
Student Corner


माधवप्रसाद घिमिरे
- Anushka Basnet - 2023002, Gra ... 30 September, 2020

माधवप्रसाद घिमिरे नेपाली साहित्यका शास्त्रीय  कवि हुन् । उनलाई राष्ट्रकवि भनेर पनि चिनिन्छ । घिमिरेको जन्म वि.सं . १९७६ सालमा लमजुङ जिल्लाको पुस्तुनमा भएको थियो । उनले नेपाली साहित्यमा थुप्रै कविताकाव्य, गीत, निबन्ध र नाटकसमेत रचना गरेका छन् । उनका थुप्रै कृति नेपाली लोकलय, नेपाली जनजीवन र नेपाली प्रकृतिसँग सम्बन्धित छन् । उनका प्रमुख कृतिहरूमा गौरी, नव मञ्जरी, मालतीमङ्गले ,राजेश्वरी,राष्ट्रनिर्माता, किन्नर किन्नरी, चारु चर्चा आदि हुन्। 

 माधवप्रसाद घिमिरे तीन वर्षका हुँदा  आमाको निधन भएको थियो । आमाको निधनपछि  उनको हेरचाह र पालनपोषण पिता र हजुरआमाबाट भएको थियो । ११ वर्षको उमेरमा घर छाडेर दुराडाँडा (लमजुङ) गाउँको संस्कृत पाठशालामा पढ्न गए । त्यसपछि काठमाडौँको रानीपोखरीमा रहेको संस्कृत प्रधान पाठशाला र तीनधारा संस्कृत पाठशालासम्म आइपुग्दा उनले प्रथमा उत्तीर्ण गरे । त्यसपछिको अध्ययनका लागि उनी बनारस पुगे र घिमिरेले बनारसबाट सर्वदर्शनमा शास्त्री गरे । १९९० मा वर्षको उमेरमा हिन्दू साँस्कृतिक एवं धार्मिक परम्परा अनुसार लमजुङ खुदीवेनीको पोखरेल परिवारकी छोरी गौरीसँग उनको  विवाह भएको थियो । वि.सं. २००४ मा उनकी धर्मपत्नी गौरीको निधन भएको थियो । वि.सं. २००४ सालमा धर्मपत्नी गौरीको निधन र त्यसबाट उत्पन्न शोकपीडा माधव घिमिरेको  जीवनको सबभन्दा ठूलो दुर्घटना हो । त्यसै दुर्घटनाको सेरोफेरोमा रचित गौरी (२०१५) खण्डकाव्य उनको एक विशिष्ट कृति बनेको छ ।  पहिलो पत्नी को निधनको पत्नी वियोगको कठोर पीडाका बीचमै वि.सं. २००५ सालमा दुराडाँडाका अधिकारी थरकी महाकालीसित घिमिरेको दोस्रो विवाह भयो । जागीर र सेवाका सिलसिलामा पछिल्लो समयमा माधव घिमिरे शिक्षक शिक्षण केन्द्रमा शिक्षक, नेपाल भारत मैत्री संघका अध्यक्ष, कलेज अफ एजुकेशनका लेक्चर, काव्यप्रतिष्ठानको सदस्य, इन्द्रेणीका सम्पादक तत्कालीन नेपाल राजकीय प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानका सदस्य र उपकुलपति हुँदै कुलपति आदि समेत बनेका थिए ।  

नेपाली साहित्य लेखनमा माधवप्रसाद घिमिरेको योगदान उल्लेखनीय छ । सामाजिक एवं बौद्धिक व्यक्तिका रूपमा पनि उनको विशिष्ट सम्मान भएको देखिन्छ । एउटा कुशल साहित्यिक पत्रकार एवं सम्पादकको रूपमा उनले निर्वाह गरेको भूमिका पछिल्लो पुस्ताका लागि समेत प्रेरणादयी बनेको छ । त्यस्तै गरी नेपाली बालसाहित्यको समुन्नतिमा पनि उनले अग्रपङ्तिकै योगदान दिएका छन् । अत्यन्त स्तरीय र मर्मस्पर्शी राष्ट्रिय गीतका रचनाकारका रूपमा पनि उनको नाम अगाडि आउँछ । गीतिनाटक र निबन्धकारितामा पनि उनको योगदान अविस्मरणीय छ । यी सब तथ्यबाट के कुरो प्रष्ट हुन्छ भने माधव घिमिरे नेपाल साहित्यका बहुमुखी प्रतिभा हुन् । उनको लेखनको मूल केन्द्रविन्दु भने छन्दोबद्ध कविताकाव्य नै हो । 

