँमा गएर घर फर्किदा रातिको ९ बजिसकेको थियो र रातिको खाना खाएर सुत्न लाग्यौँ ।

त्यसरी नै दिन समाप्त भयो र यो साँच्चै रमाइलो भयो र मैले धेरै रमाइलो गरेँ। दसैँ साच्चै रमाइलो पर्व भए पनि यस वर्षको पर्व गत वर्षको जस्तै हुन सकेको छैन ।


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सहिदको रगत
- Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Gra ... 20 December, 2023

हिमाल  राम्रो तराई राम्रो अनि चुरे नि
यो देशमा शान्ति आउँदैन  जति कुरे नि 

दुइचार जना सज्जन व्यक्ति चाहिएको छ अब त

त्यतिकै खेर नजाओस्  हेर सहिदको रगत ।

ती कस्तुरी मृग यै देशमा नाच्छन्
यो देशको हिमाल हेरेर अरू सबै रमाउँछन्
नेपालदेखि नेपाली भनी रमाउँछ जगत
त्यतिकै खेर नजाओस्  हेर सहिदको रगत ।

देवी र देउता मन्दिर पनि यै देशमा पाइन्छन्
यिनको राम्रो सुरक्षा गर्न सज्जन चाहिन्छन्

हे आमा राम्रो सपुत यहाँ जन्माउ न अब त 

त्यतिकै खेर नजाओस्  हेर सहिदको रगत ।

रीतिरिवाज संस्कृति हाम्रो विश्वलाई  लोभ्याउने

यी हाम्रा संस्कार सुरक्षा कसाे गरी हाे जोगाउने

नराेकी चल्छ हातगोडा गल्छ सम्झदा अब त

त्यतिकै खेर नजाओस् हेर सहिदको रगत 


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Importance and International Value of English Language
- Subigya Raj Kharel - 29065, G ... 20 December, 2023

English stands as a global language, breaking down language barriers and serving international connections. It is recognized by the United Nations as one of its six official languages.  English’s origin can be traced back to the Germanic tribes in early Great Britain in around the 600 AD. It’s the third most spoken language in the world.

But it is not only those countries in which English is spoken, it is spoken all around the world. We all know the importance of English. It is like a bridge in international communication,  providing collaboration and understanding across diverse cultures. In an interconnected world, English is not just a tool, it's a necessity for those seeking opportunities in education, business, and diplomacy.

English dominates the internet, making it a vital skill for navigating online spaces. In education, fluency in English opens doors to prestigious schools and colleges globally, offering access to tons of knowledge. In the professional arena, English fluency enhances the chance of getting employed in any and every field, as many multinational companies operate in English, regardless of their location. Moreover, it helps in tourism, international business, diplomacy and social media usage.

Despite its global dominance, English has a lot of challenges and can be difficult to learn. Language barriers still exist, hampering effective communication and collaboration. To address this, individuals can take proactive steps to improve their English skills. Engaging in regular practice, whether through reading, writing, or having conversation is essential. Using language learning apps such as Duolingo, getting a language buddy, watching shows and movies in English, attending extra language classes, and engaging in English-speaking environments etc can also improve the learning process. To implement better English, schools and colleges in almost every country have continuously excelled in teaching English.

English has a significant influence on pop culture that exceeds national boundaries. English is the primary language used in entertainment, from famous books to our favourite songs and blockbuster films. The majority of films produced in Hollywood, the core of the film industry, are in English, which adds to the language's popularity. Prominent musicians also select English as their medium, ensuring that their lyrics strike a chord with listeners worldwide. This widespread culture highlights the language's popularity and highlights its function as a link between cultures in  a diverse world.

Additionally, English promotes scientific innovation and teamwork. English is the primary language used for the communication of most scientific papers, discoveries, and research. English is the language used by scientists and researchers around the world, enabling the easy sharing of concepts and findings. This linguistic connection promotes advancement in a variety of industries, including technology and health, highlighting the fact that English is more than just a language for communication, it’s a force for the development of human understanding and knowledge. English provides an intellectual bridge that connects people from different fields and continents in their pursuit of ground-breaking discoveries.

In conclusion, English's impact on a global scale is absolutely massive. From breaking down language barriers to serving as a key player in international affairs. Recognized by the United Nations and spoken as the first language in various countries, English is more than a means of communication; it's a gateway to global opportunities. By recognizing its importance and actively working to improve fluency, people can use the power of English to navigate the complexities of our globalized society.


