
Student Corner


A Mischievous Boy Tries to Be Good
- Nitika Kapali - 30016, Grade ... 22 March, 2023


Brodie is an eight-year-old mischievous boy. He has done many mischiefs, like sneaking a cockroach inside his 6 year old brother Marccus's school bag, breaking the expensive perfume bottle of his mom, and also trying to help her by ironing clothes, but accidentally burning his dad's shirt. He is always scolded by his parents, but he doesn't seem to care. On a normal morning, Brodie and his brother Marcus were eating breakfast while birds were chirping outside the big kitchen window. Brodie asked his dad, "Dad, can you buy me a new videogame?" His dad was reading a newspaper beside him. His dad took a sip of his tea and said, "No, I don't think so. I will buy you something after you let out a mouse in the school library." "Oh, dad, it was an accident. The mouse was my pet, and I wanted him to read comics with me!" "I think your dad is right, Brodie," his mom added. Marcus was enjoying watching Brodie get scolded. " But mom, Brodie tried to explain. "No buts, Brodie," his mom interrupted in the middle. "Well, I think I will buy you a videogame," said his dad. "Yay!" Brodie celebrated. "But only if you are good for a week," his dad added. "Oh no!" screamed Brodie. "I don’t think so, but you will make it," Marcus whispered in Brodie’s ear. "Time will tell, Grumpy Marcus," Brodie said with an evil grin. At night, he set an alarm so he could wake up early. But, oh boy! He set an alarm for p.m. instead of a.m. He went to bed much earlier than usual. He threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes. But he couldn’t sleep. He tried sleeping on his stomach, on the side of the bed, and also upside down, but he still didn’t feel comfortable enough to sleep. He woke up and tried reading comics, listening to music, and even eating a few candies from the kitchen. At last, he gave up. It was 1 a.m. when he slept because of tiredness. At ten in the morning, Marcus was all tidy and ready in his school uniform. He came running to wake Brodie up. He swung the door open, and he said, "Brodie, you're late for school! It's 9 a.m. "Shut up, Grumpy Marcus!" Brodie said it with a sleepy tone and looked at the clock, and Marcus was right! He jumped out of bed, got ready, grabbed a piece of toast, and went off to the bus stop. While running, he could hear his mom saying, "Don't be late, or dad will not buy the videogame!". On the bus, he realized "Oh no, I forgot to do the homework". The first day wasn’t good. The second day, at the kitchen, everyone was eating breakfast. The door slowly opened, and outside the kitchen door was Brodie with tidy, combed oily hair. ironed, tidy uniform and a bright, good-boy smile. "Oh, stop acting, Brodie. No matter how much you try, you wouldn’t be as good as me!" Marcus, who was feeling a bit jealous, said: But this time Brodie didn’t say anything. Not even Grumpy Marcus. He just simply greeted and sat down. Marcus was still surprised, and so were his parents. After breakfast, Brodie thanked for the food and went out. "Wow! I really think he is trying to be a "good boy," Mom said. Now Marcus was planning against Brodie to make mom and dad realize he will never change. Next morning, Marcus thought to set up a trap so that Brodie would scream at him and be the old bad Brodie. Marcus also told Mom and Dad to come after 5 minutes so Mom and Dad could catch Brodie red-handed. Brodie came out of the room and tripped because of the trap. Marcus was smiling. Brodie was about to yell at Marcus, but he saw Mom and Dad coming upstairs. "Oh my gosh, Marcus, you're so evil! You made me trip so I would be late to school!" Brodie said with his puppy eyes. "Shut up, bad Brodie, you will never be good," said Marcus, but Mom and Dad were watching the whole scene from the stairs. "How could you, Marcus?" said mom. Marcus started to tear up and ran to his room. The rest of the week, Marcus always tried to set up a trap, but instead of Brodie, Marcus was the one who got into trouble. Mom and Dad were pretty impressed by Brodie, and on the last day of the week, Mom and Dad went out to get the videogame for Brodie. Marcus and Brodie were all alone at home. Brodie was inside his room reading comics while listening to pop music. Marcus was still jealous. Marcus went to Brodie’s room and turned off the music. Brodie was about to say something, but Marcus got a pillow and started a pillow fight. Brodie and Marcus were fighting until they reached downstairs. "Marcus, stop it!" Brodie said. While they were fighting, they reached the kitchen. Marcus tried to hit Brodie, but he missed and caused the eggs on the counter to crash. Now the pillow was all stained with yolk. The whole house was a mess. At that time, the parents arrived and saw the house, which was now a big mess. Now guess what? Brodie didn’t get: the video game, and Marcus was in big trouble for being the bad boy for the week!