माधवप्रसाद घिमिरेले आफ्नो जीवनकालमा थुप्रै मान सम्मान तथा पुरस्कार प्राप्त गरेका छन् । वि.सं. २०६० साल आश्विन ७ गतेका दिन प्रज्ञाहल काठमाडौँमा तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री सूर्यबहादुर थापाबाट अभिनन्दित भएका थिए । सोही सामारोहमा उनी छन्द शिरोमणि घोषित भएका हुन् । त्यसको तेस्रो दिन अर्थात् आश्विन ९ गते उनी 'राष्ट्रकवि’ घोषित भएका थिए । त्यसका अतिरिक्त पोखरा चितवन, धनगढी लगायतका सहरहरूमा पनि उनी हजारौँ  जनसमूहका बीच अभिनन्दित र रथारोहित भए । नेपाली साहित्यमा निजीस्तरबाट स्थापित सबैभन्दा ठूलो राशि (हरेक ५ वर्षमा प्रदान गरिने ५ लाख रुपैँयाको) को भूपालमान सिंह कार्की प्रज्ञा पुरस्कारबाट सर्वप्रथम पुरस्कृत हुने स्रष्टा माधव घिमिरे नै हुन् । उनले सीताराम साहित्य पुरस्कार, साझा पुरस्कार, आदिकवि, भानुभक्त पुरस्कार, त्रिभुवन प्रज्ञा पुरस्कार लगायत करीब २ दर्जन पुरस्कार तथा सम्मान पाएका छन् । उनले पाएका प्रमाणपत्र, सम्मान पत्र, कदरपत्र, अभिनन्दन पत्र प्रशंसापत्र आदिको सङ्ख्या  ३०० भन्दा बढी भएको देखिन्छ । सुरूका दिनमा जीवनयापनका सिलसिलामा थुप्रै कठोर सङ्घर्ष  गरे पनि पछिल्लो चरणमा माधव घिमिरे अत्यन्त सुखप्रद, प्रशंसनीयर र व्यवस्थित जीवन बाँचको पाइन्छ । सामाजिक एवं बौद्धिक व्यक्तिका रूपमा पनि उनको विशिष्ट सम्मान भएको देखिन्छ । 

यस्ता नेपाली  साहित्यका अथक साधकको ऋतम्मभरा महाकाव्य लेखनकै क्रममा वि.सं. २०७७ भदौ २ मा १०१ वर्षको उमेरमा निधन भयो । उनको भौतिक शरीर आज हाम्रो सामु  नभए पनि उनका कालजयी रचनाले उनी नेपाली साहित्य आकाशका एक चम्किला नक्षत्र  बनी सदैव चम्की रहने छन् ।

 सन्दर्भ सामग्री: 

१.नेपाली विकिपिडिया

२.माधव वियोगी : माधव घिमिरेको जीवनीगत व्यक्तित्व

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Be Grateful
- Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, ... 29 September, 2020

Each human being is different; be it based on education, caste, class, etc. Not everyone has the courage, to tell the truth, has the determination to do something, the willingness to face the truth, the ability to face the consequences, the mindset of facing failure to reach success, and so on. Not everyone like me is getting a quality education, has a good, loving and caring family, good health condition, a proper home, loving friends and siblings, and a safe and playful environment.

