
Student Corner


कवि लेखनाथ पौड्याल
- Muskan Singh - 24003, Grade X ... 29 November, 2021

गण्डकी अञ्चलको कास्की जिल्लाको अर्घौँ अर्चले भन्ने ठाउँमा वि.सं. १९४१ पौष शुक्ल एकादशीका दिन लेखनाथ पौड्यालको जन्म भएको थियो । उनका बुबाको नाम पण्डित दुर्गादत्त पौड्याल र आमाको नाम वसुन्धरा पौड्याल थियो । लेखनाथले घरमै चण्डी र अमरकोश पढी प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा सुरु गरे । सात वर्षको उमेरदेखि नै कवितालाई भाका हालेर लेखनाथ पढ्ने गर्थे । 
१५ वर्षको उमेरमा लेखनाथ काठमाडौँ आई तीनधारा पाठशालामा भर्ना भए । त्यस पाठशालामा संस्कृतको अध्ययन गरी संस्कृत मै कविता लेख्ने गर्थे । बनारसबाट प्रकाशित हुने 'सुक्तिसुधा' कविता 'कल्पद्रुम' र 'सुन्दरी' मा लेखनाथका कविताहरू छापिए । लेखनाथका प्रतिभादेखि राममणि आ.दी. प्रभावित भए । राममणिकै माध्यमबाट लेखनाथ पौड्याल राणा दरबार पसेर भीम शमसेरका नातिहरूलाई पढाउन शिक्षक नियुक्त भए ।

लेखनाथले आफ्नो जीवनमा प्रशस्त कृतिहरू लेखी नेपाली साहित्यलाई उर्वर बनाउने काम गरेका छन् । उनका 'ऋऋतुविचार', 'बुद्धिविनोद', 'सत्यकलिसंवाद', 'लालित्य भाग- १ ,२  'गीताञ्जली', 'तरुणतपसी', 'गङ्गा गौरी', 'लक्ष्मीपूजा' आदि कृतिहरू प्रकाशित छन् । 
लेखनाथ पौड्यालले नेपाली साहित्यको जुन सेवा गरे त्यसवापत् उनलाई श्री ५ त्रिभुवनबाट २००८ सालमा 'कविशिरोमणि' पदले सम्मानित गरियो । २०११ साल पुस २० गते उनको जन्मोत्सवका दिन कवि र साहित्यकारहरू मिली उनलाई रथमा राखी रथयात्रा गरी टुँडिखेलको खरीको बोटमा अभिनन्दन गरियो । उनी नेपाली एकेडेमीको स्थापनाकाल २०१४ सालदेखि नै सदस्यमा मनोनित भई आजीवन एकेडेमीमा सदस्य रहे । २०२२ साल नै फागुन ७ गते शिवरात्रिका दिन चितवनको देवघाटमा लेखनाथको देहावसान भयो । ८१ वर्षसम्म बाँचेर लेखनाथ पौड्यालले नेपाली काव्यसाहित्यलाई एउटा निश्चित गति प्रदान गरे । मरणोप्रान्त लेखनाथ पौड्याललाई वि. सं. २०२६ सालमा तत्कालीन शाही नेपाल एकेडेमीले 'त्रिभुवन प्रज्ञा पुरस्कार प्रदान गर्यो । आज लेखनाथ पौड्याल हाम्रो अगाडि नभए पनि उनका कृतिहरूले गर्दा पनि नेपाली साहित्य आकाशमा चम्किला तारा बनेर रहिरहने छन्

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JingChu of the Bai
- Anushka Basnet - 24001, Grade ... 29 November, 2021

