
Student Corner


काठमाडाैँका मेयर बालेन
- Sambid Dhakal - 30028, Grade ... 19 January, 2024

साहसी व्यक्ति हौ तिमी

वर्तमानको मेयर अनि 

भविष्यको प्रधानमन्त्री हौ तिमी 

विगतका  -यापर अनि इन्जिनियर हाै तिमी

चन्द्रमा झैँ चम्किलो  स्वतन्त्र उमेदवार  हौ तिमी

तिम्रो चिह्न हाे लट्ठी 

जसले  बुढाबुढीलाई सहारा अनि

अपराधीलाई चुटाइ दिन्छ 

 सबैको  मन मुटुमा बस्न सफल मेयर हौ तिमी

 अँटेरीहरूको सेखी  झार्ने 

अनधिकृत संरचना भत्काउने 

टुकुचा  अनि खहरे खोलाको उत्खनन् गर्ने 

तिमी नै हाै असल मेयर 

काठमाडौँलाई विश्वभर चिनाउने

सबैलाई खुसी दिलाउने

 कसैको धम्कीले नडराउने

 तिम्राे डोजर चलिरहने 

सत्यको जितको लागि पछाडि नहट्ने 

अनि असत्यको जित हुँदा विद्रोह गर्ने

 देशका लागि सधैँ लड्ने 

अब तिम्राे पालाे संसारलाई हल्लाउने

अनि अन्यायमा परेकालाई न्याय दिने

टुकुचामा बिल्डिङ ठडियो भने

तिमी ढालिदिन्छौ

पेटीमा व्यापार भयो भने

सबै फालिदिन्छाै

अँटेरीहरू सबैलाई तह लगाउँछौ

काठमाडौँलाई सुन्दर सहर बनाउँछौ ?


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मेरो २०८० सालको दसैँ
- Agrim Rijal - 29005, Grade VI ... 18 January, 2024

यसपटक दोस्रो सेमेस्टरको परीक्षापछि दसैँ बिदा थियो । असोज २७ गतेदेखि मेरो दसैँ बिदा सुरु भयो । दसैँको पहिलो दिन घटस्थापना थियो । त्यो दिन म उठेर पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर गएँ । घर आएपछि नुहाएर पूजा गर्न गएँ । त्यसपछि मैले बिहानको खाना खाएँ। त्यसपछि मैले मेरो घर सफा गरेँ। त्यसपछि मैले आफ्नो परिवारसँग तास खेलेँ। मैले चङ्गा पनि उडाएँ । खाजा खानुअघि मैले बालुवामा जमरा रोपेँ। दसैँको दोस्रो दिन म परिवारसँग पशुपतिनाथ र अन्य मन्दिरहरूमा गएँ । मैले त्यो मन्दिरमा धेरै जनावरहरू पनि देखेँ। मलाई मन्दिरहरूमा जाँदा धेरै रमाइलो भयो। मैले धेरै समय तास खेलेर र चङ्गा उडाएर बिताएँ। दसैँको पाँचौं दिन म मेरो मामाको घर गएँ। बाटोमा म एउटा रेष्टुरेन्टमा गएँ र धेरै स्वादिष्ट खानेकुरा खाएँ। मैले त्यहाँ चङ्गा उडाएँ । त्यतिबेला मेरो घरमा चङ्गा उडाउने ठाउँ धेरै थियो । मेरा धेरै दाजुभाइ दिदीबहिनीहरू त्यहाँ आएका थिए । मैले उनीहरूसँग धेरै खेल खेलेँ । उनीहरूसँग फिल्म पनि हेरेँ । उनीहरूसँग रमाइलो समय बिताएँ । छैटौँ दिनमा पनि मैले मेरा दाजुभाइ र दिदीबहिनीहरूसँग रमाइलाे गरेँ। दसैँको सातौँ दिन मेरो मामाले त्यहाँ एउटा खसी काट्नुभयो। खसीको शरीरको हरेक अङ्ग थियो। त्यो दिन मेरा अरू आफन्तहरू मामाकहाँ आएका थिए । मेरा अरू दाजुभाइहरू त्यहाँ आएका थिए। धेरै प्रकारका खानेकुरा र मिठाइहरू त्यहाँ थिए। त्यसपछि म आफ्नो घर फर्किएँ । दसैँको आठौँ दिनमा घरभर सफा गरेँ र धेरै मन्दिरहरूमा गएँ । दसैँको नवौँ दिनमा मेरा बुबा काका र काकी मेरो घरमा हुनुहुन्थ्यो । दिनभरि म उहाँहरूसँग तास खेलेँ । दसैँको दसाैँ दिन म उठेर नुहाएर गएँ । त्यसपछि मैले नयाँ लुगा र ढाकटोपी लगाएँ । मेरो घरमा धेरै आफन्तहरू टीका र जमरा लगाउन आएका थिए । मेरा हजुरबुवा जेठो हुनुहुन्थ्यो त्यसैले हरेक दसैँमा सबै आफन्तहरू मेरो घरमा आउनुभएकाे थियाे  । टीका लगाएर १०:३० बजे खाना खाएर बुवाको मामाको घरमा गयौँ । त्यसपछि हामी यहाँ आएपछि मेरा धेरै आफन्तहरू आएका थिए त्यसैले मैले फेरि उहाँहरूबाट टीका लगाएँ । त्यसपछि म टीका र जमरा लगाएर दाजुभाइको घर गएँ । भोलिपल्ट म धेरै ठाउँमा गएँ । मेरो मामाको घरमा टीका लगाउन सुतक परेको भएर टीका लगाउन मिलेको थिएन  तर म त्यहाँ टिकाको चौथो दिन पछि गएर मेरा त्यहाँ भएका सबै आफन्तहरूसँग टीका र जमरा लगाई आशिर्वाद पाएँ ।