Not everything we have is the same as the others. In our community, a person is judged by their financial status whether they are rich or poor which is a very cruel judgement for the people. Not everyone has access to the same facilities. People are forgetting about gratitude and their attitude towards others. If you’re poor, people will have something to say about you and even if you’re rich people will have something to say either way. No one has the right to judge anyone and criticize just because they are poor and aren’t up to the status”. We still feel unsatisfied even when we have a lot of things. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you never feel enough. If you are thankful for what you have and be grateful you end up getting more. We should be satisfied and be grateful for the things we have till now, shouldn’t we? Being grateful for everything you have is also a virtue of human life. Be grateful for what you have because somewhere out there, someone is working and praying for the life you are living right now and the things you have. Don’t criticize someone based on their status. There is a saying that ‘Don’t lose your love in order to get other’s love, those who love you are always right there and love you’. Likewise, in this context, don’t go for the things you can’t afford but be grateful for the things you have. Someone out there is starving to get the things that you have. So, treasure your things because you never know the feeling of starvation. You would also never know the feeling of being criticized, discriminated, hated, and unequally treated. You never know the feelings of others till you ask them, right? Likewise, you will never know the feelings and thoughts of the people who are starving and working for the life you have.

We should treat everyone equally.We live our lives differently. There is no permission given to us to criticize anyone and unequally treat anyone. Everybody should be kind to each other. You never know the value and the importance of working and starving and praying until you get in the situation of poverty. So, not everything we have is the same with others. Be grateful,blessed and keep a positive attitude towards everyone and the things you have because someone is there hoping and praying to God to live a life like ours.

None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.” —Fred De Witt Van Amburgh 

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The Legend of MS-Dhoni
- Pranjal Khatiwada - 2022013, ... 28 September, 2020

From a boy-wonder to one of the greatest who made winning a habit. The name and the chants speak for the man himself “Dhoni”, “Dhoni”, popularly known as Captain Cool and Finisher, Dhoni is an Indian former international cricketer who captained India across formats. A guy born in a middle-class family in Ranchi, Bihar dreamt of playing cricket for his country and achieved lots of heights in his illustrious international career. He is known as one of the best in the international arena, with his batting, keeping, and captaincy records speaking for himself. The game wasn't won until you got Dhoni out.

The legacy of his man is undefinable. He defined and explained Wicket-Keeping. The calm head of MS Dhoni and his all-round finishing skills has won 47 out of 49 matches when he remained not-out in a run chase, that is a record in itself. Under his captaincy, India won the T20 World cup in 2007, and the last ball finish of the 2011 ODI World cup, and finally the 2013 Champions Trophy win against England being the only captain in the history of Cricket to win all ICC trophies. He would be known as the greatest Indian Captain to ever captain. He is regarded as the greatest captain to ever play the game. He has played 538 matches with 17,266 runs in overall formats, 16 hundred and 108 fifties across formats, 359 sixes, 829 dismissals, and his Captaincy record in IPL being phenomenal leading CSK for 13 years, bagging 3 titles to the franchise, he is also regarded as the best captain in IPL(Indian Premier League). He has also got a stature of GOD in Chennai, India, and a loved one in the country. The Indian Army conferred the honorary rank of Lieutenant colonel to Dhoni on 1 November 2011. He had inspired a lot around the globe being a role model for those who want to play the game form a small state being a Ticket Collector and earning his name in cricket. Arguably, the best of the lots. Every record of him defines him. The caliber that he had set would never be broken. Whether it may be All-time ODI, T20, or Test XI, he is the captain in each one of them.

On 15th August 2020, MS-Dhoni retired from international cricket sharing a post on Instagram. MS Dhoni in his retirement video even included some of the toughest moments of his career. He's treating low points of his career the same way he's celebrating his highs. Soon after his retirement post, His best friend Suresh Raina, the former Indian International Cricketer also announced his retirement from International Cricket. The World cup winning duo known as “Thala” and ”Chinna Thala” shared their retirement within a span of half an hour. Talking about MSD, he was a unique cricketer, calm head, never celebrated too much in his success, also didn’t let down in his lows. In his first-ever match, he got run-out and so happened the last. Seen many careers from Century-Century, Duck-Duck, but one of Dhoni’s was between runout-runout. One runout in the hurdle of being settled in the team and one as the last hope of winning the match for his team. He ended over a year of suspense and also an era with his unorthodox captaincy skills and the finishing skills comparing him to the legends of the game. 