It was during the cultivation period when JingChu was born. Beautiful skin, long brown hair, slender body, were all with him since birth. Born into a noble family of the Bais', JingChu had never worried about money or cultivation skill. He was an air elemental with low discipline. Though not much he was in 5th rank of cultivation. He had everything one wanted. JingChu, who was every person’s dream, had one major defect. He was a stubborn young master who had always been ordering people around. The Bai family were pretty renowned for their high cultivation skills and mana technique. Their techniques passed down with the generations but of course the generations had to train hard regardless which JingChu refused to do. Among young girls and boys he was pretty popular as the rich gongzi who loved to spend money on people whom he took fancy upon. The elders thought of him as the black sheep of the Bai family. LongYe was his long adored best friend. These 16 year old friends did everything together. They were best of friends.
The Longs were also quite powerful in terms of mana but Longye was born without any skills and had always had it hard. It was during one snowy winter when JingChu's life suddenly took a 180° turn. Longye and JingChu were playing on the snow when some road thieves started attacking them. With Jingchu's small power of Air element, he was able to protect himself but unfortunately Longye was pushed down the hill to his death. Guilt filled JingChu's heart. It was too late to catch the thieves when Jingchu finally came back to his senses. Sorrow, guilt, loneliness, empty filled Jingchus heart after all he had lost his only friend. He knew behad never been a good friend to Longye. All his life came flashing to him. He has always been treating people like objects. The only wish his friend had was for Jingchu to earn his manas and finally be a great air elemental. That day he promised to all the deities, his well wishers, ancestors and his friend to fulfill his duty as the young master of the Bai family. 
It took endless hardwork and patience for JungChu to reach his goal.  As his body progressed in its cultivation, his body became more durable, his lifespan lengthened and his innate skills became stronger. With small steps he moved forward with much discipline and patience. He was sure to practice his skills everyday and raise his level. 
Now the young master Bai JingChu stood proud with elegant body posture in front of those road thieves who were the reason his friend had passed away. His long hours of practice had taught him that anger and recklessness were a great defect of a person. He let the thieves reflect on their actions and let them live. Now young and adults all knew JingChu as the respectable Gongzi who can take over the family head anytime. Longye had made a huge sacrifice for his friend which JingChu understood and fulfilled.

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Water, Drinking Water and its conditions in Nepal
- Ayan Basnet - 25019, Grade IX ... 26 November, 2021

Water is an element which plays a vital role in life. Potable water is another name for drinking water. There is no life without water. Drinking water is one of the most important needs of human life. It is as important as air. Safe and pure drinking water maintains good health. It may help in prevention of stress, headaches, and stomach aches. And may even help curing kidney stones if drinked with purity and schedually. Many people may suffer from diseases due to impure and polluted water.

This is the case of Nepal. Even though Nepal is known as World's 2nd richest country for having water resources, it is facing scarcity of water. And improper supply of water is also the main reason for scarcity of water. According to the Department of Water Supply and Sewage in Nepal, even though an estimated 80% of the total population has access to drinking water. It is not completely safe either. In the upper mountain region and hilly region, most of the settlements are located on the slopes of hills and mountains. And the source of water being at the bottom of the mountains results as a difficult supply for peoples. One has to walk a whole day for some water from the nearest water source. And availability of water for a short period of time also results in a problem of water supply. One has to wake up early before 5 and go to fetch water from the nearest water source. And the impurity of water from the local water resources also results in problems of water supply. So, one has to buy drinking water which can be a large expense for him or her. All these types of problems may not be a huge deal for people who are not facing these types of problems or people who are rich. But it does affect normal people who have to face this everyday. This type of problem is  increasing day by day. The major causes of improper water supply and water scarcities are:

Overuse of Water. Nowadays, the overuse of water is increasing day by day and people are wasting water 
Bad governance/ carelessness and bad management.
Pollution of Water.
Global Warming.
Groundwater Pollution.

These types of problems are causing scarcity of water and drinking water. Moreover natural calamities are giving a huge impact on it too. But, we can also prevent such types of problems by doing easy things that we can do to protect drinking water sources:
Properly dispose of hazardous products
Put up signs.
Use and dispose of harmful materials properly.
Volunteer in your community.

As sorted out in the causes and preventive measures the problems are mostly caused by natural disasters also us humans. And the preventive measures should also be followed by us.

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Stereotypes we’ve heard of
- Sunabi Pokharel - 25018, Grad ... 25 November, 2021

According to the Oxford dictionary, the stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. To be more clear on this topic, examples can be taken. Girls are sent to the kitchen once they reach their teenage years whereas boys are hardly ever ordered to make a cup of tea. Girls are advised to wear “decent” clothes whereas boys are never advised to treat girls “decently”. Boys aren’t allowed to cry because boys are strong and shouldn’t shed tears. These all are a few of the gender stereotypes we’ve heard in our society. I would like to talk about a couple of them.

