
Student Corner


Field visit to “Metropolitan Police Office”
- Pranjal Khatiwada - 2022013, ... 11 February, 2020

On November 4th, 2019, students of Grade 8 and 9 went to Metropolitan Police Office located near Durbar Marg also known as, महानगरीय प्रहरी कार्यालय, where we talked on different things like a collaboration of community and police ( i.e., community police partnership), a nationwide program which was established on 11th of Kartik, 2075. 

The program includes lots of schools nationwide making students aware of different illegal activities and covers different topics like cybercrime, road accidents, human trafficking, child labor, etc with students. It mainly prioritizes self-defense. The program mobilizes more than 56 control room vehicles around the valley and also monitors up to 535 CCTV cameras. For Emergency Responsive Units (ERU),  there are ten NTC, five NCELL, and one smart cell number where people can call to police.

We then talked to the in-charge of the metropolitan police officer (DIG),  Mr. Sailesh Thapa about Crime Triangle which covers three points: Intension, Capacity, and Opportunity. Then, we talked about different crimes. Mainly we talked about rape which has been increasing day by day. He shared that more than 1480 rape cases have been registered in the previous year alone.  

Then, we asked some questions to the DIG. After the completion of the program, we had black tea and some biscuit, then we came to school.

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उपन्यास छाउघरमा पाठक प्रतिक्रिया
- Shreeya Sitaula - 2021020, Gr ... 04 February, 2020

 राज सरगमद्वारा लिखित उपन्यास छाउघर सामाजिक विषयवस्तुमा आधारित भएर लेखिएकाे उपन्यास हाे ।  उपन्यासमा छाउपडी प्रथा बारे लेखिएकाे छ । छाउपडी प्रथाले नेपाल ग्रस्त छ । विशेष गरी नेपालकाे सुदूरपश्चिम यस प्रथाकाे सिकार बनेकाे छ । उपन्यासमा सरगमले एउटी बाह्र वर्षीय बालिकामा उमेरले ल्याएकाे मानसिक, शारीरिक परिवर्तनका  साथै छाउपडीले ल्याएकाे मानसिक चिन्तालाई प्रस्तुत गर्दै त्यसका विरुद्धमा आवाज उठाएकाे प्रसङ्गलाई कथ्यकाे रुपमा समेटेकाे छ । 

सर्वप्रथम यस उपन्यासले छाउपडी जस्ताे कुप्रथालाई उठान गरेकाले नै म यस उपन्यासप्रति आकर्षित भएकी हुँ । मेराे विचारमा परिवर्तन भनेकाे नै साेचमा हुनुपर्छ । अध्ययनले नै मानसिक चेतनामा परिवर्तन ल्याउन सक्छ । 

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Article on Parent's Talk Program
- Simon Sangat - 2021021, Grade ... 30 January, 2020

On 27th August at around 1:25 pm we the students of grade 8 and 10 were taken to Phewa Hall for Parent's Talk Program, in which Mr. Drona Pokharel, parent of Drabisha Pokharel from grade I, spoke about his profession in an insurance company. He gave us useful information about the new policy called 'Insurance’. He informed us that insurance is a policy in which we get financial protection also we would be safe from financial loss. 

There are two types of insurance. They are life insurance and non-life insurance. He expressed his facts and figures in detail. We came to know that the term 'insurance’ is new to our country Nepal. He also explained the history of insurance, how the concept began and how people started to use it. There are many types of insurance e.g. health insurance, disability insurance, mobile insurance, car insurance, house or apartment insurance and many more. The first insurance policies were brought in concept in the early 18th century but now in this modern era, insurance has been widely used in foreign countries and somewhat in Nepal too. From this informative presentation of Mr. Drona Pokharal, we came to know that insurance saves us from accidental loss.

Therefore, I would like to thank Mr. Drona Pokharel for an informative presentation. We came to know a lot about insurance and lastly, I’d like to extend my deep gratitude to the school management for organizing such a wonderful program.

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