
Student Corner


Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
- Kabya Oli - 29014, Grade VI o ... 13 June, 2022

Should exotic animals be kept as pets? 90.6 million families or 61-71% of the population has pets.

As most people say, you can have a normal pet like a dog or a cat or anything else like a parrot, but why can't you have something like an alligator or a snake? Well, for having these kinds of animals, you have to be rich or at least have a lot of money you can spend, because these animals need special care otherwise the pet will suffer or may even die and even buying it will be a waste of money. And there is also a great chance of the owner of this pet being hospitalized because sometimes it may be dangerous, these animals might scratch, bite or attack their owner. 

However, unlike cats and dogs, these exotic animals are most likely allergenic. So, 10-20% of the population who are allergic to cats and dogs can have a pet to exotic animals. This is a chance for those people to see what it is like to have a pet. I would rather have a bird if I were allergic to dog or cat-like animals. Nevertheless, exotic animals have some advantages too.

In Pennsylvania, USA, there is a guy named Joie with his pet Wally. Wally is an alligator who helps Joie with his depression. Joie, despite having a lot of reptiles, has a special connection with Wally because Wally has seen millions of people in his lifetime but has never bitten any of them. He got Wally before depression and when Joie did fall into depression, Wally knew his friend was sad, so he climbed up on Joie and hugged him and soon Wally made his friend better.

So, although having exotic pets is very expensive and anyone would rather have a cat, dog, bird, etc, there is always a person who would rather have an alligator.

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Six Reasons Your Grades Do Not Define Your Intelligence
- Rushav Paneru - 28018, Grade ... 10 June, 2022

A fixation on tracing our growth and abilities by applying an identical grading scale gets implanted in us at an early age. By the time we reach adulthood, numerous people simply accept this as the only technique to measure what we can do.

That is a large problem – because grades and intelligence are two very different things.

Here are six reasons why grades and your intelligence are not identical.

1. Grades do not reflect your abilities.

You might know the assignments covered in school, but still, be incompetent to restate that into performance once it is up for a grade. Your internal and spirit are vital factors. As an example, plenty of individuals suffer from test anxiety that may make it problematic to succeed – regardless of how well you understand the fabric. The concept that your present state can run over your intellect is smart because, biologically speaking, your feelings have the simplest way of absorbing in certain situations. If you are weird or anxious, your brain will want to try and do one thousand things aside from completing a fancy assignment. So do not be surprised if someone underperforms on a task; perhaps it is because they are too stressed to concentrate.

2. Grades are decreased than comprehension

If you study to memories materials for a test…well…congrats, you have learned to require that test. It does not mean you have learned the fabric, though.

A lot of what you will find on a typical written test relies on rote memorization. Facts and stats simply spilt onto a page without much context or need for deeper problem-solving. This approach cannot accurately measure abilities. You may further just play a game of Simon Says. That’s why grades are not quite effective at measuring comprehension. You wish to be engaged and challenged to unravel problems in new ways. This is often something that does not often translate to the quality grading rubric.

3. You can not quantify your strengths.

As humans, we are lots else than simply numbers on a page. Each folk has an unimaginable type of different strengths and gifts. The capacities generally measured by grades only cover a collection range of them. Intelligence is simply one of the uncountable variables that may impact your grades. Grades are a flat, static scale that is not as useful if you are trying to gauge something as dynamic as a person’s intellect. No single scale can provide you with an honest study of a person’s unique mixture of capacities, talents, work principles, creativity, leadership skills, and the way those traits affect each other. Looking forward to abstract metrics to define your strengths may lead you to miss out on great chances.

4. There are different styles of intelligence.

Imagine you have got three people: a physicist, an expert historian, and a master artist. They are splendid on their own. But if you measure them in step with the skillsets of the opposite two, they may all look unremarkable after you grade their papers. It is a bit like that quote we talked about earlier. In the same way, they can not adapt effectively to account for the balance of strengths and failings in all and sundry, grades also fail to acknowledge unique, conditioned bits of intelligence in larger populations.

5. Your passion matters more.

Intelligence refers to one’s capability to be told, understand, and apply knowledge and skills. But it does not count for much if you do not have the drive to try and do any of these things. Nevertheless, you are unlikely to take a position of meaningful energy in trying to know it, if you are studying something you do not look out for. Therefore, someone with a passion that pushes them forward is more likely to come back out sooner than someone who can be a genius, but who is not motivated. That’s not to say you will not be allocating time and energy to some stuff you do not look out about. But once you identify what you are obsessed with, you will be able to learn to follow paths that will play to your strengths instead of your weaknesses.

