
Student Corner


- Jyotsana Tako - 29041, Grade ... 28 February, 2024

बाटोमा माटोको धुलो फैलिएका छन् त्यतिकै
जताततै गए पनि थाहा हुन्न जता कतै

पछिपछि आए पनि देख्न पनि सकिँदैन ।

बाँच्ने आशमा लिने हावा ढुक्क लिन सकिँदैन ।

शीतलताकाे अनुभूति हावाले नै दिन्छ कहिले
आनन्दको मौसमकाे साथ पनि  मिल्छ कहिले ।

फूलहरू हावाले नै छमछम नचाउँछ 
पुतलीकाे नाचलाई पनि हावाले नै बचाउँछ ।

सुख, खुसी अनि प्राण हावाले नै भरिदिन्छ 
हाम्रा खराब कार्यले नै हावा दुषित पारिदिन्छ ।

जङ्गलका रूखहरू यसकै  तालमा नाचिदिन्छन् 
शीतलतकाे राैनकमा चट्ट कम्मर  भाँचिदिन्छन्  

बाँच्न अनि बँचाउन  सबैलाई चाहिने हावा

सबै मिली सफा राखाैँ हाम्राे प्राण नै हाे हावा ।

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Should Criminals be able to Vote after they’re Out of Prison?
- Subigya Raj Kharel - 29065, G ... 27 February, 2024

The debate on whether felons should be able to voice out their opinions for the betterment of the country is a controversial one. On one side, there is the debate that if we don’t let criminals or ex-criminals vote after they’ve done their punishment, that shows restriction and goes against the ideas of a “second chance”. But on the other side, there are people believing that the felons should have a timeout from the voting booth, either as a consequence for breaking the law or that they’ll get corruption in the mix and rig the politics show. So, let’s review both of these sides to conclude on which one seems more right, both morally and legally. 


Letting them vote is like opening a new door for them, letting them become a responsible citizen and function normally in the society again. Also, slamming the door shut by restricting them to vote is like saying, “Hey! You’re still not one of us.”, creating a discriminatory boundary. However, there are still some people arguing that we should not forget the rules and be lenient, which can show that we’re not that serious about our law. And again, there’s some people that think that the right to vote should vary upon their offence, like if it's something really big such as murder or kidnapping, then they will be banned from voting for a while however if it’s something smaller like trespassing or petty theft, then we just consider it a mistake and move on.

Consider Eugène François Vidocq as an example, he was a criminal, and a real good one. He was a master at forging documents, theft, duelling and escaping prison. However, with a sudden change of mind, he decided to be a police informant that worked with many agencies to catch criminals. With this decision, he didn’t only significantly contribute to the police world, but he inspired many others by being a normal functioning member of society or even more. He makes the people who say “No one can change” second guess their opinions.

Should we let those who've done their time have a say in shaping the future? Advocates say, "Absolutely, it's a step toward rebuilding lives." Opponents counter with, "Hold on, we need to respect the rules we've set." Personally, I find myself leaning toward giving ex-convicts the chance to cast their votes, but it's not a one-size-fits-all decision. It hinges on the specifics of their past actions and whether they're earnestly working to redeem themselves. It all comes down to fairness, understanding, and believing in the power of people to grow and change for the better.


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- Tanish Bikram Shrestha - 3007 ... 27 February, 2024

अहिले युग विज्ञान र  प्रविधिकाे युग हाे । प्रविधि भनेको हाम्रो जीवनको लगभग हरेक पक्षमा दक्षता बढाएर संसारलाई परिवर्तन गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सकिने उपकरण र प्रक्रिया हाे । याे एउटा नयाँ कुरा सिर्जना गर्ने वैज्ञानिक ज्ञानको अध्ययन हो । टेक्नोलोजी अथवा प्रविधिले हाम्रो जीवनलाई सजिलो बनाएको छ । अहिलेकाे समयमा सबै मानवहरू पूर्ण रूपमा प्रविधिमा निर्भर भएका छन् । अब प्रविधिबिना एक कदम अगाडि कल्पना गर्न गाह्रो छ । वैज्ञानिक आविष्कार वा प्रविधि मानवजातिमा भएको सबैभन्दा अचम्मको कुरा हो । यस आधुनिक संसारमा प्रविधि अब विलासिता मात्र हाेइन ; यो एक आवश्यकता बनेको छ  प्रविधिबिनाको जीवन असम्भव छ किनकि मानिस प्राविधिक विकासमा निर्भर भइसकेको छ । हरेक मानव गतिविधिको लागि हामीलाई मेसिन चाहिन्छ । त्यसपछि त्यहाँ प्रविधिकाे प्रयाेग आउँछ । यसले हाम्राे सबै जीवनलाई सहज र सुविधाजनक बनाएको छ  । यातायात, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, श्रम आदिलाई थप पहुँचयोग्य बनाएको छ । यद्यपि, आजको संसारमा प्रविधिले देशको अर्थतन्त्र र जनताको जीवनलाई बलियो बनाउन महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छ ।

