
Student Corner


A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
- Prasiddhi Dangol - 28009, Gra ... 25 January, 2024

This phrase is commonly used to define that if there is a small hole in a cloth, it will get bigger if we don't repair it. So effort right now will prevent something much worse from happening. It hints that ‘prevention is better than cure’. It also tells us that procrastination is bad. No matter how long we procrastinate to solve a problem, the bigger the problem becomes so it is better to solve a problem when it is small rather than waiting. 


Time is precious. It is wealth. Our day only consists of 24 hours. A week has 7 days. Therefore, our life expectancy is also about 80 to 90 years on average. Therefore, we can afford to slack off or waste the time given to us. According to successful individuals, we should use our time wisely and not spend it doing pointless things. It is the reason we will succeed in our future or not. It also implies that we need less energy and effort to implement this proverb daily. According to the proverb, if we solve our problems when it is early and small, we will be able to use less energy in solving it. However, if we procrastinate on doing the work, then we will have to use much more effort to solve the problem when it becomes bigger.


This helps in better decision-making. If we follow this proverb to address every minor problem so it wouldn't become bigger later, it helps us solve our problems daily. It also allows us to address every problem with ease as it is usually small when it first occurs. This also helps the person develop new strategies to solve any problem. However, a person who does not follow the proverb will not be able to have time to prepare strategies and that will result in them becoming more stressed as a result. This situation as a whole leads to poor decision-making.


A real-life example of this is that if our car has a minor leak, and we ignore it thinking it won't have any problems, later on, this can become a severe issue and lead to damage to the car permanently. If we just used our time properly to solve that minor leak, maybe it would not have caused any bigger problems in the future. It can ultimately save the person from high repair prices, maintenance costs, etc. Therefore, this is how the proverb ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ is useful in our daily life activities as well.


Another example would be Israel. After Israel was first formed, many Arab countries wanted to attack it and end it but luckily before the Arab countries attacked, Israel was able to attack. This made the defense system of the countries to become weak as it was unexpected which led to Israel winning the war. If Israel had waited for the other countries to attack before doing anything themselves, they would have not succeeded in winning. Therefore the proverb also implies that ‘Prevention is better than cure’.


Students need to avoid being lazy when it comes to their responsibilities, such as exam preparation, completion of homework, or involvement in any projects. Delaying tasks with the belief that the due date is later so there is a lot of time available may result in the accumulation of stress and facing excessive workload in the upcoming days or the day that we have to turn in our assignments. Therefore, it also helps us become cautious of our time and how to use it properly as a whole.


This proverb holds a special place in our day-to-day activities. If we do not complete our work in time, this will cause the work to pile up, and eventually, on the deadline, we will have to suffer the consequences of our actions. Therefore, this may cause a lot of stress mentally and physically which will make our body exhausted and overall degrade our health. Therefore, it is always better to do our work when it is assigned rather than being lazy and doing all of it at once on the day we have to submit it.


People who can continue doing their work under pressure will have it easier than those who don't focus primarily on their work. Therefore, if we can complete our work when it is given, it won't be burdensome shortly and may also be able to help us do our work more efficiently. For example, if we have to write an essay and we start doing it the day it was assigned it will be much easier for us to research it and spend more time perfecting it rather than rushing to do it on the day we have to submit it, it will simply become harder for us.


We may not always be aware of the small errors that we make in our daily lives. We may think that nothing bad will happen because it is a small mistake but that small mistake may grow into something big, something you can’t fix. That is when we are not able to prioritize our responsibilities and duties straight. It isn’t just a small fact, it may be the bridge between becoming successful or living an ordinary life. That is the main reason why we should manage our time.


In conclusion, we should make a habit of completing our work on time because always delaying it due to procrastination will lead to us reaching the deadline without anything done. This will lead to our actions having consequences. We should be careful about utilizing our time as it is not infinite, our life expectancy is about 80 to 90 years on average so I would like to suggest all of you manage your time properly and be able to do your work on time rather than procrastinating and waiting until the last minute to do any work. It is the development of a better yet new habit after all.