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शनिबारकाे घुमघाम
- Raj Manandhar - 31023, Grade ... 22 March, 2023


मेरो शनिबारको घुमघाम कार्यक्रम रमाइलाे भयाे । शनिबारको बिदामा घुम्दा शारीरिक मानसिक फुर्ती आउँछ । म मेराे परिवारसँग घुम्न गएकाे थिएँ । हामी घुम्नका लागि पाटनमा गयौँ । त्यहाँ ‘द चकलेट हाउस’मा हामी पुग्यौँ । यो द चकलेट रुम भन्ने पसल २००७ सालमा अस्ट्रेलियामा बनेको थियो र  यसको शाखा नेपालमा पनि खोलेको हो । यो पसल यता मात्र नभएर अन्य एघारवटा देशमा पनि छन् । मलाई अन्य ठाउँमा भन्दा यस ठाउँको चकलेटको स्वाद एकदमै छुट्टै र मिठो लाग्यो । मैले यस ठाउँमा चकलेट बन, चकलेट प्याकेक, मिल्कसेक आदिको स्वाद लिएँ र ती सबै कुराहरू मलाई एकदमै मिठो लाग्यो । मलाई यो शनिबार एकदमै अविस्मरणीय भयो । म मेरा साथीहरूलाई पनि यस ठाउँमा घुम्न जान र चकलेटको मज्जा लिन आग्रह गर्दछु ।



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- Bibechana Dangol - 30009, Gra ... 21 March, 2023

रुख हाम्रो जीवनका लागि एकदमै आवश्यक छ I रुख हाम्रो असल साथी हो किनभने रुख बिना हामी बाँच्न  सक्दैनौँ I रुखले कार्बन डाइ अक्साइड लिएर हामीलाई  श्वास फेर्नलाई आवश्यक पर्ने अक्सिजन दिन्छ I रुखले वातावरण स्वच्छ र सफा बनाउँछ I रुखले हावा, पानी , ध्वनिप्रदूषण हुनबाट जोगाउँछ I रुखले माटोलाई मलिलो बनाउँछ I  रुखले चराचुरुङ्गी र जनावरहरूलाई बासस्थान र खाना दिन्छ I  रुखले वातावरणको  तापक्रम घटाउँन पनि सहयोग गर्छ I संसारमा विभिन्न प्रकारका रुखहरू पाइन्छन् I रुखबाट हामीले धेरै फाइदा लिन सक्छौँ I रुखले हामीलाई काठ,दाउरा,स्याउला ,औषधि बनाउनका लागि चाहिने जडिबुटी, कच्चा पदार्थ प्रदान गर्छ I रुखको दाउरा र स्याउला बालेर हामीले खाना बनाउँन सक्छौँ I रुखको काठबाट हामीले खाट,टेबल, कुर्सी ,दराज, सोफा, घरको झ्याल ढोका बनाउान सक्छौँ I रुखले हामीलाई घामबाट बच्नलाई शितल छहारी दिन्छ I वरिपरि रुख भएको ठाउँमा बस्ने मानिस स्वस्थ र खुसी हुन्छ I रुखको हरियालीले हाम्रो आँखालाई पनि फाइदा पुर्‍याउँछ I रुखले सूर्यको हानिकारक किरणलाई पृथ्वीसम्म आउँन दिँदैन I त्यस्तै पानी पार्नका लागि पनि रुखले सहयोग गर्छ I 
हामी सबै मिलेर रुखको संरक्षण गर्नुपर्छ I जथाभाबी रुख काट्नुहुँदैन I हामीले रुख काटेपछि अर्को रुख रोप्नुपर्छ I वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम गरेर रुखबिरुवालाई बचाउँन सकिन्छ I सामुदायिक बनको विकास गरेर पनि रुखलाई बचाउँन सकिन्छ I रुखको जराले माटोलाई बलियो गरी समातेर राखेको हुन्छ I जथाभाबी रुख काट्नाले बाढी पहिरो गएर ठुलो धनजनको क्षति हुन सक्छ र पृथ्वीको तापक्रम पनि बढ्दै जान्छ I त्यस्तै विभिन्न पशुपङ्क्षीहरूलाई पनि समस्या हुँदै जान्छ I जथाभाबी रुख काट्नाले प्रदूषण बढ्छ जसले गर्दा मानिसहरू विभिन्न रोगको सिकार बन्न पुग्छन् I त्यसैले हामी सबै मिलेर रुख जोगाउनुपर्छ I 

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मेरो भैरहवाको यात्रा
- Aayan Rai - 31006, Grade IV o ... 20 March, 2023