6. Intelligence can still change.

You have presumably heard that your intelligence will not ever change, that your study capacity will remain largely identical throughout your life. Nevertheless, numerous experts believe there is a good chance it could change over time. There's an inspiration referred to as the Incremental Theory of Intelligence which means intelligence can be developed and enhanced through training. People who accept this hypothesis are more likely to embrace challenges, be persistent, and learn from past mistakes compared to those that believe that intelligence is stationary and unchanging. I prefer this view. By engaging in exercises to coach your mind over time, you will be able to boost your intelligence and shape your reality.

No one system could ever define your overall intelligence. This realization goes two ways. Even as grades do not dictate your intelligence, your intelligence also does not dictate your grades.

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100 Days of Russia-Ukraine War
- Hardik Sharma Phuyal - 29047, ... 09 June, 2022

The cause

On February 24, at 5:30 am Moscow time Russian state television channels were interrupted to broadcast an address by President Vladimir Putin declaring war on Ukraine. Still, the cause of the war was started more than 80 years ago in the 1940s when World war II was just started. It's a long story but after summarizing it turns out that the border of Russia and Ukraine was necessary for the Soviet army and NATO. If the U.S.S.R got the border then it could get all the oil around Europe leaving only reserved oil for the rest of the countries dominating Europe and being forced to be a partner of Russia because if they bought oil from other countries it would take them more money to ship the oil and the tax for final. After that, they had to join the Soviet army or fight them. But except for The United Kingdom and the rest of the countries, even Italy, Spain, France, and Germany could not fight Russia.

Day 1-20

This was the start of the war when it was wild with over 7,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead. Russia was in full charge with artillery exploding in each and every place Ukraine had a lot of casualties and Russia was giving Russian citizenship to more than 700,000 Russians in Ukraine.

Day 21-40

Explosions were heard in many cities. In 40 days, resounding air raid sirens, unforgiving shelling, months in darkness, and days on foot became the lived experiences of millions of people in Ukraine. Russia controlled 45% of Ukraine including its capital. Russian soldiers killed thousands of Ukrainian soldiers. It was brutal to live in that place with no food source and no water source. People were starving there. Nobody really knew how many Ukrainian combatants or civilians had died.

Day 41-100

Russia backed off controlling only 20% of the country with a new plan leaving its capital. The president of Ukraine went to the border of Russia to show off how powerful they were. But later on, he had to run to Poland for security. Due to the economic blockade, petrol prices were increased, which is affecting Nepal and other countries.


The war has not ended till now but the people are worried. War is sometimes essential for evolution but it doesn't mean just killing people, just staying in peace is good for humanity.  

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- Jenial Nepal - 29054, Grade V ... 08 June, 2022

सुखमय देखिन्छ संसार

आयाे रसिलाे चाडबाड

फागुनमा शिवरात्री

साउनमा आउछ तिज ।१।

दसैँ अनि तिहारसँगै आउने

नयाँ नाना लगाई मिठाे खान पाउने 

सप्तरङ्गी टीकाले निधार सजाई

द्याैसी भैलाे खेल्न जाऊँ हात समाई 

रङ्गीचङ्गी फूलहरूले फूलबारी ढाकेकाे 

तिनै फूलका माला उनी भाइलाई राखेकाे

विदेशिएका दाजुभाइ देश फर्की आउने

घरबाट चेलीहरू माइतीघर जाने ।

पारिवारिक जमघटसँगै मनमा आउने बहार

सबैभन्दा मन पर्ने चाड हाे तिहार


राताे पाेते सिन्दुर टीका सारी चाेलाे लगाई

तीजका गीतमा चेलीहरू नाच्छन् रमाई रमाई 

गाईजात्रा राेपाई जात्रा अनि घाेडेजात्रा

फरक फरक संस्कृतिले नेपाल छ विचित्र 

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Aroace Spectrum: Identities and Orientation
- Aayotrie Chaudhary - 27019, G ... 07 June, 2022

On the occasion of Pride Month let me talk about Aroace Spectrum.  The aroace spectrum is a combination of two other spectrums in the LGBT+ community, acesexual and aromantic. The aroace flag is made up of the colors orange, yellow, white, light blue and then darker blue in the order from orange at the top to dark blue on the bottom of the flag.  A simple definition of aroace is little to no romance, this being said it can be quite annoying for many aroace people, around family members, family friends and just plain society. 

The reason for this is that in our society many people think and want kids to grow up, get married to the opposite gender and have children. This is not the life many people (including many of the LGBT members) want, and it's not just LGBT members and / or aroace people, but instead many other people whether they're straight, gay, bi, black, white etc. The point is we shouldn't let our society or what is considered normal get in the way of what we want.

