
Student Corner


Sanduk Ruit: An Exemplar
- Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Gr ... 06 November, 2023

Sanduk Ruit is a Nepali ophthalmologist who is known for curing people’s eyes who is famously known as “God of Sight” as he has been curing people’s eyes from Asian countries to African countries. Sanduk Ruit has been known for ages due to his work and he is also considered as one of the national figures of our country today and international figures in other countries.


Sanduk Ruit was born on September 4, 1954 in a rural area of Olangchung Gola. His parents lived in a village in Taplejung district who were Sonam Ruit, father and Kesar Ruit, mother. Among his 6 siblings, he was the second oldest. However as time passed 3 of his siblings passed due to getting affected by several diseases like diarrhoea and tuberculosis which they could not cure since they could not afford the treatment, surgery or the medicines. However, the death of his younger sister Yangle made him depressed and uneasy for a while as Sanduk and Yangla were really close to each other and they shared a special bond. The death of his siblings brought up his dream of being a doctor working for the poor and saving everyone’s lives. During his childhood, he went to a school in darjeeling. Despite his family being financially unstable, they still helped their son achieve his dreams and goals. He then went to India and studied Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of surgery. When he came back to Nepal, he started working at Bir Hospital. Since he had a major interest in eye surgeries, he went to a university through scholarship and successfully got a master’s degree which he further used on to work in an eye hospital. During that time, Fred Hollows, who was an ophthalmologist, was in Nepal. Noticing the eagerness to study, he offered Sanduk Ruit to study cataract surgery in Australia. He took the offer and he was also able to study in The United States Of America and in the Netherlands as well.

While working in Australia, he was offered to stay there and work there. However, he declined that offer and went back to Nepal. In Nepal, he stayed there by working in an eye hospital, Tripureshwor eye hospital. While working in Nepal, he met Nanda Shrestha who had the same interest in ophthalmology. Nanda Shrestha was an ophthalmic nurse whom Sanduk Ruit met later. After meeting and getting to know each other for a while, they both decided to marry.  After some years of their marriage, they had given birth to 2 daughters and a son.


Fred Hollows and Sanduk Ruit started working together. They had made a goal of creating an inexpensive intraocular lens. However, the materials were quite too expensive. However, with patience and hardwork, Sanduk Ruit was able to create an intraocular lense which was inexpensive and also could be used during the cataract surgery.  During this time, he also founded Tilganga institute of ophthalmology. In the institute, the people who have eye-sight problems and eye problems often visit. Sanduk Ruit and his staff cures their eye diseases through the cataract surgery with affordable prices so that even the ones who are poor or financially unstable could cure the eye problems and eye diseases. There were several people outside Kathmandu who could not go to the institute because of their eye-problems. Knowing about this, Sanduk Ruit decided to form teams who went to those places where the people who have eye-problems stayed in and cured their eyes. By that time, he cured more than 10,000 people’s eyes and was named as god of sight since he made people see the world. He also helped our country by maintaining friendship with North Korea as he cured more than 1000 north korean people’s eye problems and gave them the proper treatment. He went to the rural areas of Nepal and also helped those people by curing their eye sights and eye problems.


Due to the work he did, he had accomplished and was given several awards throughout his life. Some of them were : Ramon Magsaysay Award,  Asian of the year award, Prince Mahidol award in Thailand, the Padma Shri Award, ISA award awarded by the government of India, The highest civilian award in Bahrain which was awarded by the king of Bahrain to him. He was also appointed as the Honorary officer in Australia  ‘for service to humanity by establishing eye care services in Nepal and surrounding countries, and for his work in teaching and training surgeons, and technical innovation’. While receiving those awards, he maintained relationships with several countries as he helped cure the eye problems of the citizens of several countries. While curing their eye problems, he also helped train other people to become a surgeon and this has motivated several people.