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- Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Gr ... 18 January, 2024

People want a healthy and perfect lifestyle. They try several routines just to have the lifestyle they want. However, even though several people want those types of lifestyles, the world is filled with alcoholism, negative minded people which just makes the whole world become affected by their bad influence. There are these types of hindrances in the world which are stopping us from having the lifestyle we want. But, we should not let those things stop us, as we are incharge of our own lifestyle and we must make it how we want it to be.


Lifestyle can be defined as a way that a person lives. Each person desires to have a beautiful, well set off lifestyle. However, we can't have the lifestyle we want by just sitting and thinking about our lifestyle. We must work hard with obedience, honesty and discipline. A person’s lifestyle will never be perfect. Even if a person wants a perfect lifestyle, they can’t because a perfect lifestyle is living without creating any mistakes or having any hindrances in life. But, everyone makes mistakes in life. Making mistakes is learning something. Without mistakes, you can never learn. Having a healthy lifestyle is an ideal lifestyle. To have a healthy lifestyle, we need to maintain our physical health, mental health, social and spiritual health. We need to take care of ourselves properly, eat a balanced diet. Even though we might be busy with our work or studies, we always need to take some time out for ourselves just to be alone and think about our life. To have a healthy lifestyle, positive mindset or positive thinking is a must. Even though there might be some bumps of negative thinking in our mind or heart, we must always avoid it as it brings us down. To have a healthy lifestyle, we must be well off in every category like physical health, mental health etc. If our physical health is good but our mental health is not good, our lifestyle will not be healthy. Even if hindrances come while solving our health or life’s issues, we must fight with it until we achieve what we want. Self discipline and punctuality in various fields is the key to have a healthy lifestyle or to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Lifestyle is something you can decide and change on your own. So, we must take advantage of this opportunity of our life and try to achieve the type of lifestyle we actually want to have. Having a healthy lifestyle is really beneficial to us as it helps us to boost our confidence throughout our life, it helps us to maintain a positive mindset, it helps us to be mentally and physically active, it makes us friendly and socially active as well. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle leads the person to their success in their life full of joy and happiness.


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Can Living Forever be blissful?
- Nayan Shakya - 29062, Grade V ... 17 January, 2024

Every living animal has a certain life expectancy. Some live for days while some live for 100 years. But if anyone would be able to cross that line that does not enable us to live forever It would be a curse. It would be a curse because it has a lot of loopholes and it is also pretty much not possible.  


If we were able to live forever then many bad things would occur. Firstly, the project of being able to live forever would be very costly. It is not an easy task to cross the life expectancy. Only rich people would be able to afford it so it would not be available for the other. Let us just imagine it is not costly. Everyone can afford it but now stands an even greater problem. We humans have populated the earth enough already by deforestation, over pollution, overuse of natural resources and many others. So if we had been alive forever we could not imagine the harm we would give the earth as we would be alive but still populating. It would lead earth to complete destruction. Overpopulation will be a major problem. Rise in demand increases space necessary for humans to settle. For which, we need to cut down trees in large amounts which would lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen. Which would inevitably lead to the extinction of the human kind. 


