
Student Corner


Should Students Get Detained?
- Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Gr ... 23 May, 2023

According to an online dictionary, detaining means “keep (someone) from proceeding by holding them back or making claims on their attention.” Detaining or detention can be defined as a punishment given to people/ students for their rules violation. Traffic police and educational institutions practice detention. In the context of schools, it is globally practised. And, among those schools our school Sifal Secondary School is one of them. The schools are not detaining the students because they don’t like those students. Students are getting detained by the school because of their ‘hard to deal’ behaviour.

Detention is an effective disciplinary tool which consists of writing some lines, completing extra work or simply sitting quietly in a designated area. The main aim of the detention is not to humiliate them but to realise  their mistakes. In regard to its usefulness, it is shown to be effective as well because we can see the changes the students get after they get detained several times. Some of the children who have changed because of getting detained are right in our school. The children who were detained are now more confident, responsible, well-mannered and disciplined. Some students might not change after getting detained one time. However, after several times of getting detained, he/she is mostly likely to change their behaviour and become a better version of themselves. Detention is not only an effective disciplinary tool, but it is also an adequate form of punishment. I say that it is adequate form of punishment because detention does not include physical torture, harm or abuse.

I believe that students should get detained. Students often show different misbehaviours and speak with harsh statements. After a teacher gets the notice or notices the child’s misbehaviour, what does the teacher do? Ofcourse, scold them. But, what if the child keeps on repeating the same behaviour again and again. What does the teacher do? Scold them again. The child is also likely to ignore the scoldings given by their elders. Thus, giving detention is needed for those types of children. During the detention, they can be punished, not physically/mentally. They can be punished by making them confess their mistakes by letting them do their pending works or making them write something for their own benefit. Now, making a detention of a kid might sound bad. However, to make the child understand his/her mistakes, I say that it should be done. Otherwise, how else will the behaviour of the child improve or how else will the child learn his/her mistakes.

In a nutshell, students should get detained at school. Detention should be provided to students to make them realise their mistake and become a better version of themselves. 

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- Shuvee Lamichhane - 29033, Gr ... 23 May, 2023

रात्रि भयो सबैजना घरतिर लागे
चन्द्रमाको ज्योति हेरी सबै घर पुगे
अध्यारो आकाश भरी जुन तारा खेल्छन्
आकाशको आगनमा जुन तारा पढ्छन्।

चन्द्रमाकै प्रकाशले राति उज्यालो छ
रातभरि कल कल पानी सल सल हावा चल्छ
चन्द्रमा लागेको रात हावा पानी गाउँछन्
जुनकिरी र भ्यागुता नि सङ्गीतमा नाच्छन्।

तारा नभएको रात जुन उदास हुन्छ
त्यति बेला जुनलाई बादलले ढाक्छ
चन्द्रमाको प्रकाशले आकाश उज्यालो छ
चन्द्रमा नभएको रात अधिक अँध्यारो छ।

जुनेली रात भएमा अति रमाइलो छ
त्यही रात भरी गीत गाए रमाइलो छ
जुन तारा राति भरी आकाशमा बोल्छन्
आकाशको आँगनमा जुन तारा खेल्छन्।

माथि हेर्दा जुन तारा तल हेर्दा नदी
राति भरी कल कल पानी सल सल हावा चल्ने
अँध्यारो आकाश भरि जुन तारा खेल्छन्
आकाशको आँगनमा जुन तारा पढ्छन्।

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Invasion Of the Planets- Part 1
- Sherab Wongmnu Sherpa - 30049 ... 23 May, 2023

I was chilling on the beach drinking cold lemonade, when my mom screamed at me from the kitchen to get up, shattering my peaceful dream into pieces. I noticed that it was still snowing from yesterday night.

Then I went down to the kitchen wearing my grey pineapple pyjamas for breakfast. I simply ate poached eggs with bread and butter. Then I went to the toilet, and I wore a pastel blue sweater with a fleece layer jacket. Without any notice, mom burst into my room, calling my full name "OLIVER SMITH! Why are you wearing a fleece-layered jacket inside our house? It's not snowing here.". 

"But I have to go to school!" I replied. 

