
Student Corner

Fantasy Adventures 360 Degrees

Written by: Presley Bhattarai - 31020, Grade VI

Posted on: 09 July, 2024

Chapter 1 - A Potion to Remember
Characters: Maya Rai, insects, tarantula
Good characters: Maya Rai, insects
Bad character: Tarantula

Plot: Maya Rai wins a science competition with a special potion made in her parents' home lab. While alone in the lab because her parents were away, Maya drinks the potion and wakes up tiny, surrounded by friendly insects who become her friends. But a scary tarantula threatens Maya and her new insect friends. Maya uses her karate skills to defend herself and her friends, scaring the tarantula away for good.

Chapter 2 - Giving Up Gadgets
Characters: Monica, Monica’s mom, Monica’s friend
Good characters: Monica, Monica’s mom, Monica’s friend
Bad characters: None

Plot: Monica loves video games and ignores her mom's advice to focus on homework. Her grades drop, and she gets called "Zero" at school. One Saturday, she plays games all day, ignoring her hunger and her mom's calls. Suddenly, she finds herself in darkness until her mom wakes her up. Realising she needs to do better, Monica starts focusing on her schoolwork and becomes the top student.

Chapter 3 - My Best Friend, My Hero
Characters: Mom, Dad, Luna
Good characters: Mom, Dad, Luna
Bad characters: None

Plot: On a cold winter day, the family encounters a dog with many wounds. They decide to adopt her and name her Luna. Luna quickly becomes a beloved member of the family. One night, a thief breaks into their home. Luna bravely confronts the intruder and manages to thwart the theft by biting his foot, causing him to lose his balance. The situation escalates when the thief pulls out a gun, but Luna's actions allow Maya's mother to disarm him, leading to his arrest. Luna's bravery earns her praise as a hero in the community, and she continues to be cherished as a protector and loyal companion in the family's home.

Chapter 4 - Smartwings 360
Characters: A little girl, Mom, Dad, Birds
Good characters: A little girl, Mom, Dad, Birds
Bad characters: None

Plot: On her seventh birthday, a girl gets wings that let her fly. She meets birds who think she's one of them and takes her to their kingdom, full of nature. She becomes their queen but misses her parents. When she sees them flying to find her, she invites them to the kingdom, and they live happily.

Chapter 5 - The Adventures Of Aquaria
Characters: Lucy, 2 Dolphins, Oceana
Good characters: Lucy, 2 Dolphins, Oceana
Bad characters: None

Plot: Lucy tries to stop people from littering and hurting sea animals. In a dream, a mermaid named Oceana gives Lucy a necklace with dolphins and magic powers. Lucy uses her powers to stop people from littering and hurting sea animals.

Chapter 6 - The Magic Shoes
Characters: Ella, Ella's mom, Shopkeeper
Good characters: Ella, Ella's mom, Shopkeeper
Bad characters: None

Plot: Ella loves ballet. She finds old ballet shoes in a shop that she thinks are magical. She buys them and wins many ballet competitions. When her mom throws the shoes away, Ella thinks she won't win anymore. But in the next competition, Ella dances well and wins first place. She learns it wasn't the shoes, but her hard work and talent.

Chapter 7 - The Power of Nature
Characters: Lia, Eva, The angelic voice
Good characters: Lia, Eva, The angelic voice
Bad characters: The voice

Plot: Lia loves nature. One day, she sees her favourite tree is sick. She hears a voice from the tree that says she can't leave. Inside, she meets Eva, who also loves nature. Lia uses plant seeds to make the tree sick and free them both. They escape and save the tree.

Chapter 8 - Weather Wishes
Characters: Ava, Mom, Dad, Villagers
Good characters: Ava, Mom, Dad, Villagers
Bad characters: None

Plot: Ava lives in a village where people farm. A typhoon threatens to destroy their crops. Ava wishes she could control the weather to save the crops. Suddenly, Ava can control the weather. She uses her power to save the crops, but people in the village are scared of her power. Despite this, Ava uses her powers for good and saves her village from danger.

Chapter 9 - An Unexpected Journey
Characters: Lucy, Aunt Ruby, Police
Good characters: Lucy, Aunt Ruby, Police
Bad characters: None

Plot: Lucy visits her aunt's big house and finds a strange door. She goes through it and enters a magical market from long ago. She finds a special chess piece but gets chased by the police. Lucy finds the door again and returns home with the chess piece, remembering her amazing adventure.