
Student Corner

Living Forever Blessing or Curse

Written by: Sambridhi Gelal - 29063, Grade VII

Posted on: 22 December, 2023

The world is getting developed with time and generations and as more new generations are developing the world, there are many chances that the human being or Artificial intelligence (AI) can discover a formula in future that would enable us to live forever. Although it feels like it is impossible for human beings to discover some formulas like this, as we can see that humans have already discovered Artificial Intelligence. So, they can also discover a formula that would enable us to live .

If someone discovered formulas, it can be a blessing for some years but slowly when people are born they will not be able to die, due to the lack of air, land, water, natural resources and because of overpopulation, it can slowly turn into a curse. It is the rule of nature that when a person is born, he/she must face death but if everyone is not able to die naturally, then the earth would not be able to handle it. There will be the lack of necessary things like air, food, oxygen, land, water, natural resources, etc. So, I would take this as a curse than a blessing. 

If someone really found the formula, some people can take this as a blessing because they can think that they would not be separated from their loved ones and they can forever be with their loved ones. It can be a blessing but only for a few years because not only their loved ones, many people will not face natural death and the world will be overly populated.


According to the data, around 40 million people naturally die in a year and if they all will stop to die we cannot even imagine how much populated the world will be. Not only that all the beings would have to live wearing oxygen masks all the time, because all the trees and plants will be cut to make buildings, houses, furniture etc and because of that we will not even get really necessary things like oxygen, food, medicine, clothes etc. Global Warming will also rise because of pollution and because of the lack of natural resources. And because of that the people will suffer more dangerous and scary death than the natural one. Therefore, it is a bad and dangerous idea if someone discovered a formula that would enable us to live forever and it would be a curse rather than a blessing.

Therefore, most of the deaths are natural. It was a natural death in the past. Natural death is happening today as well but there are some chances that in the future, human beings will be able to discover a formula that would enable us to live forever, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Because of this, there are the risks that, in future we can suffer more dangerous and scary death because of lack of oxygen, water, land, natural resources etc. Also of global warming, there is the possibility of wearing oxygen masks in the future.

Hence, we can say that discovering a formula could enable us to live forever is a curse more than a blessing.Because we should not go beyond the rules of nature and it can harm us. Human or AI discovering a formula that would enable us to live forever, would probably be a curse.