One of the widely heard stereotypes is that girls should wear longer clothes. ‘The dress is too revealing. Don’t wear it.’, ‘Wear clothes that reach till your knees.’, ‘Stay away from boys.’ I believe most of the girls have heard these lines either from their parents, relatives, or from the people of their society. In my point of view, I believe that instead of saying those lines to their daughters why don’t they teach their sons to treat girls properly and not do anything without their consent, to treat women like people instead of objects. The stereotype that people think that the length of a girl’s clothes is the cause of rape is completely wrong. We all have heard about a year old or a three-year-old getting raped. Do you actually think that it is the cause of the little infant? Of course not. It was the man’s intention to do that. No matter how much longer or how much shorter clothes girls wear, in the end, it is always the boy’s intention that matters. I have been told not to wear short clothes that show off my skin. It’s all due to the conservative and backward people in society. Let me share with you a true event that has happened with me. It was around 6 am in the morning and I had just woken up. I had been wearing half pants and a t-shirt and I had to go to the grocery store to buy a few things. It was too early and the store was near so I didn’t bother to dress up. And then I reached the store and there was an old lady around the age of 87 and she was smoking cigarettes. And she went like, ‘Hey you little girl. You are wearing such a short dress. Girls should only wear clothes that reach their ankles. Never wear clothes like this again. You are inviting harm to yourself.’ Even thinking about that scenario makes me laugh. Just look at the mindset of these people. They are smoking cigarettes, ruining their lungs, and harming their lifespan and they tell us to wear long clothes to avoid harm to ourselves. Another most heard stereotype is that boys shouldn’t cry. People need to understand that crying isn’t something that would make you weak. Instead, it makes you stronger. Crying shows that people have emotions. Bottling up your feelings and not venting out is what will make you weak from the inside. A wise person once said, “A strong person isn’t the one who doesn’t cry. It is the one who cries and sheds tears for a moment, then gets up and fights again.” We’ve been taught from past generations that men shouldn’t cry because crying isn’t masculine but is feminine. This stereotype not only affects men but women too. Boys have been taught not to cry like girls. They need to be stronger than girls. This will make the boys feel that they are superior and are stronger than girls. They will feel that girls are the weaker gender and aren’t capable of doing anything. This will never promote equality anywhere.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that it normalizes everything in society. We have been seeing western people wearing short clothes without any hesitation and without being judged. We always say western culture isn’t good to follow our own tradition but taking good ideas from western culture isn’t wrong. The next thing is to teach your sons how to respect girls and treat them properly. We need to make sure they don’t grow up to be a man who thinks they are superior to women but be the man who supports equality. Another most important thing is to tell your sons that it is okay to cry and vent out their emotions. These things should be taught to all the people from this moment so that these stereotypes will not continue for the upcoming generations.

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देशविकासमा विद्यार्थीको भूमिका
- Muskan Singh - 24003, Grade X ... 25 November, 2021

