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नेवार समुदयमा प्रचलित विभिन्न बाजाहरू
- Reva Dangol - 28019, Grade VI ... 15 February, 2024

नेवारी समुदायमा विभिन्न बाजाहरू छन्  जस्तै: पचिमा, धिमे, न्या खिन्न, कोट, पोना, धा, बाँसुरी, भुस्याह, छुस्याह, तैनैन, मुहाली, नेकु, पिवाँचा आदि हुन् ।नेपाल संवत्‌काे स्थापना शङ्खधर साख्वाले गरेका हुन् । उहाँकै कारणले हाम्रो संस्कृति अझै अगाडि बढिरहेको छ । नेवारी सङ्गीतलाई तालिकामा व्यवस्थित गरिएको छ। लिच्छवी र मल्ल कालमा उत्पत्ति भएको यस शास्त्रीय सङ्गीतको प्रमुख रूप हो 'दाफा'। 'दफा खलाह' ब्यान्डहरूले रागहरूमा आधारित भक्ति गीतहरू बजाउँछन् । गीतहरू दिन वा वर्षको समय जुन मौसममा बजाइन्छ त्यसको आधारमा बजाइन्छ। केही रागहरू विशेष घटनाहरूमा बजाइन्छ, जस्तै दीपक राग जब राजाको मृत्यु हुन्छ। नौ: बाजा भक्तपुर, ललितपुर र काठमाडौँका नेवारी समुदायको परम्परागत सङ्गीतको एउटा महत्वपूर्ण अङ्ग हो । यसमा मुहाली, पोङ्गा, बायचा, सिच्छा, भुछ्या र टा जस्ता नौ प्रमुख वाद्ययन्त्र र सहायक यन्त्रहरू समावेश छन्।


पचिमा :

पचिमालाई नेवारी भाषामा खिङ भनिन्छ। यसको आकार अण्डाको जस्तै हुने भएकाले नेवारीमा खेन भनिने भएकाले यसको नाम खिङ राखिएको हो। पचिमा करिब २४ इन्च लामो र मध्यमा १२ इन्च चौडाइ छ। एक छेउमा  यो ८ इन्च चौडा छ । जबकि अर्को छेउमा, यो ९  इन्च चौडा छ। उपकरणको छेउ जनावरको छालाले ढाकिएको हुन्छ, र खाउ भनिने कालो धब्बा आंशिक रूपमा मधुर आवाज निकाल्न भरिएको हुन्छ। यन्त्रको ठुलो छेउलाई  मन्का भनिन्छ, जबकि सानो छेउलाई नास भनिन्छ ।


धिमे :

धिमे बाजाको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण सङ्गीत वाद्ययन्त्र मध्ये एक हो । कुनै पनि कार्यक्रममा धिमेको उपस्थितिले नेवारी संस्कृतिको उपस्थिति जनाउँछ । धिमे विभिन्न आकारका भए पनि सबैको आकृति र रूप एउटै हुन्छ। खोक्रो काठको फ्रेमको, धातुले ढाकिएको र दुवै छेउमा छालाहरू छन् । बाजा बजाउन  एकातिर हात प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ भने अर्कोतिर काठी प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ।


न्या खिन्न:

      यो नौ बाजाको एक निंग था बजा हो जुन सानो आकारको धा जस्तै छ। यस उपकरणमा छालाको प्रयोग गरिएको हुन्छ। छेउमा कुनै पनि प्रकारको मसलाले लेपित हुन्छ। यो हरेक चाडपर्व र जात्राको विशेष समयमा बजाइन्छ। काठमाडौँका नेवारहरूले कुनै पनि व्यक्तिको शव घाटमा लैजाँदा यो बाजा बजाउँछन्।



  यो एक प्रकारको बाजा हो जुन फुकेर खेलिन्छ । यो नेवारी परम्परागत सङ्गीतको एक अद्वितीय वाद्य यन्त्र पनि हो जुन नेवारी समुदायले मात्र प्रयोग गर्ने गर्दछ। करिब १ मिटर लामो यो यन्त्र डफा भजन, गुलाबाजा, कोट आदिमा बजाइन्छ र कुनै शुभकर्म वा कार्यक्रम सुरु गर्दा विशेष रूपमा बजाइन्छ । नेवारहरू बाहेक नेपालमा अन्य वर्गका मानिसहरूले पनि पोना जस्तै वाद्य बजाउँछन् तर तिनीहरूको धुन, सांगीतिक रचना र बजाउने तरिका यो भन्दा धेरै फरक छ।

