
Student Corner


Global Warming
- Sinja Ghimire - 21125, Grade ... 03 September, 2020

Day by day, we have a tendency to area units feeling nice changes within the atmosphere and climate of the world. The earth's atmosphere is obtaining heat bit by bit but the method has become quick within the previous few years. The natural disasters we have a tendency to face currently each day like earthquakes, tsunami, cyclones, storms, thunder, etc area unit the results of warming. We have a tendency to area units feeling an enormous amendment within the season’s length like the winter season is obtaining short and also the summer season is obtaining long. Polar icecaps and glaciers are unit melting to a good extent.

Global warming has affected the world during a Brobdingnagian manner. Some results of the worldwide warming area unit: The breakdown of ice within the chain of mountains regions Flood tidal wave and different calamities area unit occurring in numerous components of the planet. Many of us are unit dying thanks to extreme hotness and thirst. The productive land has dried thanks to lack of enough precipitation whereas numerous places area units have been flooded. Global warming happens once greenhouse gas (CO2) and different air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect within the atmosphere and absorb daylight and radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which may last for years to centuries within the atmosphere, lure the warmth and cause the world to induce heat. That is what is called the atmospheric phenomenon. Deforestation & Tree-Clearing Plants and trees play a vital role in regulating the climate as a result of they absorb greenhouse gas from the air and unharness gas back to it. Forests and bushland act as carbon sinks and area units are valuable means of keeping warming away. Burning fossil fuels: after we burn fossil fuels like coal, and gas to form electricity or power our cars, we have a tendency to unharness carbon dioxide pollution into the atmosphere that is the major reason for warming. Solutions: Expanding the employment of renewable energy and remodeling our energy system to at least one that's cleaner and less enthusiastic about coal and different fossil fuels. Place limits on the number of carbon that polluters area units allowed to emit. Build a clean energy economy by investing in economical energy technologies, industries, and approaches. cut back tropical deforestation and its associated warming emissions. The Paris Agreement is an associate agreement inside the international organization Framework Convention on global climate change (UNFCCC), handling greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, signed in 2016. 196 countries have signed the agreement. The Paris Agreement's central aim is to strengthen the world response to the threat of global climate change by keeping a worldwide temperature rise this century well below a pair of degrees astronomer higher than pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even more to one.5 degrees astronomer. to boot, the agreement aims to strengthen the power of nations to traumatize the impacts of global climate change.

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AK-47: The Most Iconic Rifle
- Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade ... 02 September, 2020


The AK-47 (Automatic Kalashnikov-47) has been a dominant automatic rifle ever since its development in 1945. During World War II (WW-II), automatic rifles were not properly developed; soldiers mainly used SMGs (sub-machine guns) for close range and bolt-action semi-auto rifles for long-range. However, Germans broke through this obstacle with their Sturmgewehr 44 rifle, which combined the firing rate of an SMG and the accuracy of a bolt rifle. Thus, it could shoot accurately and could fire more rounds even at long range. Fascinated and threatened, the Soviets got around developing their own automatic rifle and thus, AK-47 came into being.

 After WW-II, the economy around the world dipped, and also, the cold war began. The AK-47 came into wide success during this time. An automatic rifle made up of metal and wood, and able to support 30 round magazines, that could be produced cheaply and was sturdy on the battlefield was then being wielded by every soldier. It heavily influenced the proxy wars between Communism and Capitalism. It is still in widespread use- many armed forces of countries and armies still relying on the AK.

While the AK-47 left an iconic mark on the world, however, it would soon meet its new competitor, the M16, or the better developed M4 carbine. Although AK-47 was fairly reliable, it would often need constant cleaning and taking care of. AK-47 would often be jammed if any kind of dirt or mud got into it and thus, couldn’t be relied on in extreme weather. The M4 carbine, however, was an even sturdier rifle, not jamming too often, standing harsh conditions, and was also fully customizable with scopes and grenade launchers.

 Even though the M4 surpasses the AK in raw firepower and accuracy, still the AK paved the way for more automatic rifles and still remains in wide use today. Thus, it could certainly be hailed as the most iconic rifle in the world.

