
Student Corner


Global Warming
- Barun Kadariya - 29053, Grade ... 01 February, 2024

Climate change is the long term shift in temperature and weather caused by sun’s activity or large volcanic eruption. The tiny shift in weather pattern and temperature change according to season is not normal these days. Cold is rising when the cold needs to have vanished with summer. Such conditions in which the sun's activity is altered by human activity can be a major cause of global warming.  It is influencing many parts of the world majorly. 


The negative impact has mostly put a question mark on the future on all aspects of flora and fauna. Many people, species of vegetation and animals actually have died because of this. Now the heat and untimely cold is increasing in our country, and climate change generally is the reason for this unbearable heat and untimely cold. This really affects when the seasons specifically are changing in an unnatural way.This also affects the agricultural sector. The change of season was different in a really major way this year. Result of this, the agricultural sector specifically was also affected. 


In Nepal,summer gets more intense with heat and winter is more bitter cold. The hilly and terai region during summer is extremely hot and winter with extreme cold. The cause of this is pollution. The pattern of weather and temperature is shifting from terai to hill and to the lower part of the mountain too. If you literally think about the heat of the Terai at this time, you cannot even imagine how hot it will be. Animals living in cold places can be uncomfortable due to the increase in temperature because as the temperature increases, coldness decreases, and hotness increases, fairly contrary to popular belief. Climate change has impacts on river basins. It also indicates increased pollution. It has also greatly affected the atmosphere. As the temperature essentially is rising now, it mostly is expected to really be more than that in the future. Now it seems that even in winter it actually feels like summer and it basically is all due to climate change in a subtle way. It can spread like an epidemic. As the temperature of the earth increases, there can for all intents and purposes be problems like fire and again forest fire. No creature can actually survive in such scorching heat. Many fruits and vegetables are also affected by heat and particularly are not for all intents and purposes worth eating, which is fairly significant. According to the findings of fairly current scientists, this heat can affect us in everything. It causes both mental and physical illness. 


However, there definitely are some for all intents and purposes good effects of global warming. Some positive effects of global warming include improved agriculture in some high-latitude zones, fairly fewer deaths due to harsh winters, an ice-free Northwest passage, increased vegetation activity in high-latitude zones, etc but this kind of overall global warming is not a good symbol for our earth, and for animals and plants. So its effects are harming, they should eradicate this problem soon, which essentially is fairly significant. 


In conclusion, the result of the climate change caused by human activity resulting in global warming needs real attention by every individual whether they are consumer, producer and industrialist and national and international leader.


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Would you Rather be Beautiful or Intelligent?
- Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Gr ... 31 January, 2024


Having beauty along with brains is considered as being the luckiest person alive, despite being any gender, weight, height etc. The term ‘Having Beauty Along with Intelligence’ is considered perfect. But, if we really look deeper into reality, we do realize that no one and nothing can actually be perfect. Thus, it’s very very rare to find a person beautiful and smart. Some people might have the look and intelligence, but those people are the ones having the most insecurities leading them to lose their confidence when confidence defines a person. But, do we really see the equity and equality in the treatment given to a beautiful person and a smart person?


In the present time, we have the ability to say “Looks and smartness both matter”. But, can we really implement that in our society? If you do so, you’ll most likely be judged by the whole society. In this society, we can clearly see beautiful and handsome people getting several benefits. In various situations, those people don’t have to wait in the line, pay the price for certain things etc. Okay, maybe it could just be because of their success or luck. But, there are some beautiful people who get a job just because of their looks even though there are several other people who could do the same job with actual and proper knowledge about the job. For example: There are two people who are getting interviewed for a huge position in a company. Among those two people, one of them had higher skilled knowledge while the other was beautifully attractive. And, if the attractive person was given the position, this clearly shows how the system is rigged and treats people unfairly based on their looks. But, hey! Needless to say no one is ugly, what matters the most is your beauty inside. 


Of course, being pretty also has several advantages besides getting prince and princesses treatment. Being handsome or beautiful helps you to boost up your self confidence and as said before, self-confidence is the key to success. However, everyone has insecurities that lead them to try even harder until they actually realize that no one can become perfect. The one and major job people get with their beauty is modeling or being a famous social personality. But, beauty is not only about outside, it is also about what’s on the inside. So, if a model or an influencer does something others don’t like, let’s say that their career can be partially ruined due to the excessive hate, comparison, criticism etc they could get. But, if we look at the self advantages of being smart, there are a lot. They have proper knowledge, not only about a certain topic, but knowledge in various fields. And, knowledge is a permanent thing which cannot be taken away by anyone. Compared to most of the ‘beautiful’ titled people, smart people have a lot of critical thinking and problem solving potential. Smart people are likely to have academic, professional and life success in their life while ‘beautiful and handsome’ people mostly have life success which mostly only includes professional success excluding academic success. This only applies to some people, not everyone. Smart people are also the people who have more intelligence and connection seeking ability. Stating facts, I have to say that being beautiful or handsome is not related to being smart. Those are two different things which have different meanings.


