
Student Corner


Influence of Parents’ Supports in Children’s Performance
- Sashwat Poudel - 2022019, Gra ... 08 July, 2019

Influence is a big thing. Being influenced is also a big term. Influence drives you to things or to do things. If a child is supported by parents, the child’s performance will be better. Support is always needed to every child.  Support is the reason someone is doing something brave or dangerous. So, if there is support for someone he/she will surely flourish. But if there is support for the person by his/her own parents, the person can’t be stopped on his path to success. If the parents are to support a child, his performance in any sector will be very good. When the person gets support from everywhere he/she develops self confidence and with the self confidence comes faith that the person can really achieve something remarkable. So, the parents must be supportive towards the children no matter how their performance is. When there is no support from the parents to the children, the children start getting negative thoughts about their own life and their parents. These negative thoughts drive the children to degradation in terms of their performance. So for a person, for a child, for everyone to be efficient, and give 100% of their effort support is needed. So, towards the children the parents should be supportive and very inspiring. Lack of these things mean the children will not be able to be efficient. Child psychologists have much faith in the positive approach of parents to their children.

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Internship In DSS
- Sonishma Basnet - 2022021, Gr ... 10 June, 2019

It was the last day of our BLE exam, which was computer. But 10 minutes prior to our exam, Mr. Tej Prasad Kafle called me and Pranjal out and we were asked to meet him after the exam. During the exam, my mind was wondering about why he had called us. Right after the exam was over we went to Mr. Kafle. He informed us that we were chosen for internship for one month and asked if we were interested. We both agreed as we didn’t actually have any work for the whole month. The very first day we came to school, we were told that our reporting manager would be Mr. Kafle. We were assigned to look after the children and send them to parents if needed. Our main task throughout the internship was to supervise students when the school was open, make files and bags for OHS for those parents who came for admission inquiry, count the books and check the damage if any and help the teachers. Amongst all, my personal favorite day was the day when the teachers went for outing and I had to be in the administration. I was responsible to handle all the tasks all alone but I called Pranjal over as there would be no one in the school. I had to talk to the parents who came for admission inquiry and gave them information about the school. I stayed at school from 10 AM to 4 PM.  We had lunch in the building right next to our school. The internship period was an important period in my life. Here I learned about the working environment, learned to work, make reports and many more. It was definitely a great advantage for me as I had seen every change in the school so it was not new to me on the first day of the new session. I knew all new teachers as well as all the upcoming events. In conclusion, I enjoyed my internship period and learned new things to a great extent.

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Internship Experience
- Pranjal Khatiwada - 2024013, ... 07 May, 2019

Hello! My name is Pranjal Khatiwoda. I am going to share my experience with the internship opportunity that I got from our school. The last day (ending of my B.L.E exam) after the exam, I was called by Tej Sir and told about the internship.

The next day I was called at 10:00 AM and given the letter which needed to be filled by me and my parents so that I could start my internship from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm every day from 14th Chaitra, 2075 to 14th Baisakh, 2076. The first day I joined as an intern, I came to the school and all the teachers congratulated me.

One of my duties was to look after the children. I realized how hard it is to handle students and imagined how our teachers handled us. As the exam of other classes was not finished, I engaged myself in the usual work of managing students in the ground. Some students asked me why I was there and I told them about my internship. They also congratulated me. The work I was engaged with for a few days was file management and gate duty.

After the exams were over, I didn’t get to manage the children instead I had to manage the files for Open House Session (OHS). Also, I had to count materials and collect data. I had to report the data to Tej sir.

These were all the work I did in the first 15 days of joining as an intern.

My first session was over and in the mid-phase, I didn’t have much work to do. But, I used to help the teachers and others. However, the days were light compared to the first few days. At the end of my internship period i.e. 5 days remaining- I was engaged in counting books and helping the teachers to decorate classes.

Overall, I had a great time working as I got to learn a lot of things and my time was also utilized. I am very grateful for my school for providing me with this opportunity.

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