
Student Corner

The Zodiac Killer

Written by: Sarvesh Raj Adhikari - 30056, Grade VII

Posted on: 23 May, 2024

The Zodiac Killer is a mysterious criminal who killed people in California during the 1960s and 1970s. He is known to have killed at least five people, but he claimed to have killed 37. Despite many efforts by the police, he was never caught, and his identity is still unknown. The killer's first attack was on December 20, 1968, when he killed two teenagers, Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday, near Vallejo, California. He continued to attack other young couples over the next year. One of the most famous attacks was on July 4, 1969, when he shot Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau in their car. Mageau survived and described the attacker, but the police still couldn't find him. The Zodiac Killer was different because he liked to send scary letters to newspapers. These letters had secret messages and puzzles. His first letter, sent on July 31, 1969, had a puzzle that, when solved, said, "I like killing people because it is so fun." Even though the police had many clues and suspects, they never found out who the Zodiac Killer was. Some of his puzzles are still unsolved. Over the years, people have suggested many suspects, but no one knows for sure who did it. In recent years, new technology like DNA testing has given hope that one day the Zodiac Killer might be identified. Until then, he remains a terrifying and unsolved mystery.