देश विकासका मुख्य आधार भनेका विद्यार्थी नै हुन् । कुनै पनि देशको विकासमा विद्यार्थीको भूमिमा महत्त्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । आजका विद्यार्थीले नै भोलिका दिनमा देशको सम्पूर्ण दायित्व आफ्नो काँधमा लिने हुँदा देशको भविष्य उनीहरूको काँधमा हुन्छ ।  हुनत देशको विकास कुनै एक वर्गबाट मात्र हुन सक्दैन । देशको चौतर्फी विकासको लागि शिक्षक पत्रकार नेता, अभिनेता, डाक्टर, समाजसेवी, बुद्धिजीवी सबैको महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका हुन्छ नै । यी मध्ये पनि विद्यार्थीको भूमिका अहम् नै हुन्छ । आजका विद्यार्थी नै भोलिका हरेक क्षेत्र र समुदायका अगुवा हुन् । 
देशको महत्त्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्य सुधारका लागि पनि आजका विद्यार्थीले महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्न सक्छन्। आजका विद्यार्थी नै भोलिका देशका  शिक्षक, डाक्टर, इन्जिनियर, वकिल, पत्रकार, नेता, अभिनेता र समाजसेवी हुन् । त्यसैले समग्र देशको उन्नतिका लागि विद्यार्थीको अहम् भूमिका हुने कुरा निश्चित छ । हुनत विद्यार्थी जीवन भनेको पढ्ने र लेख्ने समय हो । यस समयमा विद्यार्थीले अरूतिर ध्यान दिनुहुन्न । तर पढाइबाहेकका अतिरिक्त  क्रियाकलापले पनि विद्यार्थीमा ज्ञान बढाउँछ भन्ने कुरा पनि बिर्सनु हुँदैन  ।  पढाइ मुख्य कुरो हुँदा हुँदै पनि विद्यार्थीको चौतर्फी विकासका लागि विद्यार्थीले  हरेक सार्वजनिक सरोकारका विषयमा सकेसम्म चासो राख्ने गर्नुपर्छ । विद्यार्थी जीवन भनेको कुमालेको काँचो माटो जस्तै हो । उनीहरूलाई जस्तो आकार र रूप दियो उनीहरू त्यस्तै बन्छन् । उनीहरू असल भविष्य निर्माणका लागि सक्षम हुन्छन् । असल र चरित्रवान् विद्यार्थीले नै समाज र राष्ट्रका लागि ठोस योगदान दिन सक्छन् भन्ने कुरामा कुनै दुई मत छैन ।
वर्तमानमा अवस्थामा बलजफ्ती कलिला बालबालिकाहरूलाई राजनीतिक दलले पार्टीको झण्डा बोकाउने प्रवृत्ति छ । जुन कुरा उनीहरूले राम्ररी बुझेका छन् वा छैनन् भन्ने कुरालाई ख्याल नगरिकन यस्ता कार्य गराउने बानी राम्रो होइन ।  तसर्थ आजका विद्यार्थीलाई सत् ज्ञान र असल चरित्र निर्माणको मार्ग दर्शन गर्नु नै आजको आवश्कता हो  ।

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If humans never existed
- Smriti Lama - 25015, Grade IX ... 24 November, 2021

I sometimes imagine, if humans never existed, how this world would've turned out to be. Would there be any other species or another animal? Or would dinosaurs be living? Or would there be no life? I think we humans are the most dangerous creatures on the earth. It is very disgraceful of us but humans kill other humans more than animals on the earth. Animals are kinder than humans. Like if humans would not exist then the creatures which would have the easiest life are animals compared to other creatures.

We have destroyed the habitat on earth which leads to the extinction of the animals. This is why I thought about this topic. If humans never existed then it would be an easy and safe life for other creatures. How funny would it be if humans never existed and only the creatures, plants, trees, lands etc. would exist but none of them would have any idea what on earth they were supposed to do? And what on earth was it invented? How far is the sky and what are stars made up of? Would those creatures even care about these things? I guess not because we could just imagine how they would have an idea about those things while they're not even human and non educated. 

The area would not be suffering from the pollution if humans didn't exist. If humans didn’t exist, the world or the era we are currently living in would never be possible. There would be nothing on earth except trees, lakes etc. The earth would be surrounded by greenery. There would be no buildings, the era we are living in right now would never be possible. We humans are the superior creatures on earth but there are many other animals like dogs which are very smart and intelligent. Would they have made earth developed as our ancestors did? I mean it is possible we humans were also a bunch of animals who knew nothing but expected that we would be this developed. So if we never existed then surely in a billion years animals or any other creatures would make earth developed? The earth would never feel heavy and hard as now. We are just being careless towards earth right now. We just deforestation the greenery of the planet. And never think of planting trees. We don't think about global warming while driving. We should always drive less and walk more. It is good for our health too. We throw garbage in every corner of the earth which is bad for our health and planet too. If we humans never existed then the earth would probably not get damaged.

If humans didn't exist it would be really hard for other creatures in some ways because if we don't plant trees, fruits the animal would not be able to erase their hunger and there would not be any other option except hunting other animals. The earth would be a dry place as a desert. Only some creatures would exist. I know we human beings are the smartest on the planet but if we didn't exist, I think the apes would be the smartest creatures on the earth. If humans never existed then the environment would be neat and clean. It would be an easier life for other creatures. But then the earth would never be developed as it is developing right now. And our earth would not be as creative as it is right now. 