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- Subigya Raj Kharel - 29065, G ... 25 January, 2024

पर्यटन भन्नाले एक ठाउँबाट अर्को ठाउँमा गरिने घुमघाम हो। एउटा मानिसले पर्यटन गर्ने विभिन्न उद्येश्य हुन सक्छन्। मनोरन्जनको लागि घुम्ने बाहेक नयाँ ज्ञान हासिल गर्न, व्यापार गर्न, औषधि उपचार गर्न, जाडो वा गर्मी छल्न आदि कारणहरूले गर्दा मान्छे पर्यटन गर्दछन्। यसबाहेक विभिन्न मानिसहरू धार्मिक स्थलहरूमा तीर्थयात्रा र पदयात्रा, बन्जी जम्पिङ, जिप लाइन,र्‍याफ्टिङ जस्ता साहसिक गतिविधिहरूका लागि पनि घुमफिर गर्छन्। जे उद्येश्यले गर्ने भए पनि पर्यटन गर्ने मानिसलाई पर्यटक भनिन्छ। पर्यटन एउटा आर्थिक क्रियाकलाप पनि हो जसले कुनै पनि देशको विकास गर्न ठुलो भूमिका खेल्दछ। 


पर्यटन देशबाहिर र देशभित्र पनि हुन सक्छ। यसका आधारमा पर्यटनलाई मुख्य गरी दुई प्रकारमा विभाजन गरिएको हुन्छ। देशभित्र गरिने पर्यटनलाई आन्तरिक पर्यटन भनिन्छ भने देशबाहिर गरिने पर्यटनलाई बाह्य पर्यटन भनिन्छ। हाम्रो देश नेपालमा मुख्य गरी भारत, श्रीलङ्काजस्ता छिमेकी एसियाली मुलुकबाट मात्र होइन, अमेरिका लगायत पश्चिमेली मुलुकहरूबाट पर्यटकहरू आउँछन् भने नेपालीहरू चाहिँ भारत, चिन, थाइल्याण्ड, जापानजस्ता देश भ्रमण गर्छन्। यसका साथै विदेश बस्न वा पढ्न गएका आफ्ना छोराछोरीलाई भेट्न कैयौँ अभिभावकहरू अमेरिका, अष्ट्रेलिया, बेलायत, क्यानडाजस्ता विकसित देशहरू समेत भ्रमण गर्दछन्। 


नेपाल एउटा प्राकृतिक, ऐतिहासिक र धार्मिक ठाउँमा धनी देश भएता पनि विभिन्न समस्याहरूले छेकेका कारण अरू देशहरूका तुलनामा यहाँ कम मात्र पर्यटकहरू आउँछन्। यी समस्यामा जनशक्तिको अभाव, वातावरणीय सरसफाइमा चाहिने जति ध्यान दिन नसक्नु, सबैतिर यातायातको विस्तार हुन नसक्नु, बिग्रेका भत्केका ऐतिहासिक, सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाहरूको मर्मत सम्भार गर्न नसक्नु आदि हुन्। गएको वर्ष लगभग ६ लाख जति विदेशी पर्यटक नेपाल भित्रिएको कुरा अनुमानित छ। यो सङ्ख्यामा वृद्धि गर्नको लागि माथि उल्लेखित समस्याहरूको समयमा नै समाधान गनुपर्छ जस्तै हवाई तथा स्थलमार्गको विकास गर्नु, आधुनिक तथा सुविधायुक्त होटल, होमस्टे आदि निर्माण र व्यवस्थापन गर्नुपर्ने, स्वच्छता र सरसफाइलाई उच्च प्राथमिकतामा राख्ने,र यी सबै कार्यका लागि नेपालले पूँजी छुट्याउनुपर्छ। 


