
Student Corner


A Tale of Bird
- Sayuri Shrestha - 28017, Grad ... 24 November, 2023

I was flying faster than I could remember.  Regret and guilt ran down my throat.  The feeling of leaving the people you truly cared about, behind, the guilt of selfishness.  


It was a normal morning in the forest, with noises of other animals, their small complaints, and the roaring for food.  The only thing pleasant was the waterfall, which would always look at me whenever I went to bed or when I woke up. It wished me good morning and good night. 

My younger brother, who had just independently started flying,  was arguing with my youngest sister about who would eat the worms for breakfast.  Their arguments over small things were a part of my daily life. Not a day went by without their arguments. I went to my mother who had some freshly baked nuts for me,  I took them up to my nest and started eating them. The nuts always tasted the best when they were freshly baked for me.  I was eating it while looking at the great big waterfall. 

When I was abruptly interrupted by my elder brother. Just a few months older since he hatched in autumn and I hatched in the winter. I saw some people today,  they didn't look the best,  he yelled outside my door.  I knew he wanted me to come with him to see what people were doing in our forest.  I ignored him and continued my breakfast while enjoying the view.  They looked deadly, he said again with a louder voice than before.  They were ferocious and might have had some weapons,  he said.  Now that sparked my interest,  people with weapons in our forest meant danger. Many people did come with weapons before but we and the other animals managed to chase them off.

I willingly came out of my room and then, we both flew away. He took me to the place where he saw the people, it was the entrance to the forest, we birds never went that far unless it was an emergency. He told me the description of the people and we tried to find them but couldn't.  I asked my brother again if he had seen them or if he was just fooling around with me.  He swore he saw people,  but we couldn't find any.  Eventually, we both returned home. 

After going home I had to go look for food with Father for the upcoming bird festival, it was an annual festival for all the birds in the forest. So I hurried and went to Father who was waiting for me, in the tall oak tree that was near the waterfall.  We were going to look for fish.  It was a beautiful day to look for fish,  we both dived into the water and brought out the fish one by one.  I was having so much fun that I lost count of how many dishes I caught. When going into the water I heard a loud noise. I quickly came out and didn't see anything, however, I didn't see Father anywhere.  I went high up to look at him and saw him lying on the one field nearby.  I went closer to take a look and then my whole world stopped, he was lying on the ground covered in blood.  He was shot.  I didn't know what to do. I froze in the air.  I started looking around panicking crying for help, but nothing.  It was hopeless.  I flew back home, scared, with tears falling down my face.  No one was home,  they had left with their mother to get fruits for the festival.  I heard another loud noise,  everything was quiet, and then suddenly noises rose from every part of the jungle,  animals screaming and crying for help.  I froze again,  my mind blank, I couldn't think of anything. All the screams made me think something bad was happening,  but what? I quickly went outside to see. Everyone was screaming and running over places, at a far distance I saw some birds coming in my direction, they were the doctors. My mother and sister were injured during the shooting and my brothers were helping each other. I also found out that the hunters had shot two elephants and a few gazels. I couldn't hear anything after that, still thinking about my father's death. My mother asked me where he was, I couldn't say anything, tears flowed back again, I couldn't think, I went outside and flew back to the place where my father's body lay. He was gone, his body wasn't there. They must have taken them I thought, the hunters must have taken them. I crashed on the ground, I saw his feathers and blood stains, nothing else was remaining there. It's my fault I said to myself, if only I stopped and helped him up if only I asked for help, if only I wasn't scared, if only I didn't run. I fell down and cried, I lost my greatest strength, my father who had taught me everything I knew, who always showed me and the forest its right path, I killed my father. 

I opened my eyes slowly and I saw my elder brother beside me, he slowly said everything was alright, he told me everyone else was in the field trying to help each other, the ones who lost their family were in grief, but everyone was there to help. He slowly lifted me up and took me outside. As soon as I stepped out I saw the dark faces of my family. I couldn't help but blame myself for everything. When Mother saw me she rushed and hugged me tight,  she cried on my arm. I couldn't hold back my tears either, I asked for forgiveness and told myself that it was going to be alright. 