Sanduk Ruit is an important person throughout the world. He has cured the eye-sight problems, eye infections and the eye issues of several people not only in Nepal but also in other countries like Bahrain, India, North Korea etc. We all should be working like Dr Sanduk Ruit, always working for the good and ignoring the bad. We must take motivation and become inspired by the work of Sanduk Ruit. Taking inspiration from Dr Sanduk’s Ruit does not mean that we must all become an eye surgeon or an ophthalmologist or build our own institute. We just need to work for the positive side and we need to work in a way that will help all the types of people like: rich, financially unstable etc. We need to have a dream of saving the world but while trying to save the world, we must be aware to never destroy the world. We must see the world’s future in a positive way and make that vision of ours come true. We must develop our own country and then later help the whole world. Sanduk Ruit is a great example of a good person and we must also be like him. 


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विजयादशमीकाे दैनिकी
- Sambridhi Gelal - 29063, Grad ... 06 November, 2023

२०८०/०७/०७  मङ्गलवार

सधैँ ६ बजे उठ्ने म आज दशमी भएर १ घन्टा अघि ५ बजे उठेँ । उठ्‌नासाथ मैले नुहाएँ र मैले नित्यकर्म गरेँ । आज दशमी भएको कारण मैले मेरो कोठा सफा गरेँ । त्यसपछि ९ः०० बजेतिर मैले मेरो परिवारसँग बिहानको खाना खाएँ  । खाना खाएपछि म दशमीको लागि तयार भएँ । हामी दशमीको साइतको लागि  १ घण्टा अगाडि नै तयार भएको कारणले मैले मेरो बुबासँग मिलेर केही महिना अगाडिदेखि बिग्रेको टि.भी बनायाैँ । टि.भी. बनाएपछि म र मेरो भाइ केही बेर  टि:भी हेर्‍याैँ । त्यसपछि टीकाको साइत भयो र पुरै परिवार एकै ठाउँमा जम्मा भयाैँ  र मैले मेरो ठुलाबाट आशीर्वाद लिएँ र आफूभन्दा सानालाई आशीर्वाद दिएँ र घरमा टीका र जमरा लगाएपछि म टीका लगाउन मेरो ठुलो बुबाकहाँ गएँ । त्यहाँ मैले मेरो सानो बुबालाई पनि भेटेँ । त्यहाँ मैले सबैबाट टीका लगाएँ र  आर्शीवाद लिएँ। त्यहाँ केही बेर कुराकानी गरेपछि  मेरो परिवार र मेरो सानो बुबाको परिवार मेरो परिवारसँगै मेरो घरमा आउनुभयो। घरमा पनि हामीले गफगाफ गर्‍याैँ  र हामीले तास चङ्गाहरू खेल्याैँ  । १:३० बजेतिर म र मेरा आमाबुबा  मामाघरको लागि निस्कियाैँ ,   १ घण्टापछि हामी, मेरी , आमाको मामाघर गयौँ  र त्यहाँ हामीले धेरै जनालाई भेट्यौँ र त्यहाँ हामीले टीकाजमरा लगायाैँ खाजा खायौँ र मैले त्यहाँ लिङ्गे पिंड, तासकाे र मज्जा लियाैँ । त्यहाँ मामा र माइजू  पनि आउनुभएको थियो । त्यसपछि हामी मेरो मामाघरको लागि भनेर निस्कन लागेका थियौँ तर त्यसै बेला मेरो हजुरबा र हजुरआमाको फोन आयो र उहाँहरूले घर‌मा कोही नभएको भनेर भन्नुभयो त्यसैले मेरा आमाबुबा घरको लागि भनेर निस्कनुभयो ।  म र मेरो भाइ मेरा मामामाइजूसँग मामाघर गयौँ । मामाघर पुग्नासाथ मैले केही बेर आराम गरेँ र त्यसपछि म मेरा मामामाइजूसँग शान्तिधाम मन्दिर  गएँ । त्यहाँ मैले आरती देखेँ र त्यहाँ केही बेर बसेपछि म फेरि  मामाघर आएँ र म सुतेँ । 


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घमण्डी खरायो
- Paridhi Pant - 30054, Grade V ... 03 November, 2023