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A Festival of Family, Temple, and Joy
- Niva Shrestha - 30017, Grade ... 26 February, 2024

My Dashain vacation started off quite badly, with me being sick with a high fever and body aches. For this reason, I could not go to my village this year. I had been quite sad since I had not gone to my village last year as well. I did visit many temples on the four days of Dashain. For Ghatasthapana, my family and I visited the ‘Maitidevi Mandir’. The line there was not that long, but we still had to wait about half an hour. After worshipping and performing other religious rituals, we headed back to our house. For Phool Pati, my family and I visited the temple ‘Dakshinkali Mandir’. The line was quite long, maybe because our family did not come early in the morning, so we stayed in line for about 3 hours. After worshipping the goddess and performing other rituals, we headed home. It was a tiresome day, so my sister and I slept until dinner time while my parents cooked dinner for us. We had dinner and then went to bed. I woke up pretty late the next day, at about 10 a.m., while my sister woke up at 8 a.m.

On the third day of Dashain, which is called Mahaastami, only my parents went to a temple while my sister and I stayed home because we were tired. On Navami, everyone stayed home, deciding what to wear and which jewellery to match it with. A few guests also came over, and my cousin also came. I was super excited that she would be staying with us. She stayed at our place for a month because she had a school vacation. She made a huge mistake while packing her clothes because she brought clothes for the summer, but it was already winter in Kathmandu, so she borrowed my clothes.

On the final day of Dashain, which is called Vijaya Dashami, my mother wore a saree with a lot of gold jewellery, I wore a lehenga with a diamond set, my sister wore a kurta and some gold jewellery, and my cousin wore my kurta and one gold accessory and a simple necklace. The best time for putting tika that day was at 11:05 am, so we hurried up and went downstairs to put tika. My nini, mother, and father put tika on my forehead and gave us money, fruits, and blessings. Then, for the rest of my vacation, I went to my relatives to put on a tika. I enjoyed going to their houses, meeting up with my cousins, and playing with them. I did not go anywhere from Kathmandu this Dashain to avoid being sick again, but I could still meet my cousins, so I was not really that sad. For the last 3 days of my vacation, a lot of guests came and put on tika, gave money, fruits, jamara, and blessings to my sister, cousin, and me. My favourite part of my vacation was when my cousin from Dhading came to stay with me for a month. I enjoyed my Dashain wonderfully and happily. 


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नेपालको सुन्दरता
- Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade ... 23 February, 2024

नेपाल एक  सुन्दर देश हिमालले घेरेको

बिहानी पर्छ सूर्यको यहाँ किरण सुनौलो।। 


बाहिर हेरौँ बिहानीपख मिरमिरे घामलाई

फूलको बगान र खेतको त्यो सुन्दर दृश्यलाई ।। 


नाच्दछन् यहा मयूर पनि पहाडको कोखमा

उड्दछन् डाँफे शान फैलाई त्यो खुला आकाशमा।। 


खेतीपाती गर्दछन् किसान तराईको फाटमा

मिहिनेतको पसिना बगाउँछन् यही माटोमा।। 


लालीगुराँस फुलेर बन्छ पहाड रङ्गिन

पौडिन्छन् माछा नदीनालामा बगेर सलल।। 


बालबालिकाको खेल र हाँसो कानमा गुन्जन्छ्न् 

मौरी भँमरा फूलको त्यस बगानमा डुल्दछ्न्।। 


चराहरूको चिरबिर मिठाे  मधुरो भएकाे

प्रकृतिकाे सुन्दरताले नेपाल रहेकाे । 


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Dream Came True
- Prisha Acharya - 29040, Grade ... 23 February, 2024

There lived a girl who was very lonely, she did not have anyone to support her in her studies at all because her parents kept on fighting with each other. She only wanted  to go to school and also make good friends. She only had a friend named Jennie. But she wanted to go to school and make friends by herself because  Jennie was her childhood friend.


When they were born they instantly became best friends. She suggested that she should start school. When she was only 12 years old  she asked her parents about the suggestion that Jennie gave her because since she was at 5 years old she had been homeschooling. Well that time she had a happy family but everything changed in 7 years . 

So, after talking about the suggestion the girl's parents agreed. Well the girl's name was Rose. Rose was an intelligent, brilliant, smart and kind girl. Well, she was very nervous the first day of school and at the same time she was excited to make new friends. She entered the school and was greeted by the co-workers like the security guard and the sisters.