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खेलकुद सप्ताह
- Subhaya Shrestha - 29035, Gra ... 24 November, 2023

कार्तिक २० देखि कार्तिक २४ सम्म

कार्तिक २० खेल सप्ताहको पहिलो दिन थियो । आजको दिनमा म, यवना र रेशुले भर्खरै ब्याटमिनेशन हेर्याैँ ।  यो साँच्चै बोरिंग थियो। २२ कार्तिकको भोलिपल्ट विद्यालयले केही रमाइला खेलहरू आयोजना गर्‍यो र रमाइलो भयो। पहिले हामीले बेलुन क्याटरपिलर खेल्यौँ, त्यसपछि हामीले तातो आलु खेल्यौँ । जसमा संयमले जित्यो र अन्त्यमा टग अफ वार खेल्यौँ । भोलिपल्ट नतिजा आयो । त्यो दिन दिनभर पढ्यौँ । मेरा आमाबाबु गए र मेरो नतिजा आएपछि उहाँहरू खुसी हुनुहुन्थ्यो मैले सुधार गरेँ। मेरो उच्चतम ग्रेड A थियो जुन विज्ञानमा थियो। भोलिपल्ट केटीहरूको फुटबल र केटाहरूको बास्केटबल थियो । त्यो दिन हामी धनवन्तरी फुटसल गयौँ । म महाकाली सदनमा छु त्यसैले कोसीसँग खेलेँ । महाकाली टोली र कोसी टोली भिड्याैँ । त्यसपछि महाकाली टोली विरुद्ध काेसी टोली भिड्याैँ । महाकाली टोलीमा कोसीको विरुद्धमा काेसीको टोलीले जित्यो तर महाकालीको टोलीमा काेसीको विरुद्धमा काेसीको टोलीले जित हासिल गरेको थियो । त्यसपछि खाजामा केटीहरूले बास्केटबल र केटाहरूले फुटसल खेलेका थिए । यस पटक बास्केटबल नयाँ ठाउँमा खेलाइएको थियो किनभने पछिल्लो पटक स्कुलले हामीलाई सहरको केन्द्रमा लगेको थियो तर यस पटक उनीहरूले हामीलाई नयाँ ठाउँमा लगे। त्यो ठाउँमा बास्केटबल कोर्ट, फुटसल र ब्याडमिन्टन कोर्ट थियो। त्यसपछि हामी ३.४५ मा स्कूल पुग्यौँ र त्यसपछि हामी सिधैँ घर लाग्यौँ। भोलिपल्ट विद्यालयले केटा र केटीलाई नयाँ ठाउँमा लिएर जानुको सट्टा केटीहरूलाई सूर्य  फुटसल र केटाहरूलाई नयाँ बास्केटबल कोर्टमा लग्यो । बास्केटबल र फुटसल कोट भएकोले विद्यालयले हामीलाई त्यहाँ लगियाे । केही समयसम्म हामी ख्रल्याैँ । प्रतिस्पर्धा रमाइलाे भयाे ।  त्यसपछि स्कुल फर्केर खाजा खायौँ र ५,७ र ८ को ड्रामा क्लब बाहेक अरू सबै नयाँ ठाउँमा गए र  सरको ड्रामा क्लबले शिक्षकलाई खबर गरेर कक्षाबाट लिएर जानुभयाे । त्यसपछि सरले प्राथमिक विद्यालयका सबै विद्यार्थीलाई जम्मा गरेर बसमा राख्नुभयो । त्यसपछि राजा सर हामीलाई बोलाउन आउनुभयो। हामी स्वस्तिश्री गुरुकुलमा प्रस्तुति गर्न जाने भएकाले स्कुल ड्रामा क्लबको पुरै २ हप्ता नाटक फलानो अभ्यास गर्न आएको थियो । त्यसपछि सरले हामीलाई लगेर अन्ताक्षिरी खेलेर स्वस्तिश्री गुरुकुलमा पुग्यौँ । त्यसपछि त्यहाँ पुगेपछि केही बेर बस्यौँ र नयाँ साथी बनायौँ । त्यसपछि हामी प्रदर्शन गर्न गयौँ । सकिएपछि हामी स्कूल आयौँ। त्यहाँ मेरी आमा मलाई लिन आउनुभयो तर त्यसपछि उहाँले जेनियलका अभिभावकलाई सोध्नुभयाे । हामीले उहाँलाई छोड्न सक्छौँ र उनका अभिभावकले हो भने, त्यसैले म र जेनियल उनको झोला लिन माध्यमिक विद्यालयको ब्लकमा गयौँ । त्यसपछि हामी मोमो खाएर फर्कियौँ र उसलाई छोड्यौं। त्यसपछि जब म र मेरा आमाबुवा ७.२३ मा घर पुग्याैँ र थकान निकै भएकाे कारणले हातमुख धाेएँ र बाहिरबाट लगाएकाे पाेसाक परिवर्तन गरेर सुतेँ । 


