
Student Corner

Time and Death

Written by: Aashrik Pathak - 24079, Grade XII

Posted on: 20 February, 2024

From the next field, 

Wearing a black shell 

Death secretly enters the village. 

Time boundary expires, 

The voyage stops, 

As if the porter has thrown a heavy load at a Chautari, 

Life stops, 

Time wears off and death gets entry! 


From one path to the other, 

Time and death wrestle simultaneously. 

Time wins the death penalty; 

Celebrates victory over death; 

Causes death; 

Hoisting a flag, Time declares a crusade. 

The time every time 

Turns like a wheel and comes again 

Playing a flute! 


He arrives laughing in the flames. 

But whatever way he comes 

Enthusiasm is always faded away 

And transitory present.