
Student Corner


परिवारको माया
- Simone Shree Pathak - 24006, ... 05 October, 2021

रमेश कक्षा १० को विद्यालयको नाम कहलिएको विद्यार्थी हो । उसलाई साथीहरू मात्र नभएर शिक्षक शिक्षिका पनि  राम्ररी चिन्थे । ऊ असल कामलेभन्दा पनि खराब कामले प्रख्यात थियो । सकेसम्म अरूलाई दुःख दिने सताउने काममा ऊ अग्रपङ्क्ति मै हुन्थ्यो । पढाइ लेखाइभन्दा पनि उसका दिनचर्या यस्ता काममा व्यतीत हुन्थे ।
रमेशको यस्तो स्वभाव देखेर विद्यालयका शिक्षक शिक्षिका निकै चिन्तित थिए । उसलाई भने आफ्नो भविष्यको कुनै चिन्ता थिएन । विद्यालयले पनि पटक-पटक उसका आमाबुबालाई उसका आनीबानी चालचलनबारे जानकारी गराएका थिए । रोमा रमेशको नेपाली शिक्षक थिइन् । उनले धेरै पटक रमेशलाई एकान्तमा सम्झाउने प्रयास गर्थिन् तर उसले कहिले पनि गम्भीररूपमा लिँदैनथ्यो ।
एक दिनको कुरा हो ;  विद्यालय बिदा भएपछि रोमा पनि आफ्नो घरतिर लागिन् । बाटोमा दुई जना मानिसहरूले रमेशलाई कुट्दै गरेको देखिन् । रोमाले हत्तपत्त रमेशलाई कुटाइ खानबाट जोगाइन्। रमेशलाई कुट्ने उसका अभिभावक नै रहेछन् । रोमा आफ्नो घरतिर लागिन् । घर पुगेर पनि रोमाले त्यो दृश्य बिर्सन सकिनन् । भोलिपल्ट विद्यालयमा रमेश उपस्थित थिएन । रोमाले रमेशको अनुपस्थिति जान्न खोजिन् । उसको घर गइन् । घरमा कोही पनि थिएनन् । रोमा निराश हुँदै फर्किन् ।
अर्को दिन रमेश विद्यालय आयो । रोमाले रमेशलाई आफ्नो कार्यकक्षामा बोलाइन् । ऊसँग धेरै बेर कुरा गरिन् । रमेशले रोमालाई आफ्ना सबै पीडा पोख्यो । रमेश आफ्ना अभिभावकबाट घरेलु हिंसाको शिकार भएको रहेछ । अब रोमाले रमेश किन यस्तो भएको भन्ने सबै कुरा बुझिन् । उनले रमेशका अभिभावकमाथि बालहिंसा गरेको उजुरी गरिन् । कानुनअनुसार उसका अभिभावकलाई सजाय पनि भयो ।

रोमाले रमेशलाई आफ्नो घरमा ल्याइन् र आफ्नो सन्तान जसरी पालिन् । अब रमेशको व्यवहार र जीवनमा निकै परिवर्तन आएको छ । रमेशले परिवारको माया पाएको छ । अहिले रमेश एम . बि . बि . एस . को तयारी गर्दै छ ।

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My everyday struggle being a girl in Nepal
- Joya Shrestha - 25004, Grade ... 05 October, 2021