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- Prasanna Dhungel - 28021, Gra ... 22 November, 2023

अग्ला अग्ला भवन ठडाएर काठमाडौँ देशको राजधानी भएछ

भित्र यसो निहालेर हेरेको त बालश्रम अझै रहेछ ।
यस्तो विकसित भए पनि यहाँ बालशोषण भएकै छ

गालीदेखि लिएर पिटाइसम्म बालकले सहेकै छ ।     


बाल अधिकारका कुरा भाषणमा मात्र सीमित नराखौँ
आऊ अब यसको विरोध गर्नतिर हामी पनि लागौँ ।
ती बालकहरू नै हुन् भविष्यमा देश चलाउनेहरू 
ती बालकहरू नै हुन् भविष्यका कर्णाधारहरू ।


विश्वप्रचलित नेपाल हरेक पर्यटकको गन्तव्य स्थल भएको छ 

तर, जति राम्रो  देश भए पनि यहाँ बाल शोषण भएकै छ ।
बाहिरबाट हेर्दा मात्र राम्रो देखिने यो मेरो देश 

भित्री समस्या लुकाएर प्रख्यात भएको यो मेरो देश 

ती बालकहरूले पनि पढ्न र लेख्न पाउनुपर्छ 
गाउँमा दौरा र घास काट्न छोडी अघि बढ्न पाउनुपर्छ ।

ठुलो घरमा बस्ने पढी लेखेका बालकहरू नि छन् 

१ छाक खानको लागि बाटोमा फोहोर टिप्ने बालकहरू नि छन् ।।


बालकलाई घरको काममा लगाउनु हुन्न 

बालकको आँसु कहिले बगाउनु हुन्न ।

बालकहरू नै कारखानामा खट्छन् बनेर कामदार 
हामी सबै मिलि ती बालकलाई दिनुपर्छ बाल अधिकार । ।

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My Trip to Butwal
- Rhiten Giri - 28026, Grade VI ... 21 November, 2023

Butwal, officially Sub-Metropolitan, is one of the twin cities of the rapidly growing Butwal-Bhairahawa urban cluster in Nepal. It lies in Province No. 5, Rupandehi District and also the interim capital of province 5 of Nepal. It is also home to the administrative headquarters of Lumbini Zone. This city stands beside the bank of Tilottama River (Tinau River, and at the northern edge of the Terai plain below the Siwalik Hills. Its name, Butwal was derived from Batauli Bazaar, the town’s oldest residential area which is located on the western bank of Tinau river. Butwal is a lively city comprising the Panoramic views of the combination of hills and plains. My trip to Butwal is explained in this article. 

11th of November 2023 
I woke up, got ready, packed my bags and went to the airport to take the flight to Butwal. I was going there with my aunt because I wanted to visit my grandmother and aunt in Butwal. I was excited while I was going there as I loved Butwal and my maternal family over there. After we landed in Butwal we went home from the airport. After I reached home, I greeted everyone, and I was also surprised because another aunt and her daughter were there to greet me as she had told me she would not be there by the time I reached the house. It had already gotten late that day, so I ate dinner and went to sleep.