Living forever also means that crime rates would grow higher cause the criminals would also have access to living forever.  Also if you are able to live forever then either they would grow old and not die or just stop at their current age. Which means if a 80 year old eats it their body is still weak as ever. You could also get killed very easily because it is just extending your life not immortality. Living forever could also cause your sanity to lose. It would diminish your memories because our life would be infinite, not the size of the brain. Slowly we would just get bored of life and start taking our own lives. Also we are unaffected by any diseases I think because it is just not possible we could all just die because of a rapid fire disease. We could possibly be killed by others of our own kind because humans are not trustworthy creatures. The earth has limited resources as it is just a small dot in this vast world. Earth as substances like air water land food etc. and if humans are able to live forever these all would be significantly decreased causing extinction. 


The over population may also cause the extinction of other animals or it would indefinitely cause the extinction. In that case the human race would also be dead. Conquering other planets is not a choice because the other planets nearly don’t even have a fraction of earth’s wealth in resources. If we live for long and advance, robots will come to conquer the earth in the future. The theory could also come true and the replacement of humans to robots may be true or an asteroid would just demolish the earth just like the asteroid destroy dinosaurs theory. It could also lead to modification and creation of new species. Normally, it is not possible for an average human to live beyond a certain number but science is a thing that may be able to defy this law and help us live forever. It is also quite impossible because physics exists and our body starts degrading after a certain time. Blame physics for not being able to live but the thing that humans can live forever seems very much impossible and if it was even possible because it is not a very pleasant thing or to simply put it simply it is a curse.


In conclusion extending or making human life on earth is of course not a bliss but a curse.


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The Young Generation
- Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Gra ... 16 January, 2024

The young generation is the youth of our nation who contribute to its development. For the past several years people have been working in their respective nations for its development but youth nowadays migrate to other regions. Although we can see we receive remittance from them.

Youths nowadays can be shaped in any way we want them just like how to mold soft clay into your desired shape of choice. The young generation is just like them. They also have collective patriotism towards their nation which makes them trustworthy. The young generation could be good but nothing is balanced if there aren’t any negative impacts on them, we can say that the young generation is not emotionally stable and has been acting out. They can be easily influenced into doing certain things because they can't distinguish between right and wrong which leads them to being vulnerable to excessive use of the internet as well.

The young generation could be quite self-centered as well because they have a huge gap of age between their parents as well which makes it hard for the young generation to understand their parent's point of view and vice versa. Due to this, there could be arguments between the youth and their guardians as well which is not good in terms of ‘family relations’.

The words “Moral” and “Respect” have almost lost their meaning. The young generation doesn't have the same amount of moral values their parents have. Moral values are what led us to be what we are today and they developed our society but they youth do not understand that fact which often leads them to misbehave as well. Due to this, some of them are not accepted by society which creates a war between society and youth as they don't understand that society has been shaped in that way for years and simply trying to change that fact is not the right thing to do.

In addition to that, social media has been a bad influence on the youth as social media shapes the youth's minds more than their parents, it may help in spreading awareness but it has negative impacts like social media addiction, cyberbullying, etc which the youth can be vulnerable to as well. 

In conclusion, youths are the foundation for the world of today and if they mirror the wrong image this can ruin the several sectors of tomorrow's world for which all stakeholders need to keep closer eyes and a strong action plan for further steps to fix tecno influenced young generation.


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व्यायामको महत्व
- Eva Adhikari - 29012, Grade V ... 16 January, 2024