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- Pranjal khatiwada - 2022013, ... 28 September, 2020

अशेष  एउटा टेस्ट क्रिकेटको शृङ्खला हो । जसमा दुई  राष्ट्र  अस्ट्रेलिया र बेलायतबीच प्रस्तिस्पर्धा  हुन्छ ।  भनिन्छ; यो क्रिकेटको सबैभन्दा पुरानो दुस्मनी हो।  आशेस कि  बेलायत कि त अस्ट्रेलियामा खेलिन्छ ।  यसमा सबैभन्दा सानो उपहार भए पनि त्यसको  इतिहास दुई  राष्ट्रका  लागि धेरै नै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ । दुई दुई  वर्षको अन्तरालमा  यो शृङ्खला ५ खेलको हुन्छ ।  यदि यो शृङखला बराबर  भयो भने पहिलो पटक जुन टोलीले जितेको थियो त्यही टोलीले  नै अशेष  आफ्नो राष्ट्रमा फर्काउँछ । 

अशेषको  इतिहास १७०० वर्ष जति पुरानो छ ।  भनिन्छ, सन् १८८२ मा अस्ट्रेलियाको टोली बेलायत आएर " ओवल " भन्ने मैदानमा उनीहरूको घरमै उनीहरुलाई पहिलो पटक हराएका थिए । त्यसकारण बेलायतमा भनियो कि बेलायतको क्रिकेट मरेको छ र त्यसको खरानी (अशेष)   अस्ट्रेलियाले लैजाने छ । त्यसपछि बेलायतका  कप्तान एवो ब्लिघले अस्ट्रेलियामा गएर शृङ्खला जितेर आफ्नो गएको सम्मान र अशेष  बेलायत फर्काउने निर्णय गरे । त्यसैअनुसार बेलायती टोली अस्ट्रेलिया गए र खेले पनि । उनीहरुले खेल जिते । त्यसै समयमा त्यहाँ एउटी युवती उपस्थित भइन् । ती  युवतीले कप्तान इवो ब्लिघसँग  विवाह गरिन् ।  त्यही महिलाले उनीहरूले खेल जितेको समयमा डन्डीको माथि राखिने बैल्सलाई जलाएर एउटा सानो भाँडोमा राखेर बेलायती टोलिलाई  प्रदान गरिन् अनि बेलायतको टोली अशेषसहित फेरि बेलायत फर्के ।  यसरी नै एउटा सानो भाँडामा भएको चिजलाई दुई राष्ट्रबीच क्रिकेटको मैदानमा खेल सङ्घर्ष चलिरह्यो ।  अहिले २०१९ को कुरा गर्दा अशेष  अस्ट्रेलियासँग छ। सबैभन्दा बढी अशेष शृङ्खला अस्ट्रेलियाले जितेको छ। अस्ट्रेलियाले हालसम्म ३३ शृङ्खला जितेको छ । रनको कुरा गर्दा सर डोनाल्ड ब्रद्मनले ५,०२८ सर्वाधिक रन जोड्न सफल भएका छन् । उनी एक अस्ट्रेलियाली  खेलाडी हुन् । सबैभन्दा धेरै विकेट सेन वर्नले १९५ लिएका छन् । उनी पनि अस्ट्रेलियाली खेलाडी नै हुन्।    

 यसरी क्रिकेट खेल जगतमा अशेषको आफ्नो बेग्लै इतिहास  छ । प्रत्येक दुई दुई वर्षमा दुवै राष्ट्रका खेलाडीलाई आफ्नो अस्तित्व बचाउने होड अशेषले केन्द्रित गर्छ ।   

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The Machindranath Jatra: Clash Amongst Police And The Locals
- Sashwat Paudel - 2022019, Gra ... 27 September, 2020

