
Student Corner


Report On Vegetable Farming
- Arunesh Manandhar - 21022, Gr ... 03 January, 2019

Before sharing about vegetable farming, I would like to show my gratitude towards my school as it has been focusing not only on the theoretical course of study but also on a practical study. This has been helping us a lot. In our course of OBTE, we have been learning about farming since grade VII. We were also taken to a farm visit during grade VII which now became useful for us to do farming ourselves. In the current course also we have many contents related to farming so our subject teacher, Ms. Roma decided to give us practical work based on farming. We, students of grade VIII did provide a lot of effort in this practical work. We all were given a specific plot. The plot we were given was very bushy and dirty. At first, we cleaned it up and made it suitable for farming. But unfortunately, our term break started and the plot we were given turned to the same condition as it was in the first. So, we had to clean it up once again. When we completed the cleaning we planted corianders and green leafy vegetables in group cooperation. Everyone performed their task properly without leaving any loopholes. This practical task helped us learned a lot of new things about farming. The major thing we learned was cooperation among friends. We are really very thankful to the school and as well as to our subject teacher, Ms. Roma, who provided us with this opportunity. Our main concept of this practical study was to provide the school with green leafy vegetables so that it doesn’t have to invest in buying the vegetables. Along with that, it accommodated us with practical knowledge about farming. And now it got some green leafy vegetables to cook. If such experiential work is applied to every sector of Nepal, then with no doubt Nepal will be able to catch a new content of farming. Also, practical work is a very interesting job and a good lesson with real life experience. Hence, the concept of vegetable farming was quite awesome and motivating.  

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Journal- Our Competition
- Jiya Sapkota - 23026, Grade V ... 20 December, 2018

Date: 29th August 2018 I went to DAV school, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur for Slok and a dance competition. I was very excited to go there. I heard so many things about the school which is very big, has many halls and has more than 3000 students. It was exactly as same as what I heard when I reached there. Some of the halls were for orientation, some for music and dance competition, and some for prize distributions. Also, there were rules like taking off shoes while getting inside and so on. There were lots of security guards as well.
Now, I talk about the day of the competition. I went to school by 7:00 in the morning. We practiced, watched dance and helped dancers to get ready. We drank tea with biscuits. I was the last to finish eating. And then we headed towards our destination. However, that day vehicles with even number plate were not in use. So our school vehicle had to come and pick us up with fewer students than before. We, five students from grade 6, two students from grade 9 and two teachers went to school. When we reached the school we saw many character trees placed in certain gaps with photos of good students throughout the year. My sister was also there. They were in the photos because it's their prize. We presented our performance. We performed well. After the performance, we went for lunch. I ate my food. They said that 1500 students, 500 teachers and 1000 students of primary wing come on a day-to-day basis to eat in the canteen. After eating, we went to the hall-Buddha hall. It was so big, bigger than the movie theaters. Our teacher said ”We will leave at 11:00” but it was late. We were waiting for our result announcement. We were little nervous. Firstly they announced the result of dance. We stood second in the competition. We were awarded medals and certificates. Also, other members of my school participated in Slok Bachan. But they didn’t stand in any positions. We were sad. And it was already time to return back to our school as our teachers had a meeting. After we reached the school, I called my parents to pick me up.


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Journal Of Going To Competition
- Niharika Chapagain - 23031, G ... 12 December, 2018

There was a competition held on DAV school. From our school, my friends and I participated in the competition. We participated in Slok Bachan and students from another class participated in Sanskrit dance. We practiced so much for the competition and the day finally came. We were very excited to perform. We all reached school early in the morning, practiced, and got ready. The teacher said he already had ordered a taxi so we waited for it. There were two taxies because we were so many that we could not fit in one taxi. We sat on taxies and left for the competition-Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. When we were on our way, the traffic stopped us and the driver said that we could not go from the road because of the Bimistic conference. Thus, we took the other road. Finally, we reached DAV school. It was very big. There was a big ground. There were stairs to go to the competition hall. There were some teachers to write our names and the name of our school. After the entry, we got inside. The hall was so big. There were many desks and benches to sit and many competitors were there. However, there were not many audiences because of Bimistic conference. Because of the conference, students from a lot of schools did not arrive in time so we waited for them. Not only Slok Vachan but there were essay writing, dance, Sanskrit speech, and more competitions. All of the competitions were held in different halls. There were tough competitors but we performed well. After our performance, we went to eat in the canteen. The canteen was huge. We finished our food and returned to the hall. By then it was time for the result announcement. Our school stood second in dance but we did not get any prizes for Slok Vachan. However, we learned so many things. Then, while returning to school, we enjoyed a lot.


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Our Hiking Trip
- Muskan Singh - 22010, Grade V ... 10 December, 2018

On September 16, 2018, we went on the trip. That day, we reached school at 9:00 am. We went to our classroom, packed our things. At 9:30 am we were on the ground. At 9:45 am we got on our bus and van. 11 students from our class were in the van and Mr. Kuldeep and Ms. Bipana were also with us in the van. At 9:55 the bus left from Sifal. We passed through many shops. We were singing in the way. Then at 10:45 we reached a mountaineering place. When we reached there the students who were on the bus had not arrived. After some time all of us reached our destination. We started walking from that place with two lines. I was with Ms. Roma, Neharika, Jiya, and Aarya. We were having fun. I captured many pictures of that place. We were walking on the road. By the side of the road, there was beautiful scenery. I captured the scene in my camera.