व्यायाम स्वस्थ र सन्तुलित जीवनशैलीको आधारशीला हो। यसले हाम्रो शारीरिक कल्याणलाई कायम राख्न र सुधार गर्न मद्दत गर्ने , शारीरिक गतिविधिहरूको विस्तृत श्रृङ्खला समावेश गर्दछ। नियमित व्यायाम समग्र स्वास्थ्यको लागि आवश्यक छ, किनकि यसले हामीलाई बलियो बनाउँछ र हाम्रा पाचनप्रणाली, मांसपेशीहरू र हड्डीहरूलाई बलियो बनाउँछ। यसले तौल व्यवस्थापनमा पनि महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छ, व्यक्तिहरूलाई स्वस्थ शरीर कायम राख्न मद्दत गर्दछ। यसबाहेक, व्यायामले पाचन स्वास्थ्यलाई सन्तुलन गर्दछ, रगतमा चिनीको स्तरलाई मिलाउँछ र मधुमेह र अन्य रोगहरूको जोखिम पनि कम गर्दछ। यसले हामीलाई शारीरिक फाइदा पनि दिन्छ। व्यायामले हाम्रो मानसिक र भावनात्मक कल्याणमा गहिरो प्रभाव पार्छ । शारीरिक गतिविधिमा संलग्न हुनाले एन्डोर्फिनको रिलिज हुन्छ । यसले तनाव र चिन्ता कम गर्छ, कल्याण र मानसिक स्पष्टताको भावनालाई बढावा दिन्छ। व्यायामलाई हाम्रो कार्य, स्मरणशक्ति, र राम्रो निद्राको ढाँचामा सुधार गर्न पनि जोडिएको छ, जसले थप सन्तुलित र सन्तुष्ट जीवनतर्फ अग्रसर गर्दछ। व्यायामको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण फाइदाहरूमध्ये एक दीर्घायुलाई बढावा दिन र जीवनको गुणस्तर सुधार गर्ने क्षमता हो। नियमित शारीरिक गतिविधिले आयु बढाउन सक्छ र उमेर-सम्बन्धित रोगहरूको जोखिम कम गर्न सक्छ। यो स्वस्थ बुढ्यौलीको एक अत्यावश्यक घटक हो, जसले व्यक्तिहरूलाई तिनीहरूको जीवन शक्ति र स्वतन्त्रता कायम राख्न मद्दत गर्दछ। चाहे यो कार्डियोभास्कुलर कसरत, शक्ति प्रशिक्षण, वा लचिलोपन अभ्यास मार्फत होस् , मानिसकाे  दैनिक दिनचर्यामा व्यायाम समावेश गर्नाले परिवर्तनकारी हुन सक्छ, जसले हामीलाई स्वस्थ, खुसी र थप पूर्ण जीवन बिताउन सक्षम बनाउँछ।


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Is it Okay to Lie ?
- Sakshi Singh - 29027, Grade V ... 26 December, 2023

Yes, Many people believe that honesty is the best policy. Just not to lie is the best policy people think but many have their own opinion or overview of it in their own way. In my opinion, sometimes it is okay to lie but not every time. Because behind this there are several reasons like; sometimes we are forced to lie in that situation we have to tell lies and if we talk about the other case, so sometimes in our life it is necessary to lie as well. We people don’t always tell the truth in this world. As far as I know, in this world there are lots of people who tell lies. If we talk about the research, Sixty percent of people lie every ten minutes.


If you lie for some specific reason then lying is okay whereas if you lie to just not get in trouble or any ill purpose and lie even a big mistake, then there is a problem. Lie depends on what case you are telling as well whereas the white lie or real lie. White are known as innocuous. Lie’s can be said for different reasons just like an example; Our parents used to tell us stories and different other things when we were little kids and we used to believe it as well and this was normal at that time and right now as well. Saying a lie is not a big problem or an issue, it depends on people’s situation in what case people tell lies. It may be sometimes for good reasons or may be for bad reasons as well. When we think about lying, I feel like the people really feel bad and try to tell any type of reason that could be accepted in most of the cases and if we tell the truth behind the lie then it will not be for a bad reason. Usually, When small childrens are alone at home and their parents are not home at that time if any stranger comes then the children usually lie for their own self- protection which is also okay. There could be many situations where the childrens don’t protect themselves from the strangers and at that time the child could get kidnapped and even it could be a serious situation. Usually, it is acceptable to lie with people who are emotionally fragile, near death etc can be the most specific reason behind telling a lie. In reality, the consequences of lying are serious. The intent is negative in lying with ill purpose. If we talk about lying for positive outcomes, the intent is positive and not too much of a major or serious case. In this world by doing the research there are lots of adult people who usually don't lie often but they talk a lot. Those people who say that telling lies are completely wrong. I really respect their own opinion but sometimes in our life we have to tell lies for several reasons as well even I have even mentioned reasons behind telling lies. 


If we are telling somebody a lie just for true and right reason then that is an honest lie and if we are telling a lie just to escape from the trouble or any problem that is not good that’s really bad in my opinion. I don’t know what other people’s think who live in this world and even they all have their own point of view towards any kind of thing just like right now we are talking about whether telling lies can be useful or harmful it’s still a ponderable topic.


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