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Racism: A Biological And Psychological Viewpoint
- Aashrab Khanal - 2022001, Gra ... 01 September, 2020

The word "race" is said to have originated in the 15th century from French and Italian. The roots of the word are not found in Latin and ancient Greek. Race makes the word we know as "Racism". The word "Racism" basically means to have hatred towards an individual or a group based on their race or ethnicity. It is also the belief that people of a particular race are inferior or superior to the people of another race. The topic of racism has spurred up in recent months in many countries of the world. Racism is a very sensitive topic to discuss which causes many people to neglect it in fear of criticism. That is why while writing about "Race" we should express our ideas from a neutral view like any other extraterrestrial being would do in this situation.

The word "race" was first used to denote the social qualities of people of different nationalities. ‎Later after the start of colonialism and the rise of polygenism belief, people started attributing race to the physical appearance of men. Today we know that Homo sapiens are the only human species present on planet Earth and the human subspecies consists of mainly four races. They are the Caucasoid (White), the Negroid(Black), the Mongoloid(Yellow), and the Australoid(Aborigines). This type of difference occurred due to evolution and mutation in Homo sapiens and other external factors like climate, geography, and migration of human species. It is known that Homo sapiens first appeared in east Africa. From there, various groups started to migrate north towards Eurasia. At that time Homo sapiens were not the only human species present on earth. The inbreeding among various human species is said to be one of the major reasons for today's diversity. For example, Homo Sapiens is said to have bred with Homo Neanderthalensis which is why we can find up to 2% Neanderthalensis gene in many Europeans and Asians. Similarly, people of different places have a diverse gene pool. But we do not find the gene of another species in the native African population. Biologically speaking there is only the phenotype difference between different races of human species. The concept of physical and mental superiority among different races is not true in the majority of cases. If one species outperforms and survives, then it is indeed a superior species. But this argument doesn't apply to races inside a specific species of a living organism.

The psychological viewpoint of racism is very complex but can be narrowed down to a number of factors and psychological traits. We, humans, are a very interactive species hence cooperation is our strength. That is why we form groups to tackle a bigger problem. That has developed the concept of ingroups and outgroups. There are many examples of this type of conflict in our daily lives. A conflict can arise between groups of people supporting different football teams or groups of people following different political ideologies. In an ingroup and outgroup conflict, people recognize each other by means of some physical representations. For example, the person supporting a football team can be easily identified by his jersey or if he is chanting the team's name. But things like jerseys and badges can be removed and the means of identification can be erased. In the case of inter-race conflict, a black man cannot just change the color of his skin and other physical traits and escape hate from the white community. But racism cannot simply be explained on the basis of the ingroup and outgroup conflict. Racism is often found to be ingrained in social norms and values. For example in America, Africans were brought there as slaves and people compared them to animals who don't need rights and are chosen by the god to work for superior white people. Racism is based on the balance between physical and moral qualities. Many other social forces and interactions help to strengthen the bias towards a minority. 

Even though many people believe that the problem of racism has been solved, it is still present in our society and still affects the life of many people. These biases are in an implicit form where we are not conscious of such activities.  That is why many people today associate "blackness" to crime. If every person is made conscious about race through means of biological and psychological perspective then racism can be uprooted from the very core of our society. I believe that everyone should play a role to reduce not only racial discrimination but caste discrimination.  The following quote greatly sums up my argument.

"There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race — scientifically, anthropologically."    - Toni Morrison

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What Really Are Time Paradoxes?
- Kripa Humagain - 21110, Grade ... 31 August, 2020

A time paradox could be a paradox or a logical contradiction which is largely associated with the idea of time travel and time. There are many theories and paradoxes related to time traveling. Some of the famous paradoxes are the Grandfather paradox, Predestination paradox, Let's kill Hitler paradox, Twin paradox, etc.

Talking about Let's kill Hitler paradox, it is about traveling through time into the past and killing Hitler. Let's take an example, if we travel back in time and kill a famous person before they become famous, the person will never become famous which means we have no reason to travel back in time and kill that person. Likewise, there will be no reason to travel back in time and kill Hitler. And this means we never travel back in time, kill him and Hitler will once again rise to power. And again, we will travel back in time and kill him and it will form a continuous paradoxical time loop. The grandfather paradox is all about traveling back in time and kill your grandfather, which means you aren't born so you can't go back in time and kill your grandfather, thus you are born and travel back in time which also forms a continuous paradoxical time loop.

Talking about solutions, currently, time-traveling is impossible which will never form any paradox. Multiverse, not the solution but it is about, if we go back in time and change something this new world would exist in a separate universe from the one we originally lived in. And when we travel back in time and we succeed and we completely erase the previous timeline we were from and now we have to live with a belief that we can never return to our real home.


