
Student Corner

My Trip to Butwal

Written by: Rhiten Giri - 28026, Grade VIII

Posted on: 21 November, 2023

Butwal, officially Sub-Metropolitan, is one of the twin cities of the rapidly growing Butwal-Bhairahawa urban cluster in Nepal. It lies in Province No. 5, Rupandehi District and also the interim capital of province 5 of Nepal. It is also home to the administrative headquarters of Lumbini Zone. This city stands beside the bank of Tilottama River (Tinau River, and at the northern edge of the Terai plain below the Siwalik Hills. Its name, Butwal was derived from Batauli Bazaar, the town’s oldest residential area which is located on the western bank of Tinau river. Butwal is a lively city comprising the Panoramic views of the combination of hills and plains. My trip to Butwal is explained in this article. 

11th of November 2023 
I woke up, got ready, packed my bags and went to the airport to take the flight to Butwal. I was going there with my aunt because I wanted to visit my grandmother and aunt in Butwal. I was excited while I was going there as I loved Butwal and my maternal family over there. After we landed in Butwal we went home from the airport. After I reached home, I greeted everyone, and I was also surprised because another aunt and her daughter were there to greet me as she had told me she would not be there by the time I reached the house. It had already gotten late that day, so I ate dinner and went to sleep.

12h of November 2023                                                                                                                                               The next day I woke up, ate breakfast got ready and went out to my aunt’s house as she had invited us the day before. Over there I played with my cousin's sister and another brother who was my aunt’s sister-in-law’s son and was older than me. We were there as my aunt had just come from Australia and was staying there with my uncle. Then all of us started talking about different stuff and it was fun to talk with them. Then I returned home, had my dinner and went to bed.

13th and 14th of November 2023                                                                                                                         These days were not that eventful as we did not go anywhere and were just staying at home bored out of our minds.

15th of November 2023                                                                                                                                                  I went to my aunt’s house and put tika from my sister as it was bhai tika on that day over there it was really fun as there were a lot of people there whom I could talk to as they were almost the same age as me and it was a fun time as I got company there after a long time. Then I went home and I saw another grandmother at our home who was a friend of my grandmother. Then everyone started playing cards and dancing and we had a lot of fun.

16th of November 2023                                                                                                                                                 This also was not really an eventful day as it was really boring as I did nothing and just stayed at home but at night I misplaced all my clothes and had to sleep in jeans and a hoodie. If you know the climate of that place then you probably know how hot it is.

17th of November 2023                                                                                                                                               Today when I woke up, I was covered in sweat. Then I changed my clothes and we all went to the zoo which had a park inside it which was really fun and interesting. Then we all played rides, went on a small picnic in the park and other activities. Then all of us went home and on the way home I went to a restaurant and had some things to eat. Then finally we went home and played cards for a while and went to sleep.

18th November 2023                                                                                                                                                                         When I woke up that day I was pretty sad as we had to go to Kathmandu because I had to prepare for school and my aunt had to give her PTE test, driving and she had to go to work. Then when I reached Kathmandu I had to greet some guests as they were coming to visit us because they wanted to visit to see my mom and how she was doing. Then after eating dinner and other stuff they said bye and went away. Then we all went to sleep.     

This way my trip to Butwal ended and my regular activities started here after.                  