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मेरो जीवनको लक्ष्य
- Unish Phuyal - 30070, Grade V ... 20 December, 2023

मानिसले आफ्नो जीवनमा एउटा लक्ष्य लिएर अघि बढ्नुपर्दछ । लक्ष्य  भन्नाले जीवन‌मा भोलि गएर के बन्ने ? अथवा कस्तो काम गर्ने ? भन्ने बुझिन्छ । हामीले आफूभित्र रहेकाे लक्ष्य तय गर्नुपर्छ । त्यसपछि आफ्नो लक्ष्य प्राप्त गर्नको नाम लागि समयको सही सदुपयोग गर्दै परिश्रम गर्नुपर्दछ र सफल भएरै छाेड्छु भन्ने सङ्‌कल्प गर्नुपर्दछ । सबैले सजिलै लक्ष्य प्राप्त गर्न सक्छन्, भन्न सकिँदैन । हरेक चुनाैतीहरूको डटेर सामना गर्दै सङ्घर्षका कदमहरू अघि  बढाएमा लक्ष्य प्राप्तिमा अवश्य पनि पुग्न सकिन्छ । म सानैदेखि विज्ञान विषयमा रुचि राख्ने विद्यार्थी हुँ र अहिले  पनि मलाई जीव विज्ञान सबैभन्दा मनपर्ने विषय हो । त्यसैले मलाई डाक्टर बनेर बिरामीकाे उपचार गर्न मन छ ।


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The Future of Online Education
- Aarav Yadav - 28025, Grade VI ... 19 December, 2023

Today, online education has been really helpful for many students. A screen which becomes a connection medium for differently located learners and educators giving current time. They can get an online degree without going to any physical schools. In the covid days, online education was really helpful to get through the pandemic. Online classes are an efficient way to study easily from your home without going anywhere. This is really convenient for some students who like to study from home. There are several online class courses with qualified teachers that help us get the same level of knowledge as going to a physical school.

We can access online education from all around the world. We can stay in Nepal and access an educational course in the US which can be really proficient. Online classes also have varieties of different courses which we can select from based on our preference. Also, there can be personalized courses which can help us get the particular course we are looking for. This makes our learning more effective and it can be an overall better learning experience for us. Online education has modern tools and facilities that help us build a better learning environment. We can have access to different websites/webpages which can further help us in our studies. Also, we have a visually pleasing environment for studies as well. We can engage in learning with students all around the world which can help us get further ideas about the particular topic. Being engaged in community learning can be really interactive. We can also get the view and idea of people from different countries. Online education helps you get easy access to knowledge and information. Also, you can pursue your interest at any age or time. These courses can help us with a lifetime of learning. You can upskill and learn new things at any point of your life. These skills can be really important in the competitive era of  the 21st century. Also, not everyone has the money and resources to go to a physical school. Then, online classes can help as it has a huge range of price margins that you can choose according to your budget. This way everyone gets their desired education.

Along with all these advantages, there are a few disadvantages too. To get access to online classes you need an electronic device such as a smartphone or a laptop. Also, you need a stable internet access to get a smooth experience with your online classes. People in the online classes may have connection issues and it would be hard when everyone spoke at the same time. It would be really hard for the teacher to manage all of them. You may also get distracted from your device and you may not be able to focus 100% on the online class.

Finally, if a good app with proper connection and management comes along, then online classes would be much more efficient. If this ever were to happen then we can be assured that online classes have a good future ahead. It may even be able to beat physical schools as it is more convenient as you have access to answer every question on your hands which is really helpful. Keeping all these things in your mind, Online schooling definitely has a better future ahead.

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खेलकुद सप्ताह
- Biplov Shrestha - 29009, Grad ... 19 December, 2023