12h of November 2023                                                                                                                                               The next day I woke up, ate breakfast got ready and went out to my aunt’s house as she had invited us the day before. Over there I played with my cousin's sister and another brother who was my aunt’s sister-in-law’s son and was older than me. We were there as my aunt had just come from Australia and was staying there with my uncle. Then all of us started talking about different stuff and it was fun to talk with them. Then I returned home, had my dinner and went to bed.

13th and 14th of November 2023                                                                                                                         These days were not that eventful as we did not go anywhere and were just staying at home bored out of our minds.

15th of November 2023                                                                                                                                                  I went to my aunt’s house and put tika from my sister as it was bhai tika on that day over there it was really fun as there were a lot of people there whom I could talk to as they were almost the same age as me and it was a fun time as I got company there after a long time. Then I went home and I saw another grandmother at our home who was a friend of my grandmother. Then everyone started playing cards and dancing and we had a lot of fun.

16th of November 2023                                                                                                                                                 This also was not really an eventful day as it was really boring as I did nothing and just stayed at home but at night I misplaced all my clothes and had to sleep in jeans and a hoodie. If you know the climate of that place then you probably know how hot it is.

17th of November 2023                                                                                                                                               Today when I woke up, I was covered in sweat. Then I changed my clothes and we all went to the zoo which had a park inside it which was really fun and interesting. Then we all played rides, went on a small picnic in the park and other activities. Then all of us went home and on the way home I went to a restaurant and had some things to eat. Then finally we went home and played cards for a while and went to sleep.

18th November 2023                                                                                                                                                                         When I woke up that day I was pretty sad as we had to go to Kathmandu because I had to prepare for school and my aunt had to give her PTE test, driving and she had to go to work. Then when I reached Kathmandu I had to greet some guests as they were coming to visit us because they wanted to visit to see my mom and how she was doing. Then after eating dinner and other stuff they said bye and went away. Then we all went to sleep.     

This way my trip to Butwal ended and my regular activities started here after.                  




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मेरो शैक्षिक भ्रमण
- Agrim Rijal - 29005, Grade VI ... 21 November, 2023

यसपटक म, मेरा साथीहरू र शिक्षकहरूसँग राष्ट्रिय फलफूल विकास केन्द्रमा शैक्षिक भ्रमण गँए । खाजा खाएपछि बसबाट हामी त्यहाँ पुग्यौँ । हामीले ११ बजे विद्यालय छोड्यौँ। त्यहाँ जाँदा हामीले धेरै कुराहरू देख्यौँ । हामी १२ बजे त्यहाँ पुग्यौँ । त्यसपछि हामीले त्यहाँ वरिपरि के छ भनेर हेर्न थाल्यौँ । हामीले त्यहाँ धेरै फूलहरू देख्यौँ । पहिले हामीले धेरै राम्रो गन्ध र रङ्ग परिवर्तन गर्ने विभिन्न फूलहरू देख्यौँ।

पहिले हामीले धेरै राम्रो सुगन्ध भएको र रङ्ग परिवर्तन गर्ने विभिन्न फूलहरू देख्यौँ । त्यसपछि बिस्तारै हामीले त्यहाँ वरपरका रूखहरू र धेरै फलहरू देख्यौँ । हामीले पिकानट देख्यौँ । यो पनि ओखर जस्तै थियो तर फरक आकारमा। त्यसपछि हामीले ड्रयागन फल देख्यौँ । जसकाे सिउडी जस्तो रूख थियो । यसलाई साहारा चाहिन्छ भन्ने कुरा पनि मैले त्यँहा गएर थाहा पाँए । यसकाे फल राति मात्रै फल्ने गर्छ रे । दिनको समयमा बोट पहेँलो हुने रहेछ । त्यसपछि हामीले नास्पाती भन्ने फल देख्यौँ । त्यहाँ दुई फरक प्रकारका नास्पाती थिए। एउटा चाइनिज र एउटा नेपाली । दुवै फरक-फरक समयमा फल्ने गर्छन्। हामी सिधा गयौँ र एभोकाडोका ठुला रूखहरू देख्यौँ। हामीले जङ्गली रूखहरू पनि देख्यौँ जसबाट कागती, सुन्तलाको उत्पत्ति भएको थियो। बिरुवाहरू काटेर अरूसँग टाँस्नु आवश्यक छ भन्ने कुरा त्यहाँ मानिसले भनेपछि थाहा भयाे । 