"Oh my goodness, it’s the winter holidays! You are a ninth grader, and you can’t remember if it’s the holidays or school!" she exclaimed. While she was babbling all those things. I carefully took off my jacket and sat down. I felt bored throughout the whole day. But the next day, there was some serious drama when I woke up. My mom was nowhere to be seen, but sooner or later I found out that she had left for a business trip. Then I was relieved and excited because I had the whole thing. The whole house to myself! While I was watching TV, I heard someone singing a random song by Justin Bieber while I was watching SpongeBob, and I just thought that my neighbour was singing, as she usually does. So I didn’t really mind it. But then the worst thing happened. I went to the kitchen,opened my lays and saw a disgusting creature. It jumped on my face. "Aaaaaaghaaa!" I screamed, then I snatched the creature from my face and threw it on the floor. Then that night I saw a bright light, and then everything just blacked out!

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नेपालको बिहानी
- Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade ... 22 May, 2023

सूर्यको सुनौलो किरण यहाँ  झुलुक्क झुल्किए
सूर्यले  राम्राे किरण छर्दा जुनतारा अस्ताए
हिँउले सेता भएका हिमाल टलक्क टल्किए
सुनाैला बाला बिहानीपख झललल झल्किए ।

नेपालीहरू गीत गाउँछन् सुरिलो भाकामा
बिहानको मुस्कान छर्दै  छन् आफ्नो  सुनाैलाे मुहारमा।।

सुन्दर राम्रा पुतली उड्छन् फूलकाे बगैचामा
सितल सितल हावा बग्दछ रुखको छहारीमा
फूलको मगमग बास्ना चल्दछ हावाको गतिमा
सबजना रमाई उठ्दछन् यहाँ बिहानी पखमा।।

नेपालीहरू गीत गाउँछन् सुरिलो भाकामा
बिहानको मुस्कान छर्दै  छन् आफ्नो  सुनाैलाे मुहारमा।।

कलकल बग्छन्  नदी र नाला मधुरो ध्वनिमा
डाँफे मुनाल रमाई नाच्छन् सुन्दर बिहानीमा
सीमसीम पानी पर्दछ यहा मयुर नाँचदा
चराचुरुङ्गी आकाश हुँदै रुखमा फर्किँदा।।

नेपालीहरू गीत गाउँछन् सुरिलो भाकामा
बिहानको मुस्कान छर्दै  छन् आफ्नो  सुनाैलाे मुहारमा।।

चिरबिर गीत गाउँदाखेरि संसार गुञ्जिए
जनावरहरू रमाई रमाई जङ्गलमा दाैडिए
नेपालीहरू गीत गाउँछन् सुरिलो भाकामा
बिहानको मुस्कान छर्दै छन् आफ्नो सुनाैलाे मुहारमा।।

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Bhimsen Thapa: Wise or Foolish?
- Hardik Sharma Phuyal - 29047, ... 22 May, 2023

Bhimsen Thapa is a widely known far sighted national hero of Nepal, is it?  For his contribution in making Nepal not to lose much of its territory and making an alliance with the British to save the acquired land, he can be a fire-sighted hero. What could be fair lines to explore about his confusing identity are here explored.

Bhimsen thapa made a plan to bring out an alliance with the Quing Dynasty, Tibet, Bengal Sultanate, and Ladakh of that time to eradicate the British from Asia. Sad to say he faced a big British force instead.The rather long-term thinking Chinese backed out of it for long-term issues. Without the so-called  “big daddy of Asia '' to support, the other smaller nations didn't think about joining it either. Now Nepal was a serious issue. Nobody was supporting us so we could not eradicate the British with a force of only 17,000 men against the armed one. So Bhimsen decided not to go far with it and keep an alliance with the British. He also sent a group of soldiers in 1808 but it was rather denied. Our country had a land area of about 3 lakhs 22 thousand square kilometres.

Historians also recognize him as the first prime minister of Nepal. He came to power in 1806 AD or 1863 BS. The British when landed first in India were looking after Nepal and saw the strategy to make Nepal the centre and conquer Asia. They had already known in the battle of Sinduligadi Gurkha. and also suffered casualties of 800 people while the Gorkha’s were only 600. In the next battle, the east india company (british soldier) brought a force of 3000 people and this was a challenge for the Gorkha army. Amar Singh Thapa was in-charge of the Kumaun region.