On September 3rd, the Machindranath Jatra was conducted despite the coronavirus pandemic. This act was seen as a very rude offense to the lockdown and the rules we were to abide by during the pandemic. The Jatra was very chaotic, after the jatra, the social media was filled with people sharing the unfortunate dispute between the locals and the police body. People had mixed feelings about this incident. Some in total favor of what had happened (i.e pulling the rath), some totally against it, some neutral (proper precautions should have been taken for successfully pulling the rath). From an outsider’s perspective, this may be considered a really big problem and it is. People may initially think that the people who came forward to conduct this jatra despite of a pandemic are to blame, but, as we all know there are two sides of a coin. We cannot discard the other side by not even knowing what the situation really was.

The Machindranath Jatra also known as the “Rato Machindranath Jatra” is one of the greatest religious events in the city and the longest chariot festival celebrated in the country.  The Rato Machindranath is known as the giver of rain in our mythology. This jatra holds a big importance to the culture and traditions of the country. It is held in Lalitpur, Nepal. This jatra is conducted once a year and it has been this way from ancient times.
This jatra holds great importance for the people that conduct this jatra every year and those who participate in it.

So, to make things clear about the chaos in the jatra, the people never wanted to pull the chariot in the middle of a pandemic when this decision could be very fatal. The people complained that the task was carried over to the government to keep the chariot in its rightful place. When the government did not do the task, the people were infuriated and made the decision to take the matter in their own hands to bring justice to their God. Many people misunderstood this scenario because of bad media coverage on this issue. There was this misconception that they did it just to show they could do it; but, the real situation was not the same. Also, many people reacted to this in very harsh ways. If the Nepal government was accountable toward tasks like this, there would not have been this problem in the first place. The government should not be ignorant about these kinds of sensitive things. The rath may not mean anything at all to us outsiders, but may be the only reason people are living at this point. For many people God and their rituals are the most important thing in their life. Not only this, many people have faith in these things and what gives purpose to them in their life. People spend their whole lives serving the god that was left wandering in the open streets. Religion and culture is not a word, they are a kind of emotion and no one can interfere in topics like these, the topic in itself is a sensitive issue. The government of Nepal did a terrible job as usual.

What has been done, is done. We cannot reverse it. The government should be aware of the fact that playing with people’s beliefs and faith can drive people insane and it did. We should remember that the people who showed up in the jatra were the same people that eat the same way as we do, sleep the same way, and most importantly they also have emotions. A few days after this incident, after conducting the chyama puja, the rath was pulled in a systematic and organized manner. Had the government taken initiative and taken this issue into consideration beforehand this incident could have been completely avoided. 

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जनै पूर्णिमा
- Kriti Nepal - 2023016, Grade ... 27 September, 2020

नेपाल धार्मिक,साँस्कृतिक विविधताले सम्पन्न मुलुक हो । यहाँ अनेक प्रकारका चाडपर्व मनाइन्छ । हरेक चाडवाडको आ-आफ्नै महत्त्व र सन्दर्भ हुन्छ । त्यस्तै मध्येको महत्त्वपूर्ण    चाड हो - जनै पूर्णिमा । जनै पूर्णिमा धागो र बन्धनको चाड हो । धागो अर्थात् बन्धन, पवित्रता र सुरक्षाको बन्धन । ब्राह्मण र क्षत्रिय पुरुषहरूले हिन्दु परम्पराअनुसार यज्ञोपवित अर्थात् जनै लगाउने चलन रही आएको छ । बाल्यकालपश्चात् विधिपूर्वक व्रतबन्ध कर्म सम्पन्न गरी गुरू-पुरोहितद्वारा अरूले नसुन्ने गरी कानमा गायत्री मन्त्रको उच्चारण गरेपछि एउटा निष्ठामय धर्म र सत्यको बाटो अवलम्बन गर्ने दृढ सङ्कल्प  लिएर देब्रे काँधमाथि पर्नेगरी दाहिने हातको मुन्तिर पारेर गुरू पुरोहितले मन्त्रेर तयार पारेको जनै ग्रहण गरिन्छ । नेवारी समुदायमा यस दिनलाई गुन्हु-पुन्ही भनी मनाइने परम्परा छ। 