नेपालमा करिब २०० प्रकारका मौलिक वाद्ययन्त्र रहेको र हालसम्म १०८ वटा वाद्ययन्त्र फेला परेको विश्वास गरिन्छ । धेरै सङ्ख्यामा नेवार वाद्ययन्त्रहरू समावेश छन् । यी यन्त्रहरूलाई सङ्गीत शास्त्र अनुसार चार वर्गमा वर्गीकरण गर्न सकिन्छ।


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परिवारसँग मुस्ताङ घुम्दै: पोखराबाट यात्रा
- Aarav Dahal - 29068, Grade VI ... 14 February, 2024

नेपाल घुम्नको लागि अचम्मका ठाउँहरूले भरिएको छ। सबैभन्दा विशेष मध्ये एक मुस्ताङ हो । यो पोखरादेखि मुस्ताङसम्मको साहसिक यात्राको कथा हो। म र मेरा आमाबुबा हिमाल र ताल भएको सुन्दर सहर पोखराबाट हाम्रो यात्रा सुरु गर्छाैँ । हामी हाम्रो झोलाहरू प्याक गर्छौं । अगाडि साहसिक कार्यको लागि उत्साहित हुँदै मेरा आमाबाबु र म कारमा चढ्छौँ।


पोखराबाट टाढा जाँदा हरिया डाँडा र साना गाउँहरू देख्न पाइन्छ । किसानहरू खेतमा काम गरिरहेका हुन्छन्, र हामी छेउबाट जाँदा केटाकेटीहरूले हामीलाई अल्मल्याउँछन्। यो शान्त दृश्य हामी कारबाट आनन्द लिन्छौँ। जब हामी अगाडि बढ्छौँ, दृश्य परिवर्तन हुन्छ। पहाडहरू ढुङ्गा बन्छन्, र त्यहाँ कम रुखहरू छन् । हावा पनि फरक, सुख्खा र धुलो महसुस गर्छाैँ । मेरा आमाबुबा र म झ्याल बाहिर हेर्छाैँ, परिवर्तन देखेर छक्क पर्दै चाँडै हामी काली गण्डकी नदीमा पुग्छौँ । हामी यस पुललाई पार गर्छौं। अर्को छेउमा मुस्ताङ,अरु भन्दा फरक ठाउँ त्यहाँ कुनै रूखहरू छैनन्, केवल बलौटे मैदानहरू र अग्ला चट्टानहरू छन् । हामी मरुभूमिमा छौँ जस्तो लाग्छ । मेरा आमाबुबा र म मुस्ताङ घुम्न उत्साहित अझै छौँ । हाम्रो पहिलो बिसौनी पुरानो राजधानी लो मान्थाङ हो । साँघुरो सडक र माटोले बनेका पुराना भवनहरू भएको यो पर्खालले घेरिएको सहर हो । जता हेर्‍याे हावामा फडकिरहेका रङ्गिन झण्डाहरू छन् । हामी पुराना गल्लीहरूमा हिँड्छौँ । मेरा आमाबुबा र म हात समातेर सयौँ वर्ष पहिलेको जीवन कस्तो थियो भन्ने कल्पना गर्दै हामी शाही दरबारको भ्रमण गर्छौं। यस समयमा फर्किनु हामी यसलाई सँगै अनुभव गर्न कृतज्ञ छौँ।



