
Student Corner

Mobile Phones

Written by: Abhigyan Mahato - 2021002, Grade X

Posted on: 05 August, 2019

Mobile phones are widely used in our daily life. Nowadays, mobile phones are used in every work. We can use it for calling, chatting, using the internet, playing games and so on. We can also search for difficult words promptly. There are many apps and games which make our life easier. The use of apps help us anytime and anywhere to perform various tasks. For instance, we can use online booking apps, online shopping apps and so on. We can also communicate with our friends and family anytime. We can also play online games such as Pubg, Forcefire, Nba Live, NBA 2K19, and many other games to keep ourselves involved for entertainment. We can take so many benefits from our mobile phones. However, a lot of people are misusing the facilities especially students. Some students are addicted to it. They are devoting their maximum time on mobile phones rather than in studies.