Bhimsen Thapa was eager to fight and famed Gurkhas in the world. But we should not get excited by hearing this because suppose someone is firing at you with a gun will you go to cut down them with a khukuri?  Before you even start to run, the heart you think is brave will automatically be blasted with bullets. The same thing was done by Bhimsen here. He was eager to get fame like Prithvi Narayan Shah so he made a first hit on the British by attacking Awadh and the British wanted no more than the area of Butwal. This gave the British a hungry smile before they defeated us till Mechi and Mahakali. With this foolishness of his, we became only 147517 kilometres square. That's why I consider him as the biggest fool.

At that time, fighting the British was like fighting a bear with bare hands. This fact might change our perception but we have always been told to be brave and been used by a lot of countries to their advantage and it's happening now. Nepali are eager to fight for other countries but little do they know that they are being used. How Nepalese really could fight their inner enemy of laziness, procrastination, huge hopefulness and believer of fate rather than work, will be the watch of time.

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My Family's Cultural Festival
- Arshan Shrestha - 28012, Grad ... 19 May, 2023

There are many festivals like Dashain and Tihar. The festival, which is performed by my family, is a bit different. It is kind of relatable to Dashain, as in Dashain we sacrifice a living goat at my family's cultural festival. It's the same, but the goat is killed so brutally that you will literally get goosebumps. So, let's start on the trip.
At 4 am on April 23rd, 2023, I woke up, did my morning assignments, and me and my parents hopped in the car and did a 4-5 hour journey from Kathmandu to Ramechap. It was a pretty rough ride, but for the first time in my life, I enjoyed a highway ride somehow. I didn’t like highway rides, so it was surprising that the worst part of the highway ride was that the whole car was congested with people. It was over 11 a.m., and my dad had the crazy idea that we would be eating our breakfast at the hometown or village we were going to, at which we would arrive at like 3-5 p.m. 
It sounded pretty dumb, but when we arrived at Kurkot, a small town in Sindhuli where my maternal uncle's house was, and my dad told us to eat lunch there, I couldn’t understand that when we could just eat breakfast at Kurkot, it was just a waste of time anyway. After an hour, we reached Ramechhap Chisapani. The beautiful scenery of the hills and dried trees was a pretty different view. Finally, after a 5-hour highway ride, we ate our breakfast. My dad and my other relatives were listing the stuff we needed. My dad and my relatives started reading about the place where we were doing the puja. My grandmother, on the other hand, wanted to observe the place where we were going to do the puja. She was very weak in Kathmandu and trudged to walk to the bathroom. I declined to let her go to the place where we were going to do the puja, but she forced me to let her go. I was stunned to see my grandmother walk so fast. I mean, it was the place where she spent years. 
The next day was the day of puja, and none of the village members were allowed to eat anything until the puja. My dad and the village members had set the time to do the puja, and all of us had to bathe because even if you bathed a day before the day of puja, you had to bathe again because it was known that the body had already been dirty even when you had bathed a day before. At the place of the puja where we aren't allowed to wear our shoes and belts because we weren't allowed to eat meat that day and all of our shoes and belts were made of animal skins. After 1/half an hour we finished the puja, it was time to sacrifice the goats. There were steps to kill the goat: first of all, block the nose of the goat, which will panic the goat a lot; second, grab the goat's neck and slice it. I saw that I got goosebumps; the shattered blood was spilled at the god, which is supposed to protect the village.
After the terrifying scene of the puja, I ate lunch and went home to the village. The next day, we returned back home in 4-5 hours.

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अध्ययनको महत्त्व
- Rushka Sapkota - 29024, Grade ... 19 May, 2023

(घण्टी बज्दा सपना र उनका साथीहरू खाजा खान जान्छन्। उनीहरू खाजा खाइरहेका बेला सपनाले किन पढ्नुपर्छ भनेर सोध्छिन्।)

