
Student Corner

Should same sex marriage be legalized ?

Written by: Himani Bhattarai - 24011, Grade X

Posted on: 04 October, 2021

Marriage, a social bonding between two people,generally referred to as between a “male” and “female”. The marriage of two people of same gender is same sex marriage. Same sex marriage is not legalized in many countries however in the context of Nepal it has not been stated as legal nor has it been criminalized and the question is should same sex marriage be legalized?
Marriage is important to individuals and their families as well. It plays a significant role in one’s life. Not legalizing same sex marriage can adversely effect the couples’ life. Not legalizing same sex marriage is discrimination or disrespect to the LGBT+ community. If a gay or a lesbian couple gets in a serious health problem or gets in an accident and one of them gets seriously injured the other cannot take the responsibility or even visit them in some cases as they are not legally a couple and another member of the patient’s family is demanded to take over all the responsibilities. Couples as well as people from LGBT+ community are treated very badly in our society and are made fun of. People laugh at them, make fun of them in some cases they even curse them just because they are attracted to people of the same sex. In some cases, gay or lesbian relationships are not accepted due to superstition or other culture beliefs. Same sex marriage is not accepted by Nepalease community, most of them anyways. .Even the family of the couple disapprove of their relationship which can affect the people mentally but in the recent days we have seen acceptance, change is slowly coming forth. Usually LGBT+ couples end their relationship as society and family doesn’t accept them. They are considered to be a burden. Marrying a person of same sex isn’t a crime. It’s completely normal and they must get equal rights as the straight couple but people are not able to accept them. It is the people’s close minded thoughts that prevent them from being acceptive. Due to these reasons the couple even question their existence and feel like they really are the burden for the family and society and in the worst case they end their life. If same sex marriage gets legalized they can get government different services, can make various financial and medical demands without any problems,They can take the responsibility of one another, shouldn’t struggle to get hospital visitation, can legally start up a family by adopting kids and can get respect and rights equally as the straight couple and many more things. Gay or lesbian couples should have equal rights as straight couples should be able to live their life without any difficulties.They should be treated with the love,care and the respect they deserve. People also should develop their mentality and treat them normally.
Humans are humans, no matter what their sexuality is. Just getting attracted to the people of same sex doesn’t make them a burden to the society, it is not the end of the world. It’s completely fine to get married to people of the same gender, as long as they are two consenting adults. Everyone must give them the love and respect they deserve. People mustn’t disrespect them. The society should develop their mentality and treat them normally and same sex marriage should be legalized.