एकादेशमा एउटा सुन्दर गाउँ थियो । त्यो गाउँको नजिकै घना जङ्गल थियो । त्यस जङ्‌‌गलमा थुप्रै जनावरहरू बस्थे । धेरै जनावरहरूमध्ये एउटा घमण्ड गर्ने खरायो पनि बस्थ्यो । उसमा ममात्र छिटो कुद्न सक्छु भन्ने घमण्ड थियो । एकदिन त्यो खरायाेले  कछ‌ुवालाई  छिटो हिँड्न नसक्ने भन्दै जिस्क्यायो । कछुवालाई निकै रिस उठ्‌यो । कुछुवाले दौड प्रतियोगिता गर्ने भन्यो । खरायाे र  कछ‌ुवा दुबै मैदानमा आए । दौड सुरु भयो । खरायो एकदम छिटो कुदिरहेको थियो । कछुवा भने बिस्तारै हिँडिरहेको थियो । खरायोले कछुवालाई निकै पछाडि देखेपछि आफूले केही समय आराम गर्ने कुरा सोच्यो ।आराम गर्दागर्दै खरायो रूखको फेदमुनि निदायाे । कछुवा आफ्नो गन्तव्यमा पुग्न आँटेको थियो । खरायोको निद्रा खुल्यो । आखिरीमा कछुवाले नै दौड जित्यो । यस कथाबाट कहिल्यै घमण्ड गर्नुहुँदैन ।  बलले हाेइन, बुद्धिले काम गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने शिक्षा पाइन्छ ।


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Life is an Art: Just Depends How Carefully You Paint It
- Rushav Paneru - 28018, Grade ... 02 November, 2023

Biologically, Life is defined as a being’s time from birth to death. Every living thing has its life. Its own cycle, own habitat, own life processes. But, the thing common between all living beings is Death. Death is guaranteed once a living thing is born. Philosophically life is like an art, and the being living it is its artist. However the artist drives the paintbrush of decisions with colors of emotions on the canvas of life, the result comes as worked. If you paint decisions and colors of emotion carefully, preventing errors, taking risks, not being afraid, know what’s good for the painting and know what’s bad, the image of life will turn out wonderful, ironic, and idyllic. However, if you don't, the image of life will be the worst. Worse than anything. Life needs to be memorable to your deepest soul. If something is letting you down, let go of it. But just know that worrying too much can lead to a being’s downfall. Sometimes the artist makes mistakes, but they always have a way to learn from that mistake and improvise it on the spot. Life is like that too. You make mistakes, huge ones. You just have to make it right on the spot. And wait for the right time to stroke the paintbrush of decisions on the canvas of life, if you’ve made a mistake.


Life is beautiful, so are the colors of emotions. Every color has its own depiction of speciality. Just like how every emotion holds its role, importance, and speciality in one’s life. Everyone’s art piece of life is different. Some are simple and plain, while others are complex, hard to understand, just unexpectedly overwhelming. You never know what could happen and when. You could run out of colors (emotions), the canvas (life itself) may be full, the stroke of paintbrush (decisions) may not be right, and when that happens, you improvise. Just like how a real artist can turn a single dot into a marvelous piece of art, as beautiful as a gumusservi. There’s a French saying, “Il Faut Vivre Comme On Pense, Sans Quoi I'on Finira Par Penser Comme On A Vécu.” which means “We must live as we think, otherwise we will end up thinking as we have lived”. It’s true isn't it? We take life for granted sometimes. You should never do that. Have fun and live life to the fullest. Many people in life come and go. But there’s that one person who you can never let go. That person paints your canvas of life with bright colors and better strokes of paint brushes. Sometimes you fail to understand that. Sometimes you do. It's only about time. Only Time. Life’s like an art exhibition. The best pieces stay there forever, while some get forgotten real quick. If you as an artist paint life with that one person, that everyone visualizing your piece will know what hard work, sacrifices you’ve made to make that art piece memorable. Every artist needs a break sometimes. Don't let that break what art you’ve made and what you will make.