Many people want to have both beauty and intelligence. But, they just want to achieve it, not work to achieve it. It might be because they might think it is impossible. But, if they actually worked, they would have achieved it. There are several ways you can achieve being pretty but also smart. You just need to work on yourself. You should read different novels which will help you gain knowledge and improve your mental health. You should look after yourself by going to gyms, doing yoga, skincare, body care, reading motivational books, listening to motivational podcasts etc. Doing this for 4-5 months , you won’t recognize yourself. You’ll become the new better version of yourself. Of course, the process is long, but what about the result we get from it? You’ll be absolutely satisfied. But, again, the biggest enemy here is insecurity. You need to learn to love yourself and accept yourself. It is also the personality of a person that matters. If your personality is just ‘not it’ or your personality annoys other people, people won’t care about your looks or if you're smart anymore, they’ll just not talk to you afterwards. Personally, I too want to become both beautiful and smart. I will do my skincare to make my skin glowy and I will read scientific books. And, I just want a balanced life with both beauty and smartness even though it could be hard to achieve and balance that kind of life.


In short, in my opinion, being smart is better. Though, I am not trying to justify that looks do not really matter in our life. I am just trying to explain that smartness matters more than looks, though the boost of self-confidence we get from our appearance and looks actually helps us in various fields. Both are different terms with different meanings, but our life would have been much better if we just loved ourselves and accepted ourselves just the way we are. If we had done that early, we wouldn’t have had many debates about this and would have been treated equally with equity. The whole society, the whole system would have been “normal”. But if I have to answer the question “What is more important, beauty or intelligence?” I’ll have to answer it with neither. In my opinion, beauty is beauty and intelligence is intelligence. The most important thing is to properly understand the value of both the things and use it for bringing the better in yourself.


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मनको भावना
- Aadar Timalsina - 29046, Grad ... 31 January, 2024

हिमालहरूको चोटीमा चम्कीरहेको,

सूर्यको रूपमा सजिइरहेको

नेपालको पहाडमा बसेर गाउने गीत

फूलहरूले रङ मिसाएर आँखै विचित्र ।


खोला र आसमान बिचको बिर्सिएको तारा,

राति सपना, मनमा बसिरहेको प्यारा 

गुनासो छ बादलले छेकेको छाया,

पर्वहरूको माहोलमा, मनोरन्जन सारा ।


जङ्गलमा उफ्रँदै गर्जने  बाघको गाथा,

जन्तुहरूबाट छीनिएकी ती माता।

सहरसँगै बजारको स्वर,

साथीको आवाज र मधुर माहोल ।


प्रेमको बाटोमा, दोहोरो प्यासा,

बाटो छान्नु आफैँ र आफ्नै गाथा।

चराको चिरबिर, जनावरको कराई,

जमिन र आकाशको अन्तर मिलाउँदै गई।


जीवनको चित्र, रङ्गीन छ गाथा,

कविता बनाइएको, मनको व्यथा ।

सँगै बसेर रचिएकाे, सुनौलो कहानी,

असल कवितासँगै बदलिन्छ रूप रानी ।


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My Experience in Wall Climbing
- Ameen Shakya - 30059, Grade V ... 31 January, 2024

Wall climbing is an adventurous activity that is world-famous. It contains bouldering as well.

The advantages of these activities are:

-Improves flexibility

-Full-body workout

-Enhances focus

-Enhances meditation

-Boosts confidence

-Relieves stress


It was winter break, and my friends and I had discussed on a call that we would go wall climbing on Monday evening. On Monday evening, I got ready and met my friends and their parents at Jagdol. We hiked to Gateway Adventure Hub, and there were not as many people as I expected. I took a big breath and started climbing. Some of my friends were struggling in some of the parts as some of them were new to wall climbing. I realised that we had to communicate with the staff by saying ‘lower me’ to get down, ‘climbing’ while you start climbing, etc. I had to cling both of my hands to a climbing hold and bring my foot up to knee level. We climbed about five times and headed out to eat snacks in a restaurant. The restaurant was a cute and tiny place with five tables and two benches on each table. There was also another place downstairs that had an amazing view of the mountains and the evening clouds. There was also a grey cat living at the restaurant. I ate one and a half plates of momo and drank a cup of tea. After a little bit of chitchat, we went for a little hike in the Jagdol forest. When we reached back home, I could feel my fingers just shaking while I was writing because I put too much pressure on my hand more than my legs.

