
Student Corner

Should schools allow students to use cellphones in school?

Written by: Niharika Chapagain - 2024008, Grade VIII

Posted on: 22 November, 2020

In this modern generation, cellphones are very common everywhere. We can see cellphones in everyone’s hands. Even children who study in elementary schools have cellphones. Cellphones are very casual and important these days. They are very beneficial but as we know everything has its disadvantages. Cellphones are very common in every place except in schools. In international schools, cellphones are allowed but it’s not the same for all the schools in  all countries. Schools in Nepal aren’t allowed to use cellphones. Actually, there are a few schools that allow students to use cellphones but still, there are many schools which don't allow students to use cellphones in the context of Nepal.
I think cellphones could be a good source of learning. If cellphones are allowed in schools, it can be a good medium to learn for students. Students have classes every day and have to learn so many things each day. While learning they might have many difficulties. Sometimes even teachers may not know answers to student’s questions. So, in these situations, cellphones could be a powerful source of learning but on the other hand, providing cellphones to students might raise a feeling of uncontrolled freedom in students. They can use it during the class and interrupt the flow of class with unnecessary jokes and mischievous acts. 

Cellphones are the need of students but it could also be a major source of distraction. Cellphones may be helpful in a way to remind the students about their deadlines of assignments and it is a fact that during lockdown almost all the schools have started online classes. The online class is a good example as the schools naturally had to allow students to use cellphones during the class. The students can study on laptops and cellphones and the trend has increased in the pandemic. In this pandemic, cellphones and electronic devices have become very beneficial. Because of cellphones, laptops, and PCs students are able to learn. The online class proves that cellphones are beneficial and allowing students to bring a cellphone shouldn’t be a problem.   

In my view, if teachers have a fear that cellphones can be misused by students by texting each other or clicking pictures or doing unnecessary things, then, in such cases, the unnecessary disturbances in the class can be handled by making strict rules and by introducing new ways of punishment or the teachers can allow students to use the cellphones during recess and keep away phones during lectures and the class time. In this way, students can enjoy and also discuss their studies during recess. This way teachers can also teach without any distractions or disturbances caused by cellphones. 

So, I think it’s appropriate to give cellphones to students but teachers should observe students and their behaviors after allowing cellphones. As cellphones have both good and bad sides, students should also understand that they need to work hard and make good use of the cellphone. Students should be more careful and shouldn’t take the freedom of using a cellphone in school unwisely. If students are trustable and hardworking, schools should consider allowing cellphones as cellphones can help the hard-working students in their studies and it could help students become an independent learner.