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Why Is Female Leadership Important?
- Shruti Pokhrel - 21124, Grade ... 30 August, 2020

“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. As truly said by William Ross Wallace, the hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, the mother of tomorrow, a woman shapes the destiny of civilization. Such is the tragic irony of fate that still females continue to be vastly under-represented in leadership bodies and decision-making in politics and businesses. Though it is said that females as leaders and decision-makers at all levels are the end to gender-disparity and to confront socio-cultural drivers of gender inequality still, in most of the scenarios, a female’s leadership is bound within the four walls of a house and involved in decision-making over household incomes only.

Leadership is all about the attitude and social influence of building and articulating an inspiring vision, making decisions produced by a conviction, and ignited by purpose. We can see that most of the roles are gendered but nowadays there is growing recognition of the capacity and talents of females and females’ leadership. Females of this era are constantly evolving and are resolved to break the traditional glass that barred them from entering leadership positions even if they are capable enough and possess requisite skills and talents to occupy them. It is often heard that leadership is not gendered specific, after all, it is leadership. Both males and females can be good leaders but they both show distinctly different styles of leadership. Most of the studies have shown that female leaders are more transformational than male leaders, they are task-focused and ready to work collaboratively in a team that is more of a feminine nature. The best example of female leadership is Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister. Although she is a mother of a newly born child, she’s been constantly and effectively involved in political matters too. She’s proven to the world that the hand that rocks the cradle can do anything else. She’s been an authentic leader who emphasizes empathy, kindness rather than powers. Under her leadership, New Zealand successfully eliminated the coronavirus. She is a perfect example of female leadership in politics. One of the problems we can find in companies and workplaces is a gender pay gap and a gender-opportunity gap.

One of the most promising solutions to this problem is the initiative to empower females to gain leadership positions.

Enfin, female leadership matters. Female’s participation in politics helps advance gender equality and increases the range of policymaking that emphasizes quality of life and reflects the priorities of other women. An authentic female leader can achieve much more with her leadership skills in every field including politics than one could imagine.

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Computers, Video-Games And Their Impact On Children
- Benit Shrestha - 21105, Grade ... 27 August, 2020

ENIAC, the first computer was about the size of a room. Now, over half a century later we have computers that fit in the palm of our hands. With such a massive leap in technology, people of all ages have been acquainted with using computers. As of the last decade, the trend of playing video-games has been somewhat of a culture; mostly, popular among children and teenagers. And, youngsters can benefit greatly from the appropriate use of computers and video-games.  

First and foremost, early exposure to computers and video-games can act as motivation for children to pursue a career in the computer industry. Children are enthusiastic in nature. They are curious to learn about how things work and sometimes grow to admire the same things. In regard to this, we can take examples of tech entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Bill Gates. They have commented about being intellectually invested in computers from a young age, which in turn has helped them to lead successful careers. Likewise, being well-acquainted with computers from a young age will heavily merit people interested in that particular field. So, the use of computers for children may actually be a bigger advantage than a hindrance. 

Similarly, surprising as it may sound, people are actually establishing successful careers by playing video games. Children may play video-games for fun at first, but most are likely to develop this as a passion. And if they are able to fuel this passion into entertaining an audience as well as playing competitively against other people, they are likely to establish themselves as professional gamers, which is a very successful and lucrative line of work in today’s time. Gamers admit being introduced to games as children were the main reason for pursuing such a risky yet decorated career. Likewise, as per a survey, people who play video-games have a heightened sense of hand-eye coordination. This special talent is useful for jobs like surgeons, artists and so on. Hence, video-games are not totally harmful to children. 

However, video-games do have a bad side to them. Once, children get hooked to playing video games, they abandon all responsibilities and develop a severe case of addiction. Likewise, playing video-games excessively will lead to a series of health issues. Staring at a computer screen all day will cause children to be victims of myopia, hypermetropia, and other eye ailments. In addition to this, children who play violent video-games are likely to show impulsive behavior as adults. Video-game addiction makes children prone to being social outcasts that can’t find a way to adjust to society. So, computers and video-games do possess a threat to the cognitive development of children.