पर्यटन एउटा महत्त्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र हो। नेपालमा धेरै उच्च हिमालहरू, लामा नदीनाला, अग्ला हिमताल, घना वनजङ्गल, विविध पशुपंक्षी आदिका कारणले गर्दा पर्यटनको क्षेत्रमा निकै सम्भावना बोकेको देश हो। पर्यटनका धेरै फाइदाहरू छन्।  यसले देशको अर्थतन्त्र बलियो बनाउँछ, रोजगारी प्रदान गर्छ, विदेशी पैसा देशभित्र ल्याउँछ। स्थानीय उद्योगहरूलाई चलाउन मदत गर्छ। त्यस्तै संसारभरिमा आफ्नो देशको अलग पहिचान बनाउन सघाउँछ। देशहरूबीच राम्रो सम्बन्ध कायम गराउँछ, विभिन्न देशवासीहरूका बिच आपसी सद्भाव र शान्ति फैलाउँछ। हाम्रो देश नेपालमा सबै पाहुनाहरूलाई भगवान समान मान्ने चलन छ। त्यसैले हामी सबैजना पर्यटकहरूलाई स्वागत गरेर आफ्नो तर्फबाट पर्यटनको उत्थान गरी देशको विकासमा महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिन सक्छौँ । 


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My Visit To Banaras
- Selena Bhattarai - 30041, Gra ... 25 January, 2024

I had been dreaming of visiting Banaras for a long time, and finally, I got the chance to experience it last year. I went with a group of people during Kartik month, specifically for Kartik Snan.

The excitement kicked in as soon as I boarded the train, which was my first time travelling by train. I grabbed the top seat and spent the journey playing Ludo with my sisters. We had brought some homemade food to eat on the train. Eating food and travelling with loved ones is wonderful. We slept on the train and drank "Matka Tea" in the morning. We reached Banaras at 9 a.m., and I was thrilled about exploring the city known for its food culture and beautiful places.

On the first day, after some grocery shopping, we rested in our hotel. The hotel was beautiful and peaceful, with many rooms and staff members. The food was also delicious, and the surrounding area of the hotel was green and open.

On the second day, I woke up at 4 a.m. and headed to the ghat, just a 5-minute walk from our stay. After the Ganga Snan, we returned, had our breakfast, and started exploring. The city was crowded and beautiful, with many alleys, which was a little confusing. We needed to be careful while exploring. We bought many little gifts for our relatives and friends from the market. I did not go for the Snan for the next eleven days but finally took it on the last day.

During the trip, I visited many beautiful places and temples and even went to Allahabad on my birthday. The magical experience in Banaras is in my memory as one of the best, and I learned that unplanned trips can turn out to be the most enjoyable ones.



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- Sangay Sherpa - 30030, Grade ... 23 January, 2024

तिहार नेपालमा मनाइने एक महान् पर्व हो। यो पर्व कार्तिक कृष्ण पक्ष त्रयोदशिका दिनदेखि कार्तिक शुक्ल पक्षको द्वितीयासम्म पाँच दिन मनाइन्छ । यमराजले आफ्नी बहिनी यमुनाको घरमा आतिथ्य ग्रहण गरेको हुनाले याे पाँच दिनलाई यमपञ्चक भनिएको हो भन्ने मान्यता छ । तिहारलाई फूल र बत्तीकाे पर्व पनि भनिन्छ । तिहारमा प्राणीकाे पनि पूजा गर्ने गरिन्छ । यस पर्वमा काग, कुकुर, गाई, गोरुको पूजा गरिन्छ। यस पर्वलाई दीपावलीका नामले पनि चिनिन्छ । यस  दिन हामीले देउसी र भैलो खेल्ने चलन पनि छ । साना र ठुला  सबै मानिस देउसी भैलो खेल्छन् । तिहारको अन्तिम दिन अर्थात् कार्तिक शुक्ल द्वितीयाका दिन भाइ तिहार पर्दछ । यो विशेष दिन हाे । यस दिन दिदीबहिनीहरूले दाजुभाइहरूलाई निधारमा सप्तरङ्गी टीका र गलामा मखमली फूलकाे माला लगाइदिन्छन् । दाजुभाइकाे दीर्घायुकाे कामना गर्दछन् । दाजुभाइहरूले पनि  दिदीबहिनीहरूलाई टीका र माला लगाइदिन्छन् । यसरी तिहार  पर्व अत्यन्तै हर्षाेल्लासकासाथ मनाउने गरिन्छ । 


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शिक्षाको महत्त्व
- Sadhvi Aryal - 29025, Grade V ... 22 January, 2024