But at the end, I would like to say that this day is the day I will never ever forget!.


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How Social Media Affects Us?
- Nayan Shakya - 29062, Grade V ... 30 January, 2024


When hearing the term ‘Social Media’ we generally think of apps like Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or any other app where you can talk to other people via the internet. Social media is something almost everybody uses. It includes children, adults and even the elderly. 


Social media is extremely addicting. Especially for young children and teenagers which affects their overall lifestyle, almost as if social media has been substituted for drugs if we want to exaggerate. For example, a person would be addicted to their phone if they just scroll through short videos and spend hours without knowing. 


Instead of being productive, people post videos in apps such as TikTok or Instagram. Fortunately, TikTok has been banned in our country which will lead to improvements. But, just banning TikTok is not enough as there are hundreds of thousands of other apps similar. Use of extensive social media hinders people's relation with their family members as everyone in the family is engrossed in their devices with no interaction. Mindlessly scrolling on social media hinders the individual’s socializing abilities,as well as  leading to bad physical conditions including having low stamina, body aches, low physical abilities etc. 


As people are mainly watching short content nowadays, their attention span is also getting very low. It affects their daily life as they are not able to focus. Social media has these “trends”, the things that got popular and now everybody is doing it for internet clout like clones. Either it be creating disruption in public such as dancing, pranking strangers, or damaging public property just for a couple views and clicks.


Some people genuinely want the world to be better and film their acts of kindness such as donating money, feeding food to those in need, organizing charities and more. But on the other hand some people fake such videos and later get exposed which is hypocritical. Such people who get ‘canceled’ on the internet genuinely will not be apologetic which makes us question their morals.


In conclusion, social media has various advantages but people who misuse it are wasting its potential.  


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अनलाइन साथी
- Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Gr ... 30 January, 2024

"ओहो लीला", सामीले मोबाइल हेर्दै भनिन्। " केही चाखलाग्दो कुरा भइरहेको छ र ? आऊ न मलाई पनि भन न " लीला के गर्दैछ भनेर जान्न उत्सुक भएको सामीले भनिन् । "ओहाे, केही होइन । म दिउँसोको खानाको समयमा यो तिमीलाई बताउनेछु। त्यसपछि, तिनीहरू आफ्नो कक्षाकोठामा ,तिनीहरूको कक्षा अझै चलिरहेकाले , गए। 

लीला काठमाडौँमा आफ्ना आमाबुबासँग एक्ली सन्तानको रूपमा बस्दै आएकी १६ वर्षीया केटी हुन्। एक वर्षअघि उनको १५औँ जन्मदिनमा उनका अभिभावकले उनलाई मोबाइल उपहार दिएका थिए । उनले दिनहुँ आफ्नो फोन प्रयोग गर्न थालिन् र अन्ततः यसको लत लाग्याे । उनले आफ्नो मोबाइल फोन जहिले पनि फुर्सदमा, कक्षाको विश्रामको समयमा, कक्षामा जानुअघि, उठेपछि, सुत्नुअघि प्रयोग गर्थिन्। उनका आमाबाबुले उनको फोनप्रतिको लतलाई धेरैजसो व्यस्त हुने भएकाले  ध्यान दिन सकेनन्। 

"हिजो तिमीले भनेको एपबाट, मैले एक जना केटाबाट म्यासेज प्राप्त गरेको छु। उसले ऊ मेरो जस्तै उमेरको हो र उसको नाम जेम्स हो रे नि । म ऊसँग अघिल्लो रातदेखि कुरा गरिरहेकी छु। राम्रो, मिलनसार र कुरा गर्नको लागि एक रोचक व्यक्ति पनि। र के तिमीलाई थाहा छ उसको र मेरो पनि उस्तै रुचि छ। उसले आफ्नो फोटो पनि साझा गरेको छ र ऊ एकदम प्यारो देखिन्छ। मलाई लाग्छ कि म उसलाई धेरै मन पराउँछु। मलाई आशा छ कि म उसलाई छिट्टै भेट्न सक्छु।" सीमासँग बसिरहँदा लिनाले भनिन् र एप चलाउँदा भेटेको आफ्नो "साथी" काे बारे बताइरहेकी थिइन् । "ए होर?" सीमाले लीलाले भनेको कुरामा ध्यान नदिएर भनिन्। यो खाजाको समय थियो र तिनीहरू दुवैले आफ्नो मोबाइल फोन प्रयोग गरेर विभिन्न व्यक्तिहरूलाई सन्देश पठाउँदै र यूट्यूब भिडियोहरू हेरिरहेका थिए।