Finally, with modernization and automation in, not all but most, sectors of work the fluency in using computers is quite essential. In regard to this, children familiar with computers can be self-reliant and useful individuals who are able to help themselves as well as others. Computer skills are sure to come handy in any occupation. Being able to effectively work your way around computers can prove productive, time-saving, and convenient for any sort of job. Not just this, there are people employed for maintaining computer systems as well. Likewise, youngsters can best utilize such a skill to solve academic work as well as gain additional knowledge of respective topics or subjects. Therefore, computers being made available to children can be beneficial for self-convenience

To sum it up, under a filtered point of view children using computers and playing video-games is advantageous in context to pursuing a valid career of one’s choice as well as helping oneself with technical problems. In the long run, exposure to computers at an early age is likely to be useful for most individuals.

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How Manchester United Can Win Trophies?
- Karma Gurung - 21109, Grade X ... 26 August, 2020

Despite being the most Famous English Club in the world with over 66 major trophies and a huge fanbase with more than 600 million fans worldwide, Manchester United are now behind their glory days. Ever since the departure of the legendary coach Sir Alex Ferguson, United have not been able to dominate Europe or mainly England like they once used. There have been many changes in the manager, United got David Moyes who was thought to be the successor of Sir Alex, Then united got World cup runner up Netherland’s manager, Louis Van Gaal who also flopped, Then United signed’ The special one” Jose Mourinho who won three trophies in his first season but then was sacked 2 seasons later, and finally now Manchester united have signed Treble winning legend Ole Gunnar Solskjær.

In Solskjær’s first season 2019-2020, Manchester United signed a center-back, a right-back, and a winger. United was off to a good start until injuries started affecting the first eleven of ole’s team. Pogba was injured, Martial was injured as well as Rashford. The United squad lacked quality in the bench as well as replacements for Pogba was Pereira. Although many of the players missed out on the early games of the season, United was able to make a comeback for the race of top-4 through the influence of Bruno Fernandes. United finished third in that season to Liverpool and Manchester City who finished 1st and 2nd, respectively.

Manchester United require a rebuilding process if they want to win trophies again. They need to sign players in positions they are lacking like Right-winger, Left-footed center-back, and a defensive midfielder. United also lacks quality in the bench with the likes of average players like Andreas Pereira, Marcos Rojo, Lingard, Eric bailey, Daniel James, and Phil Jones. United need to sign players to have depth in their squad. United need to sign back up players and positions like Central attacking midfield, Left-back, Midfield, Striker as well as left-winger This rebuilding process will be long and a very expensive one. But it is something Manchester  United must do if they want to win trophies again..

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Path To Greatness: Giannis Antetokounmpo (The Greek Freak)
- Biraj Bikram Sahi - 21105, Gr ... 25 August, 2020

Giannis  Antetokounmpo is an NBA player who plays for Milwaukee bucks in the east and also the current holder of the 2019 NBA’s MVP award. Giannis Antetokounmpo was born on December 6, 1994, in the beautiful city of Greece, Athens. Giannis has 5 brothers, two of whom are younger and two of then are older. Including Giannis, all of his siblings are involved in sports. Three of the four Antetokounmpo brothers play basketball in the NBA Giannis’s parents moved away from their home in Nigeria to Greece in search of jobs. It was in the city of Athens, where Giannis would be born and would start his way to global basketball dominance.

The world knows Giannis for his athletic abilities in basketball but Giannis didn’t always love basketball. At a young age, Giannis wanted to be a soccer player like his father. He hated to play basketball. So what made Giannis start playing basketball? Even though Giannis wanted to play soccer, his brother Thanasis wanted his brothers to play basketball.  Giannis was only 12 years old at that time and he wanted to spend time with his brother so he started playing basketball.

Giannis started playing for the youth squad of Filathlitikos by 2009. He started his professional career in 2012-2013 for Filathlitikos. Around this time many European scouts had their eyes on the greek freak. On April 28, 2013, Antetokounmpo was officially drafted in the NBA draft. He was drafted by the Milwaukee bucks as a first-round pick by being selected 15th overall. And through his work ethic and ability towards the sport of basketball, he is now one of the best players in the league and he is still only 25 years old averaging 25 points per game this season.

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Parental Involvement In Children’s Education
- Shruti Pokhrel - 21124, Grade ... 24 August, 2020

What can be the reason behind the differences in grades among students although they’re taught the same thing at the same time?  What I think is though a student might have inherent mental capacity, the parenting styles, upbringing, and their involvement in children’s education do create a difference. Since the birth of a child, it’s the responsibility of parents to nurture their child covering all areas like physical, intellectual, and emotional. It is widely recognized that parents are the first and primary educators of children and their involvement in children’s education is vital for creating a cooperative environment to succeed.