Observing the current status and comparing the current situation with past situations I have found some positive changes regarding being a girl in Nepal however some parts of Nepali society have not accepted these positive changes. Everyday many girls have to face different problems. It’s the 21st century but also in many society people are doing gender discrimination. People still think girls are a burden. In many societies girls are not sent to school even after knowing that every child has the right to education. Girls are given less priority and people think that girls should only stay in the kitchen . They are only made to do cooking, cleaning. In small age  girls are being raped.10 years old are raped by her father. a 13 years old is being raped by her brothers. Even girls are not safe at their house. A 13 years old girl who was returning back from her friends house after studying was raped and killed but still the rapist hasn't been punished. Father is selling his daughter for money. In many society child marriage has not ended 13 years old girl is getting married just because she is a burden. A 15 years old is getting married to an unknown guy and she is being sold in India. A girl is getting married but the groom’s family is demanding dowry. If the bride's family doesn't give dowry then the bride is being tortured everyday and the bride can't do anything and she suicides or keeps shut about the violence that is being inflicted upon her.. In the past there was a culture which was followed but now that culture does not exist it was Sati Pratha where women used to be burnt alive if their husband died. A girl can't live her life after her husband dies. That's so unfair but in the past a guy used to have more than 10 wifes and if that guy died all those 10 to 15 women needed to lose their life. Still in Nepal being a girl is hard. We girls can't go out at night. Why should only girls be scared at night to go out? Why shouldn't boys be scared? It is because of the patriarchal mindset of the people. We girls should be scared all the time. What if  I will be the next Nirmala Panta? What if I will be the next Samjhana? Here in Nepal if we don't like the guys back we will be acid attack victims. The rapist won't be punished here strict laws are not made rapists are freely moving here and there. Here if a girl is having their first period they are kept in a dark place where their father and brother can't see them. They should not see their father and brother at that time where girls need care, a warm place, proteins etc but they are kept in a dark room where they don't get care. It's so hard for them who need to face these kinds of problems. Being a girl is not easy at all in Nepal. A girl is known as Laxmi but when she is in her period why can’t she touch the kitchen ? Why can she touch her father? and in Tihar she is the one who does puja for her brother. In Nepal if a girl laughs a lot, if a girl doesn't walk nicely,if a girl doesn't sit nicely,people start to talk about them and say “being a girl u shouldn't do this that”.Why we girls have to struggle a lot? If we do not fit in their patriarchal mindset of a “woman” then we are demeaned, ridiculed and forced to act as they please. Why do people think that we girls are less than boys? It is the 21st century in many societies people do not  discriminate between girls and boys but there are many societies in Nepal where they haven't accepted these positive changes.I hope that there will be more positive changes in few years and no girls should suffer from rape, acid attack, women trafficking, gender discrimination, and girls can get proper care during their periods.

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- Kriti Nepal - 24010, Grade X ... 04 October, 2021

लोकबाजा भन्नाले नेपालका विभिन्न भूभागमा बसोबास गर्ने र एउटा परम्परामा एकताबद्ध हरेक जातिमा हाम्रा लोकबाजाहरूले हाम्रो नेपाली संस्कृति धर्म रीतिरिवाज आदिलाई झल्काउँछन् ।
लोकबाजा हाम्रा पुर्खाका पालादेखि चलिआएका हाम्रा निजी मौलिक सम्पत्ति हुन् । यी बाजाहरूको प्रयोग विभिन्न लोक गीत तथा सङ्गीतमा प्राचीन कालदेखि नै हुँदै आएको पाइन्छ । यस्ता बाजाहरू खास गरी मेला ,चाडपर्व, समाहरोह ,जात्राका साथै घरमा पूजाआजा धार्मिक कार्यपछि देवीदेवताको गाथा भजन कीर्तन गाउने कार्यमा पनि नेपाली लोकबाजाको प्रयोग हुँदै आएको पाइन्छ । नेपाली लोकबाजाहरूमा दमाहा, खैँजडी, मादल, डम्फू ,सारङ्गी टुङ्ना ,सनही ,नरसिंहा ,झुर्मा, बाँसुरी , आदि पर्दछन् ।
हाम्रै समाजमा उत्तपत्ति भएका लोकबाजाको विशेष महत्त्व रही आएको छ । अहिले बिस्तारै हाम्रा लोकबाजाहरूलाई आयातीत बाजाहरूले विस्थापन गर्न लागेका छन् । खासगरी विदेशी संस्कृतिको प्रभावले हाम्रो संस्कृतिमा प्रभाव जमाउँदै गइरहेको छ । यस्तो हुनु भनेको हाम्रो संस्कृति र पहिचान हराउँदै जानु हो । 
हाम्रा लोकबाजा देश र समुदायको गौरव र पहिचान हुन् । यी लोकबाजा हरूलाई संरक्षण गनुपर्छ । विश्वव्यापी रूपमा प्रचार - प्रसार गनुपर्छ । नयाँ पुस्तालाई हाम्रा यस्ता सांस्कृतिक सम्पत्तिको संरक्षण गर्ने  र रुचि जगाउने खालका कार्यक्रम गनुपर्छ । समुदायमा यस्ता बाजाहरूको संरक्षण गर्न प्रोत्साहन गर्नुपर्छ ।

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Should same sex marriage be legalized ?
- Himani Bhattarai - 24011, Gra ... 04 October, 2021