सपना : क्रिस्टिना ? मलाई भन्नुहोस् किन हामीले अध्ययन गर्नुपर्छ । यो महत्त्वपूर्ण छैन, हो ??
क्रिस्टिना: अवश्य पनि यो हो !! मलाई भन्नुहोस् हामी गणित बिना कसरी बाँच्न सक्दैनौं।
सपना: हामीसँग क्याल्कुलेटर छ ? 
क्रिस्टिना: होइन!! सामान्य गणित के हो ??
सपना: म तिमीलाई भन्न चाहन्छु, हामीले अंग्रेजी सिक्नु आवश्यक छैन किनभने हामी यो बोल्छौं।
क्रिस्टिना: हो यदि तपाईंले यो सिक्नुभएन भने, कसरी शुद्ध बाेल्न सक्छाैँ  !!
सपना : ठिकै छ नेपाली ?? के हामी बोल्छौ ??
क्रिस्टिना: यदि तपाईले यो शब्द नपढ्नु भएको भए तपाईले यसको अर्थ थाहा पाउनुहुनेछैन !!
सपना : एउटा कुरा गरौँ । हाम्रो शिक्षकलाई सोधौँ !
क्रिस्टिना: महान विचार !! म पक्का छु कि उसले यो सिक्नु महत्त्वपूर्ण छ वा अध्ययन गरौं । भाषा पढेर सिकिने कुरा हाे ।

(उनीहरूले आफ्नो खाजा प्याक गरे र कक्षामा गए! त्यसपछि क्रिस्टिना र सपना बहस सुल्झाउन आफ्ना शिक्षककहाँ गए। उनीहरूले आफ्ना शिक्षकलाई भेट्टाउन सकेनन्, तर केही समयपछि उनीहरूले उहाँलाई भेट्टाए।)

क्रिस्टिना: सर
सपना : सर
क्रिस्टिना: नमस्ते सर, कस्तो हुनुहुन्छ?
सर : म ठिक छु अनि तिमीहरू ?
क्रिस्टिना र सपना: राम्रो सर। के तपाईं हामीलाई मद्दत गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ?
सर: हो, तपाईलाई के चाहिन्छ  ?? हजुरहरूले खानुभयो ??
सपना: हो, तर हामीसँग तपाईलाई एउटा महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्न सोध्नु छ।
क्रिस्टिना: हो हामी खाजा सुरु भएदेखि नै यसमा लडिरहेका छौं कृपया हामीलाई यो पत्ता लगाउन मद्दत गर्नुहोस् !
सपना: तपाईसँग हामीलाई मद्दत गर्ने समय छ ??
सर : हो ! पक्कै, तर अफिस जानुहोस् र यस बारे कुरा गरौं ।

( क्रिस्टिना, सपना र शिक्षक शिक्षक कार्यालय जान्छन् )

क्रिस्टिना: वास्तवमा हाम्रो दिमागमा एउटा प्रश्न उठेको छ र हामी तपाईलाई यो सोध्न चाहन्छौं?
सपना : हो ??
सर : ओहो ! कृपया प्रश्न गर्नुहोस् म तपाईंको प्रश्नको जवाफ दिनेछु !!
क्रिस्टिना: सर, हामी अध्ययनको सही अर्थ र महत्त्व पत्ता लगाउने प्रयास गरिरहेका छौँ।
सपना : ल सर । गणित गर्न हामीसँग क्याल्कुलेटर छ। अङ्ग्रेजी गर्न हामी यो बोल्छौं। हामी नेपाली बोल्छौं ?? त्यसो भए किन पढाइ हुन्छ ?
सर: विद्यार्थीहरू, सबैले समय-समयमा यो कुरा सोच्छन्। शिक्षाले कसैलाई पढ्न र लेख्न सक्ने क्षमता दिन्छ। शिक्षाले हामीलाई आत्मविश्वास र आत्मनिर्भर बनाउँछ। शिक्षाले जीवनको गुणस्तर सुधार गर्न मद्दत गर्छ। यसले हामीलाई राम्रो  सोच्ने शक्ति दिन्छ। शिक्षाको पहिलो स्थान हाम्रो घर हो। जब हामी साना बच्चाहरू हुन्छौं, हाम्रा आमाबाबुले हामीलाई जीवनको प्राथमिक शिक्षाको बारेमा सिकाउँछन्।
शिक्षाको दोस्रो स्थान हाम्रो विद्यालय हो। विद्यालय हाम्रो दोस्रो घर हो । विद्यालयमा बाल उद्यानदेखि उच्च माध्यमिक तहसम्म शिक्षा दिइन्छ । धेरै पटक मानिसहरूले स्कूलको महत्त्वको बारेमा सोध्छन्।

