
Student Corner

Visit to Narayanhiti Palace

Written by: Aashrab Khanal - 2021006, Grade X

Posted on: 21 May, 2019

I visited the Narayanhiti palace on 28th January with my friends and the other students from grade 8 and 10. I went there for the first time. It was a fun experience and I gained knowledge about Narayanhiti palace. The palace was huge and an example of architectural brilliance in Nepal. The rooms in the palace were named after 75 districts of Nepal. I also saw the place where the royal massacre took place. It was a historic event that took place in the history of Nepal. Inside the palace, I saw paintings of the Kings of Nepal. I also saw the places where the royal family used to meet, have their dinner and the crown of the king. The field trip to Narayanhiti was very beneficial in accordance with education and fun. I hope the school would have more field trips like this.