Marriage, a social bonding between two people,generally referred to as between a “male” and “female”. The marriage of two people of same gender is same sex marriage. Same sex marriage is not legalized in many countries however in the context of Nepal it has not been stated as legal nor has it been criminalized and the question is should same sex marriage be legalized?
Marriage is important to individuals and their families as well. It plays a significant role in one’s life. Not legalizing same sex marriage can adversely effect the couples’ life. Not legalizing same sex marriage is discrimination or disrespect to the LGBT+ community. If a gay or a lesbian couple gets in a serious health problem or gets in an accident and one of them gets seriously injured the other cannot take the responsibility or even visit them in some cases as they are not legally a couple and another member of the patient’s family is demanded to take over all the responsibilities. Couples as well as people from LGBT+ community are treated very badly in our society and are made fun of. People laugh at them, make fun of them in some cases they even curse them just because they are attracted to people of the same sex. In some cases, gay or lesbian relationships are not accepted due to superstition or other culture beliefs. Same sex marriage is not accepted by Nepalease community, most of them anyways. .Even the family of the couple disapprove of their relationship which can affect the people mentally but in the recent days we have seen acceptance, change is slowly coming forth. Usually LGBT+ couples end their relationship as society and family doesn’t accept them. They are considered to be a burden. Marrying a person of same sex isn’t a crime. It’s completely normal and they must get equal rights as the straight couple but people are not able to accept them. It is the people’s close minded thoughts that prevent them from being acceptive. Due to these reasons the couple even question their existence and feel like they really are the burden for the family and society and in the worst case they end their life. If same sex marriage gets legalized they can get government different services, can make various financial and medical demands without any problems,They can take the responsibility of one another, shouldn’t struggle to get hospital visitation, can legally start up a family by adopting kids and can get respect and rights equally as the straight couple and many more things. Gay or lesbian couples should have equal rights as straight couples should be able to live their life without any difficulties.They should be treated with the love,care and the respect they deserve. People also should develop their mentality and treat them normally.
Humans are humans, no matter what their sexuality is. Just getting attracted to the people of same sex doesn’t make them a burden to the society, it is not the end of the world. It’s completely fine to get married to people of the same gender, as long as they are two consenting adults. Everyone must give them the love and respect they deserve. People mustn’t disrespect them. The society should develop their mentality and treat them normally and same sex marriage should be legalized.

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Taiwan is a part of China
- Estella Shrestha - 24007, Gra ... 01 October, 2021

The Republic of China (often referred to as Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China are the two governments that now represent the nation of "China" (mainland China). Infighting on the Chinese mainland resumed after World War II, with the Republic of China government fleeing to Taiwan and the group led by Mao Zedong forming the People's Republic of China. The PRC still controls mainland China, while the ROC controls Taiwan, the Penghu archipelago, and the tiny islands of Kinmen and Matsu, all while claiming sovereignty over "China." There has been a lot of debate as to Taiwan being part of China. Taiwan is an independent country and has its own government, democratically elected leaders, and about 300,000 active troops in its armed forces. It considers itself a different country but legally it is still a part of China. As the Chinese government is concerned Taiwan is a renegade province that must be reunified with China. Back then Taiwan was handed back to the Republic of China.

In the 1980s, relations between China and Taiwan began to improve. China proposed the "one country, two systems" approach, in which Taiwan would be granted extensive autonomy in exchange for accepting Chinese reunification. This system was created in Hong Kong to serve as a showcase for luring Taiwanese citizens back to the mainland. Taiwan declined the offer, although it did ease restrictions on Chinese visitors and investment. It also declared the mainland war with the People's Republic of China to be concluded in 1991. Taiwan is considered a breakaway province by China, which has promised to reclaim it by force if necessary. Taiwan's leaders, on the other hand, argue that the country is far more than a province and that it is a sovereign state. It has its own constitution, democratically elected authorities, and an armed force of around 300,000 active troops. Chiang Kai-Republic she’s of China (ROC) administration, which fled the mainland to Taiwan in 1949, claimed to represent all of China at first. It was the sole Chinese government recognized by several Western nations and held China's seat on the United Nations Security Council. The ROC administration was driven out after the UN transferred diplomatic recognition to Beijing in 1971. The number of countries that recognize the ROC government diplomatically has dropped dramatically since then, to around 15. Given the vast gap between these two viewpoints, most other countries are content to tolerate the current uncertainty, in which Taiwan possesses nearly all of the features of an independent state, even if its legal status is unknown.

