
Student Corner

Perfect in My Imperfection

Written by: Saisha Pudasaini - 2021015, Grade X

Posted on: 26 June, 2019

I was lost in the darkness of failure. I couldn’t find my way back, all I could was hear the undesired and expect the unexpected. The result was contrary to what was expected of me. I tried to escape the truth; the gloom but deep inside I knew that I couldn’t abscond owing to the blunder I made. Was it me? Only me? Or the stress that dragged me to this gloom? Nevertheless, I heard the divine voice of my inner self “you’ve to be victorious, you’ve got this” and that was what kept me going. It was the moment when I found a rainbow in that immense darkness. I accepted myself. I was all my experiences. I was a rainbow and I was perfect in my imperfections. I’m perfect in my imperfections. I’m a rainbow….!

 -“Always remember you have it within you to get up from whatever may presently be bringing you down”