After a few minutes of walking, we saw a beautiful temple. It was small but it was so beautiful. I took the photo of the temple as well. Then, we went through the jungle. We saw that letters on the cloth were hung on trees. It was so beautiful. Later, we reached Kapan Gumba. It was our first destination. We had group photos there. Then we went through the bushes. There were many leeches but we all were lucky that we were not hurt by those leeches. Then we were walking through the hills. We could see many buildings from the hills. We took a rest in the hills. We were very excited to see Fulbari Gumba. On the way, we danced. It was so much fun. Our teachers also danced with us. After some time we reached Jagdol. By the time, we were very hungry. We rested in the park. There was a tap in the park. We washed our hands and had our lunch. After we had lunch, I was with the sisters of grade 6. We had lots of fun together. Ms. Roma and Ms. Bipana were excited to dance so they gave their lunch to us. We ate fried noodle. At 1:15 we left the park. Then we went through the jungle and spotted waterfalls. Oh God! That was so beautiful. After some time we reached Gokarna and then Fulbari Gumba. We made two lines and walked silently. While returning from the Gumba we took a shortcut. The road was stoney and my legs were hurting. Then, we pass through a village. The way was small so many people fell down in the mud. Ms. Roma was with us but Ms. Bipana and Mr. Nirmal were walking in front of us. After walking for one and a half hours, we finally reached the bus. We were so happy to see the bus and van so we got inside the van. On the way, I was looking at the pictures in my camera. My friend brought a tab so I was listening to songs through earphones. Finally, at 4:15  we reached school. Then we had snacks. Mr. Pukar asked me “How was your hiking?” I said that I had lots of fun. Actually, the person I missed a lot throughout hiking was Mr. Pukar.


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मेरो एक दिनको अनुभव
- Smriti Lama - 23022, Grade VI ... 22 November, 2018

म आज बुधबारका दिन डी. ए. भी. सुशील केडिया विश्व भारती विद्यालय गएकी थिएँ |  मेरो विद्यालयबाट अरू धेरै विद्यार्थीहरू पनि गएका थिए | हामी आठ जना थियौं | हामी धेरै उत्साहित थियौं | हामी विजयी हुने लक्ष्य लिएर डी. ए. भी. विद्यालय पुगेका थियौं | त्यहाँ धेरै प्रतियोगिताहरू हुँदै थिए |  त्यहाँ नृत्यकला, श्लोक वाचन कला, वक्तृत्व कला, नाटक, आदि प्रस्तुतिहरू थिए | हामी त्यहाँ नौ बजे पुगेका थियौँ | हाम्रो विद्यालयबाट हामीले श्लोक वाचन र नृत्य कलामा भाग लिएका थियौँ | डी. ए. भी. स्कुलको प्रतियोगिताहरूमा भाग लिन अरू धेरैवटा स्कुलबाट विद्यार्थीहरू आएका थिए | डी. ए. भी. स्कुल धेरै नै ठुलो थियो | हामीलाई प्रतियोगिता सकिएपछि भोजन पनि गराउनु भयो | हाम्रो विद्यालयमा संस्कृत पढाउने महादेव गुरु पनि पहिले डी. ए. भी. स्कुलमा पढाउनुहुन्थ्यो | श्लोक वाचन गर्ने प्रतियोगीहरूलाई उहाँले नै सिकाउनुभएको रहेछ | हामी खुसी पनि थियौँ र त्रसित पनि थियौँ | हामी नृत्य कलामा दोश्रो श्रेणीमा आयौँ | त्यस विद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरूले पनि आफ्नो प्रस्तुति देखाए | उनीहरूको प्रस्तुति मलाई निकै राम्रो लाग्यो | कला देखाउने मञ्च राम्ररी सजाइएको थियो | मिहिनेत गरेर अर्को पटक पहिलो श्रेणीमा पुग्ने विश्वास मैले लिएँ | त्यहाँ मैले धेरै कुराहरू सिकेँ  जस्तै : हामीले हाम्रो परम्परा र संस्कृत भाषालाई सम्मान गर्नुपर्छ, कहिल्यै पनि हार मान्नु हुँदैन, मिहिनेत गरे सफलतामा पुगिन्छ, आदि |

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My Memo Of The Chinese Cultural Dance Competition
- Deelisha Maharjan - 21025, Gr ... 21 November, 2018

On August 12, 2018, the seventh Chinese cultural dance competition was held in Premier International School. There were altogether 11 songs,15 dance and 2 martial arts. We didn’t know that there were singing and martial arts as well. First, we came to school, met our Chinese teacher, Ms. Han and we started getting ready. At first, she did my makeup then Aarasee’s, Sonoma's and so on. After we finished our makeup we dressed up and headed towards Premier Auditorium.After we reached there we started getting ready. Our dance teacher Mrs. Rameshwori also came. Both the teachers were looking beautiful. Our dance was listed in the 4th number. First, there was singing, then dancing and then the martial arts. We watched the singing competition. It was so good. All the participants sang really well. Finally, it was our turn to perform. We all were so scared of making mistakes but we finished the performance without any mistakes. We saw all the dances. They were also amazing. After dancing, there were martial arts. It was not so good because it was not balanced in positions. After all the performances, it was time for our result. We were so scared. The results of singing were announced. And now was the turn of dance. We scored 92.6 points. Unfortunately, we did not win, Premier International School won the prize. Later, we were asked to come on the stage to take photos. I was sad because we did not win. However, I was realized that winning everytime is not important. Instead, participating and trying is very important in our life. If we did not win this competition, we have a lot more competition to participate. We should work hard and even harder to win. After the program was over, we went down for snacks but we could not eat because the food was already finished. We headed towards school. After reaching, we changed our dress and went home. Sumnima sister, Aarasee, Ms. Han and I went together because our houses were nearby.

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