
Student Corner

What Really Are Time Paradoxes?

Written by: Kripa Humagain - 21110, Grade XII

Posted on: 31 August, 2020

A time paradox could be a paradox or a logical contradiction which is largely associated with the idea of time travel and time. There are many theories and paradoxes related to time traveling. Some of the famous paradoxes are the Grandfather paradox, Predestination paradox, Let's kill Hitler paradox, Twin paradox, etc.

Talking about Let's kill Hitler paradox, it is about traveling through time into the past and killing Hitler. Let's take an example, if we travel back in time and kill a famous person before they become famous, the person will never become famous which means we have no reason to travel back in time and kill that person. Likewise, there will be no reason to travel back in time and kill Hitler. And this means we never travel back in time, kill him and Hitler will once again rise to power. And again, we will travel back in time and kill him and it will form a continuous paradoxical time loop. The grandfather paradox is all about traveling back in time and kill your grandfather, which means you aren't born so you can't go back in time and kill your grandfather, thus you are born and travel back in time which also forms a continuous paradoxical time loop.

Talking about solutions, currently, time-traveling is impossible which will never form any paradox. Multiverse, not the solution but it is about, if we go back in time and change something this new world would exist in a separate universe from the one we originally lived in. And when we travel back in time and we succeed and we completely erase the previous timeline we were from and now we have to live with a belief that we can never return to our real home.