हरेक मानिस सफलतातर्फ गइरहेको हेर्न चाहन्छ ।  जुन राम्रो र उचित शिक्षाबाट मात्र सम्भव छ। हरेक अभिभावकले आफ्ना बच्चालाई बाल्यकालदेखि नै जीवनमा शिक्षाको महत्त्व र शिक्षाका सबै फाइदाहरू भविष्यमा राम्रो अध्ययनतर्फ लाग्नका लागि बताउनुहुन्छ । जीवनमा अगाडि बढ्न र सफलता प्राप्त गर्न सबैको लागि राम्रो शिक्षा धेरै आवश्यक छ।


शिक्षाले आत्मविश्वासको विकास गर्छ र व्यक्तिको व्यक्तित्व निर्माण गर्न मद्दत गर्छ। विद्यालय शिक्षाले सबैको जीवनमा ठुलो भूमिका खेल्छ। सम्पूर्ण शिक्षालाई प्राथमिक शिक्षा, माध्यमिक शिक्षा र उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा गरी तीन भागमा विभाजन गरिएको छ । शिक्षाका सबै विभागका आ–आफ्नै महत्त्व र फाइदा छन् । प्राथमिक शिक्षाले जीवनभर मद्दत गर्ने आधार तयार गर्छ, माध्यमिक शिक्षाले थप अध्ययनको बाटो तयार गर्छ र उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षाले भविष्य र सम्पूर्ण जीवनको अन्तिम मार्ग तयार गर्छ। हाम्रो राम्रो वा नराम्रो शिक्षाले भविष्यमा हामी कस्तो प्रकारको व्यक्ति बन्ने भन्ने कुरा निर्धारण गर्छ । 


यस्तो प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक संसारमा सबैको लागि राम्रो शिक्षा हुनु आवश्यक छ। राम्रो जागिर र पद पाउन उच्च शिक्षाको महत्व बढेको छ । उचित शिक्षाले भविष्यमा अगाडि बढ्नको लागि धेरै तरिकाहरू सिर्जना गर्दछ। यसले हाम्रो ज्ञान स्तर, प्राविधिक सिप र जागिरमा राम्रो स्थिति बढाएर मानसिक, सामाजिक र बौद्धिक रूपमा बलियो बनाउँछ। हरेक बच्चाको जीवनमा केही फरक गर्ने सपना हुन्छ। कहिलेकाहीं आमाबाबुले आफ्ना छोराछोरीलाई डाक्टर, आइएएस अफिसर, पीसीएस अफिसर, इन्जिनियर र अन्य उच्च स्तरका पदहरू बन्ने सपना देख्छन्। सबै सपनाको लागि एउटै बाटो छ जुन राम्रो शिक्षा हो।


खेलकुद, खेलकुद, नृत्य, सङ्गीत आदि अन्य क्षेत्रमा रुचि राख्ने विद्यार्थीहरूले डिग्री, ज्ञान, सीप र आत्मविश्वासका लागि आफ्ना विशेषतासहित थप अध्ययन जारी राख्छन्। त्यहाँ धेरै शिक्षा बोर्डहरू छन् जस्तै यूपी बोर्ड, बिहार बोर्ड, ICSE बोर्ड, CBSE बोर्ड, आदि, राज्यअनुसार। शिक्षा एक धेरै राम्रो उपकरण हो जसले जीवनभर लाभ उठाउँछ।


राम्रो शिक्षाले जीवनमा व्यक्तिगत उन्नति, सामाजिक हैसियत वृद्धि, सामाजिक स्वास्थ्य वृद्धि, आर्थिक उन्नति, राष्ट्रको सफलता, जीवनको लक्ष्य तय गर्ने, धेरै सामाजिक समस्याहरूप्रति सचेत गराउने र वातावरणीय समाधानका उपायहरू प्रदान गर्ने जस्ता धेरै उद्देश्यहरू प्रदान गर्दछ। समस्या र अन्य सम्बन्धित समस्याहरू। अहिलेको समयमा, दूर शिक्षा कार्यक्रमहरूको कार्यान्वयनका कारण शिक्षा धेरै सरल र सजिलो भएको छ। आधुनिक शिक्षा प्रणाली विभिन्न जात, धर्म र जातका मानिसहरूमा रहेका निरक्षरता र असमानताका सामाजिक समस्याहरूलाई हटाउन पूर्ण रूपमा सक्षम छ।


