
Student Corner

A Journey to my Death

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VII

Posted on: 12 November, 2021

Hello, my name is Daisy and I am a pug. I will be talking about my life and how it all ended. It was afternoon. I was put in a cage when I was little. My owner’s brother was playing with these little magnet things. I was just looking at it when a painting moved by itself. Sakira, the owner who got me on her birthday. She also saw the painting move. The other kids were playing with magnets, and didn't see it move. One of them, Lucas, who was the oldest, had the magnet. He was just showing the magnet to the other two kids, Sally and Josh. Sally and Josh are siblings. “Did you just see that painting move?” said Sakira. “I didn’t, it was probably the wind or something” said Lucas. I was still in the cage wanting to go outside. Then suddenly it started shaking. Everyone was panicking. “It's an earthquake!” said the workers there. We stayed in a tall building so people there started panicking. Everyone gathered up and went downstairs. Everyone panicked so much that they forgot me!
Now that everyone’s gone I was the one panicking, I was scared I might die. I was waiting in my cage so scared. How could they forget me? I kept waiting. Suddenly Sally’s dad came. He didn’t like me that much but he came. He freed me from the cage and went outside with me. I was so excited! I’ve never gone outside in so long. As we reached downstairs I saw everyone sitting on the floor. I was probably the only one happy because I got to be outside. 
It was weeks later. Some people thought if the earthquake came again, the building might be destroyed. So they all thought of staying in an area right next to our building. I like it here more because it has a backyard and a front yard where I can enjoy nature. I was happy there. I got lots of love and affection. But then they got another dog. He was a dalmatian and was a coward.. He got afraid so quickly. His name was Pongo. I didn’t think it would change anything. I still got my love from everyone. Then they got another dog. She was a dalmatian too. Her name was Spot. So now, we have a boy and a girl dalmatian. Not bad. I still had all the love from everyone. But then it wasn't the same anymore. Spot gave birth. Everyone was giving lots of attention to the dog. They thought of naming it Bella. My life completely changed after that. 
Bella has taken the attention now and Daisy doesn’t get any attention. She barely gets love or attention and if she did Bella and the other dogs would come and take the attention. Now Daisy gets less love and affection. She starts getting sick and unhappy. Whenever she comes to Sally’s bedroom, she would get kicked out for being stinky. She gets cleaned but after she was sick she didn’t get showered. And then she got so sick that they had to call the doctor. They gave her medicine. She started to eat the medicine everyday. Everybody thought Daisy would be fine until Daisy couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe properly and was really sick. She was still unhappy. One day Sally and her mom took her to a hospital. They were going there. Daisy didn’t look fine. When they were finally there. They picked up Daisy and put her on one of the tables. They were saying how sick she was. Until the doctor said “She looks like she’s going to die right here”. After Sally heard that Sally got sad. Sally noticed how little attention she gave her. She felt like crying. She felt so bad. She didn’t want her dog to die who spent almost the whole life with them. “She died,” said the doctor. “How do you know?” said Sally’s mom. “She is spitting out everything and isn’t breathing,” said the Doctor. Everyone was so sad. They all felt terrible.
September 17, Friday 2021
Later that night they had to bury Daisy. Everyone felt sad and sorry. Everyone performed a final ritual and that Daisy would have a great new life.