जनै पूर्णिमा श्रावण शुक्ल पूर्णिमाका दिन मनाइन्छ । यो  चाड मान्ने तागाधारी जातिहरूले नयाँ यज्ञोपवित तथा रक्षाबन्धन धारण गरी यस पर्वलाई धुमधामका साथ मनाइन्छ । यस दिन वर्षभरिका लागि आवश्यक पर्ने जनै तयार गरी मन्त्रेर राख्ने गरिन्छ।  यस दिनमा ब्राह्मण तथा क्षेत्रीयहरूले पुरानो  जनै फेरेर नयाँ  जनै फेर्छन भने हिन्दुधर्मावलम्वीहरूले  हातमा रक्षा सूत्र बाँध्छन्।  धेरै जसो मानिहरूले यो दिनमा लगाएको डोरो लगभग ३ महिना  जति राखेर लक्ष्मी पूजाका  दिन गाईको पुच्छरमा बाँधिदिन्छन् । यो दिन  खासगरी  तराईमा दिदीबहिनीहरूले आफ्ना दाजुभाइलाई राखी बाँधिदिने र दाजुभाइहरूले  उनीहरूको रक्षा गर्ने वाचा गर्छन् । यसै दिन  सप्तऋषिलाई तर्पण दिने भएकाले यो दिनलाई ‘ऋषि तर्पणी’ पूर्णिमा पनि भन्ने गरिन्छ भने । जनै पूर्णिमाको अघिल्लो दिन जनै लगाएका मानिसहरूले कपाल दारी सबै खौरिन्छन्  र नुहाएर शुद्ध  हुन्छन् । यो चाड निकै उत्साह ,उमङ्ग र पवित्रताका साथ  मनाईन्छ । यो चाडले हामी नेपालीहरूको परम्परा र संस्कृति झल्काउँछ।  यो हामी सबैको लागि गर्वको कुरा हो।  

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के भनूँ, म भानुभक्तको बारेमा  
- Pranjal Khatiwada - 2022013, ... 24 September, 2020

श्री कृष्ण आचार्यको नाति 

बच्चादेखि नै पढाइमा ज्ञानी  

बन्यौ नेपालका आदिकवि  

 के भनूँ,म भानुभक्तको बारेमा। 


आदिकवि बनेर कमायौ  नाम 

गरेका छौ ,तिमीले राम्रो काम 

संस्कृत रामायणलाई  ल्यायौ नेपालीमा

के भनूँ, म भानुभक्तको बारेमा । 


सबैको हित होस् भनी 

लेखे, काव्य दिनरात नभनी 

अहो ! उनको कति छ, ख्याति 

साच्चै भानुभक्त रहेछौ, जाति 

के भनूँ, म भानुभक्तको बारेमा।  


तनहुँको चुँदी रम्घामा भयो , तिम्रो जन्म 

बस्यौ तिमी सबै नेपालीको मनमा  

गर्छन्, सबैले तिमीलाई मान-सम्मान

नहोस्, है तिम्रो कहिले अपमान  

के भनूँ,म भानुभक्तको बारेमा।

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Epic Games
- Remoon Gorkhali - 2023008, Gr ... 23 September, 2020

Epic game is a famous app that many users use to download many games in pc. They are now more famous for one of the world's most popular games, Fortnite. It is an American video game software development company. They have more than 100 types of games which are mostly only able to download by purchasing it. They also have one of the most popular games which were not created by them which are GTA V (Grand Theft Auto). It is popular for its graphics and a lot of possibilities. It can be played solo as well as online multiplayer. It also has a story mode where we have to complete missions for money, buy cars, guns, bases, etc. As I mentioned earlier Epic Games is also the creator of one of the world’s most famous video games, “Fortnite” it is a person vs person (PVP) game where we need to play “battle royale”. A “battle royale” is an all-out fighting style where there is more than one player to beat. We also need to find the weapons to fight others unless you want to kill them with a pickaxe but you will probably die if there is more than one player in the team and if the opponent has a gun. The pickaxe is also used to mine materials to build which has not been seen in any PVP game. There are three game modes in this game, one of them being creative mode; where we can build maps and play with friends, fly at will which includes “battle royale”. Overall I would say that epic games are an awesome place to buy and download games and is an impressive game software development company.