शिक्षाले मानिसको दिमागलाई ठूलो स्तरमा विकास गर्छ र समाजमा रहेका सबै विभेदहरूलाई हटाउन मद्दत गर्छ। यसले हामीलाई राम्रो सिक्ने र जीवनको हरेक पक्षलाई बुझ्न सक्षम बनाउँछ। यसले सबै मानवअधिकार, सामाजिक अधिकार, कर्तव्य र देशप्रतिको दायित्व बुझ्ने क्षमता प्रदान गर्दछ  ।


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Is it Appropriate to Survive Forever?
- Rushka Sapkota - 29024, Grade ... 19 January, 2024

In my opinion, this would definitely be a curse. At first look, eternal life once thought to be an impossible dream might appear appealing because it offers the possibility of living beyond the limitations of mortality. Nevertheless, further research reveals that the official finding that provides perpetual life may be viewed as a cruel curse as opposed to a blessing. This viewpoint explores the nature of human life and the structures of society, as well as the complex network of ethical, social, and existential issues that such an everlasting existence would bring. The prospect of everlasting existence seems appealing, with its boundless prospects for growth, discovery, and ambition. But it harms society as a whole, well beyond the realm of the individual. Without the fundamental drives and aspirations that mortality offers, eternal life might send mankind into a never-ending condition of decline. The fleeting nature of life frequently catalyzes achievement, inspiring people to grasp the present, pursue their objectives, and leave a lasting legacy. After eternity is assured, there is less of a need for success, creativity, and advancement, and existence might become a boring cycle with no purpose or direction. 


Furthermore, there is an unimaginable mental cost associated with everlasting life. Human experiences, goals, viewpoints, and awareness of life's fragility are all shaped by the passage of time.  Being immortal may cause us to experience the loss of loved ones constantly, which can create a never-ending pit of sadness, isolation, and existential misery. Deep mental suffering and emotional destruction might result from human emotions and coping strategies designed for a limited existence collapsing under the weight of an infinite one. In the process of achieving eternal life, social factors play a crucial role. The already dangerous problem of overpopulation will become deadly. There will be a record level of demand placed on limited resources including food, water, and habitat, which might result in war, societal instability, and ethical issues with the sharing of resources. A society's power structure can shift significantly when firmly established elites continue to rule, preventing advancement, creativity, and social fairness. In addition, we are eager to get things done when we know we only have a little window of time! We work really hard and enjoy ourselves greatly while accomplishing things. That same thrill, though, might not be felt if we knew we had forever. We might not have the same sense of need to learn new things and hence life would become less remarkable.  


Moreover, the idea of perpetual life challenges humanity's moral and ethical underpinnings. The passing of life sets boundaries for conduct, directs choices, and cultivates Concepts like fairness, responsibility, and consequences that can become meaningless in an everlasting state, which could shake up the foundation of societal norms and values. What about the chance that immortality might result in a lack of drive, innovation, and social advancement? In a future where everyone lives forever, have you considered how population growth and scarce resources can cause conflict and social chaos? If someone claims that having an everlasting life would be a gift since it presents countless opportunities for development and learning, how would you respond to them? 


Furthermore, not everyone would have access to the immortality formula even if it were to be discovered. The wealthy and powerful would have the means to acquire the formula, leaving the underprivileged to suffer and perish in silence. This can cause the social and economic divide in society to widen even farther. In summary, an unsettling web of possibilities is revealed by the discovery of a formula that offers perpetual life. It threatens to strip mankind of its moral underpinnings, creativity, and purpose, even beyond its first attraction. Eternal life is not presented as a solution to psychological pain, societal disruption, or moral decay. 


Thus, although eternal life may seem like a great idea, it may also provide a number of challenges. Sometimes life is more thrilling and special when there are limitations, such as those related to time. For this reason, although it may seem wonderful, living forever may not be as enjoyable as it first appears.