स्कुल सकिएपछि, लीला उनको घरमा पुगिन् , आफ्ना लुगा फेरिन्, आफैँले एक कप कफी बनाइन् र जेम्सलाई म्यासेज पठाउन थालिन् र लेखिन् "हे जेम्स ! म भर्खरै स्कुलबाट फर्केँ। आज धेरै दिक्क लाग्याे । तिमी मेरो स्कुलमा भएको भए तिमीसँग धेरै रमाइलो हुन्थ्यो होला। म तिमीसँग धेरै कुरा गर्ने थिएँ ।" उनले टेक्स्ट म्यासेज पठाउने बित्तिकै, जेम्सले अनौठो तरिकाले उनको छिटो जवाफ दियाे । "ओहो लीला ! म पनि स्कुलबाट फर्किएँ । मेरो स्कुलमा पनि मलाइ धेरै दिक्क लागेकाे थियो । म तिमीलाई छिट्टो भेट्न चाहन्छु। अनि भेटेपछि कुरा गर्नको लागि हामीलाई हाम्रो मोबाइलको आवश्यकता पर्दैन । हामी पछि राम्रो कुराकानी गर्न सक्छौँ। के, तिमी मलाई भेट्न चाहान्छौ ?" जेम्सलाई पनि भेट्ने इच्छा भएकाले लीला उत्साहित भइन् । त्यसैले कुनै नतिजाको बारेमा सोचे बिना, उनले जेम्सलाई भेट्ने हो भने। "ल ल, अब भोलि दिउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्कमा आउनुस्"। तर किन दिउँसो १:०० बजे? तिमीलाई थाहा छ मेरो त्यो समयमा स्कुल छ  र तपाइँको पनि त्यही समयमा स्कुल हुन्छ। भेट्ने समय परिवर्तन गर्न मिल्दैन ? ?" लीलाले सोधिन् । "होइन। तिमी मलाई भेट्न चाहन्छ्याै लीला ? यदि तिमी मलाई भेट्न चाहदिनौ भने, यो ठिक छ" जेम्सले भने। उनीहरू एक अर्कालाइ भेट्न चाहन्थे, उनले त्यस दिनका लागि स्कुल छुटाउने र एक अर्कालाइ भेट्ने  निर्णय गरे ।  "शिया, म जेम्सलाई भेट्न जाँदैछु । यार, यदि उसले मलाई मन पराउँदैन भने के हुन्छ । अहँ, म उसलाई पहिलो पटक भेट्दा के भनूँ?"  'ए, होर? तर के तिमी विद्यालयमा बस्ने र उहाँलाई एक्लै भेट्ने बारे निश्चित छाै ? तिमीलाई थाहा छ कि त्यहाँ अपहरणका धेरै घटनाहरू भइरहेका छन् र यसको मुख्य कारण इन्टरनेटको कारण हो" शियाले लीलाका लागि चिन्तित भएर भनी।

लगभग १२ बजे, उनले आफ्नो स्कुल छोड्ने निर्णय गरिन् । आफ्नो कक्षा चलिरहेको बेला, उनले आफ्नी शिक्षिकालाई आफू ठिक नभएको बताइन्। त्यसैले, शिक्षकले उनलाई नर्स कोठामा जान भने। तर,गार्ड र क्यामेरा नहुँदा उनी नर्सको कोठामा जानुको सट्टा विद्यालयको पछाडिको गेटबाट बाहिर निस्किन् । उनले सेन्ट्रल पार्कमा जाने द्रुत बस चढिन् । सेन्ट्रल पार्कमा, उनले कोही पनि भेटिनन्। उनले जेम्सलाई पर्खने निर्णय गरिन् किनभने उनी वास्तव मै उनीमाथि भरोसा राख्थिन् । लीलाले जेम्सलाई पर्खिरहेको ३० मिनेट भइसकेको थियो । तर जेम्स आएन । त्यसैले लीलाले आफ्नो घर फर्कने निर्णय गरिन् । तर, करिडोर हुँदै गइरहेको बेला कसैले उनलाई समातेर भ्यानमा तानेर लैजान थाल्यो ।

