
Student Corner


Written by: Prakarsha Tabdar - 2024012, Grade VIII

Posted on: 25 November, 2020

The dictionary meaning of religion is , ‘An institutional practice of improving habits and characters for making a better life.’ Religion teaches us how to live our life with moral values.It guides us and shows us the way to control our weaknesses and improve our thinking and the way of living. There is religious tolerance among the various religious groups especially  in Nepal. Religious tolerance is respecting all religious groups equally. Everybody participates in each other's religious activities with respect. 

Hinduism is the oldest religion which has been followed since the ancient time. So it is called Sanatan religion. Hindus believe that God is present in different forms and avatars. They believe that our good deeds take us to heaven whereas our bad deeds push us to hell. Buddhism is the next religion that teaches us to be careful in deeds. It was founded after Gautama the Buddha. Lumbini is the birth place of Gautam Buddha. It is in Rupandehi district, Province no. 5 of Nepal. Buddha was born in 563 BC. Buddhist people follow  the teachings of Gautam Buddha. Buddhist is listed as the world's fourth largest region. 

Jesus Christ; after his crucifixion, a new religion formed after him called Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God who was sent as the savior of humanity. Bible is the main religious book of Christians. The place where they pray to Jesus Christ is known as Church. 

Islam is the next widely followed religion. Muslims are the followers of Islam. They follow the teaching of Hazrat Mohammad. His teachings are concerned about the ways of getting rid of worries in our lives. Donating to the needy, adopting good habits, being truthful, helping the poor, and protecting the religion and respecting prophets sent by Allaha; their God, are the main teachings of this religion. The Muslims pray to Allah also known as Khuda and their religious book is called Quran. 

The main teachings of religions are common; to forgive others, adopt good behaviour, help the needy, and take care of the disabled and the poor people.The essence of all religion is love,compassion, generosity and humanity.