मुस्ताङमा हेर्नका लागि धेरै चिज छन् । मेरा आमाबाबु र म छोसेर गुफाहरू भ्रमण गर्छौं, जहाँ मानिसहरू धेरै पहिले बस्थे। गुफा अँध्यारो र चिसो छ, र हामी अन्वेषण गर्न फ्ल्यासलाइटहरू प्रयोग गर्छौं। हामी पर्खालहरूमा पुरातन चित्रहरू देख्छौँ, र यस्तो लाग्छ कि हामीले लुकेको खजाना पत्ता लगाइरहेका छौँ । घाम अस्ताउने बित्तिकै हामी सँगै बस्छौँ र आकाशमा रङ्गहरू परिवर्तन भएको हेर्छौं। मेरा आमाबाबु र म हाम्रो दिनको बारेमा कुरा गर्छौं, हाम्रा मनपर्ने क्षणहरू साझा गर्छौं। हामी परिवारको रूपमा यो साहसिक कार्यको अनुभव गर्दै आभारी भएकाे महसुस गर्छौं। पोखरादेखि मुस्ताङसम्मको हाम्रो यात्रा अविस्मरणीय रह्यो । मेरा आमाबुबा र मैले अद्भुत दृश्यहरू देखेका छौँ र सम्झनाहरू बनाएका छौँ जुन जीवनभर रहने छ । यो एक विशेष साहसिक कार्य भएको छ ।


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Is the ‘Hope Diamond’ a Curse or a Coincidence?
- Bisu Maharjan - 28003, Grade ... 14 February, 2024

The Hope Diamond is also known as ‘The King’s Jewel’, ‘The Blue of France’, and ‘The Travernear’ is considered a cursed diamond. Whoever buys it faces the misfortune of their lives and a devastating ending. There has been a list of people who owned the diamond. The diamond is about 45 carats. It is said to have originated about 1 billion years ago. The story tells that it was the first part of a Hindu temple till a priest stole it. The priest was given a sentence then the diamond got into the hands of a french merchant. Jean-Baptiste Tavernier who was said to have stolen the diamond from its previous owner. 


But many believe that he had bought the diamond. Rumor has it that the diamond had been sold to King Louis the Fourteenth after having a raging fever with some more of his goods. King Louis the Fourteenth decided to change the shape of the diamond and make it into a necklace then he wore the necklace to many events where everyone was left dazzling. This is also where the diamond got its nickname ‘The King’s Jewel’ and ‘The Blue of France’. Then King Louis the Fourteenth also suffered the curse of the diamond. Then only one of his children had survived and four of them had died at a young age. Considering this was normal at the time the diamond was then passed to King Louis the fifteenth. He gave the diamond to King Louis the sixteenth. He let his wife wear the diamond and then soon they were executed during the French Revolution supposing that they were the royals. 


The diamond was stolen from the warehouse and later found in England. It is said that it was owned by King George the Fourth. He didn’t live a happy life but he died a year later and was not so stable in ruling as well. He got addicted to alcohol and died of internal bleeding. George the Fourth also had a lot of debts so the diamond was sold again meeting its new owner. Thomas Hope was a rich banker when the diamond was given to his brother Henry Philip. Hope kept the diamond in his collection of gems. He also died the same year and the collection was distributed equally by the court and then the hope diamond was given to a great nephew by the decision of the court. Then it stayed in the family for a long time till it was sold to a merchant the diamond had changed many dozens of owners till Piere Cartiact bought the diamond and sold it to the Maclene family. Then the family suffered heavy loss and their famous company the Washington Post was bankrupt. 


Later, the diamond was bought by Harry Winston and was showcased in many meetings and charity events; he donated the diamond to the Smithsonian Institute. Now the diamond is displayed there. This was the history of the diamond. This story showcases the chance of it being cursed but some people didn’t get cursed and got away so, the mystery remains what do you think? Is it a curse or coincidence?


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History of the Eraser
- Pratik Karn - 30048, Grade VI ... 14 February, 2024

An eraser is a stationery item that is used to remove marks written with a pencil. In some Commonwealth countries, erasers are also called rubber. Erasers are made of synthetic rubber. Erasers come in different shapes, sizes, and colours on the market. Some erasers found on the market have a sweet fragrance. Some of the pencils have erasers at one end of them. There is a different eraser used to erase ink. The different eraser is called a special ink eraser. Some common eraser companies are DOMS, Pilot, Staedtler, Ain, etc. Do you know what the eraser waste is called that comes out when you erase some pencil marks? It is called eraser debris or eraser shaving. There are five types of erasers. The types are rubber erasers, gum erasers (art gum), pencil erasers, kneaded erasers, and vinyl erasers. The most common type of eraser is a rubber eraser. Before rubber erasers were used nowadays, tablets of wax were used to remove lead or charcoal from the paper. Before that, sandstone and pumice were also used to erase some small errors from papyrus documents written with ink. Between 1868 - 1912, crustless bread was used as an eraser. In 1770, a man named Edward Nairne from England made the first rubber eraser that many people could buy. He did it for a competition where people show off their inventions. In 1770, the word rubber was in general use for any object used for rubbing; the word became attached to the new material sometime between 1770 and 1778. However, raw rubber is perishable. In 1839, Charles Goodyear found out how to make rubber stronger through a process called vulcanization. This made the rubber tougher and longer-lasting. On March 30, 1858, Hymen Lipman of Philadelphia, United States, received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil. It was later invalidated because it was determined to be simply a composite of two devices rather than an entirely new product.


