
Student Corner


Should Plastic be Banned?
- Aarya Dhami - 27023, Grade VI ... 07 March, 2023


Plastic is one of the commonly used materials around the Earth. From packaging to toys, electronics, and household items, plastic is one of the common materials in our society. However, the environmental impacts of plastic have become very harmful nowadays. It is estimated that over 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans each year, with devastating consequences for ocean life and ecosystems. In this essay, we will talk about whether plastic should be banned or not.


On one hand, plastic has many benefits. It is durable, lightweight, and inexpensive, which makes it a versatile material for a wide range of products. Plastic has also played a significant role in reducing food waste, as it can be used to package and preserve food for longer periods. Additionally, plastic has been a key factor in the development of medical technologies, allowing for waste free and safe medical equipment and packaging.


On the other hand, the negative impact of plastic on the environment is not questionable. Plastic waste takes hundreds of years to decompose and can continue in the environment for centuries. Plastic is found in all parts of the world's oceans, harming ocean life, contaminating ecosystems, and threatening the food chain. Furthermore, the production of plastic requires significant amounts of fossil fuels, contributing to climate change and air pollution.


Banning plastic entirely may not be a practical solution. However, measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact of plastic on the environment. One such approach is to focus on reducing the use of single-use plastic items, such as straws and food packaging. These items are often used once and then discarded, contributing significantly to plastic waste. Alternatives to these items, such as paper or reusable products, can be used instead. Another approach is to promote the recycling of plastic materials. Plastic recycling is not a perfect solution, but it can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the environment. Governments should promote recycling programs, while manufacturers can design products with recyclable materials in mind.


In conclusion, plastic has many benefits, but its environmental impact is a cause for environmental threat. While a complete ban on plastic may not be the solution, measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact of plastic on the environment. Reducing the use of single-use plastic items and promoting the recycling of plastic materials are two methods that can be effective. Ultimately, the challenge of balancing the benefits of plastic with its environmental impact requires effort from individuals, manufactures , and governments.


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Horrifying Trip: A Narrative Essay
- Rushka Sapkota - 29024, Grade ... 07 March, 2023


One day I woke up and my sister came and told me we were going on a trip. I was honestly shocked. Since we have not gone on a trip for about 1 month now, it was fascinating for me. I packed my bags and slept and of course I thought about what I was gonna do on the trip and everything. The next morning I was downloading youtube videos, music, and everything. Then I got ready and my family and I left. In the car, I played my favourite song and then watched some youtube videos which made me conscious. So, I decided to sleep. When I woke up I asked my parents how many minutes or hours were left. They said 30 minutes so I went back to sleep. Then we woke up and we were at our destination. I was amazed to see how pretty the location was. I ran in the fields while my parents were setting up the tent. I played in the field with my sister for a while. My sister was playing hide and seek when I heard someone calling my name. I got scared so I shouted my sister’s name but later I figured out it was my mother and father calling my name. I went to the tent and the dinner was ready. I ate dinner while looking at my phone and I did my dishes and went inside the tent. I looked at my phone for an hour or so then went to bed. Everyone slept.


My eyes opened as I heard a sound. I woke up to use the bathroom as well but the sound kept distracting me. I woke up my dad out of fear. My dad and I went to the bathroom. Now if you wonder where the bathroom was, the van we came in was an RV van where my sister was sleeping that had a bathroom. My dad told me to sleep in the RV. I said yes because who wants to go back there in the tent? So after using the bathroom I went near my sister and she had two blankets on. I stole one and a pillow and went to sleep on the couch. I woke up again and I could hear the same sound. The sound was like a baby crying but a cat at the same time. I got scared and I called my sister’s name hoping she would wake up when it was dark. She didn’t wake so I just cuddled inside my blanket and started crying. Then when I thought enough I built up my courage and stood up and went up to my sister and slapped her not that hard but still, I slapped her. She got up and screamed at me for long enough for me to cry. I was crying and started explaining to her that there was a weird sound and tried to wake her up. My sister was confident enough so me and my sister went outside to go to our mom and dad. I was squeezing my sister's hand and begging her to go back. My sister did not listen to me and at that point, I was crying so loud and screaming for help. Soon my father and mother came running and asked what happened. My sister told them everything. Later we all decided to check out the sound. I know it's a bad idea but no one listens to me in this house. I took off my slippers and held them as a weapon. The sound was coming from the bush so I went closer and my family followed me. Later, When we got close to the bush. I went inside it well like not inside just looking at what was inside the bush. Then I remember shaking and screaming because I saw a baby there but not only a baby but a dead body, it was covered in blood. Then I don’t know what happened. All I remember is my mother screaming my name and my sister shaking me.