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हाम्रो नेपाल
- Aarav Timilsina - 28028, Grad ... 19 January, 2024

नेपाल हो हाम्रो मातृभूमि ,यही हो हाम्रो जगत् 

 हाम्रै पुस्ताका युवा हो हामी, यही बगाउने रगत 

 हाम्री सृष्टिमाता हुन् हामी ढोग्ने छौ चरण 

 यही भूमिको माटोमा परे पहिलो किरण 


 नेपाल हाम्रो मातृभूमिलाई छाडेर जादेनौँ 

 नेपाली माया नबिर्सी हामी छाडेर जादेनौँ

हामीले देश छाडेर गए विकास कसले गर्ला 

 विदेशमा बसी मातृभूमिको उन्नति कसले गर्ला 


नेपाली मायाबाट हुर्केका हामी यसलाई नाबिर्साैँ 

नेपाली माटोबाट उम्रेका हामी यसलाई नाबिर्साैँ

देशप्रति माया छ धेरै  सन्तान हैँ यसैको

मातृभूमिप्रति सम्मान छ धेरै  उपासक हाैँ यसैको 



शब्दले  मात्र  बुझाउन सक्दैनौँ नेपालको सुन्दरता

आँखाप्रति वरदान  हुन्छ, नेपाल को सुन्दरता

विशाल हिमाल , रङ्गीन फूलले झल्काउँछ सुन्दरता

 शितल तल , हरिया पहाडले झल्काउँछ सुन्दरता


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Is it okay to lie?
- Sakshi Singh - 29027, Grade V ... 19 January, 2024

Just not to lie is the best policy people think but many have their own opinion or overview of it in their own way. And as in this topic it has been mentioned to talk about my own opinion. So, If I talk about this topic then In my opinion Sometimes it is okay to lie but not every time. Because behind this there are several reasons like; sometimes we are forced to lie in that situation we have to tell lies and if we talk about the other case, so sometimes in our life it is necessary to lie as well. We people don’t always tell the truth in this world. As far as I know, in this world there are lots of people who talk lie things. If we talk about the research, 60 (Sixty) %percent of people lie every ten minutes.


 If you lie for some specific reason then lying is okay whereas if you lie to just not get in trouble or any other things than it a big lie even a big mistake. Lie depends on what case you are telling as well whereas the white lie or real lie. White are known as innocuous. Lie’s can be said for different reasons just like an example; Our parents used to tell us stories and different other things when we were little kids and we used to believe it as well and this was normal at that time and right now as well. Saying a lie is not a big problem or an issue, it depends on people’s situation in what case people tell lies. It may be sometimes for good reasons or may be for bad reasons as well. The situation when we think to lie i feel like the people’s really feel bad and try to tell any type of reason that could be accepted at most of the cases and if we say the truth behind the lie than it will not be for a bad reason. Usually, When small childrens are alone at home and their parents are not home at that time if any stranger comes than the children’s usually say lie for their own self- protection which is also okay There could be many situation where the childrens don’t protect themselves from the strangers and at that time the child can must get kidnapped and even it could be a serious situation. Usually, it is acceptable to lie with people who are emotionally fragile, near death etc can be the most specific reason behind telling a lie. In real lie,consequences are serious whereas in the white lie is about bending of the truth. The intent is negative in real lie where if we talk about white lies it’s intent is positive and not too much of a major or serious case. In this world by doing the research there are lots of adult people who usually don't lie often but they talk a lot. Those people who say that telling lies are completely wrong. I really respect their own opinion but sometimes in our life we have to tell lies for several reasons as well even I have even mentioned reasons behind telling lies. This is the overall view of my opinion related to this topic that is it ever okay to lie.

 If we are telling somebody a lie just for true and right reason then that is an honest lie and if we are telling a lie just to escape from the trouble or any problem that is not good that’s really bad in my opinion. I don’t know what other people’s think who live in this world and even they all have their own point of view towards any kind of thing just like right now we are talking about is it okay to lie as well as in that topic as well other’s can even think in a better way.


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