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Why do Humans Kill Each Other?
- Aadar Timalsina - 29046, Grad ... 13 February, 2024

In the history of human civilization, one question stands out to me the most. Why do humans kill each other? Why do they fight? Aren't we supposed to be intelligent creatures? If yes then why do we do something that makes a downfall to the human species? From ancient tribes to modern acts of terrorism and crimes, the act of killing has grown more across time, culture, and geography. But why? What makes individuals commit such grave crimes against their fellow friends? To study about this we need to dive deep into the complex psychological, social, and environmental factors of us humans.


At the core of this article lies human nature itself. While humans can have empathy, cooperation, and compassion, they also find themselves with a capacity for violence. Psychology suggests that aggression, in certain contexts, might have advantaged the survival of our ancestors. In the struggle for resources, territory, or mates, those who were willing to resort to violence may have gained an advantageous edge. Though modern society has largely made these issues less severe, there is still emotion of hatred and anger inside a human's psychology. Even though we are in modern society yet, reducing the urge to kill completely to humans would be overly simplistic and that would be almost impossible. The human mind is a laboratory of thoughts, emotions, and experiences so these factors can affect any human. Psychologists have long studied the factors that result in violent behavior. Scientists have found out that from childhood trauma and bad upbringing to untreated mental illness and personality disorders are the results of the scientists. For some individuals, a combination of these factors can create a perfect storm, and that storm wipes out all empathy and decision making.


Social dynamics also play an important role in creating attitudes towards violence. Our society's trend of resolving conflict is through aggression or violence and it is glorified and normalized. Such factors are absorbed by individuals making their nature. Similarly, factors such as poverty, inequality, and systemic injustice lead to revenge. Furthermore, the influence of cultural and historical context cannot be understated. Wars fought in the name of ideology, religion, or nationalism have claimed countless lives throughout history, highlighting the combination of belief systems and power dynamics in violence. Likewise, the creation of Weapons technology has made killing more efficient and easy. The weapons can easily satisfy the hunger of revenge of an individual so it seems more tempting and creates more violence in the human society. There are motivational factors behind the attitude of being violent. Social psychology shows the impact of situational factors on behavior. It illustrates how an ordinary individual can influence to commit acts of violence under certain circumstances. Factors such as peer pressure can lead to violence in human society. 


Despite our learning in human behavior, the question of why people kill each other remains as a vast puzzle with no easy answers. The motivations are as diverse and complex as the open ocean. Our emotions lead to violence and that emotions are motivated by several factors, but there are some cases which contradict the studies of psychologists but in my opinion since the newer generations are getting both emotionally and socially weaker. The war is yet to come and that war very well might just be the biggest war the human kind has seen and it might wipe out 50% of human beings.


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नेपालका चाडपर्वहरू
- Bishakha Upadhyay - 30010, Gr ... 13 February, 2024