I woke up with red and blue lights flashing into my eyes. I woke up my eyes were blurry and I was in an ambulance bed with someone beside me crying. My eyes slowly felt clear and I realised there were police around me and I was being taken to the hospital. I got to my hospital bed and the doctor raised my leg high like I don't know about 12 inches high. Loosen my belt. After some medical proceedings, I felt much better and I was kept in the hospital for a whole week. I was still traumatised by that incident and still want to cry when I remember it.

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- Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade VII ... 07 March, 2023

तिमी त हौ हामी  सबैका ज्ञान सागर

तिमीले गर्दा मात्र विश्व उज्यालाेले भर्दछाै

तिमी मात्र धर्तीमा ज्ञान बाड्छौ निरन्तर

गुरुका सारथी तिमी माया दिन्छाै बराबर ।


तिमीबाटै यँहा धेरै डाक्टरहरू  बन्दछन्

चन्द्रलाई पनि टेक्न  पुस्तक नै  निकाल्दछन्

महाग्रन्थहरू पनि तिम्रै रूपमा लेखिएका

कविता कथा जे छन् तिमी भित्रै सजिएका ।


लेखकहरू विश्वभरि तिमीलाई ढोग्दछन्

तिमी नै हाै  सबै थाेक तिमीलाई पुकार्दछन् 

तिम्रै रूप देखिएकाे ज्ञानमा अनि विज्ञानमा 

तिम्रै  छाप परेकाे छ मानिस र  विद्वानमा 


कविता, ग्रन्थ र हाँस्य सबै पर्दछन् यहाँ 

यो संसार के उज्यालाे पुस्तक नभइकन 

रातो कालो हरियो रङ्गले भरिएका शब्दहरू 

सानादेखि ठुला सबै पढ्दछन् ती अक्षरहरू


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Concept of Mentalism
- Kabya Oli - 29014, Grade VI o ... 02 March, 2023


Say what is mentalism? Briefly it is knowing somebody without them telling you anything. People say that mentalism is not possible and it's just a fictional thing that people made up. However mentalism is actually possible scientifically.First of all mentalism is about knowing yourself, because first of all to know how to read other people's mind you need to know what's going on in your mind. This article is about how you can know what's going on in other people's heads by their body language .

According to neuroscientist Lynne Franklin, there are three types of people you need to know about. A looker, most of the population. A listener and a toucher.

A looker is somebody who likes to make eye contact with other people.They tend to look your way . 75% of the people on earth are lookers. Their mind works on images, pictures, colours etc. 


Whenever they think about something very important, they think with images and what they see.

They care about what people think about them, so they dress very formally. 

If you happen to meet them and don’t make eye contact they will think you are not paying attention even if you are because people think that everybody is like them, which is totally wrong.They understand and you will find kinds of sentences like “I will look out for you” or “I see..”.


Another one is a listener who tends to look at their bottom left corner. Because that is where you look when you try to remember something. Something important to you. They are 20% of the population.Their mind uses words and sounds to remember.They don’t care about what other people think about them as much as lookers do. You can often find them murmuring something to themselves.They understand and you will find kinds of sentences like “Let’s hear you out” or “that sounds nice”.


The last one, are touchers. 5% of the population .They tend to lean forward towards you. They like to hug people even though it is their first time meeting them. Gentle taps on your shoulders are common and  seem more genuine towards them. They also tend to look down because that is where you remember a feeling. They use sentences like “let’s keep in touch”. 

If you don’t know if you are a toucher,looker or a listener it is okay because you might be in a confusion because everybody is a little of everything. 

But the trick to find you is to close your eyes and remember an important day or event. Did you see it like a movie, did you describe it to yourself or did you feel it ?

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