Research also shows that effective partnerships between parents, families, and schools lead to better and improved learning outcomes. Through this parents are up to date with their child’s performance in the school. They exhibit increased self-confidence in their parenting and more about the children’s development. For high-quality care and education of young children, good communication between staff and parents is crucial. Parents who do not get involved in the school might not know, whether they are attending classes regularly or not. Talking about homework and assignments, when parents supervise to make sure that their children are done with their homework and assignments, it is more likely that the works will be completed and handed in on time. Therefore, parental involvement can enhance social skills, improve grades, and increase attendance.

When children see that their parents are involved in their school, it shows them that their parents care about their education and through which they feel motivated and are likely to model their parents. Some parents may not be involved in their child’s education and school for some reason but it doesn’t mean they don’t care. It might be because they are dealing with some bigger problems in their mind and don’t have enough leisure time to get involved in these things. As children grow up, the rate of parent participation drops because parents feel like they should be independent enough to handle their tasks on their own. Teachers play a key role in making parents up to date and increase their involvement in their child’s education by sending home information through newsletters, report cards, phone calls, etc. Parents should not be given feedback only on a child’s negative behavior but also on any positive behavior or academic improvements the child is making. This helps to build a good relationship with the teachers.

Sometimes, even though parents think they know their children and what’s best for them, they may not be able to recognize the child’s weaknesses. That’s where both the teachers and parents need to communicate and work together to create an environment that’s best for the child. Personally what I think is there cannot be something more important than your own child’s future and education and it should be a matter of concern for both the teachers and parents.

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Dark Web And Deep Web
- Anil Banjade - 21103, Grade X ... 23 August, 2020

The deep web refers to any internet information or data that is inaccessible by a search engine and includes all web pages, websites, intranets, networks, and online communities that are intentionally and/or unintentionally hidden, invisible, or unreachable to search engine crawlers. The DARK WEB refers to encrypted online content that is not indexed by conventional search engines. It is also known as the dark net. The dark web is a component of the deep web that describes the wider breadth of content that is not indexed in common search engines. The surface web covers just 5% of the internet while dark web and deep covers around 95% of the internet. The size of the dark web is rapidly increasing. In 2001 its size was around 7.5 Petabytes and its size in 2003 was 91, 0000 petabytes. Deep web basically consists of secret files of different organizations that are hidden intentionally from normal users like Facebook photos that are marked as private, social media chats, etc. Different puzzles are asked on the dark web which can be solved by the people who have knowledge of cryptography and data encryption and who are good in social engineering. CICADA 3301 is one of the most popular puzzles that was asked in 4CHAN.

How to access the dark web?

TOR (THE ONION ROUTER) is an open-source software program that allows users to access the dark web. TOR was originally developed for the U.S. Navy in an effort to protect government communications. TOR is all about being anonymous as it creates a seven-layer chain of IP addresses. In TOR, transactions are mostly done mostly through bitcoins as it is not easily traceable.

Who uses the dark web and why?

The dark web is used by journalists because on the dark web we can find information which the government doesn't want people to know. It is the home of hackers and your one wrong click may lead to your email, Facebook, bank-detail hacking, etc. You can find books which are banned from normal people and the research paper which the government doesn't tell you to know. You can find research papers on alien life, Illuminati, Apollo 11etc. You can find books, gadgets, and other materials for free.

Illegal activities that happen in the dark web:

  • Drug selling, Hacking, Distribution of fake citizenship and passport
  • Selling stolen credit cards, and different paid accounts
  • Hiring Hitman (killer), the live stream of killing people
  • Selling of books which are banned from normal people
  • Selling of soul of miscarriage babies

The dark web is the best search engine out there to maintain privacy and to put your opinion but it has become the home of hackers and criminals. The main reason for the increase in crime in TOR is the lack of organization to manage it. Many websites like Silk Road, TORchan are banned but there are many websites that are yet to be banned and it’s surprising to see such websites being funded by the US gov. and Russian government. Personal data and information are sold openly in the dark web for $5- $1000 and if you want a visit, you shouldn’t be surprised to see your own personal information on the dark web.