Sometimes you need someone to help you. Hold your hand and paint your art piece on the canvas of life for you. And due to worry, some people fail to understand how elysian that person has made your canvas of life with their share of strokes of paintbrushes and colors. Don't let that ever bring you down and what you’ve made with that being. The paintbrush needs to be good as well. If you have a bad paintbrush, it spoils your art right? Taking that example, you need to make decisions in your life which are truly perfect for you. Make yourself the best paintbrush you can. Fill your canvas of life with beautiful colors and adequate strokes of paint brushes with the correct colors to make your painting/art piece the best that the world has ever seen. And never forget to help people around you…Even if it ruins your art sometimes, because later on you go to realize that, the ruinous act of the people who helped you, are the best for your art piece. Stay there for that person always, even if it means you don't finish your art piece on time, because the help you get from them will make your art piece of life the best. Don’t let the mistakes you’ve made let you down and make bad strokes of paintbrush in your life.. That one person will always be there to take your hand and help you paint the painting of your life till the end. You just have to trust them cause they know what’s best for you, and has been painting that part of the canvas, even if they started painting after you. Cause at the end, that person will be the one making your painting beautiful in a way that no one could even imagine. Just take care…and Safe journey for you wonderful people’s painting through life’s canvas ahead… ( Strokes of Paintbrush = Decisions that you’ve made in life, Colors = Emotions, Art Piece = Life itself)


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स्वस्थ भोजन र यसको महत्त्व
- Sumedha Adhikari - 29036, Gra ... 02 November, 2023

हामी स्वस्थ हुन चाहन्छौँ , निरोगी हुन चाहन्छौँ । भनिन्छ स्वास्थ्य नै हाम्रो जीवनको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण धन हो। हामी स्वस्थ हुनका लागि बिहानै उठेर हिड्छौँ , कुद्छौँ । हामी स्वस्थ रहनका लागि विभिन्न राम्रा कार्यहरू पनि गर्छौँ। यी सबै हाम्रा राम्रा बानीमध्ये पर्दछन् । 

हामीले दिनदिनै भोजन खान्छौँ  तर हामीले के भोजन खाइरहेका छौँ भनेर हामीलाई नै थाहा हुँदैन । हामीले धेरै जसाे बजारमा पाइने पत्रु खाना खाइरहेका हुन्छौँ। जस्तैः चाउचाउ, लेज, चटपटे, कुर्कुरे आदि । यस्ता खानेकुरा हाम्रा शरीरका लागि धेरै हानिकारक हुन्छन्। बजारमा पाइने कोकाकोला, फ्यान्टा, स्प्राइट जस्ता खानेकुरा हामीले खान रुचाउँछौँ  तर त्यस्ता  खानेकुरा खानुभन्दा हामीले घरमै बनाएका फलफूलका जूस खान सक्छौँ । त्यसले चाहिँ हाम्रो शरीरलाई फाइदा गर्दछ। स्वस्थ रहनका लागि हामीले अस्वस्थ भोजन त खान्छौँ तर ध्यान दिइरहेका हुँदैनौ । त्यसले गर्दा हामीलाई खाना पचाउन पनि गार्‍हो भइरहेका हुन्छ।


स्वास्थ रहनका लागि हामीले नियमित रुपमा भोजन खानुका साथै नियमित रुपमा नै योग पनि गर्नु पर्छ। किनभने योगले पनि हामीलाई स्वस्थ बनाउँछ। हामीले हाम्रो दैनिक भोजनमा पनि सुधार गर्नुपर्दछ। हामीले घरमै बनाइएका ताजा र स्वस्थ्य भोजन खायौँ भने निकै राम्रो हुन्छ। हरिया साग, फलफूल हाम्रो शरीरका लागि धेरै फाइदाजनक छ। दुध, दही , मोही आदि  खानाले शरीर स्वस्थ हुन्छ । स्वास्थ भोजन भित्र पानी पनि पर्दछ । त्यसैले हामीले पानी पनि प्रसस्त पानी खानुपर्छ । शाकाहारी भोजनलाई महत्त्व दिनुपर्छ । 