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रिभर्स साइकोलोजी
- Sashwat Paudel - 2022019, Gra ... 23 September, 2020

यो लेख पढ्नुभन्दा पहिले  म तपाईंसामु  एक प्रस्ताव राख्न चाहन्छु।  केवल केही  बेरसम्म माछाको बारेमा नसोच्नुस्  ।  जे हुन्छ, जसो हुन्छ, माछाको बारेमा सोच्दै नसोच्नुस्। के तपाईं  यो कार्य गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ? कि तपाईंलाई अहिले मनमा माछाभन्दा अरू केही पनि आइरहेको छैन ? यदि तपाईंले माछाको बारेमा सोच्नुभयो भने तपाईं यो कसरी भयो , भनेर बसिरहेको हुनुहुन्छ होला । यो कुरा तपाईंलाई मात्र होइन, धेरै मानिसलाई हुने गर्दछ ।  

एक परीक्षणमा सहभागीहरूलाई यही भनिएको थियो । उनीहरूलाई शिक्षकले केही बेरका लागि “सेतो भालु” को बारेमा नसोच्नुहोस् भनेर भनेका थिए | उनीहरूले पनि सेतो भालुलाई आफ्नो मस्तिष्कबाट निकाल्न सक्षम भएनन् ।  उनीहरूले जति प्रयास गरे पनि उनीहरूको दिमागमा सेतो भालुले ठाउँ पायो । उनीहरूले आफू विभिन्न ठाउँमा रमाएको दृश्य पनि सोच्ने प्रयास गरे तर त्यति गर्दा पनि उनीहरूले सेतो भालुलाई वरिपरि देखे । 


अर्को उदाहरण हो,बेलायतीको राजाहरूको ।  धेरै समय बेलायतीहरूले  आलु मन पराउँदैनथे । बेलायत सरकारले आलुको क्षमता देखेका थिए र  बेलायती नागरिकलाई आलु रोप्ने र खाने आदेश दिए । यो आदेश सुनेर बेलायती नागरिकले आफ्नो गुनासो जनाए र भने, “आलुको न त बास्ना नै छ ; न स्वाद नै छ । कुकुरहरूले पनि आलु खान मान्दैनन् ।  यस्तो तरकारीले  हामीलाई के फाइदा हुन्छ ?” यो सुनेर राजा फ्रेड्रिक द ग्रेटले आलुको  उपयुक्त तरिकाले खेतीपाती गर्ने ठाउँ बनाए । उनले यो ठाउँमा चौबिसै घण्टा तैनाथ गार्डहरू राखे । राजाको यस्तो स्वभाव देखेर त्यहाँका मानिसहरू सशङ्कित भएर सोचे कि यहाँ के कुरा यस्तो मुल्यवान् छ होला कि त्यसलाई यस्तो सुरक्षा चाहिन्छ ? यो घटनापछि केही दिनमै आलुको कालो बजारी सुरू भएको थियो ।  चोरहरूले आलु फार्मबाट चोरेर बजारमा धेरै मूल्यमा बेच्दै थिए ।  फ्रेड्रिक द ग्रेटको योजना आश्चर्यजनक रूपमा सफल भएको थियो । हिजोसम्म स्वाद नभएको तरकारी रातारात सबैको बारीमा फल्न थाल्यो र मानिसहरू आफैँले यसको खेती गर्न थाले । कालो बजारी पनि हरायो ।     