Some Taiwanese citizens are concerned that their country's economy has become too reliant on China. Others feel that because of the expense to China's economy, deeper business connections make Chinese military action less likely. In 2014, the "Sunflower Movement" erupted in Taiwan, with students and activists occupying the legislature to protest what they saw as China's rising control over Taiwan. Officially, the ruling DPP continues to support Taiwan's formal independence, while the KMT supports reunification. According to a March 2021 opinion poll commissioned by the Taiwanese government, the majority of Taiwanese approve of the DPP government's policy of "national sovereignty safeguarding." People are increasingly describing themselves as Taiwanese rather than Chinese.

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- Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade ... 01 October, 2021

छुवाछुत प्रथा नेपालमा सदियौंदेखि रहेको नराम्रो प्रथा हो ।  छुवाछुत प्रथा जात, धर्म, पेसा, क्षेत्र, लिङ्ग, अपाङ्गता, शारीरिक प्रणाली आदिका आधारमा गरिने भेदभाव हो । नेपालको सहरी क्षेत्रको तुलनामा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा छुवाछुत प्रथा अझै व्यापक रूपमा चलिरहेको भेटिन्छ । कतिपय स्थानहरूमा दलित समुदायमाथि छोइछिटो गर्ने, मन्दिर प्रवेशमा रोक लगाउने , सार्वजनिक कुवा, पँधेरोमा रोक लगाउने जस्ता व्यवहार भइरहेका छन् ।
अहिलेको २१ औँ शब्दादीमा पनि मानिसमा परम्परागत सोचाइ  हट्न सकेको छैन। मानिस कोही पनि जातका आधारमा सानो र ठुलो हुँदैन । मानिस त कामले पो महान बन्छ। महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटाले पनि “मानिस ठुलो दिलले हुन्छ जातले हुँदैन” भनेका छन्। 
मानिस मानिस त सबै एकै हुन्  । प्राचीन कालमा मानिसले गरेका कामका आधारमा पछि मानिसले जात छुट्यायो र त्यही जातका आधारमा छुवाछुत गर्न थाल्यो। 
छुवाछुत जस्ता  व्यवहार हाम्रा समाजका समस्या हुन् । परम्परागत सोचमा आधारित यस्ता समस्या समाधान गर्न शिक्षा र सचेतना बढाउनु जरुरी छ । सहरमा यो समस्या बिस्तारै कम हुँदै पनि गएको छ । जबसम्म हामी मानिस मात्र हौँ भन्ने चेतना सबैमा हुँदैन तबसम्म यस्ता समस्या हट्दैनन् । त्यसैले यस्ता समस्या शिक्षा र सचेतना बढाएर समाजबाट हटाउनुपर्छ । 

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- Smriti Lama - 25015, Grade IX ... 30 September, 2021

खै यो कस्तो समय हो  ?
भन्छन् सबै नराम्रो  
भन्छन् ; सबै वशमा छैन हाम्रो 
मान्छेदेखि मान्छे  भाग्नु पर्ने 
 खै यो कस्तो समय  ?

भेटघाट गर्नु पनि हुँदैन रे 
कार्यालय , विद्यालय कतै जानु हुँदैन रे 
घरभित्रै बस्नु पर्ने  भिडभाड देखे कुना  पस्नु पर्ने 
खै यो कस्तो समय हो ? 

न विवाहमा जन्ती न त  मर्दा मलामी 
लैजान्छ रे सेनाले घाटमा न त दिन्छ सलामी 
न त रोएर दु:ख साट्न सकिन्छ ,
न त आँसुले व्यथा बाँड्न सकिन्छ।   

देखे मेरै आँखाले गुमाएका आफन्त ,
हामीसँगै छ यो महामारी खोज्नु पर्दैन अन्त। 
हराएको छैन यो अपनाऔँ सावधानी ,
नत्र गर्छ यसले मानवको हानी। 
नत्र गर्छ यसले मानवको हानी

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- Yunil Ghimire - 24008, Grade ... 30 September, 2021

The practice in which people get discriminated against because of their caste, religion, occupation etc they belong to is known as untouchability. In the practice of untouchability there are groups known as touchables and untouchables. Untouchables are those people who are not allowed to touch touchables, enter touchables houses, use the public properties, children are not allowed to go to school and get education and many more things. It is stated that the people who are considered untouchable and if they touch touchable or public properties they become impure and bad. To become pure again there is a tradition that sprinkling holy water on the person who was touched by the untouchable will be purified. All these types of traditions are just beliefs made by people and are inviting social problems in our society and making our people behave badly to other people. 

