
Student Corner

Should Students Get Detained?

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 23 May, 2023

According to an online dictionary, detaining means “keep (someone) from proceeding by holding them back or making claims on their attention.” Detaining or detention can be defined as a punishment given to people/ students for their rules violation. Traffic police and educational institutions practice detention. In the context of schools, it is globally practised. And, among those schools our school Sifal Secondary School is one of them. The schools are not detaining the students because they don’t like those students. Students are getting detained by the school because of their ‘hard to deal’ behaviour.

Detention is an effective disciplinary tool which consists of writing some lines, completing extra work or simply sitting quietly in a designated area. The main aim of the detention is not to humiliate them but to realise  their mistakes. In regard to its usefulness, it is shown to be effective as well because we can see the changes the students get after they get detained several times. Some of the children who have changed because of getting detained are right in our school. The children who were detained are now more confident, responsible, well-mannered and disciplined. Some students might not change after getting detained one time. However, after several times of getting detained, he/she is mostly likely to change their behaviour and become a better version of themselves. Detention is not only an effective disciplinary tool, but it is also an adequate form of punishment. I say that it is adequate form of punishment because detention does not include physical torture, harm or abuse.

I believe that students should get detained. Students often show different misbehaviours and speak with harsh statements. After a teacher gets the notice or notices the child’s misbehaviour, what does the teacher do? Ofcourse, scold them. But, what if the child keeps on repeating the same behaviour again and again. What does the teacher do? Scold them again. The child is also likely to ignore the scoldings given by their elders. Thus, giving detention is needed for those types of children. During the detention, they can be punished, not physically/mentally. They can be punished by making them confess their mistakes by letting them do their pending works or making them write something for their own benefit. Now, making a detention of a kid might sound bad. However, to make the child understand his/her mistakes, I say that it should be done. Otherwise, how else will the behaviour of the child improve or how else will the child learn his/her mistakes.

In a nutshell, students should get detained at school. Detention should be provided to students to make them realise their mistake and become a better version of themselves.