पछि, जब उनी ब्यूँझिन्, उनले आफूलाई अँध्यारो कोठामा भेट्टाइन् र अन्य केटीहरूलाई पनि पक्रिएको भेट्टाइन् । "आहा कोही  मलाइ मद्दत गर्नुहोस्" उनी चिच्याइन्। कोठामा रहेका एउटी केटीले भनिन्, "चिच्याएर यहाँ केही हुँदैन । यसको कुनै फाइदा छैन। हामी अब यहाँ फसेका छौँ । कसैले हामीलाई बचाउने छैन।" लीलाले निराश महसुस गरिन्। एक्कासी एकजना मानिस भित्र आए । "तिमी को हौ? हामीलाई बाहिर जान दिनुहोस्। तपाईँ हामीबाट के चाहनुहुन्छ?" लीला कराइन् । "शान्त लीला ! तिमीले मलाई जेम्स भनिने साथी भनेर चिन्नेछाै । उसले भन्याे तर लीलाले भनिन् "होइन तिमी जेम्स होइनौ, जेम्स मेरो साथी हो, तिमी पक्कै पनि ऊ होइनौ । लीलाले यति भनेपछि जेम्सले आफ्नो मोबाइल निकालेर लीला र उनीबीच भएको कुराकानी देखायाे । त्यस समयमा लीला स्तब्ध भइन् र हराएको महसुस गरिन्। केही बेरपछि त्यो केटाले बेच्ने हो भन्दै गए । जीवनको अन्त्य होला भन्ने सोचेर लीलासहित सबै रुन थाले । उनीहरूले कसैलाई अनि भगवानसँग मद्दतका लागि बिन्ती गरे तर कोही आएन । २ घन्टापछि लीला आत्तिइन् खल्तीमा उनको सेलफोन भेट्टाइन् । उनले हतार हतार आफ्ना अभिभावकलाई फोन गरेर प्रहरीलाई खबर गरिन् । ५ मिनेटपछि उनका आमाबुबा र प्रहरी आइपुगे । पुलिसले जेम्सको भूमिका खेल्ने व्यक्तिलाई समात्यो र चोरलाई पक्रने क्रममा लीलाको योगदानको लागि धन्यवाद दिए। 

त्यस दिनदेखि, लीला वास्तवमै इन्टरनेटमा कुरा गर्दा होसियार भइन्, उनले अन्य मानिसहरूलाई पनि इन्टरनेटमा सचेत हुन जानकारी गराइन् । किनभने अन्ततः यसले तपाईंको जीवनलाई खतरामा पार्न सक्छ। यो कुरा सिक्दै जेम्सले पनि आफ्नो जीवनमा अरू मानिसलाई इन्टरनेटमा सावधान भएर बस्नु भन्दै हिडेछ र जेलबाट छुटेपछि यही बेचविखान न्युनीकरणकाे अभियानमा लागेछ ।  


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The Rainfall
- Aaradhya Prasai - 28001, Grad ... 29 January, 2024

We all probably wonder how the rain occurs? Why does it rain? Does rain have color? What is acid rain? What are droplets? How does snow occur? Why does it snow? How many types of rain are there?  What is the condition of rain in the context of Nepal? What is the instrument used to measure rain? Why is rain important for us? Advantages and disadvantages of the rain? And many more questions in your head. Well, in this article I will be explaining briefly about the answers of these questions. 


According to many sources rain is liquid precipitation. In simple words, it is the water falling from the sky. Raindrops fall in the ground when the clouds get filled with water droplets. There are a lot of water droplets which gather and bump into each other when they get filled in the clouds. There are some advantages of rainfall. It helps increase the growth in plants. It helps in farming by growing the crops and not letting it stay dry. As in summer it is very hot outside it gives people relief in summer time. Likewise, rain helps to moisture the air. Further,it contributes to the weather of earth and survival of all the plants and animals living. There are some disadvantages of rainfall. Excessive rainfall can damage the crops, similarly excessive rain can also produce bacterias which is harmful for the crops which we eat and will affect human life as well. Soil erosion which can be detrimental to the environment. It can cause trouble for the poor and the people who have homes near the riverside due to excessive rain can cause dams getting filled with more than enough water which can cause several natural disasters which will destroy the houses of people living near the river or lake side. Excessive rain can also ruin the plants from which the plants won't be able to do their life processes and since we get oxygen through plants with the process of photosynthesis and since plants don't do that process due to excessive rain we will not get enough oxygen which is harmful for our health and surrounding. Not just human life but also other organisms like animals don't get enough oxygen. Herbivorous animals need plants and since rain will destroy the plants the animals will suffer with hunger and it will affect the ecosystem, food chain, etc. 


Now let's talk about how does it rain? We all have probably learned about the process of rain in science. In very simple way, there are 5 simple steps of raining and they are: Warm air rises, Air cools, Condensation, Clouds form and Rain 

Process of condensation: Condensation is the process where the water vapour gets converted into liquid. Condensation is the reverse process of evaporation. There are 2 ways in which condensation can happen. One is where the air is cooled to its dew point (the temperature at which air is saturated with water vapour)or it becomes saturated with water vapour and can't hold water anymore and when warm air hits a cold surface it reaches to its dew point and starts dropping water.  