तसर्थ भोजन र स्वास्थको बलियो सम्बन्ध छ।  यसरी भोजन र स्वास्थ्यको एक सिक्काका दुई भाग हुन् । त्यसैले स्वस्थ जीवनका लागि स्वस्थ खानेकुरामा ध्यान दिनुपर्छ ।


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Nepalese Pursuit to Abroad for Higher Studies and Jobs
- Yavna Sharma - 29066, Grade V ... 01 November, 2023


As a seventh-grader studying in Nepal, I have often pondered the reasons behind the increasing number of people from our country pursuing higher education and job opportunities abroad. It's a trend that has grown significantly in recent years, prompting questions about its motivations, consequences, and overall impact on Nepal. In this article, we will delve into the motivations behind Nepali individuals opting for overseas studies and employment and assess whether this phenomenon benefits or hinders our nation.


A significant reason Nepali students go abroad for higher studies is their quest for quality education. While Nepal boasts several reputable educational institutions, there may be limitations on specialised programs, research opportunities, and world-class faculty. Many students aspire to study in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, which offer broader range of academic programs and access to innovative research facilities. 


Similarly, Nepali individuals often seek employment opportunities abroad to improve their economic prospects and support their families. Countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and the Gulf countries offer well-paying jobs in various sectors, including construction, hospitality, and healthcare. The remittances sent back home by Nepali workers abroad play a pivotal role in Nepal's economy. These funds contribute significantly to the country's GDP and serve as a lifeline for countless families, helping them attain a higher standard of living and financial stability.


The Impact on Our Country

Now, let's delve into whether this trend of Nepali individuals going abroad for higher studies and jobs is ultimately beneficial for our country.


Positive Aspects: Remittances sent by Nepali workers abroad are a lifeline for our nation's economy. These funds contribute to Nepal's GDP and can be invested in infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and other vital sectors. Nepali individuals who study or work abroad often gain valuable skills and knowledge that can benefit Nepal upon their return. They can bring back expertise in various fields, contributing to the nation's development. Those who study abroad often return with a broader perspective and a better understanding of global issues. This can be advantageous when it comes to addressing complex challenges in Nepal.


Challenges and Concerns: One of the primary concerns is the potential loss of talented individuals. When skilled Nepali workers and students leave for better opportunities abroad, it can lead to a ‘brain drain’. This means that Nepal may lose valuable human capital that it desperately needs for development. While remittances are essential, Nepal's economy should not become overly dependent on them. Over reliance on remittances can make the country vulnerable to economic ups and down. Relying on foreign-educated individuals for leadership positions in Nepal can sometimes lead to a shortage of local talent being developed and recognized within the country.


Striking a Balance

To maximise the benefits of Nepali individuals going abroad for higher studies and jobs while mitigating the associated challenges, it's essential to strike a balance. There are some ways we can achieve this balance. Nepal should continue to invest in improving the quality of education within the country. This can attract students to study in Nepal and provide them with more opportunities. Encourage and support Nepali students and workers to return to their home country after completing their studies or work assignments abroad. Recognize their skills and provide avenues for them to contribute to Nepal's development. Nepal should work towards diversifying its economy to reduce its dependence on remittances. This involves promoting industries, entrepreneurship, and job creation within the country. To retain talent and attract returning emigrants, Nepal should focus on fostering an environment conducive to research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This will not only create job opportunities but also promote self-sufficiency in critical sectors.



In conclusion, the trend of Nepali individuals going abroad for higher studies and jobs has both positive and negative aspects. While remittances provide economic stability and global exposure is valuable, there are concerns about brain drain and dependency on foreign earnings. To ensure that this trend benefits Nepal in the long run, it's crucial to strike a balance. We should invest in education, support emigrants, work on diversifying our economy, and foster an environment that encourages research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This way, Nepali students and workers can continue to explore opportunities abroad while also contributing to the growth and development of our beloved country.


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