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Mind And Body
- Lukash Ratna Kansakar - 21111 ... 19 August, 2020

From an idealist view, however closely the mind may be connected with its body, it is nevertheless distinct and separable from the body. The idealist view of the mind is the opposite of the materialist view. Mental functions of the brain are considered to be the most complicated relations of the animal to the external world. According to idealism, the mind animates the body and makes use of organs to adapt to the external world. A reflex is not only being stimulated by the external surrounding but also reacting to it. The mind reacts to various stimuli for the survival of its body and eventually, the collection of reflexes becomes the consciousness of a mind. This is in essence what primitive people think of as the soul, a very fine vapor of 21 grams that completes a human body; that is responsible to control every aspect of the body. This is what the word “spirit” originally meant – which resides in the body but can come out of it and lead an individual existence.

Idealist philosophical theories believe that the mind and body are two distinct substances. Material substance or body has weight, moves around, and is something physically exposed to surrounding. Spiritual substance or mind, thinks, knows, desires, and is responsible to control the body. However, the definition of material substance applies to the brain as well because the mind and brain are two different concepts and the brain itself is exposed to the physical world.

The mind is, in fact, the soul of the brain. For example, if we think and feel and act intelligently, such behavior is not to be explained from our material existence but from the independent functioning of our mind. The brain makes use of our bodily organs but intelligent behavior stems from the fact that the body is animated, informed, and controlled by an immaterial or a spiritual being, the mind.

Modern materialism, which is equipped with the scientific investigation in the form of organic matter and evolution, gives decisive answers to support the idealist concept. A mind is a product of evolutionary development of life. Living bodies with a certain level of development of the nervous system, such as we find in animals, can and do develop forms of consciousness; and in the course of evolution this consciousness it eventually reaches the stage of thought which is only known to be achieved by the human mind.

Once this is admitted, there is an end to the conception of the mind or soul as a separable from the body and capable of leaving it and surviving it. A mind without a body is an absurdity. The mind doesn’t exist in abstraction from the body. However, to say that the mind does not exist in abstraction from the body is not to say that the mind of a being is a myth. Modern materialism doesn’t deny the reality of mind but it does deny that the thing called “mind” exists separate from the body.

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Mr. Beast: A YouTube Phenomena
- Manit Bhattarai - 21112, Grad ... 18 August, 2020

Jimmy Donaldson, popularly known as Mr. Beast, is an American YouTuber/Internet personality notable for his expensive and crazy videos that leave people in absolute awe. Born on May 7th of 1998, Jimmy started his YouTube journey at the age of 13 under the name MrBeast6000. His videos in the early days were pretty average, ranging from video gameplay through to estimating other YouTuber's net worth.

But after his viral hit video of counting to 100,000 (which took him about 40 hours, but some parts sped up to fit it in 24 hours limit), Jimmy started getting recognition on the internet. That’s when the journey of Mr. Beast truly began. With currently over 40 million subscribers on YouTube, his content is usually expensive stunts that easily grab the attention of even normal laymen who are not his regular viewers. Some of his crazy early day's stunts include counting to 200,000, a subsequent video to “ Counting to a 100,000” as a journey to 1 million subscribers, breaking glass using 100 microphones, watching paint dry, attempting to stay underwater for 24 hours and many more. In the march of 2019, he organized a real-life battle royale with a prize pool of $200,000 with many other YouTube stars.

He is also very much known for his charitable events throughout the internet. A typical video would be him giving away a large sum of money, such as $100,000 worth of items to homeless shelters, $32,000 to wounded veterans of war, $70,000 to children’s research hospital ( Saint Jude ), buying a homeless man a house, etc. During the YouTube war of subscribers between PewDiePie and T-series, MrBeast bought numerous ads on radio advertisements, many billboards, multiple seats at Super Bowl whole occupants wore a shirt that spelled out “Sub 2 PewDiePie”. His biggest event was raising $20,000,000 to plant 20,000,000 trees all around the world with former NASA engineer, now YouTuber, Mark Rober in which they were very much successful. Some even go as far as to say MrBeast saved the entire planet. He does many suspenseful and teeth clenching videos as well. For example, hide and seek where the winner gets $50,000, spending 24 hours in the Bermuda triangle, solitary confinement, Doomsday bunker, etc. , shooting fireworks worth $600,000 during the 4th of July and his most recent video where the winner of several consequent challenges gets to keep an entire island costing $800,000.

MrBeast truly is one of a kind YouTuber whose type of content is something people probably couldn’t have imagined 5 years ago. He recently said he is dying with $0 in his bank account by giving them away to people in need and people who don’t believe him can sit and watch him create history and leave his name on this planet as a great hero of our generation.

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