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- Estella Shrestha - 24007, Gra ... 24 November, 2021

खोलानाला जीवजन्तु र हरियो वन 
प्रकृतिको सुन्दरताले लोभियो मेरो मन। 
यता हेर्‍यो हरियाली उता हेर्‍यो नदीनाला
रमाउँदै मेरो मन भन्छ; अन्त कतै नजा ।।

कोइली गाउँछ, मयुर नाच्छ माथि पहाडमा
रङ्‌गीचङ्गी फूल फुल्छन् यही देशको माथमा । 
मन लोभ्याउँछ छहरा र झरनाको मिठो सुसेलीले
चिर्बिर गर्दै गीत गाउँछे सानी जुरेलीले  ।।

थुप्रै कति फुलेका ती सेता हिमालहरू
मुस्कुराउँछन् तिनलाई हेरी पर्यटकहरू । 
चारकोसे झाडीभित्र नाच्छन् डाँफे मुनाल
पहाडको शिरमा हाँस्दै फुल्यो रातो गुराँस ।।  

जुनतारा लुकामारी खेल्छन् रातभर
हरियाली वसन्तमा खुसी वरपर । 
जति हेरे पनि कहिल्यै अघाएनन् आँखा
कति राम्रो सुन्दरता हरिया ती पाखा ।।

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वातावरण र प्राणी
- Aayan Basnet - 25019, Grade I ... 23 November, 2021

यस पृथ्वीमा बस्ने सबै जीवित प्राणी वातावरणमा रहन्छन् । जमिन र पानी जहाँ बसे पनि तिनीहरू वातावरणका अंश हुन् । वातावरणमा हावा, पानी, सूर्यको किरण, बोटबिरुवा, जनावर आदि रहन्छन् । यसबाहेक पृथ्वीलाई ब्रह्माण्डमा जीवनलाई समर्थन गर्ने एक मात्र ग्रह मानिन्छ । हामीले वातावरणको वास्तविक मूल्य बुझ्न सक्दैनौँ । तर हामी यसको महत्त्वबारे केही अनुमान गर्न सक्छौंँ जसले हामीलाई यसको महत्त्व बुझ्न मद्दत गर्न सक्छ । वातावरणमा जीवित वस्तुहरूलाई स्वस्थ राख्न यसले महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छ । त्यस्तै गरी यसले पारिस्थितिक सन्तुलन कायम राख्छ । यसले खाना, आश्रय, हावा प्रदान गर्दछ, र सबै मानवका आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्दछ चाहे ठुलो हाेस् वा सानो । यसबाहेक मानवको सम्पूर्ण जीवन समर्थन पूर्णतया वातावरणीय कारकहरूमा निर्भर गर्दछ । थप रूपमा यसले पृथ्वीमा विभिन्न जीवन चक्रहरू कायम राख्न मद्दत गर्दछ । सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण कुरा हाम्रो वातावरण प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यको स्रोत हो र शारीरिक र मानसिक स्वास्थ्य कायम राख्न आवश्यक छ । वातावरणले हामीलाई अनगिन्ती फाइदाहरू दिन्छ । जङ्गल, रुख, जनावर, पानी र हावासँग तिनीहरू जोडिएका छन् । जङ्गल र रूखले हावालाई शुद्ध बनाउँछन् । हानिकारक ग्याँसहरू आफूले लिन्छन् । 
बाढी पहिराेकाे जाेखिम कम हुन्छ । प्राकृतिक सन्तुलन कायम गर्दछ । यसबाहेक वातावरणले यसको कार्यप्रणालीमा इकोसिस्टमको लागि महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य गर्दछ । यसले पृथ्वीमा संस्कृति र जीवनको गुणस्तर कायम राख्छ । वातावरणले दैनिक हुने विभिन्न प्राकृतिक चक्रहरूलाई नियमन गर्छ । यी चक्रहरूले जीवित चीजहरू र वातावरण बीचको प्राकृतिक सन्तुलन कायम राख्न मद्दत गर्दछ । यदि वातावरणीय सन्तुलन बिग्रियाे भने वातावरणीय ह्रास निम्तिनुका साथै मानवका गतिविधिहरूमा नकारात्मक असर पर्छ  ।   मानवका गतिविधिले पृथ्वीको सतहमा थप दबाब दिइरहेको छ जसले अप्राकृतिक रूपमा धेरै प्रकोपहरू निम्त्याउँदै छ। मानिसले प्राकृतिक स्रोतहरू केही वर्षभित्र पृथ्वीबाट लोप हुने गतिमा प्रयोग गरिरहेकाे छ ।
अन्त्यमा वातावरण यस्ताे चिज हाे जसले हामीलाई जीवित राख्न सहयाेग गर्छ । वातावरणविना यस पृथ्वीका कुनै पनि प्राणी जीवित रहन सक्दैनन् । त्यसैले सबैले वतावारणको संरक्षण गर्नुपर्छ । वातावरणलाई दूषित पार्नु हुँदैन । वातावरण बिग्रियो भने सम्पूर्ण प्राणी सङ्कटमा पर्दै जान्छन्  । तसर्थ यसको संरक्षण गर्नु हामी सबैको दायित्व हो ।