त्यसपछि हामीले कटुसको रूख देख्यौँ । यसमा एउटा हरियो काँडेदार वस्तु थियो र यसको भित्र कडा बियाँ भाँचिएपछि खान योग्य हुन्थ्याे । त्यसपछि हामी अगाडि बढ्योँ। त्यहाँ एउटा सानो ठाउँ थियो जुन बाँसले छोपिएको थियो। त्यो मल उत्पादन गर्ने ठाउँ थियो। त्यहाँ धेरै गँड्यौलाहरू राखिएका थिए। तिनीहरूलाई ताजा तरकारी र फलफूल खुवाइएको थियो । त्याे खाएपछि तिनीहरूले मल उत्पादन गर्दथे, जुन बिरुवाहरू बढ्नका लागि धेरै राम्रो थियो। घामबाट जोगाउन छाया लगाइएको थियो । त्यसपछि हामीले अङ्गुर देख्यौँ । यसलाई कागज र प्लास्टिकले ढाकिएको थियो ताकि यसलाई किराहरू र चराहरूबाट जोगाउन सकिन्छ। त्यसपछि हामीले त्यहाँ धेरै नर्सरीका ठाउँहरू देख्यौँ । त्यहाँ भित्र हामीले धेरै बोटबिरुवा र फूलहरू देख्यौँ जुन बेच्नको लागि राखिएको थियो। जाँदै गर्दा एउटा ठुलो घर देखियो । त्यहाँ फलफूलको बिउलाई जोगाउन ६ डिग्रीमा राखिएको थियो । त्यसपछि हामी एउटा छाया भएको ठाँउमा गयौँ । हामी केही बेर त्यहाँ बस्यौँ र फेरि हाम्रो स्कुल बसमा गयौँ। हामी त्यहाँबाट निस्केर २:२० मा स्कुल पुग्यौँ ।

यो शैक्षिक भ्रमण अहिलेसम्मको सबैभन्दा जानकारीपूर्ण शैक्षिक यात्रा थियो। यसले उत्पादन गर्न सकिने विभिन्न फलफूल र तरकारीहरूको बारेमा सिक्न सबैलाई मद्दत गरेकाे थियाे ।


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Planet X
- Narve Shahukhal - 30014, Grad ... 21 November, 2023

Planet X is a hypothetical celestial body. In January 2015, Caltech astronomers Konstantin and Mike Brown announced new research providing evidence of a giant planet exhibiting unusual movement in the outer solar system. However, prior to this discovery, they had identified Pluto, Charon, Eris, and Sedna in our orbit.

The quest for Planet X traces back to 1846, when Percival Lowell initiated the search with his team, aiming to find evidence of the elusive planet. During their exploration, Lowell's team discovered Neptune, and later, Clyde Tombaugh's identification of Pluto in 1930 seemed to support Lowell's hypothesis, leading to Pluto being officially named the ninth planet.

In 1978, it was conclusively determined that Pluto was too small for its gravity to significantly affect the giant planets, prompting a brief search for the tenth planet. However, when Voyager 2 was launched, it revealed that the mass of Pluto differed from Percival Lowell's estimates and raised questions about the presence of undiscovered planets. Subsequent observations led to the identification of several dwarf planets.

A contentious debate ensued, prompting the establishment of criteria to identify planets. In March 2014, observations with the WISE telescope ruled out the possibility of a Saturn-sized object (95 Earth masses) beyond 10,000 AU and a Jupiter-sized (318 Earth masses) or larger object beyond 26,000 AU.

In our solar system, Mercury is at 0.39 AU, Venus at 0.72 AU, Earth at 1.00 AU, Mars at 1.52 AU, Saturn at 9.54 AU, Uranus at 19.22 AU, and Neptune at 30.00 AU. On average, Neptune lies about 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometres) away from the Sun, but at their closest approach, they are separated by approximately 1.6 billion miles (2.6 billion kilometres). Despite these discoveries, the elusive Planet X has yet to be found.


Reference- Google, Nasa Science


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