Along with that she also greeted them. She entered the classroom. The classroom was very mesmerizing, it had a big white board, the tables and chairs arranged in the straight line. Overall the classroom was very tidy, nice and beautiful. The first class was English. The sir who teaches them was very kind. Well, he was the class teacher of the classroom . 

The sir looked very strict but when they got to know about him he was a soft and kind hearted person. They enjoyed the class that sir gave in 10 minus they played games that were really fun.  Rose and Jennie were not at the same school but Rose made lots of good friends but Jennie didn’t know and she felt very bad. But in another direction Rose has made lots of good friends .

All the good friends were intelligent as Rose was. Her good friend's names were Olivia, Emma and Charlotte. They were very kind to each other. One day Rose's old friend Jennie told her that next semester she is going to come to the same school as her. Rose was so excited, she told Olivia, Emma and Charlotte they were also excited to see Jennie. Next semester also came.


Jennie was so excited including Olivia, Emma, Rose and Charlotte. They five became best of friends. Everyone around them were very jealous. In school best friends topped the class and finally at home it was peace and the quarrel of Rose’s parents finally solved. Her father stopped drinking alcohol and her mother went to work and finally at last as she wanted her dream came true to go to school, make friends, have the proper education she needs in her future and also to solve the quarrel between her parents.


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नेपाली शाही नरसंहार
- Bishakha Upadhyay - 30010, Gr ... 23 February, 2024

अग्लो हिमालको देश नेपालमा

जहाँ पुरातन कथा र किंवदन्तीहरू पाइन्छन्

त्यहाँ एउटा कथा छ, अँध्यारो र गहिरो

नेपाली शाही नरसंहारले सबैकाे मन भरियाे


भव्य र उज्यालो काठमाडौँको दरबारमा

अप्रिय घटना हुँदै थियाे शाही परिवारमा

तर एक डरलाग्दाे छाया नजिकै आयो

त्यसले सबैमा दु:ख र  डर ल्यायाे 


राजकुमार,  राजकुमारी  र राजा यति सत्य

निलो आकाशमुनि उनीहरूकाे भयाे हत्या

तड्पीतड्पी तिनीहरूको ज्यान गयाे

 तिनीहरूका सपनाहरू चकनाचुर भए


दरबारका हलहरूमा कानाखुसी गुन्जियो

झरना झरेको जस्तै दु:ख फैलियो

प्रश्नहरू अलिअलि, उत्तर थोरै

राज परिवारले साेच्ने गर्थे याे देश हाे मेरै ।।


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My First Experience of Bungee Jumping
- Luniva Shrestha - 28006, Grad ... 22 February, 2024

That day I woke up early in the morning, brushed my teeth and I went for a bath because I was feeling dizzy and wanted to be fresh and clean and be an early bird. I went for a walk after bathing. Before I went for a walk, I took my water bottle and I left for walking.  As soon as I went there for a walk I saw nobody at the park. I was the only one who was alone in the park surrounded by trees everywhere. I went back home after walking almost 15 minutes in the park. After I returned home my mother gave me my breakfast, and said “Pack your bags, because your father decided to go to Pokhara as your birthday is coming near and we will celebrate your birthday at Pokhara.We will leave at 11:00 am today. I was very happy after hearing that I am going to Pokhara today. I was very excited and I ran towards my room and started packing. I couldn’t wait for the moment when I was leaving for Pokhara today. I packed my bag then completed my homeworks for almost one hour twenty five minutes and spent some time at my device. I also went to drink my milk after spending some of the time on the device. Then I went to eat my lunch and after a few minutes I got ready and we left for Pokhara. 


We spent time in Pokhara for one week and two days. I went to visit Pokhara for two days and I went to the different temples presented in Pokhara. I didn’t visited pokhara on the third and fourth day because I was tired,and in the fifth day when I was walking I saw everyone in the Bungee jumping area, And I forced my family to take me there and I took permission from my father that I could take a experience of Bungee jumping and my father also gave me a permission to go. So Bungee jumping is the activity of jumping from a great height, while connected to a large elastic cord. The launching pad is usually set up or a tall structure like a bridge or a cliff. Bungee jumping comes under the adventure activity in Nepal. After my father gave me permission for Bungee jumping I was very excited and I went to the destination from where I should jump and I wore an elastic cord. I was very excited. The instructors of the Bungee jumping area were saying are you ready. So I said yes and they left the holder where the elastic cord was attached. I felt like I was flying in between the sky and the ocean. I was very happy, feeling like I was flying after bungee jumping. I went back to my hotel room. I was very tired so I decided to sleep. The other morning, I was not feeling well so I didn’t go anywhere. On the eighth day, I went to visit the Pokhara Zoo and I enjoyed it there. I sat there for a whole day and clicked pictures and visited the zoo. 