Now back to speaking about aroace and the aroace spectrum, you might be wondering what is a spectrum? Well the term spectrum in a way I would describe it is how aroace you are to how much you aren't aroace. For spectrums it is like a line between the two (on one end being fully aroace and the other end being not aroace at all) you can be anywhere in that line, for example, people who identify as aroace, acesexual or aromatic are a bit closer to the fully aroace end while other people maybe who identify as pansexual (liking non-binaries, females and males) are a bit further away from the fully aroace end of the spectrum.

Next, I am now going to write about the problems or annoyances while being an aroace person. While being an aroace person even while or after telling people about it people might still talk about how when you grow up that you'll get married and that can be quite frustrating. Another thing is that many people treat you with pity as if you are lonely and will be lonely for the rest of your life completely disregarding the fact that platonic partners and relationships exist. Many people will even try to convince you that it's "just a phase" and "I always said that I wouldn't marry too as a child" and because of those it can be sometimes frustrating and annoying for many aroace people like us, not to mention people also disregard our community just because they haven't heard of it.

Another topic I will also briefly discuss is platonic relationships. Platonic relationships are also commonly known as friends which almost all humans can appreciate, however for aroace, acesexual and aromantic people platonic relationships can be more than just friends instead they can be life partners without all the romance. Platonic partners are closer than friends, after all platonic partners for life live with you and take care of you like other partners to other people though without all the romance. From my personal experience I had always wanted one of these instead of a husband when I was a child.

The final topic I will write about is a very personal topic that other aroaces may or may not relate to. I want to talk about specifically what makes me comfortable and uncomfortable. Let's start with hugs. Hugs are definitely comfortable for me, especially with close friends, however the kiss on the cheek thing can make me quite uncomfortable even if it is a regularly used greeting in some countries. I also am uncomfortable if people try to invade my personal space and if I accidentally get touched by other people but  honestly don't we all? I also am one of the people that really do not like to date or have any romantic relationships.  Now, these are all  specifically related to me and it can really depend on the person you ask so make sure to ask any person if you're making them uncomfortable in any way.

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Why Should You Visit To Mustang
- Ojaswini Lama - 29019, Grade ... 07 June, 2022

Mustang is one of the famous districts of Gandaki province. It is located in northern Nepal on the lap of the Himalayas. The district is one of the remotest areas in Nepal. The donkey or the potters carry all the essential resources for survival. Since the resources are carried by animals and humans this district is quite expensive for tourists. 

Mustang is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nepal. It is very famous among both domestic and international tourists. The name Mustang is derived from the Tibetan word plain of aspiration. Upper Mustang is Famous among the tourists for trekking. Some of the famous mountains in Mustang are Tukuchepeak, Nilgram himal, and so on. Mustang is also famous for its Thakali cuisine. It is a meal that consists of locally grown rice, buckwheat, dal, special pickle, gundruk, and ghee. Thakali cuisine is not only famous in Mustang but also all over Nepal and internationally. Several pilgrims visit Mustang to worship Muktinath temple. It is one of the world's highest temples. Agriculture and animal husbandry are one of the main occupations of people living in Mustang. This district also includes the Annapurna area, the largest protected area of Nepal. People of this district are mostly engaged in tourism since a large number of tourists visit Mustang yearly. Local homestays are famous in Mustang rather than hotels. Some of the top tourist attractions in this area are Lomanthang, Muktinath, the mustangi royal palace, Tibetan art and culture, and trekking in the Annapurna circuit in addition to the trekking circuit the district is also famous for the springs and the village of Muktinath. Apples and Marpha brandy made from various fruits like pear, apricot, and apple produced on a farm are famous among the tourists. In Mustang, summers are hot, muggy, and mostly clear whereas the winter is very cold, snowy, windy, and partially cloudy. While trekking weather and the temperature should be known. Mustang Nepal weather and temperature help you to decide where to go and when to go. 

Mustang lies in the rain shadow area of the Annapurna region. The average rainfall in Mustang is 307mm. This is one of the lowest in the country. Therefore, trekking to this region is possible and comfortable even in the summer season. This weather is perfectly suitable for apples and rhododendron forests. You can find plenty of apple and rhododendron forests. Mustang is also famous for human-made caves. These caves can leave anyone with amazement because of their intriguing making and location. Mustang is also famous for a small town called Jomsom. It is also known as a tourist hub. Jomsom has a domestic flight from Pokhara which also is one of the most dangerous airports in the world. Jomsom is a charming little town that offers a view of mountains like Dhaulagiri and Nilgiri. Mustang has a great potential for tourism however many people are unaware of this area due to the lack of advertisement and transportation facilities. It beautifully presents Nepalese culture however it is not promoted.  

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