खेलकुद सप्ताहमा म टेबलटेनिस, फुटबल र बास्केटबलमा थिएँ । पहिलो दिनमा मैले टेबलटेनिस मात्र खेलेको थिएँ किनभने पहिलो दिन फुटबल र बास्केटबल थिएन । मैले टिटीमा त्यति टाढा पुग्न सकिनँ किनभने म यसमा त्यति राम्रो थिइनँ । टेबलटेनिसमा हारेपछि म अरूलाई खेलेको हेर्न गएँ । म पहिले तेक्वान्दो हेर्न गएँ र तेक्वान्दोमा कुनै झगडा थिएन सामान्य अभ्यास मात्र हो र कसले छिटो अभ्यास पूरा गर्न सक्छ भन्ने कुरा थियो । मैले धेरैलाई हारेको देखेको र मेरो साथी संयम राईले अन्तिममा तेक्वान्दो जितेको देखेँ । मैले पनि केही बेर ब्याडमिन्टन हेरेँ  तर केही मिनेटपछि मात्र स्कुलमा घुमिरहेँ। दोस्रो र तेस्रो दिन अनुपस्थित थिएँ । चौथो र अन्तिम दिनमा त्यहाँ फुटसल र बास्केटबल थियो । हामीले पहिले बास्केटबल खेल्यौं र मैले फुटबलको जुत्ता लगाएकोले मलाई खेल्न अनुमति थिएन त्यसैले मैले अरूलाई खेलेको हेरेँ । बास्केटबल पछि हामी खाजा खान स्कुल फर्कियौँ  र त्यसपछि हामी फुटबल खेल्न फुटसल गयौँ । .पहिलो खेलमा मैले राम्रो खेल्न सकिनँ र कुनै गोल पनि गर्न सकिनँ र खेल २-२ को बराबरी भयो ।अर्को खेलमा प्रत्येक सदनका २ समूह भएकाले खेल्न सकिनँ ।हाम्रो सदन ५-० ले पराजित भयो । अर्को खेलमा मैले धेरै राम्रो खेलेको थिएँ र ३ गोल गरेँ र एक गोलमा असिस्ट पनि गरेँ र त्यो खेलमा हामीले ४-० ले जित्यौँ तर हाम्रो अर्को टोली हारे र बाहिर भयो । अर्को खेल सेमिफाइनल थियो । अर्को खेलमा मैले एक गोल गरेँ वा दुई गोल मैले बिर्सें र हामीले २-१ ले जित्यौँ  र म पनि डिफेन्स गर्दै थिएँ त्यसैले आक्रमण र डिफेन्स दुवै गर्दै थिएँ ।अर्कोतर्फ अन्य हाउसको खेल थियो । मेची हाउसले त्यो खेल ११-० ले जित्यो र मेरो साथी सन्देश कटवालले सबै गोल गरे। एघार गोल।अर्को दिन हामी फेरि बास्केटबल खेल्न गयौँ तर त्यहाँ फुटसल मैदान पनि थियो  । त्यसैले हामी एउटै ठाउँमा फुटबल र बास्केटबलको फाइनल खेल्यौँ ।पहिले केटीहरूले फुटबल खेलेँ । त्यसपछि सेमीमा हारेका सदनहरू तेस्रो स्थानका लागि फाइनल भिडन्त भयो । त्यसपछि हाम्रो खेल्ने पालो आयो र फुटबलको फाइनल थियो र हाम्रो सदनसँग मेची हाउस थियो ।पहिलो हाफमा मेची हाउसले दुई गोल गरेपछि दोस्रो हाफमा १ वा २ गोल गरेँ । बिर्सियो र खेल बराबरी भयो र मेची हाउसले फेरि गोल गर्‍यो र हामीले थप गोल गर्न सकेनौँ र मेचीले ४-२ को अङकले फाइनल जित्यो र हामी फुटबलमा दोस्रो बन्यौँ । बास्केटबलमा पनि मेचीले जित्यो । अन्तिम दिन पनि मेडल वितरण भएको थियो र हाम्रो सदनले केही पदक जित्यो तर मैले टेबलटेनिस, फुटबल र बास्केटबलमा जित्न नसकेकोले कुनै पदक जित्न सकिनँ । सबैभन्दा धेरै पदक जित्ने सदन मेची थियो ।

त्यो दिन फुटबलको फाइनलमा हारेपछि म दुखी थिएँ  ।मलाई यो खेल हप्ता धेरै मन पर्‍याे यद्यपि मैले कुनै पनि कुरा जितिन ।


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Outdoor and Indoor Activities
- Sherab Wongbu Sherpa - 30049, ... 19 December, 2023

Outdoor activities are games you play outside, like basketball, volleyball, badminton, cycling, and hiking. On the other hand, indoor activities are played inside, such as chess, ludo, carrom board, table tennis, yoga, and card games. People have different preferences, and while some like indoor games, I personally think outdoor activities are better.

Outdoor activities are great for staying fit because they involve a lot of movement, making your body stronger and healthier. Playing sports not only helps your physical health but also makes your mind feel better. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and sadness, making you feel good all around. Plus, when you play outside, you can make new friends.

There are many reasons why outdoor activities are good for you. They help keep you healthy and offer lots of benefits. One big advantage is that they keep your body in good shape and lower the chance of heart problems.

Another good thing is that outdoor activities help you learn how to work with others. When you play outside, you have to cooperate and talk with your friends, which helps you get better at working together.

Also, playing outdoor games lets you learn about different cultures. You get to see how other people do things, which helps you understand and appreciate their traditions.

In summary, outdoor activities are a great way to stay healthy and happy. They do not just help your body, but they also improve how you get along with others and teach you about different cultures. So, adding outdoor activities to your routine can make your life more enjoyable and healthy.


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- Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade ... 18 December, 2023

यही मिर्मिरे ज्योतिमा चराले गाउँछन्

हिमालका चुचुराहरू सुनौलो देखिने गरी टल्कन्छन्

अँध्यारो आकाशबाट चम्किलो सूर्य निस्कन्छ। 

सूर्यको ज्योतिसँग मिर्मिरे बिहानी सुरु हुन्छ

ज्योतिले सबैमा आशा ल्याउँछ

सुन्दर दिनको सुरुवात गर्छ

ज्योतिले सबैमा उज्यालो छर्छ 

अध्याँरो  अन्धविश्वासलाई हटाउँछ।। 

सुर्य, प्रकाश र चन्द्रमाको ज्योति

सबैले अन्धकारलाई हटाउँछन्

आशाको ज्योतिले निराशालाई हटाउँछ

शिक्षाको ज्योतिले सबैलाई ज्ञान बाड्छ । 

फैलाउनुपर्छ यसलाई हामीले

हरेक घर आँगनलाई चम्काउनुपर्छ

देशको उज्ज्वल भविष्य यसले नै बनाउँछ

विश्वमा देशको नाम यसैले चिनाउँछ।। 

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