And on the last day. It was my birthday and I had a grand birthday party celebration at Pokhara. I cut the cakes and I also received precious gifts from my family, friends and relatives. The other day I returned back to my lovely home. I enjoyed a lot in Pokhara and my first experience of bungee jumping was also very interesting. I enjoyed my visit to Pokhara a lot.


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- Shreevaani Dhungel - 29044, G ... 22 February, 2024

ब्रह्माण्ड भनेको हाम्रो असली घर हो ।  यहाँसँग हाम्रो सारा अनुसन्धान, अन्वेषण, र आविष्कारहरू भइरहेका छन् । ब्रह्माण्डले हामीलाई आकाशगङ्गा, ताराहरू, ग्रहहरू, र ब्ल्याकहोलहरूको रहस्यमय समृद्धि देखाएको छ । यो अत्यन्त ठूलो रहस्य हो । जसले हामीलाई चिन्ता र आश्चर्यमा पारेको छ । ब्रह्माण्ड धेरै ठुलो छ र तलकाे ठुलो भनेर हामीले चाहिँ सोच्न मिलेन । ब्रह्माण्डको सीमा बुझ्न अत्यन्त कठिन छ तर, विज्ञानले हामीलाई ब्रह्माण्डको अन्धकारबाट निकालेर नयाँ दिशा देखाएको छ । हामी टेलिस्कोप नामक उपकरणले ब्रह्माण्ड हेर्न सक्छौँ, तर हेर्न जुटाउँदा रहेका चुनौतीहरू पनि छन् । ब्रह्माण्डमा दूरसँग बसेका उल्ल टाढाका क्षेत्रहरू हाम्रो अनुसन्धान र अन्वेषणको लागि बाधामा परेका छन्, किनभने यी रेञ्जहरूको आधारमा हामीले ब्रह्माण्डसँग अब तत्पर भएका छौँ । ब्रह्माण्ड अत्यन्त रहस्यमय छ र यो हाम्रो सृष्टि र विकासको बारेमा थाहा पाउँछ र जागरूक बनाउँछ । यो एउटा अदृश्य सागर हो, जसमा हामीले अझ पनि अनगिन्ति रहस्यहरू खोज्न सक्छौँ र हेर्न सक्छौं।  ब्रह्माण्ड असाध्यै ठुलो भएको कारण ब्रह्माण्डको बारेमा अहिलेसम्म वैज्ञानिकहरूले धेरै थाहा पाउन सकेका छैनन् तर अहिलेसम्म नासाले खोजी गरिरहेको छ । हामी मिल्की वे ग्यालेक्सी भित्र बस्छौँ । 

हामी सौर्यमण्डलभित्र बस्छौं जहाँ आठ ग्रह छन् । बुध, शुक्र, पृथ्वी, मङ्गल, वृहस्पति, शनि, युरेनस र नेप्च्युन सौर्यमण्डलका ग्रह हुन् । यी सबै ग्रहहरू सूर्यको वरिपरि परिक्रमा गर्छन्। सूर्यले हामीलाई ताप र प्रकाश दिन्छ। कैयौँ वर्ष अगाडि मानिसहरूलाई लाग्थ्यो कि पृथ्वी स्थिर हुन्छ र सूर्य र चन्द्रमा र तारा पृथ्वी वरिपरि घुम्छन् तर टेलिस्कोपको आविष्कार भएपछि मात्र मानिसहरूलाई थाहा भयो कि सूर्य स्थिर हुन्छ र पृथ्वी सूर्य वरिपरि घुम्छ र पृथ्वी जस्तै अरू ग्रहहरू पनि छन् ।  अहिले सम्म पृथ्वी बाहेक अरू कुनै ग्रह छैन जसमा जीवजन्तुहरू बाँच्न सक्ने अवसर छ । त्यसैले हाम्रो पृथ्वी राम्रो छ किनभने पृथ्वीमा पानी  उपयुक्त वातावरण छ ।  यहाँ हरेक जीवजन्तु बस्न सक्छन्  तर ब्रह्माण्ड ठुलो भएको कारण नभेटिएको अझै धेरै ग्रह पृथ्वी जस्तै होलान र अझै मानिसको बास त्यसमा छ होला । आखिरमा , ब्रह्माण्ड धेरै ठुलो र जटिल छ तर ब्रह्माण्ड पनि हो जहाँ हामी बस्छौँ । ब्रह्माण्डले हामीलाई जीवन दियो । बिग ब्याङ्ग सिद्धान्तले सौर्यमण्डल बनायो । यसले हाम्रो घर, हाम्रो पृथ्वी पनि बनायो । त्यसैले हामीलाई बाच्ने अवसर र हाम्रो पृथ्वीले हामीलाई बाँच्नका लागि स्रोतहरू दिएकोमा ब्रह्माण्डलाइ धन्यवाद गर्नुपर्छ ।

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