Now talking about the instrument that is used to measure rainfall. The instrument which is used to measure rainfall is the rain gauge. The rain gauge is used by meteorologists to find the amount of rainfall in different areas. There are different types of rain gauge which are used to measure the rain fall. The types are: the standard rain gauge, tipping bucket gauge and weighing gauge.


The droplet of water on higher altitude turns into snow. Snow is the solid form of water that crystallizes in the atmosphere and falls to the Earth. Snow covers 23% of the earth surface as well. It snows the most in Aomori City in Japan. Talking about how snow is formed, it is formed by the tiny crystals in clouds which stick together and become a snowflake. As many crystals join together to form a snowflake they become heavy and fall in the ground which is called snow.  Snow is formed when the temperature in the atmosphere is cold enough to allow small ice crystals to form around dirts that have been transported to the atmosphere by the wind. 


In the context of Nepal, the rain varies according to the altitude. In the south area it is very rainy. Low mountains have a temperate climate whereas the peaks have cold climates. The summer monsoon of June to October brings rainfall in Nepal. Some parts of Nepal receive less rainfall whereas some receive high rainfall. 


Now talking about acid rain, finally. Acid rain is when the pH value is between 4.4to4.5 or just less than 5. It is caused due to different pollution. As the human activities on earth create a lot of pollution it gets mixed up in the atmosphere and creates harmful gases which will mix up in the rain and cause acid rain. We won’t be familiar with that acid as we aren't used to it so we will feel hurt in our body due to that rain. To prevent acid rain we should make less pollution which can create harmful gases in the atmosphere. Human activities are the main cause for this so we should try our best to produce less air pollutants from industries, vehicles, etc. 


In conclusion, rain has both advantages and disadvantages in our daily life. Excessive rain can cause harm whereas no rain can cause harm as well. We can’t live without rain but excessive rainfall can cause harm to us as well. 


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मामाको कथा
- Barun Kadariya - 29053, Grade ... 29 January, 2024

आशिषको जाडो बिदामा उसको परिवार पोखरा जाने निधो गर्छन् । ऊ आफ्ना आमाबुबा र भाइसँग जान्छ । उसले पोखराको बारेमा आफ्नो स्कुलमा सुनेको थियो । उसको पाेखरा यात्रा पहिलो पटक थियो । उसले पोखरा गएपछि धेरै कुरा गर्ने सोचेको थियो। उसको दिमागमा अनेकौँ जिज्ञासाहरू थिए। उनीहरूकाे अब जाने निधो पनि भयाे । बुबा आएर भन्नुभयो कि, उँहाले एक हप्ताको लागि बिदा लिनुभएको छ। चाहियो भने उहाँले अझ बिदा  लिनु हुन्छ रे । हामीले पोखरा जाने निधो गरिसकेका थियाैँ र हामीले एउटा होटल पनि बन्दाेबस्त गरिसकेका थियाैँ । यो भन्दै उँहाले रमाउँदै आशिषलाई सोध्नुभयो, “तिम्रा केही विचारहरू छन् पोखरा जानका लागि ?

भोलिपल्ट बिहानै उठेर उनीहरू पाेखराका लागि निस्के। उनीहरू जहाजबाट पोखरा पुगे। त्यहाँको वातावरण काठमाडौँको भन्दा धेरै राम्रो थियो। चराहरू आफ्नो स्वरमा चिरबिर चिरबिर गरिरहेका थिए। हावामा फूलको बास्ना मगमगाइ रहेको थियो। आमाबुबासँगै आशिष बुबाले छनाैट गरेकाे हाेटलतिर लाग्दै गर्दा उसले त्यहाँ भएका धेरै कुराहरू अनुभव गर्‍याे। त्यहाँबाट उसले यस्तो महसुस गर्‍याे कि त्यहाँ आएपछि फेरि कतै नजानु जस्तो हुन्थ्यो। त्यहीँकाे सुन्दरतामा डुबिरहनु जस्तो हुन्थ्यो।


उनीहरू पाेखरा पुगिसकेपछि र होटल पुगेपछि आफ्नो कोठामा गए । उनीहरूलाइ  अहिलेसम्म थाहा थिएन कि उनीहरू कहाँ घुम्न जानुपर्ला । उनीहरू घुम्न जाने ठाँउकाे बारेमा कुरा गर्दै गर्दा उनीहरूको कोठामा वेटरले ढोका ढकढक गर्‍याे र भन्यो कि, उनीहरूको खाजा तयार छ। उसले उनीहरूलाइ भन्यो कि हजुरहरू यहाँ घुम्नका लागि आउनुभएको हो भने मैले हजुरलाई ठाउँहरूका बारेमा जानकारी दिन सक्छु।