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Is crying a sign of weakness or strength?
- Kriti Nepal - 24010, Grade X ... 23 November, 2021

There are a lot of emotions we human beings can show; it can be happiness, sadness, anger, fear and many more. Amongst these emotions, crying is often persecuted, picked on, made fun of etc. We often tend to cry whenever we feel a bit hurt, frustrated, sad, when things don’t go as planned or when we are in pain mentally or physically etc. Almost all of the people have either one of the 3 opinions  about crying; they either think crying is a sign of weakness or it is a sign of strength and a selected few are neutral or think of it as something natural.
I personally think crying is a sign of strength and not weakness. It is a human emotion and character strength that shows we care about something and that we are not afraid of showing our emotions regardless of what the society might think. Crying reduces the emotional stress we are going through and makes us feel lighter and open up our mind for positive thoughts and make oneself feel better. There is a stereotypical mentality that we grew up with when we cried that said ‘Only weak people cry’, ‘Be brave don’t cry like a girl’, ‘Boys don’t cry’,and many others which I feel are completely wrong. The people make it sound like crying is bad, and that it makes one weak and messy, and make the people more and more insecure about crying or showing their emotions openly whereas, crying in front of people needs courage; it means that a person is showing their trust and confidence in others. Crying is shedding off the heaviness we are bearing in our heart and making oneself ready to face other challenges yet to come. Crying is not only brave, but also an honest reflection of heart and what we feel.  I feel crying is a sign of strength however in some cases it can also depend on the situation or the perspective. Like crying when we lose someone close to us, when we get hurt is a sign of courage and strength, however, crying just to achieve something, get attention etc I feel is an act of a coward or it is a sign of weakness. People who cry a lot have had more practice dwelling on the inner workings of their mind and heart which makes them more self-aware. Pretending to be okay when we are not doing well physically or mentally might not be so good for ownself and that Crying is normal, and repressing that is not necessarily ideal.
Hence, I feel that crying and showing one’s emotions is a sign of strength and courage. We must normalize crying instead of making fun of the people and calling them weak for speaking their heart and showing their true emotions. Since crying helps in getting positive, decreases stress, makes us care less of what the people might think and live more for ourselves, and also needs a lot of courage to show this emotion I feel that crying is a sign of strength and not weakness.

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सपना साकार
- Sameep Krishu Maharjan - 2502 ... 22 November, 2021

