
Student Corner

The Horror Night

Written by: Aarshree Khadka - 30074, Grade VII

Posted on: 08 July, 2024

It happened one night when my father had gone out of the country for work. It would just be me and my mom that night in a four storied empty house, so because of that, we had called my grandmother from my maternal side. We called her so that there would be at least three of us in the house. We were all settled and we had already decided that my grandmother would sleep in the bed, and me and my mom on the floor in the mattress. After that, my father went to the airport. We locked all the doors and slept in the same room. We went to sleep at ten o'clock. We all slept peacefully until I woke up at exactly twelve o’clock and my eyes went directly to the mirror. What I saw in the mirror wasn't really scary, but just imagine waking up in the middle of the night in a dark room and seeing a person sitting up straight with something in their hand and their eyes glowing red. I just thought that it was my grandmother watching her phone until I saw those red eyes. I wanted to scream but I didn't. Instead, I shook my mother awake and told her what I saw. She was half asleep, but she told me that that was nothing and just my imagination, because after I turned back to see what it actually was, I saw that my grandma was sleeping peacefully. I can never forget that night.