उनीहरूले सबै जानकारी दिन वेटरलाइ भने । उनीहरू भोलिपल्ट नै घुम्नका लागि निस्किन्छन्, पहिला त फेवाताल तिर जान्छन् । फेवातालमा जलयात्रा गर्दा आशिष रमाइलो गर्दै आफ्ना आमाबुबासँग सोध्छ यस तालको बिचमा भएको ठाउँको नाम के हाे ? उसका बाबुआमाले भन्नुहुन्छ कि हामी त्यहीँ गइरहेको हो र त्याे एक मन्दिर हाे जुन देवी मन्दिर हाे र जसकाे नाम तालवाराही मन्दिर हाे । 

उनीहरू पाेखरामा भएका धेरै ठाँउहरू घुम्छन्। फेवाताल पछि उनीहरू वेगनासताल जान्छन्। बेगनासताल फेवाताल जस्तै सुन्दर थियो। यहाँ प्राकृतिक सुन्दरताको खाँचो थिएन । पछाडि ठुल्ठुला पहाडहरू र सुन्दरताकाे बिचमा ताल नै थियो र त्यसको अगाडि हरियाली ठाँउ थियो। तालको पानीमा हिमालहरू ऐना जसरी देखिरहेका थिए। यहाँका माछाहरू पनि यसरी नै पानीमा रमाइरहेका थिए। बाहिर मानिसहरू पनि त्यही प्राकृतिक सुन्दरतामा भुलेका थिए। त्यहाँबाट माछापुच्छ्रेको हिमालकाे उत्तर दिशा देखिरहेको थियो । माछाको जस्तो पुच्छर भएकाले यसलाई माछापुच्छ्रे भनिएको हाे । पाेखरामा भएका सबै पाेखरी र गुफा घुमी अरू एकदिन त्यो सबै ठाउँलाई घुमफिरमा बिताएर अर्को दिन उनीहरू बाँकी रहेकाे स्थानमा   घुम्छन्। उनीहरू घुमेकामध्ये कुनै गुफाहरूमा चमेराहरू थिए भने कुनैमा चमेराहरू थिएनन्।

आशिष भने चमेरा भएका कारण गुफामा नै जान डरायाे । किनभने उसलाई त्यति धेरै  चमेराहरू देख्दा डर लाग्यो। एकहप्ता सकिन समय बाँकी नै थियो । त्यसैले उनीहरू पहाडतिर  पनि घुम्न जाने कि भनेर सोच्न थाले। पोखरा यात्रा सकिएपछि यो अब पहाडतिर जानु राम्रो होला भनेर उनीहरू गाडीबाट पहाडतिर गए। त्यहाँ आशिषको मामाघर पनि थियो। उनीहरूले दुई दिन  मामाघरमा नै बिताए। पहाड र पोखरा घुमेर आएपछि उनीहरू काठमाडौँमा फर्किन थाले। बाटाेमा अर्काे ठाउँ पनि घुमेर काठमाडाैँ फर्कने सल्लाह भयाे किनकि उनीहरूसँग समय पर्याप्त रूपमा भएकाले उनीहरू चितवनतिर लागे । चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज जनावरहरूको संरक्षणका लागि खोलिएको ठाउँ हो। यहाँ हामीले धेरै प्रकारका जनावरहरू देख्याैँ । यो ठाउँ पनि आशिषलाइ रमाइलाे लाग्याे । यहाँ पानीमा बस्ने र जमिनमा बस्ने दुवै प्रकारका जनावरहरू पाइन्छन्। यहाँ बाघ,भालु,चितुवा,मृग र माछाहरू जस्ता विभिन्न जनावरहरू र पशुपक्षीहरू पाइन्छन्। यहाँ धेरै जस्तो हात्तीहरू घुमिरहेको देख्न पाइन्छ भन्ने कुरा आशिषले आफ्नो किताबमा पनि पढेको थियो। उनीहरू यहाँ आएपछि सौराहा पनि घुम्न जाने कुरा आशिषले मलाइ उसकाे मामाघरबाट जानकारी गरायाे । उसले पाेखरा र चितवन घुम्न गएकाे कुरा सुनाउँदा धेरै रमाइलाे लागिरहेकाे थियाे । उसकाअनुसार अब ऊ  सौराहातिर  घुम्न गइरहेकाे छ रे । अहिले ऊ यात्राका कारण थाकेर मामाघरमा नै आराम गर्ने निधाे गर्छ । 


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देशको विकासमा नागरिकको सहभागिता
- Prasanna Pokharel - 28020, Gr ... 26 January, 2024