विद्यालयमा सिकेका कुराले मात्र सबै कुरा पूर्ण हुन्छ भन्ने हाेइन । हामीले नयाँ नयाँ पुस्तककाे स्वाध्ययन पनि गर्नुपर्छ । जसले हामीलार्इ व्यावहारिक बनाउँछ । जीवन र जगतलार्इ बुझ्न सजिलाे बनाउँछ । त्यसैले अध्ययन निकै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ ।

सपना : मैले कहिल्यै सोचेकी थिइन । यी कुराहरू !
क्रिस्टिना: म पनि!
सपना: आज तपार्इले अध्ययनकाे महत्त्वकाे बारेमा प्रकाश पारिदिनुभयाे धन्यवाद है सर ।
सरः धन्यवाद भनिरहनु पर्दैन याे त मेराे कर्तव्य नै हाे । 
( घण्टी बज्छ )
क्रिष्टिना: सर, हामी अब कक्षामा जान्छौं! 
सरः हुन्छ, धन्यवाद

(क्रिस्टिना र सपना आ-आफ्नो कक्षामा गएर सबैलाई पढाइको महत्त्व बताउँछन् । पछिल्ला दिनमा  विद्यार्थीले पढेकाे देखेर शिक्षक छक्क पर्छन्)

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Broken Family Tree
- Nitika Kapali - 30016, Grade ... 19 May, 2023

My late grandmother gifted me a teddy bear on my 5th birthday. She was too old and blind to know that the teddy was dull and greyish in colour. She only knew that it was fluffy and cosy to hug during rainy and cold nights. Now she's gone forever. I still remember how she would ask me to help read the newspapers and sit on her lap to tell stories. She loved me a lot. When she was at the hospital when I was just seven, the doctor said she was sick, and I used to check her health with my toy doctor set. Everything seemed alright to me, and I always told the doctor he was lying because I had just checked her yesterday. He was speechless and did not usually say anything but simply smiled. Every time I used to say, "You're alright, Ms. George," I used to say it in a deep voice, trying to imitate the doctor. "Thank you, Doctor," she would laugh it off, knowing her end was coming. One day I woke up and saw everyone gathering in Grandma’s room. The room is not that big; it just has photos hanging on the wall, a bed in the corner, and a cupboard. Dad was sitting at the edge of the bed and looking at Grandma with red, teary eyes. People said she died in her sleep at night, but for me, she died in the daytime because I figured it out in the daytime. I had the teddy in my hand and hugged it tight, knowing everything would be alright. After Grandma's death, we moved houses and went to a much tinier house. It had 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, and 2 bathrooms. I was more sad now since this new house was something Grandma would not like. She would have liked a house with a backyard and beautiful trees in front of it; she also did not like white roofs. After grandma was gone, mom started to become more bossy day by day, which caused fights between dad and mom. If Grandma were here, she would have scolded them for scaring me and destroying peace. One day, dad and mom decided to divorce for the sake of our family. It was sad to see the family tree break apart. I started to live with my mother after the divorce, and I did not meet my dad that often. Mom does not really care about me and says that she is now divorced and young, so she would rather shop and have fun than take care of me like an old homemaker. She married a few weeks after getting divorced to a very rich man. His name was James Miller. James is tall and has brown hair. He is an interesting guy to talk to and play with. He calls me Sammy instead of Sam, which I find pretty funny. James cared about me more than my mom. Sometimes I feel like mom is a gold digger and only cares about James’s money and buying expensive things that are useless. She does not even know how old I am or what I am interested in. She still thinks that I play the violin. When she says this, I feel like this woman in front of me has just known me for a few days. You do not know the feelings of your own mom, not even knowing your existence. She was so shocked, knowing that I do not collect action toy figures anymore. Days passed by, and James could finally notice that Mom was just a golddigger and could do anything just to get money. When James left, Mom blamed it all on me. I could not stand living with her anymore. I moved to my dad’s house and found out that he is now married to Erica, and I have a little sister who is 4 years old. It took time to build my relationship with Erica, and life was slowly fixing itself. I could finally experience the love of a mother.

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