Untouchability is still practiced in the rural areas of Nepal where they discriminate people and not let them do any other things. The touchable beat the untouchable, throw dust at them, and other people will just ignore this and let these things happen. They won’t do anything to these people in those areas which are clearly very bad things and still it is being practiced in some places of Nepal. For example in the rural places of Nepal people have prohibited Dalits from entering the temple, using the public tap, not letting them enter their houses and many more things. These traditions are social problem which is harming the human rights that are given to other people. So we all need to do something to stop this tradition which is still being practiced in the rural areas because it is harming many people's lives and is also harming the rights that are given to the people.

Some of the effects which can be seen because of untouchability are that it causes conflict in the society. The victim who is discriminated might get depression, tension, fear, humiliation ,etc and might even give up on their life because of these things and we cannot accept this. It also affects the psychology of children after seeing such things in the society. Most of the children can’t even attend school because of discrimination and getting bullied by their friends being in low class family. It harms the cooperation between people and builds hate and anger between people. It also causes loss of social value. 

The things that we all can do to end untouchability and other social problems are that we need to spread awareness and provide education to the people who still follow these traditions. Also the government should make a strong and effective law against it and if  someone does these kinds of things again that person should be putten in  jail for violating human rights. We should teach the people how untouchability has a negative effect on the sufferer's life and the children's psychology too. These are some of the things that we can do to solve untouchability faster and we all need to get together to end these social problems fast in our country. 


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Impact of Social Media on Society
- Kriti Nepal - 24010, Grade X ... 29 September, 2021

Social media refers to those websites and applications that enable the users to share content, get information, ideas, career interests etc. In the present context social media has huge roles or impacts in the people or today’s society. Like every other thing, social media too has both positive and negative impacts. The question is whether it has more of a positive impact or negative one. 

The positive impact of social are:

  1. Helps in uniting people: The people from all over the world can instantly come in touch with the help of social media like facebook and viber. They can talk face to face everyday and improve their relationships with people.
  2. Inspires mass movement: Social media has one huge influence in mass movements. People come together and help to address a topic and make it trending worldwide so that many people get to know what’s happening and how to overcome the problems being created.
  3. Helps people for income: Social media is also one of the means that help in earning money. We can find many social media influencers who earn money by various social media sites like making vlogs on youtube, posting pictures on instagram etc. Also various online sites are earning money by selling goods, clothes etc.
  4. Helps in display of talent: Social medias are one of the major factors that help the people in showcase of talent. For instance, people who are good at singing can open a youtube channel and post videos of them singing which can be seen by people from all around the world and can give their opinions to it.
  5. Helps in finding people with similar interests: Social media can also be used in finding people or rather making friends online who share similar interests with us. We can use various online websites like omegle to find people with similar interests and have a talk with them.

Likewise social media has various other negative impacts as well. Some of them can be:

  1. Cyber bullying: Social media is a place for people to share their photos, their talent and many more however there are some toxic people who bully people online by various methods like commenting bad things, photoshopping people into funny things etc. 
  2. Hacking: Social media has a lot of information about people’s personal things. There are some people who are misusing these websites and social media to hack into peoples accounts, talk to people using others accounts etc.
  3. FOMO(Fear of missing out): Since we see many people posting various things like going out, having fun with friends and many more. This can make us feel as if we are not having fun or being left out. It may also trigger anxiety and depression.
  4. Inadequacy about life or appearance: Even if we know the images we see on social media can be photoshopped or fake it can still make us feel insecure about how we are living our life, how we appear, our body size etc. This makes us feel low and not so good about ourselves.
    After this we can know that social media has both positive and negative impacts, however the negative impacts it is causing is mainly because of our own activities. If we stop doing activities like cyber bullying, hacking it’ll reduce the negative impacts that social media is causing in society by half.

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जनसङ्ख्या व्यवस्थापन
- Bipana Shrestha - 24002, Grad ... 28 September, 2021

कुनै पनि देशको आवश्यकताअनुसार त्यस देशको जनसङ्ख्याको वृद्धि,बितरण,क्षमता विकास र नियन्त्रणका कार्य गर्नुलाई जनसङ्ख्या व्यवस्थापन भनिन्छ । अहिले विश्वमा नै जनसङ्ख्या तीव्ररूपमा बढिरहेको छ । हाम्रो देश नेपालमा पनि जनसङ्ख्या तीव्ररूपमा वृद्धि भइरहेको छ । 