नेपाल एक सानो तर सुन्दर देश हाे । हाम्राे देश धार्मिक र सांकृतिक रूपमा निकै धनी छ । हाम्राे देश नेपालमा १०० भन्दा बढी जातजाति र तिनीहरूले बाेल्ने भाषा छन् । यहाँ  जातजाति अनुसारका  धेरै चाडपर्वहरू छन् । हामी  काेही पराई छैनाैँ, नेपालमा बस्ने हामी सबै आफन्त हाैँ । हाम्रो देशमा कसैलाइ पराइ ठान्ने भावना छैन । हाम्रो देश एउटा ठुलो फूलकाे  बगैँचा जस्तै हो । सबै जना भाषा र धर्मका रूपमा अलग भए पनि हामी एकअर्कासँग रमाएर बस्छौँ । हामी सबैको बिच भाइचाराकाे सम्बन्ध छ । जातजाति, धर्म, भाषा, चाडपर्व फरक भए पनि एकअर्कासँग मिलेर बस्नु नेपालीकाे विशेषता हाे । नेपालमा चाडपर्वका नाममा कसैसँग झगडा हुँदैन । हिमाल,पहाड र तराई जहाँ बसे पनि हामी नेपाली हुनुमा गर्व गर्छाैँ । सबैका चाडपर्वमा शुभकामना आदानप्रदान गर्छाैँ । हाम्रा मुख्य चाडपर्व भनेका दसैँ, तिहार बुद्धजयन्ति, उँधौली, उँभौली, ल्होसार, क्रिसमस, इद, तिज, हाेली माघी आदि हुन् । चाडपर्वहरू नेपालमा एकदम राम्ररी र रमाइलो गरी मनाउने चलन छ । चाडपर्वले सद्भाव , एकता, भाइचारा, परिवारको साथ, माया आदि कुराकाे सम्बन्ध बढाउँछ । नेपालीहरूका लागि चाडपर्व एकदमै महत्त्वपूर्ण  छ ।

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रातो रिबन
- Shuvee Lamichhane - 29033, Gr ... 12 February, 2024

सपना देख्न के अठोट गर्नुपर्छ

के उसले आफ्नो जीवन दिनुपर्छ

सानैदेखि ठुला सपना देख्दथिई ऊ

उसको साचिकैको नाम के थियो ?

कहाँबाट आएकी थिई  ऊ ?

कसैलाई थाहा थिएन

तर हामी सबैले उसलाई माया भन्थियाैँ

नाम जस्तै थिई ऊ

साना हुन् वा ठुला सबैलाई दया र मायाले हेर्दथिई  ऊ

लुगा उसले जे लगाए पनि

अनुहार हेर्दा लाग्थ्यो कि भर्खरै इन्द्रेणीसँगै खेलेर आएकीझैँ देखिन्थिई 

उत्तिकै राम्री पनि,

ठुला सपना देख्न सानैदेखि सिकेकी थिई क्यारे

उडेर आकाश छुन्छु भन्थिई 

खै कसरी बिर्सिछे

वर्षाको पहिलो थोपोको लागि पर्खन्थिई ऊ

तर अन्त्यमा त त्यही वर्षाको पहिलो थोपाले नै उसलाई लग्यो

उसको रङ्गलाई आफ्नै झैँ लाग्यो

र गयो अर्को बिउ रोप्न,अर्की त्यस्ती माया खोज्न

समय बित्दै जादाँ सपना पनि बिलाएर जादाँ रहेछन्

र अन्त्यमा त त्यही आर्यघाट मै त पुगिन्छ

ती मायाको केही बाँकी नभए पनि

उसको रातो रिबन त्यहीँ थियो।


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Does Technology Make us More Alone?
- Shreeda Risal - 29031, Grade ... 09 February, 2024

Technology has been something more important than anything recently. Technology has been more than our life. Even in everything technology is used. Many people in the house have mobile phones. No one talks to no one in every single room. Every single person is on the phone. Even the poor people have phones in their hands. If someone needs something as a gift they would always ask for a phone, ipad, tablet, laptop and TV. There are a lot of electronic shops right now, more than the other shops. If everyone is on the phone always then they would not be alone. In the chat also you can chat with your friend. 


If you are not feeling good then you can share it with your friend who always understands you even in the chat if you are at home. If someone said something bad to you or you are feeling lonely then you have your friend technology in which you can just listen to a song. You can just listen to your favorite songs and just see something that can give you peace or relaxation. You can also have it as a friend who you would talk to and feel good. Just like if you have alexa, you can talk to. If you don’t have someone to play with then you can play with the alexa or the google home you have. As per the saying it is said that the coin has two parts one is the head and one is the tail then also technology has two sides, one good and one bad but if you see it then it has more good part then the bad part. 


If you are a positive thinker then you would feel that the technology is good but if you are not a positive thinker and you are a negative thinker then you would think that technology is bad. The kids join kids messenger and other things then they would be a person who would be socializing with everyone. It would be easy for them to talk different language.It would also be easy for them to get knowledge or to get more information. It would also be very easy for them to be with their friends.


In conclusion, technology is a tool and how we use it matters.


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