विकास भनेको कुनै पनि क्षेत्रमा सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आउनु हो ।देशको विकास भनेको हरेक नागरिकको कर्तव्य हो । मानिसहरूले यो जिमेम्वारिलाई स्वीकार गर्नुपर्छ । नागरिकले लगाएका प्रयास अनुसार नै देशको विकास हुने हो । देशको विकास गर्नको लागि हरेक मानिसले सहभागिता लिनुपर्छ।  मानिस र मानिस मिलेर एउटा परिवार बन्छ र परिवार परिवार मिलेर छरछिमेक बन्छ र छिमेकी मिलेर एउटा समाज बन्छ, समाज समाज मिलेर एउटा सहर बन्छ र सहर सहर मिलेर एउटा देश बन्छ।  


त्यही समाजमा त्यहाँका मान्छेहरू ले राम्रो काम गरे भने त्यो समाजको विकास हुन्छ र समाज विकास भएपछि एउटा सहरको विकास हुन्छ र सहरको विकास भएपछि एउटा देशको पनि विकास हुन्छ। एउटा समाजमा देशका नागरिकहरू बसोबास गर्छन र त्यो समाजको विकास नागरिकको हातमा हुन्छ। जसले गर्दा एउटा देशको विकासमा नागरिकको ठुलो सहभागिता रहन्छ।  नेपालमा हरेक ५ वर्षमा चुनाव हुन्छ। चुनावमा नागरिकले नै सही सदस्यहरूलाइ भोट दिने हो । यसको मतलब नागरिकले नै देशको विकासमा सहयोग गर्ने व्यक्ति ठान्ने हो । नागरिकले खराब सोचको मानिसलाई चुनेमा देश को विकास अघि बढ्न सक्दैन तर सही र असल सोच भएको मानिसलाई चुने देशको विकास अघि बढ्छ। त्यसै गरी, देशको एउटा नागरिक भएपछि आफ्नो देशमा नयाँ कुराहरू ल्याउने, एकअर्कालाई सहयोग गर्ने र समाजमा हुने अन्धविश्वास र  नराम्रा प्रथा, आदिलाई हटाउनुपर्छ। त्यो गरेमा मात्रै देशमा सकारात्मक परिवर्तनहरू आउँछन् । देशको असल नागरिक भएर आफ्नै देशमा बसेर रोजगार गर्नुपर्छ। हामीले नयाँ कुरा सिकेर आफ्नो देशमा कर्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्छ।  नागरिकले कर तिरेपछि नै सरकारले विकास जारी राख्न सक्छ। नागरिकहरूले देशमा के गर्दा राम्रो हुन्छ भनेर आफ्नो आवाज उठाउँछन जसले गर्दा देशको विकास गर्न सहज सुन न हुन्छ। त्यसै गरी नागरिकले आफ्नो समाजमा केही पनि दुख पर्दा त्यसको समाधान निकाल्न एकअर्कालाइ सहयोग गर्छन।  


त्यसै गरी, एउटा देशको नागरिक भएपछि देशको विकास गर्न, समाजमा आइपरेको समस्याको समाधान निकाल्न र देशमा कुनै खालको पनि आपत आइपरेमा सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ। सबैलाई सम्मान गर्नुपर्छ र भ्रस्टाचार जस्ता नराम्रो कार्य गर्नुहुदैन।  


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Is Social Media Making Us More Narcissistic?
- Shuvee Lamichhane - 29033, Gr ... 26 January, 2024

Social Media has definitely increased the uptick of narcissism and this phenomenon doesn’t seem to be going away. No matter how you think about it it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the rise of social media. Especially at the different workplaces. Studies show that 77 percent of workers use social media but most companies don’t have a social media policy in place. This may lead to lower productivity of workers. 


Although narcissism is regarded as the modern epidemic the term narcissism originated about 2000 years ago. It originated with the legend of narcissus who is a Greek hunter who falls in love with his own reflection and is so fixated on himself that he ultimately dies. The psychological definition of narcissism is an inflated, grandiose self-image. A narcissist is a person who thinks that they are more important than other people and need special importance and attention. According to the literature narcissism is a cluster of behaviors that focuses on keeping one-self high and putting others down. 


Narcissists can be categorized into 4 different types. Grandiose narcissists are egotistical and arrogant seeking limelight and power, covert or vulnerable always blame the world for not seeing their greatness, Communal narcs like to boast about the good work they do for the poor or society, while internally they lack empathy for the people they show help towards, Malignant ones are the criminals of society; they are narcs who can steal, lie, and cheat without caring about hurting others. Although social media might seem innocent in the topic of narcissism it is evidently not. It is just the perfect playground for narcissists to flaunt their so-called greatness. 


According to Dr Ramani, the simple existence of such a tool (social media) has made it possible for narcissists to get validation from the whole world instead of just their close kin and connections and in a sense it has also increased the number of narcissists. 


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