हरि र कृष्ण सानैदेखि  अति मिलनसार एउटै गाउँमा बस्ने घनिष्ठ साथीहरू थिए । उनीहरू सानैदेखि एउटै विद्यालय एउटै कक्षामा पढ्थे  । कक्षामा पनि सँगै बस्थे । उनीहरूको पढाइमा खुबै रुचि थियो । उनीहरूको आर्थिक अवस्था भने त्यति राम्रो थिएन ।  एकआपसमा खुबै मिल्थे । 
उनीहरूको गाउँमा बिजुली थिएन । त्यो गाउँमा एउटा मात्र विद्यालय थियो।  जहाँ १० कक्षासम्म मात्र पढाइ हुन्थ्यो  । उनीहरू जीवनमा केही गरेर देखाउन चाहन्थे । उनीहरूका बाबुआमाले मेलापात गरेर जेनतेन कक्षा १० कक्षासम्म पढाए । त्योभन्दा माथि पढाउने उनीहरूको परिवारको क्षमता थिएन  ।  आफ्नो परिवारको क्षमता पनि उनीहरूले नबुझेका होइनन् । त्यसैले उनीहरूले केही काम गर्दै उच्च शिक्षा लिने योजना बनाए  । उच्च शिक्षाका लागि गाउँबाट टाढा सहर जानुपर्थ्यो  । उनीहरू सहर जाने निधो गरे । 
एक दिन बिहानै उठेर हरि र कृष्ण सहरतर्फ लागे । नयाँ ठाउँमा कहाँ जाने र के काम गर्ने भन्ने अन्योल भयो । केही पैसा त ल्याएका थिए तर त्यसले उनीहरूलाई एक महिनासम्म खान र बस्न पनि पुग्दैनथ्यो । त्यस रात होटलमा बसेपछि भोलिपल्ट बिहानदेखि कोठा खोज्न हिँडे । कोठा पाए र आफ्ना काम पनि खोज्न थाले । होटलमा बेलुका को समयमा काम गर्ने योजना बनाए आफूले चाहे तस्तो काम पनि पाए त्यसबाट उनीहरूको दैनिकी चल्न थाल्यो । अब कामसँगै पढ्ने कलेज खोजे र विज्ञान विषय लिएर पढ्न थाले । 
बाह्र कक्षापछि इन्जिनियरिङ पढ्न थाले । उनीहरूको पढाइ प्रतिको लगाव देखेर सबै छक्क पर्थे । उनीहरूको योजना भनेको गाउँलाई उज्यालो बनाउनु थियो । तर त्यसका लागि रकमको अभाव थियो । पढाइ सकेपछि उनीहरूले एउटा प्रोजेक्ट बनाएर एउटा गैर सरकारी संस्थामा बुझाए । त्यो संस्थाको सहयोगमा उनीहरू हावाबाट बिजुली निकाल्न सफल भए । सारा गाउँ नै उज्यालो भयो । उनीहरूका बुबाआमा पनि निकै खुसी भए । उनीहरूलाई विभिन्न सङ्घ संस्थाले सम्मान गरे । अब गाउँलेहरूबाट थोरै रकम लिन थाले केही सरकारलाई कर बुझाउन थाले । बाँकी पैसा त्यसको मर्मत र कर्मचारी खर्चमा लगाए। त्यसपछि अरू नयाँ नयाँ कुराको खोजीमा लागे । आफ्नो सपना पूरा भएकोमा उनीहरू निकै खुसी थिए। 

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What if World War II never happened?
- Samip Aryal - 25014, Grade IX ... 22 November, 2021

World war II was a global war which started in 1939. World war II started because Hilter invaded Poland to make Germany stronger. Poland was supported by military support from Britain and France. After 2 days when Germany had invaded Poland, France and Britain declared war against Germany, which was the cause of world war II. Germany was known as “Nazi”. Germany, Japan and Italy formed an alliance and fought against the soviet union, USA, Britain and China. World War II ended  in 1945.

Imagine that Hitler stayed in Austria to live his life as an artist, then he would not have any involment in world war II and would not have any involment with the Nazi party and also if Nazi attempted to start world war they couldn’t  be sucessfully to take over Germany and they would be kicked out from the country. If all of that happened the atom bomb would not be created for some time and would be created when the world realized they needed weapons for wars in the future. If world war II didn’t happen today's world would be less advanced in weapons because the atom bomb was developed during world war II and that led to us making more advanced weapons.

If world war II never happened then the world would not be as developed in advanced weapons and there would also be great depression today and most likely the atom bomb would not be created and there would be no nuclear weapons. The cold war wouldn’t happen and the world wouldn’t be as advanced as today’s world.

If world war II never happened many lives would be saved. Jews followers would not have to flee to other countries. People would not have died because of hunger and disease. The United Nations organization would not have been created. Atom bombs would not be created. The great depression wouldn’t have ended so early. Nuclear weapons would most likely not be created. Nazi would  not have been a threat to the world.

In conclusion if world war II didn’t happen then we would not be as advanced as today's world. There would be no nuclear weapons to protect us from other wars. Organizations like the United Nations wouldn’t have been created and we wouldn’t have advanced weaponry to use in future war.

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