राष्ट्रिय जनगणना–२०७८ मा नेपालको जनसङ्ख्या लगभग ३ करोड पुग्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ । एघारौँ जनगणना–२०६८ का अनुसार जनसङ्ख्या वृद्धिदर १.३५ प्रतिशत प्रतिवर्ष छ ।  जनसङ्ख्या वृद्धिले सामाजिक, आर्थिक र वातावरणीय पक्ष अनि विकासका क्रियाकलापमा प्रत्यक्ष प्रभाव पार्छ । क्षेत्र वा स्थानैपिच्छेको शैक्षिक स्तर, रोजगारी, सरदर आयु, मृत्युदर, जन्मान्तरजस्ता विषयका तथ्याङ्क पाइने भएकाले पनि सामाजिक परिवर्तनको खाका कोर्न जनगणनाको सकारात्मक भूमिका हुन्छ । जनसङ्ख्या व्यवस्थापनमा राज्यको आवश्यकताअनुसार आवश्यक पर्ने जनसङ्ख्याको आकार कायम गर्न घटी वा बढीको नीति निर्धारण गरिन्छ।

नेपालजस्तो देशका लागि छिटो जनसङ्ख्या वृद्धि हुनु र यसको व्यवस्थापन सही तरिकाले नहुनु भनेको चिन्ताको विषय हो । क्षेत्रफलका हिसाबले यति सानो देशमा जनसङ्ख्या वृद्धिदर प्रतिवर्ष १.३५ प्रतिशतले बढ्दै जानुले अझै पनि नेपालमा गरिबी र अशिक्षा व्यापकरूपमा छ भन्ने बुझिन्छ । जनसङ्ख्या वृद्धि आज नेपालको मात्र नभएर विश्वकै लागि ठुलो चिन्ताको विषय भएको छ। फलतः पछिल्लो जनगणनामा जनसङ्ख्याको वृद्धिदर घटेता पनि तराई तथा सहरी क्षेत्रमा भने जनसङ्ख्या बढ्दो रूपमा रहेको छ। अतः जनसङ्ख्यालाई तुलना गर्दा गाउँकाे  राजधानीको जनसंख्या बस्ती भने दिन दुई गुना रात चार गुणाले घना हुन पुगेको छ। 

जनसङ्ख्या व्यवस्थापनका लागि उपायहरु निम्नानुसार छन

: उमेर पुगेपछि मात्र  विवाह गर्ने 

: जन्मान्तर कायम गर्ने 

: परिवार नियोजन

: स्वास्थ र जनसङ्ख्या शिक्षामा जोड दिने 

 : लैङ्गिक समानता कायम गर्ने 

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- Ayan Basnet - 25019, Grade IX ... 28 September, 2021

Today's generation is so developed because of science and technology. Science has proved to be more of a gift for man than an invention. Science is one of the biggest achievements in human history. People's thinking has changed due to science and technology. Many undiscovered and unknown things have been known and explained by science. Due to it people can go to any city, country or planet as soon as possible making our lives easier than ever compared to the past. Modern inventions allow us to gain knowledge of the world by sitting in a room at home. The work that uses lots of time and effort can be easily done in hours or less nowadays. We can do anything and everything possible from our home because of science and technology.

Some contributions and advantages given by science and technologies are:

  • Introduction to unknown things.
  • Helps us to do our work with ease, comfort and conveniently.
  • Awares us about dangerous and not dangerous things.
  • Access to worldwide information.
  • We can use multi- media as a source of Entertainment as Video and Audio.
  • We can live in a safe house.
  • We can travel from one part of the world to another.
  • We can talk with our loved ones from one part of the world to another part of the world.
  • During the pandemic when we can't go outside of our houses normally we can take online classes by staying at home, we can order food and buy clothes by staying at home.
  • People from the past used to have thought that earth is flat but now people do know that earth is round due to science and technology.

These all types of advantages from science and technology help us in multiple ways. But technology not only has advantages but also disadvantages too.

Some of the disadvantages of science and technologies are:

  • People are becoming lazy because of simplified work using technologies.
  • Studies of students are being hindered by overuse of technologies and not caring about studies.
  • We can see people nowadays use too much mobiles, phones and can't have a proper quality time with their families.
  • People are becoming more dependent on technology.

Technologies have both advantages and disadvantages so don't be careless. It sure has become a source of help, but also it is hampering us in many ways. Now technologies have evolved so much that everyone has their own mobile phone. Younger children also have their own mobile phones. Students have become so addicted to online games that it is affecting their studies. Students are also getting very low grades because of mobile phones. Recently, I would like to say that technology is advancing day by day. Now we know that every day in the future there will be more advanced technologies and further advancement. So let's be careful, know the limitations and don't let technology affect our lives in bad ways.

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