यसपालिको बिदामा म मेरा बाजे र बज्यैसँग भैरहवा गएँ । मेरो बाजेको कामको सिलसिलामा हामी गएका थियौँ । हामी त्यहाँ मेरो मामाघरमा बस्यौँ । त्यहाँ मामा माइजू र दिदी भेटेर म धेरै खुसी भएँ ।  मलाई मेरो मामाघरमा भएका कुकुरहरू देखेर साह्रै रमाइलो लाग्यो । म सधैँ  ती कुकुरहरूसँग खेलेर समय बिताउँथे । पौष १५ को तमू ल्होसारमा मैले शान्ति गुम्बा जाने मौका पाएँ । त्यहाँ मैले भाषण सुनेँ । नाचगान हेरेँ र भुटुवाहरू खाएँ । मैले पहिलोपटक तमू ल्होसारमा सहभागी हुने मौका पाएको थिएँ ।  यस्तो अवसर जुरेकोमा मलाई अत्यन्त खुसी महसुस भयो । केही समयपछि मेरो मामासँग घर फर्किएँ । यसपालिको बसाइँमा मलाई सबैभन्दा मन परेको कुरा चाहिँ माइजूले पकाएको खाना थियो । हरेक दिन म मासुभात थपीथपी खान्थेँ । कुकुरसँग खेल्ने बाहेक म मेरा बाजेसँग कहिले ब्याडमिन्टन त कहिले फुटबल खेल्थेँ । यस्तै रमाइलो गर्दै पाँच दिनको बसाइ सकिएको मैले थाहै पाइन । काठमाडौँ  फर्कने दिन मैले ती कुकुरहरूका फोटो खिचेँ । अहिले ती कुकुरहरू सम्झिदा त्यहीँ फोटो हेरेर चित्त बुझाउँछु । यस्तै प्याराप्यारा सम्झनाहरूले मेरो भैरहवाको यात्रा अविस्मरणीय बनाएका छन् ।


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Importance of Meditation
- Paridhi Pant - 30054, Grade V ... 20 March, 2023


Today's human life is stressful. They have to work hard to make a living. Students too are stressed because of their studies and examination pressure. Meditation can make our lives calm, peaceful, balanced, enjoyable, and distressing. It can benefit our emotional well-being and overall mental health. Meditation can help us to concentrate on a particular task we are doing as it increases our concentration power. When we meditate, our mind clears and deletes all the overload and stressful things. If we get distracted easily from anything, then meditation can help us a lot. Some research suggests that meditation may help people manage symptoms such as anxiety, depression, asthma, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, etc. For example, if we are stressed because of our work, we have to give ourselves time for meditation, which may take 20 to 30 minutes.


Doing meditation every day reduces our stress and gives us a refreshed mind to work with again. Meditation is related to mindfulness. Most of the time, we suffer from thoughts. These thoughts disturb us and affect our motivation to do creative things. These thoughts may be positive or negative. Meditation can help us watch these thoughts internally. If we watch these thoughts coming to our mind, we will know about them and ignore them. Finally, these thoughts go away and never come back. We learned the technique of meditation from our Rishis, Munies, and Saints. Meditation is also taught in schools to help students reduce stress.Overall, we know the value of meditation and how to manage our work and lives. This is a kind of mental exercise that is necessary for our creativity, wellness, and productivity.


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My Lucky Day
- Sambid Dhakal - 30028, Grade ... 16 March, 2023


I was not sure whether or not I would take part in the quiz competition. We were going to play as a team, and our group consisted of five people. Our teacher chose participants at random for each group, which consisted of six people. One of my friends was absent when it was Group D's time, so I was asked to step in. Being a participant made me feel extremely lucky, and it ended up being a fantastic chance for me.

Everyone in our group was skilled in at least one topic. One was good at football, one at science, one at math, one at general knowledge, one at Sanskrit, and one at both social studies and Nepali. After that, even though I was anxious, I was thrilled to be there on behalf of our team.


We only managed to earn ten points in the first and second rounds, but we did not give up. In the third round, the audience could choose a number, and we would receive points based on their choice. In that round, we also earned ten points. We had the option of choosing four topics in the previous round. With three right responses, our team tied another team.

But we were able to correctly respond to the final question while the other team was unable to, giving us the victory. We were overjoyed and delighted with our success. My third victory in the test for the fifth grade.


We returned to class after the competition, and after some time, the teacher called all the winners to take the certificates. I was smiling and happy inside me. We took a photo too. I shared my experience with all of my friends, and they were amazed. One of my friends from the quiz group was on the same bus as me, and he said that it was because of my luck and my contribution that we won and it made me so happy. That was my lucky day.


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