
Student Corner

Dark Web And Deep Web

Written by: Anil Banjade - 21103, Grade XII

Posted on: 23 August, 2020

The deep web refers to any internet information or data that is inaccessible by a search engine and includes all web pages, websites, intranets, networks, and online communities that are intentionally and/or unintentionally hidden, invisible, or unreachable to search engine crawlers. The DARK WEB refers to encrypted online content that is not indexed by conventional search engines. It is also known as the dark net. The dark web is a component of the deep web that describes the wider breadth of content that is not indexed in common search engines. The surface web covers just 5% of the internet while dark web and deep covers around 95% of the internet. The size of the dark web is rapidly increasing. In 2001 its size was around 7.5 Petabytes and its size in 2003 was 91, 0000 petabytes. Deep web basically consists of secret files of different organizations that are hidden intentionally from normal users like Facebook photos that are marked as private, social media chats, etc. Different puzzles are asked on the dark web which can be solved by the people who have knowledge of cryptography and data encryption and who are good in social engineering. CICADA 3301 is one of the most popular puzzles that was asked in 4CHAN.

How to access the dark web?

TOR (THE ONION ROUTER) is an open-source software program that allows users to access the dark web. TOR was originally developed for the U.S. Navy in an effort to protect government communications. TOR is all about being anonymous as it creates a seven-layer chain of IP addresses. In TOR, transactions are mostly done mostly through bitcoins as it is not easily traceable.

Who uses the dark web and why?

The dark web is used by journalists because on the dark web we can find information which the government doesn't want people to know. It is the home of hackers and your one wrong click may lead to your email, Facebook, bank-detail hacking, etc. You can find books which are banned from normal people and the research paper which the government doesn't tell you to know. You can find research papers on alien life, Illuminati, Apollo 11etc. You can find books, gadgets, and other materials for free.

Illegal activities that happen in the dark web:

  • Drug selling, Hacking, Distribution of fake citizenship and passport
  • Selling stolen credit cards, and different paid accounts
  • Hiring Hitman (killer), the live stream of killing people
  • Selling of books which are banned from normal people
  • Selling of soul of miscarriage babies

The dark web is the best search engine out there to maintain privacy and to put your opinion but it has become the home of hackers and criminals. The main reason for the increase in crime in TOR is the lack of organization to manage it. Many websites like Silk Road, TORchan are banned but there are many websites that are yet to be banned and it’s surprising to see such websites being funded by the US gov. and Russian government. Personal data and information are sold openly in the dark web for $5- $1000 and if you want a visit, you shouldn’t be surprised to see your own personal information on the dark web.