यो भनेको रिभर्स साइकोलोजी अथवा उल्टो मनोविज्ञानको करतुत हो । हामी मानिसलाई जे नगर भन्यो, त्यही गर्न मन लाग्छ । उल्टो मनोविज्ञान भनेको कुनै व्यक्तिलाई चाहेको कुराको विपरीत भनेर कार्य गराउने प्रक्रिया हो । उल्टो मनोविज्ञान Reactants भन्ने सिद्धान्तको वरिपरि पर्छ । Reactants भनेको हाम्रो अधिकार छिनिने डर हो । जब हामीलाई अधिकार छिनिने डर हुन्छ, तब हामी त्यो परिदृश्यमा आफ्नो आधिकार फिर्ता ल्याउनका लागि मरिहत्ते गर्छौं । तपाईं अब सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ होला, यस्तो कहाँ जीवनमा हुन्छ र ? धेरैजसो हाँस्य लेखमा रिभर्स साइकोलोजी  भेट्ने गरिन्छ । उल्टो मनोविज्ञानले स-साना बच्चाहरूमा धेरै काम गरेको देखिन्छ । हामीले बच्चाहरूलाई जस्तो, तरकारी खान लगायौं भने बच्चाहरूले त्यो तरकारी छुँदा पनि छुँदैनन् । तर उनीहरूलाई त्यो तरकारी खान नदिने हो भने एक्कासी उनीहरूको मन परिवर्तन हुन्छ र उनीहरू खान थाल्छन् ।

अन्त्यमा, उल्टो मनोविज्ञानले हाम्रो जीवनमा धेरै सकारात्मक कुराहरू गर्न सहयोग गर्दछ ।   उल्टो मनोविज्ञानको बारेमा अचम्मको कुरा यो हो कि हामीले यो प्रक्रियालाई सोचेभन्दा बढी प्रयोग गर्दछौँ । यो हामी अज्ञात रूपमा प्रयोग गरिरहेको हुन्छौँ । हामीले हाम्रै वरिपरि भएका साथीहरूको सोच बदल्न यो सरल प्रक्रियालाई प्रयोग गर्न सक्छौँ ।  आज धेरैजसो विज्ञापनहरूले यस सिद्धान्तलाई  प्रयोग गरेका छन् र सफल पनि भएका छन् ।

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Lockdown: My Experience Of Managing My Studies And Household Chores
- Anushka Basnet - 2023002, Gra ... 22 September, 2020

The lockdown began about 6 months ago in Nepal. In the beginning, my sister was already in our village. Our mom thought it was a good idea to send us to our village and stay there for a few weeks.  But because the lockdown began and we were in our village. We were in Ramechhap district which is where my mother was born.  My sister and I stayed there for 2 weeks and we went to Solukhumbu which is where my father’s house lies. In Ramechhap my only maternal grandparents used to live while in Solukhumbu only my grandfather used to live. Also, my grandfather used to live 45 minutes away from our main house at our sister’s house and only went there during the daytime to work. After we went to Solukhumbu our grandfather started living in our main house, where he used to work in the fields and municipality all day while my 3 elder sisters and I  had to work. All of us were of the same age so there was no problem between us.  We stayed there for about 15 days and returned to Ramechhap. We stayed in Ramechhap for another 13 days and again returned to Solukhumbu. It took about a day on foot to come back and forth. Finally after staying in the village for 2 months and learning the chores done in the village area my sister and I returned to Kathmandu. While in the village my eyes were completely at rest because there was no internet connection. After coming to Kathmandu our classes resumed. At that time, my mother wasn't used to opening a shop.  My sister and I used to distribute the house chores between us like we always did and managed our time. It was not difficult. After about 15 days or so my mother started to open the shop for a certain amount of time every day. The neighborhood would always be crowded and noisy. My brother had classes in the morning and we had in the evening. This way our chores were quite easy to manage. Then after a few more months, the lockdown was loosened a bit. At that time, we had a little problem managing time but it was still okay.  My sister and I also take turns in helping our mother in the shop. It is managed properly nowadays and I personally have no problems with this because it is our responsibility as well as not a burden.

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