
Student Corner

Living Organisms and Science

Written by: Ipsa Bajracharya - 30012, Grade VI

Posted on: 06 November, 2023

A dog and a cat, a clock with a hat, 

Cat by the door, a dog on the floor, 

A bone, a mouse, fur, and more, 

A world of wonders, that's where we're at.


Books and pages, science engages, 

Devices, electrons, a cosmic stage, 

Stars, planets, in a vast space,

 Light in the dark, life's embrace.


Noble books with a huge pages,

Devices and electrons in the science race.

The universe, stars, and many other planets,

A dark room with a small  light or life and death


Painting with a pictures of a world’s biggest science,

Humans and animals technology and science

The garden of flowers and machine for invention

Electricity’s life and stars in the sky.


Science and life, hand in hand, 

Plants and seeds on the land, 

Breathing humans and machines grand, 

Living, exploring, it's all so grand.